Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period/Liu T'ing

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3645522Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, Volume 1 — Liu T'ingGeorge A. Kennedy

LIU T'ing 劉挺 (T. 省吾, 子綬) d. Apr. 17, 1619, age 67 (sui), Ming general, was the son of a provincial general-in-chief 都督 and a native of Nan-ch'ang, Kiangsi. Having accompanied his father on an expedition to the southwest, he distinguished himself in 1583 in warfare with the tribes on the Yunnan-Burma frontier. For thirty years thereafter he was engaged in a military career of varied character—stationed in Szechwan in 1585, resisting the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592–93, fighting on the Kokonor border in 1596, in Korea again to meet the Japanese in 1597, and finally for a long period coping with the turbulent Miao and Lolo tribes of Szechwan. In 1618 he went to Liaotung as secretary of the second army and was put by Yang Hao [q. v.] in charge of one of the four divisions that attempted in the following year to check the Manchus. His army of Chinese and Koreans was defeated at Dungge on April 17 when Liu lost his life. A few years later the rank of secretary of a garrison was made hereditary in his family. He was canonized as Chung-lieh 忠烈 and also as Chung-chuang 忠壯.

[M.1/247/1a; M.3/222/1a; Nan-ch'ang-hsien chih (1795) 22/8b, 文考 14/34a; 明季北略 Ming-chi pei-lüeh 1/2b; Ku Ying-t'ai, Ming-shih chi-shih pên-mo, 62, 64; Hauer, Kai-kuo fang-lüeh, pp. 7982; P'êng Sun-i [q. v.], Shan-chung wên-chien lu, 7/15b.]

George A. Kennedy