Ecclesiastical history (Philostorgius)/Epitome of book I

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130576Ecclesiastical history — - Epitome of book IPhilostorgius

Chapter 9


Philostorgius also confesses that all the bishops consented to the exposition of the faith made at Nicaea, with the exception of Secundus, bishop of Ptolemais, and Theon, bishop of Marmarica. But the rest of the band of Arian bishops, such as Eusebius of Nicomedia, (whom Philostorgius calls the Great,) Theognis of Nicaea, end Tharis of Chalcedon, and all the others, embraced the sentence of the council, though with a fraudulent and treacherous purpose, (as Philostorgius admits,) for under the term o9moou&sioj they secretly introduced that of o9moiou&sioj. But still they did not refuse submission to the decrees of the synod, though Constantina, the emperor's sister, suggested this counsel to them.