Education and Art in Soviet Russia/Document 8

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Education and Art in Soviet Russia
Document 8: Regulation Concerning Admission to a Higher School (University) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic
4373930Education and Art in Soviet Russia — Document 8: Regulation Concerning Admission to a Higher School (University) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic

Much has been said boastfully in our country of our great system of popular education, and, in spite of the many other disadvantages to which our proletarians have been subjected, it may be admitted that a certain rudimentary education has always been rather well conducted in America. But the gates to higher institutions have been closed to all but the wealthy, not only by the general conditions of life, which have not afforded the leisure for higher study to the great masses of the population, but also by high tuition fees, which have made the barrier still more insurmountable. How the Russians now decide the fee question, even for higher institutions, is the subject of Document No. 8.


Regulation Concerning Admission to a Higher School
(University) of the Russian Socialist Federative
Soviet Republic

1. Every person, regardless of citizenship and sex, reaching the age of 16, can be admitted as a member of the student body to any of the higher institutions of learning without submitting a diploma or testimonial papers attesting graduation from a secondary or other school.

2. It is forbidden to demand from persons seeking entrance any certificates whatsoever, except their identification papers.

3. All school institutions of the Republic, in conformity with the decree on joint instruction, dated May 27, 1918, are thrown open to all, regardless of sex. All persons responsible for violating this decree shall be tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal.

4. Admissions of students (freshmen for the 1918–1919 course) already made on the basis of either school certificates or competitive examinations, are hereby declared void. New entrance conditions in accordance with the requirements of the general provision on the higher schools of the Republic, now in course of preparation, shall be published not later than September 1, 1918.

5. Tuition fees in higher educational institutions of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic are henceforth abolished. Tuition fees already paid for the first half of the academic year 1918–1919 shall be refunded accordingly.

Chairman of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, V. Ulianov (Lenin)

Acting People's Commissaire of Education, Pokrovsky,

Chief Clerk of the Soviet of People's Commissaires, V. Bonch-Bruevich,

Secretary of the Soviet, N. Gorbunov.