Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Shawl

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Edition of 1802.

SHAWL, a species of fine woollen handkerchief, which forms a principal article of female luxury.

The finest shawls are imported from the East Indies, where they are highly esteemed, and cost from fifty to two hundred guineas each. As these, however, are too expensive for general use, Mr. John Philip Knights, an ingenious manufacturer of Norwich, has invented a method of making shawls, which are nearly equal in beauty, but far superior in point of durability, to the former; for which, in 1792, the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. conferred on him their silver medal. The shawls of Mr. K.'s manufacture (Transactions, &c. vol. x.) cannot be easily distinguished from those of India; though they are sold at one-twentieth part of the price; and we conceive it our duty to state, that, if the handkerchiefs be 16 quarters square, and embroidered, they may be retailed at 20l.; or, if plain, at 8l. 8s.; if they contain 12 quarters, and be embroidered, their price is 15l.; but, without such ornament, they cost only six guineas. Mr. Knights also makes elegant counterpanes, four yards square; and which, he affirms to be equal to those of India, sold at 200l. each:—the principal demand for such goods, however, consists in train-dresses for ladies, and long scarfs, in imitation of the Indian: and, though the foreign articles of this description cost from 60l. to 80l. those manufactured at Norwich are sold for as many shillings.