Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Knee-holly

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Edition of 1802.

2832368Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 3 — Knee-holly1802

KNEE-HOLLY, or Ruscus, L. a genus of plants, consisting of several species, one of which is indigenous, namely, the aculeatus, Common Knee-holly, Butchers'-Broom, or Prickly Pettigree. It grows in woods, thickets, and hedges; flowers in the months of May and June.

This plant is much used by butchers, for brooms to sweep their blocks. Branches of it are likewise employed by hucksters, to defend their bacon and cheese from mice; because these vermin cannot penetrate through the prickly leaves.—The root of the knee-holjy is reputed to be aperient, and is chiefly used in diet-drinks, for removing slight obstructions of the viscera, and promoting the fluid secretions.