English As She Is Spoke/Of the Man, etc

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1433464English As She Is Spoke — Of the Man, etc

English as she is spoke.

Of the Man.
The brain The inferior lip
The brains The superior lip
The fat of the leg The marrow
The ham The reins
Defects of the body.
A blind A left handed
A lame An ugly
A bald A squint-eyed
A deaf   Degrees of kindred.
The gossip The quater-grandfather
The gossip mistress The quater-grandmother
The nurse A guardian
A relation An guardian
An relation A widower

An widow.

Starch-maker Porter
Barber Chinaman
Coffeeman Founder
Porkshop-keeper Grave-digger
Cartwright Tradesman
Tinker, a brasier Stockingmender
Nailer Lochsmith
  Objects of man.
The boots The clogs
The buckles The wig
The button-holes The morning-gown,
The buskins
The lining
Woman objects.
The busk The paint or disguise
The sash The Spindle
The cornet The patches
The pumps The skate
Coochmann Spendth
Running footman Business-man
The apoplexy The megrime
The scrofulas The whitlow
The melancholy The rheumatisme
The vomitory.
Parties a Town.
The butchery The low eating house
The cause-way The obelis-ks
The sink The prison, geol
Kitchen utensils.
The skimming-dish The spark
The potlid The fire
The pothanger The smoke
The spunge The clout
The jack.
Of the bed.
The bed wood The feet's bed
The bed battom The pillar's bed
The head's bed.
For the table.
Some knifes Some groceries
Some crumb.
Some black pudding A little mine
Some sugar-plum Hog fat.
Some wigs Some marchpanes
A chitterling sausages. An amelet
A dainty-dishes A slice, steak[pap
A mutton shoulder Vegetables boiled to a
Some wing Some pinions
Some cinnamon Some hog'slard
Some oranges Some verjuice
Some orgeat Some paltry wine
Some sirup or sirop
Quadruped's beasts.
Lamb Rocbuck
Ass Dragon
Shi ass Wild sow
Ass-colt Lioness
Ram, aries Dormouse
Becafico Heuth-cock
Calander Whoop
Stor Pea cock
Yeung turkey Pinch
Red-breast, a robin.
Asp, aspic Fly
Morpion Butter fly
Fishes and shell-fishes.
Calamary Large lobster
Dorado Snail
A sorte of fish Wolf
Hedge hog Torpedo
Lore-tree, lotos Service-tree
Chest nut-tree Jujube-tree
Anemony Mil-foils
Blue-bottle Hink
Hunting dog Picker
Relay dog Gun-powder
Hound dog Priming-powder
Hound's fee Hunts man.
White Gridelin
Cray Musk
Metals and minerals.
Starch Latten
Cooper Plaster
Common stones.
Loadstones White lead
Brick Gum-stone
Counterpoise An obole
A pound an half A quater ounce.
Foot-ball Pile
Bar Mall
Gleek Even or non even
Carousal Keel
Benzoin Pomatum
Perfume paw Storax
On the church.
The sides of the nef The little cellar
The holywater-pot The boby of the church
The Deads-day The Vigil
The Twelfth-day The Visitation
  Ecclesiastical dignities.
Incumbent General of a order
Canon Penitentiary
Canoness Theologist
Chanter, a clerk General curate
Chivalry orders.
Black eagle Elephant
Avis, advice Honour Legion
Calatrava Saint Michaelmas
A cannoneer A general to galeries
A vessel captain A great admiral
A harbinger A king a lieutenant
A parapet A quater master
A army general A vice admiral's ship
  Military objects.
The bait. The fire pan
An arquebuse A bomb ketch
A bandoleer The military case
A fusil, a gun.
Music's instruments.
A flagelet A dreum
A hurdy-gurdy.
A fine To break upon
Honourable fine To tear off the flesh
To draw to four horses.