English Folk-Carols/The Moon Shines Bright

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For works with similar titles, see The Moon Shines Bright.

This carol was sung by Mrs. Gentie Phillips, a native of Tysoe, Warwickshire, at the time living at Birmingham. For more information, see Notes on the Songs at the end of this volume.

772672English Folk-Carols — The Moon Shines Bright1911Anonymous



1The moon shines bright and the stars give a light
A little before it is day;
Our Lord our God he called on us
And bids us awake and pray.

2Awake! O awake! good people all,
Awake! and you shall hear,
Our Lord our God He suffered on the cross
For us whom He loved so dear.

3The fields were green, as green could be.
When we from His glory fell;
And we His children then were brought
To death and near to hell.

4The life of a man it is but a span,
It's like a morning flower;
We're here to day, to-morrow we are gone,
We are dead all in one hour.

5O teach them well your children, dear man.
While you have got them here;
It will be better for your soul, dear man
When your corpse lies on the bier.

6To-day you may be living, dear man,
With a many thousand pound;
To-morrow you may be dead, dear man,
And your corpse lie underground.

7With the green turf at your head, dear man.
And another at your feet;
Your good deeds and your bad, dear man,
Will all together meet.

8My song it is done and I must be gone,
No longer can I stay here.
God bless you all, both great and small,
And send you a happy New Year.