Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Tamarisk

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See also Tamarix on Wikipedia; Tamarisk in the 11th edition; and the disclaimer.

TAMARISK. The genus Tamarix gives its name to a small group of shrubs or low trees constituting the tamarisk family. The species of tamarisk and of the very closely allied genus Myricaria grow in salt deserts, by the sea-shore, or in other more or less sterile localities in south temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions of the eastern hemisphere. Their long slender branches bear very numerous small appressed leaves, in which the evaporating surface is reduced to a minimum. The flowers are minute and numerous, in long clusters at the ends of the branches or from the trunk. Each has 4-6 free sepals, and as many petals springing with the 4-12 stamens from a fleshy disk. In Tamarix the stamens are free, while in Myricaria they are united into one parcel. The free ovary is one-celled, with basal placentas, and surmounted by 3-5 styles. The fruit is capsular, and contains numerous seeds, each usually with a long tuft of hairs at one end. The great value of these shrubs or trees lies in their ability to withstand the effects of drought and a saline soil, in consequence of which they grow where little else can flourish. It is on this account that the common tamarisk, T. gallica, is planted on our sea-coasts, and affords shelter where none other could be provided. The light feathery appearance of the branches, and the pretty rose-coloured flowers, render it also an elegant and attractive shrub, very different in character from most others.

Some species produce galls, valued for their tannin, while the astringent bark of others has been valued for medicinal purposes. The ashes of the plant, when grown near the sea, are said to contain soda; but, when cultivated inland or on sweet soil, they are, it is alleged, free from soda.

For tamarisk manna, see Manna, vol. xv. p. 493.