Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Reed

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Edition of 1802.

REED, or Arundo, L. a genus of plants, comprising ten species; five being natives of Britain; of which the following are the principal, namely:

1. The arenaria (Calamagrostis arenaria of Dr. Withering) or Sea-Reed.—See Matweed.

2. The phragmites, or Common Reed, grows in rivers, lakes, ditches, and fenny or marshy situations, to the height of seven or eight feet: it is perennial, and flowers in the month of July.—This species is employed for covering cottages and barns; for which purpose it is superior to every other indigenous vegetable, being incomparably more neat and durable. By previously soaking the reeds in strong alum-water, such a roof may be rendered fire-proof. They are also manufactured into screens, for sheltering young plants from the cold winds; and may be usefully employed for cane-bottomed chairs. Farther, the Common Reed makes excellent weavers' combs, and is generally nailed across the frame of wood-work, to serve as the foundation for plastered walls, pillars, &c.—From the dried roots of this plant, a very nutritive flour is easily obtained, which may be converted into wholesome and palatable bread. Its panicles are used, in Sweden, to impart a green colour to wool.

3. The epigeios, (calamagrostis epigeios of Withering) or Wood Reed, is perennial, grows in shady ditches, and moist situations, where it flowers in July.—This herb abounds particularly in the Isle of Ely, and is called by the inhabitants of the fens, Maiden-Hair:—it is manufactured into hassocks, or thick mats, for churches.

4. The calamagrostis (lanceolata of Dr. Withering) Small or Hedge-Reed, is likewise perennial; grows in moist shady hedges, and meadows; where it flowers in the mouth of July. This species is remarkable for its beauty, and is an ornament to ditch-banks and hedges: it is rejected by cattle.—Prof. Pallas observes, that the panicles of the Small Reed, before the flower expands, impart a beautiful bright-green colour to wool, when boiled, with the addition of alum.