Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Juniper-tree

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Edition of 1802.

2832359Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 3 — Juniper-tree1802

JUNIPER-TREE, or Juniperus, L. a native shrub, comprising several species; of which the principal is the Juniperus communis, or Common Juniper-tree: it grows in many parts of Britain, upon dry, barren commons; on hills, or in vallies, in open sandy plains, or in moist and close woods, where it generally continues a low shrub: but, if planted in a good soil, it will attain the height of 15 or 16 feet, and produce numerous branches.

The juniper-tree may be propagated by the berries, if they can be procured in a ripe state. It is remarkable, that no grass will grow beneath this shrub; though the latter is said to be destroyed by the meadow-oat.

Juniper-berries possess a strong, not unpleasant smell; and a warm, pungent, sweet taste; which, on chewing, or previously well bruising them, is succeeded by a bitterish flavour. They require two years before they ripen, and yield, on expression, a rich, sweet, aromatic juice, bearing some resemblance to the taste of honey. These berries are useful carminatives; for which purposes a spirituous water, and an essential oil, are prepared from them. The Swedes eat them for breakfast, in the form of a conserve.—In Germany, they are frequently used as a culinary spice, and especially for imparting their flavour to sauer-kraut. The spirit impregnated with the essential oil of this fruit, is known by the name of Gin, to which we refer.

According to Hoffman, a rob is prepared of the liquor remaining after the distillation of the oil: it is passed through a strainer, and cently exhaled to a due consistence. This he recommends as a medicine of great efficacy, in cases of impaired digestion and debility of the intestines; it is also very serviceable to aged persons, labouring under diseases of the urinary passages. The rob is of a balsamic sweet taste, somewhat bitter, accordingly as the seeds have been more or less bruised. One of the best forms, however, is a simple watery infusion of the berries, or the tops, with the addition of a small quantity of gin: thus, a very useful medicine is obtained for dropsical patients.—Linnæus informs us, that the Laplanders are accustomed to drink such infusions as substitutes for tea and coffee.—The oil of juniper, when mixed with that of nuts, makes an excellent varnish for pidures, wood-work, and for preserving iron from rust.

The wood of the juniper-tree is of a reddish colour, very hard and durable: it is employed in manquetry and veneering; making cups, cabinets, &c. while the bark may be manufactured into ropes.—The charcoal made from this wood, affords the most durable heat, so that live embers are said to have been found in the ashes, after having been covered for 12 months.—The resin of this plant (gum Sandarach), when powdered and rubbed into paper, is frequently used under the name of pounce.—Thrushes and grouse feed on the juniper-berries, and disseminate the seed in their dung.—The sprouts are eaten by horses, sheep, and goats.