Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Trout

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Edition of 1802.

TROUT, or Salmo fario, L. a fish inhabiting the British lakes and rivers: its head is short and roundish; the tail is broad, and the mouth of a large size; the whole body attaining from one to two feet in length, and weighing from 5 or 6 oz. to 4lbs.

Trouts are extremely voracious; preying on small fishes, insects and even shell-fish: they likewise, occasionally swallow gravel, or small pebbles, to assist the comminution of testaceous food.—There is a species caught in certain lakes in Ireland, called gillaroo trouts, that are remarkable for a muscular substance found in their stomachs, which occasionally forms a dish at the Irish tables, under the name of gizzard; on account of its resemblance to that organ of digestion in birds.

Trouts are taken at all seasons of the year, but are most palatable during the summer; for their flesh, in the winter, is white and insipid; in the former season, it is fat, and of a reddish hue:—to the angler, they afford excellent diversion, which is so eagerly pursued, that the liberty of fishing in some of the streams near the metropolis, is sometimes rented at 10l. per annum. In Cumberland, great numbers of trout are potted with the Charr, and sent to the London market.

The proper season of angling for trout, is in the months of June and July; when a stout rod and line baited with two lob-worms, is used for the larger kind of these fish, in a dark night; and is generally attended with success. As the usual method differs in no material respect from that of taking Carp, we refer the reader to vol. i. p. 437.

The flesh of trout affords food of a very fine flavour, and is easily digested. Those of a large size, procured from clear rapid streams, with a gravelly or stony bed, generally cut of a deep salmon colour, and are esteemed for their superior delicacy.—There is a species termed the White Trout, caught chifefly in the river Esk: the flesh of this fish, in dressing, acquires a reddish tint, and is much valued.