
Don't Change Your Husband (1919 film)

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For works with similar titles, see Don't Change Your Husband.
Don't Change Your Husband (1919)
directed by Cecil B. DeMille
Key (info)
In scene
Cast and Crew
Elliott Dexter
Gloria Swanson
Lew Cody
Theodore Roberts
Julia Faye
Ted Shawn
Irving Cummings
Raymond Hatton
Guy Oliver
Sam Wood
Sylvia Ashton
Jack Mulhall
James Neill
DistributorParamount Pictures, Netflix
DirectorCecil B. DeMille (d. 1959), Sam Wood (d. 1949)
ProducerCecil B. DeMille, Jesse Louis Lasky (d. 1958)
ScreenwriterJeanie MacPherson (d. 1946)
CinematographerAlvin Wyckoff (d. 1957)
EditorAnne Bauchens
Production designerWilfred Buckland
Based on available information, the latest crew member that is relevant to international copyright laws died in 1959, meaning that this film may be in the public domain in countries and jurisdictions with 64 years p.m.a. or less, as well as in the United States.
The following is a transcription of a film. The contents below represent text or spoken dialogue that are transcribed directly from the video of the film provided above. On certain screen sizes, each line is represented by a timestamp next to it which shows when the text appears on the video. For more information, see Help:Film.
4618398Don't Change Your Husband1919Cecil B. DeMille

Cecil B. DeMille Production

Jesse L. Lasky

Cecil B. DeMille's
Don't Change Your Husband

Jeanie Macpherson
An Artcraft Picture

Copyright 1918 by Artcraft Pictures Corporation

Don't Change Your Husband

Cecil B. DeMille

An Artcraft Picture

Don't Change Your Husband

Photographed by
Alvin Wyckoff

Art Director
Wilfred Buckland

Technical Director
Howard Higgin

This does not deal with the tread of victorious Armies, nor defeated Huns—but is just a little sidelight on the inner life of Mr. and Mrs. Porter—who found that they should not have looked for their marital troubles with a Telescope—but with a Microscope.

James Denby Porter, who, through complete absorption in his business, has lost his Romance—and his Waistline.

Elliott Dexter.

Leila Porter, who finds her Husband's habits—after several dull gray years of matrimony—getting slightly on her nerves.

Gloria Swanson.

"Keeps out the moths, Dear!"


July 19, 1911

"Jim, do you know what day tomorrow will be?"

"Thursday, the 19th."

"I don't mean that—doesn't tomorrow mean anything—special?"

"By Jove, I've got a note due at the First National—glad you reminded me!"

"Toodles" Thomas, who believes in signs—especially the Dollar Sign.

Julia Faye.

Fortunately, the Guests at Leila's Wedding Anniversary Dinner include:
The Bishop—Theodore Roberts.
Mrs. Huckney—Sylvia Ashton.
And unfortunately, the latter's Nephew, Schuyler Van Sutphen—Lewis J. Cody.


"There's an Ancient Chinese Tradition that when two people drink from Jade—their lives, thereafter, will run in the same path!"

"I'm afraid it couldn't be—the straight and narrow path!"

"I knew you were expecting Mr. Porter for dinner—and thought I had better let you know that he is very busy at a meeting."

"Mr. Porter has been detained—we won't wait."

"Better Late than Never"—if you haven't forgotten your Wedding Anniversary!

"Bring me some onions!"

"Very sorry—but him asked for onions!"

With the Cordial.

"To the Wedding Anniversary!"

Wishing dear Leila and Jim many years of happiness together.

Rt. Rev. Thomas Thornby

Wishing dear Leila and Jim many years of happiness together.

Rt. Rev. Thomas Thornby

"Secretary have come."

"Leila—Jim regards you a little too much like an old shoe. Why not come down to my place for the week-end, and give him a chance to miss you?"

"Sorry to have robbed you of the little gift, Bishop—but I'll square it with a check for your Widows and Orphans!"

Wishing dear Leila and Jim many years of happiness together.

Rt. Rev. Thomas Thornby

Hours later when he wearily seeks his Bed—

Wishing dear Leila and Jim many years of happiness together.

Rt. Rev. Thomas Thornby

Since when has your name been Thomas?

And when, a little later, she magnanimously decides to forgive him—she bumps squarely into a situation which has baffled Womankind for Centuries!


Why is it that a Man who will run no risk with his Business—will run every risk with his Wife?

Mr. Schuyler Van Sutphen

Lovely Chinese Lotus—
Thank you for your hospitality. Won't you come to us soon, and shed a little of your fragrance in our dull old house?

Van S.

"I'm sorry, Dear, that in the rush at the office, I forgot our Anniversary—but perhaps this will help some!"

July 20th

Broadway Trust Company

Leila Porter——— $100000
One Thousand and no/100 —— Dollars

James D. Porter

"It will be a nice change for you—why don't you go?"

"Pack my trunk, Marie—I'll spend the week-end with Mrs. Huckney."

Giving "Hubby" a Chance to "Miss" her.


75c. in U. S. A.Contralto with orchestra

A Wonderful Thing
(Clare Kummer)
Edna Brown

Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J.

75c. in U. S. A.Soprano with orchestra

Naughty! Naughty! Naughty!
(from the Winter Garden "Show of Wonders")

Marguerite Farrell

Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J.

"Mrs. Porter should be here now—any minute!"

"Comparisons are Odious."

Having such a wonderful time, have decided to stay a few days longer. Love.



"Pack my bag—I'm going to Mrs. Huckney's in the morning!"

The Dangers of a Fancy Dress Ball lurk as insidiously behind the merriment as a Serpent under Rose Leaves—its very Romance is Temptation! At least so discovered Van Sutphen and Leila.

"Come on up—the Costumes for tonight have come!"

"How would I look as a King?"

"If I were King—I'd bring you three priceless Gifts:

'Pleasure'—'Wealth' and 'Love'—and the first should be 'Pleasure'!"

"Next, I would bring you the 'Wealth' of the Universe:

Chests of smoldering Rubies,
And Chains of virgin Pearls—
Sapphires, blue as Midnight,
And Emeralds clear as light—
Shimmering Silks and Fabrics
As soft as your own Curls!"

"And lastly—I bring you the greatest gift of all—'Love'! Without which 'Pleasure' and 'Wealth' are of no avail!"

The safe refuge of his dependable Arms, at this time, might have set her worried heart straight if only—

"Onions, Jim—how could you?"

"I've just run down to take Leila back with me, tonight."

"He can't take you home now—on account of the Ball!"

"But I haven't anything to wear!"

"Here's a Costume that will just fit you—why not go as 'Folly'?"

"For the Apparel oft proclaims the Man—"

"Jim, tights were meant to be tight—don't you see how Schuyler has his?"

The Dangerous Alchemy of a Pretty Woman—and a Blind Husband.

"No thoroughfare—to 'Romeos'!"

"With Love's Light Wings did I o'erperch these Walls!"

"You sly old dog! Tell me who she is—if I'm to buy you a wedding present!"

"I don't know where Leila is—but I'm like a fish out of water at a dance, and I'm going up to bed."

"Nothing on earth can keep you from me, Leila—not even yourself!"

The Cross Roads.

"Why should you blame me for trying to get what another man is too fond of onions—to try to keep!"

"Jim, I know it will hurt you—but I can't stand this 'corn beef and cabbage' existence any longer!"

"May I sleep in the Blue Room, Dear—the night is so close!"

The Open Cage.

"I caught Schuyler with the Goods last night—and here's a Souvenir!"

"What would you say, Jim, if I were to tell you that I'm desperately unhappy—and that I want my freedom!"

"I love you, Leila—but I won't hold you one minute longer than you want to stay!"

The Mind has a thousand Eyes—
The Heart but one!
Yet the Light of a whole life dies—
When Love is gone!

"Jim—a woman wants something besides mere personal comfort! She doesn't want a man to bury himself in a newspaper at every meal—nor to allow himself to get soft and fat—nor to kiss her invariably after eating onions!"

Freed at last from the many chains that bound her, and married to her romantic "King of Dreams"—Leila finds that it would have been much better to cure those matrimonial ills she had—than fly to others that she knew not of.

"Can't you find something to wear in the mornings, Leila, besides that queer Oriental junk?"

"At Thirty, Man suspects himself a fool—
Knows it at Forty—
And reforms his plan."

"Perhaps you like onions—better!"

To her dismay, Leila realizes that the habits of "Kings of Dreams" are as bad—or worse—than the "Garden Variety" of Husband.

Porter to Head New Hemp Trust

James Denby Porter

James Denby Porter, of the Denby Rope & Twine Company, is to be made President of the newly organized International Rope & Twine Company. Porter's genius

{ \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \key f \major \relative c'' << \new Voice = "a" { \partial 4 \autoBeamOff c4 d c8 c a a f4 g f(e) d bes' a8 g bes a4 g8 f2. r4 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" { “If4 this be8 for -- get -- ting, you’re4 right, Dear—2 And4 I have8 for -- got -- ten4 you8 then!” } } >> }

And if you can raise the five thousand necessary to admit of your taking this Contract, I believe your present difficulties can be overcome.

"If you're sure, Schuyler, that this will really help your business—I'll give you the last of my jewels!"

The Eternal Feminine.

"Murray Hill 1132."

"My old dress is so shabby, Schuyler, that I'm getting a new suit—may I go as high as $150.00?"

"I'm sorry, Leila, but I'm too hard up at this time—can't you let the dress go until a little later?"

"Murray Hill 1132."

"I'm over at the tailor's—my clothes are positively in rags—and I've got to have a new suit."

Cumberland Garage

Fourth Avenue

December 1st 1918

o Miss Toodles Thomas, Dr.

10 8 Automobile rental as per bill rendered 200.00

"All right 'Toodles'—you can have it!"

"I've finally decided on this one, Mr. Frankel. Please charge it to my husband—Mr. Schuyler Van Sutphen!"

Fate sometimes lurks in Christmas Shopping.

Up Town

"It's good to see you, Leila! Can't I give you a lift home?"

"Old Wood to Burn—old Wine to Drink—old Friends to Trust!"

"Mr. Van Sutphen just 'phoned—and said not to expect him for dinner, as he has an important business engagement!"

"Why don't you return and dine with Mrs. Huckney and me?"

The "Important Business Engagement".

Of those external forces which combine to make us what we are, dress is the most potent. It covers our ideas no less than our bodies—until we finally become the thing we look to be.

"Do you remember the Christmas I gave you those cuff links, Jim—and how I never could make you dress up and wear them!"

"You were a dear to remember that I loved orchids!"

"Dinner is served."

"Have you forgotten, 'Bingo', that day after tomorrow is Christmas!"

To Bingo—
With Christmas Love——and everything.


"That ring is going to be pawned to pull me out of a certain financial 'hole'—but you can wear it for tonight!"

"The Gown—the Fan—the Head-dress! All the costume complete, except the Ring—I miss my solitaire, Leila!"

"I'll tell you what's become of your solitaire, Jim: my Nephew is in financial difficulty—and Leila has given him her jewels!"

"To think that I held Paradise in my arms—and didn't know enough to keep it!"

Seeking diversion from his wretched thoughts—thoughts of a dead Yesterday—and a Forbidden Woman.

"If you want a good laugh, watch the dame with Van Sutphen—she's cleaned him out!"

"I'll buy it!"

"That ring doesn't belong to you—and I'm going to see that this money reaches the rightful owner!"

"You'll come home to your wife for a little business talk—or you'll find no wife when you get there!"

"Some drop from a six carat diamond to a hundred dollar bill—eh, 'Toodles'?"

Even Money.

"I bumped into your husband at the club, and purchased your ring from him—but he thinks you'd better handle the money."

"You thought you could shake me, didn't you—well you can't! I've come to get some of that money—or I'll spill the whole mess to the Papers!"

"I figure that I've got something coming—and I came here to get it!"

"Don't misunderstand—he owed you something—and you are paid! He promised me a few things, too, such as Love and Protection—and he didn't pay! Let's only one of us be cheated."

"They're all alike, Dearie—you can't trust any of 'em!"

"Leila, if the time ever comes that you change your mind—my home and my name are waiting for you!"

"Don't you think you've done damage enough—without sneaking in behind my back and trying to make love to my wife!"

"Your trouble is your sense of humor—how about the flowers you sent Leila when she was my wife? You stole her love from me—but I'm going to try my damnedest to win it back!"

"It isn't for you to say, Schuyler, what is—or is not—to be done! When I have made up my mind—I shall let you know."

"I'm not going to give you a chance to brow-beat Leila into making up her mind! And what's more—I won't leave this house until she has made her choice!"

"You need a little more practice, Young Man!"

"I'm going to wire for your same old Suite—at Reno!"

And with the Summer—she comes to learn that
"Many Waters cannot quench Love—
Neither can the Floods drown it!"

"Do you know that if I were King—I'd bring you three priceless Gifts: 'Pleasure'—'Wealth' and 'Love'—and the first should be 'Pleasure'!"

"Jim—do you know what day tomorrow will be?"

"Of course I know—it's our Wedding Anniversary—we've been married a month, tomorrow!"

And now you know what every Woman comes to know—that Husbands, at best, are pesky brutes; and at worst—are unfit for publication!

The End.

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1929.

Copyright law abroad tends to consider the following people authors of a film:

  • The principal director
  • The screenwriter, and/or other writers of dialogue
  • The composer/lyricist (if the film is accompanied by sound)
  • The cinematographer
  • By extension, the authors of any works that may serve as the basis for a film's plot

The longest-living of these authors died in 1967, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 56 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse