Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Temperance

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Edition of 1802.

2649526Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 4 — Temperance1802

TEMPERANCE, strictly speaking, denotes the virtuous practice of those, who restrain their sensual appetites: it is, however, generally used to express moderation, in which sense it is indiscriminately applied to all the passions.

Temperance has been justly termed the virtue which bridles the inordinate desires: it is, indeed, closely connected with prudence and justice. It silences calumny, and substitutes extenuation for slander; expels avarice from the bosom; and thus demonstrates that true happiness consists not in contemplating useless wealth, or indulging in ambitious pursuits, or in the gratification of a vitiated palate; but in a contented mind. The votary of temperance views with equal disgust, the sallies of unjust resentment, and those of riotous mirth: he beholds the melancholy consequences of intemperance; learns to extinguish revenge, and every desire which humiliates a rational agent; thus proving that such virtue is the parent of many others, while it is attended with peace, prosperity, health, and satisfaction.

Without expatiating on this topic, let it suffice to observe, that it is a duty incumbent on all parents, to rear their children with a strict regard to temperance; as, by adhering to this rule only, they are entitled to enjoy either health or longevity. Those of our readers, who are desirous of farther information on this interesting subject, will meet with judicious hints in Mr. Nelson's Essay on the Government of Children, &c. (8vo. 5s. Dodsley); and particularly in Dr. Harwood's little tract, entitled, "Of Temperance and Intemperance," &c. (8vo. 2s. 6d. Becket, 1774): in which their effects on the body and mind, and their influence in prolonging or shortening human life, are dicussed in clear, energetic language; and confirmed by examples.