
Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Greece

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See also Greece on Wikipedia, Greece in the 11th edition; and the disclaimer.



I.—Geography and Statistics.
Extent of ancient Greece • Extent of modern Greece • General physical features • Mountains • Rivers • Plains • Coast • Volcanic action • Scenery • Vegetation • Animals • Climate • Inhabitants • National character • Population • Administration • Judicial system • Army • Navy • Religion • Education • Industries • Agriculture • Wines • Currants • Other products • Land tax • Roads • Manufactures • Mines • Commerce • Railways • Postal system • Banks • Money • Finances • Literature
II.—Greek History.
Section I.—Greek History to the Death of Alexander the Great.
The Prehistoric Period, down to the close of the great Migrations • The Early History of the leading States down to about 500 B.C. • The Ionic Revolt and the Persian Wars, 502-479 B.C. • The Period of Athenian Supremacy, 478-404 B.C. • The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 B.C. • The Period of Spartan and then Theban Ascendency, 404-362 B.C. • The reigns of Philip and Alexander, 359-323 B.C.
Section II.—Post-Classical Greek History.
Period of Greek Subjection : from the Death of Alexander to the Accession of Constantine the Great as sole Emperor, 323 B.C. to 323 A.D. • Period of Greek Revival : from Constantine the Great to Leo III. (the Isaurian), 323-716 A.D. • Period of Byzantine Prosperity : from Leo III. to Isaac I. (Comnenus), 716-1057 A.D. • Period of Byzantine Decline : from Isaac I. to the taking of Constantinople by the Latins, 1057-1204 A.D. • Period of Greek Survival : from the taking of Constantinople by the Latins to its Conquest by the Turks, 1204-1453 A.D.
Section III.—Recent History.
III.—Greek Language.
Origin of the Greek Language.
The common Indo-Germanic language • The common European language • The Græco-Italic language • Stages of development in the lexicon • Roots • Roots “determined” • Verbs • Stems • Compound stems • Compounds • Cases • Second group of cases • Adverbs and prepositions • Infinitives • Reconstruction of the Indo-Germanic languages • Indo-Germanic sounds • Changes over time in Græco-Italic sonity • Inflexion of nouns • Græco-Italic changes • Phonetic laws distinctive to Greek • New creation of verbal forms
The Historic Stage of Greek.
Division of the Greek race • Æolic • Lesbio-Æolic • Thessalian • Bœotian • Elean • Arcadian • Cyprian • Doric • Sources in the various subdialects • General Doric characteristics • Laconic peculiarities • Ionic • Epic dialect • New Ionic • Attic • Qualities of the Greek language • Pronunciation • History of later Greek • Authorities
IV.—Greek Literature.
Section I.—The Old Greek Literature.
The Early Literature • The Attic Literature • The Literature of the Decadence
Section II.—The Byzantine Literature.
Section III.—Modern Greek Literature.