Evaluation of the Handling of the Branch Davidian Stand-off in Waco, Texas/Conclusion

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David Koresh engaged in a deliberate campaign to mask his true intentions. Even so, the FBI was extremely accurate in its assessment of Koresh. I conclude that the stand-off was a mass suicide choreographed by Koresh over a two month period. Even if the FBI had been more keenly aware of his intentions, it was limited to gassing the compound as the only non-lethal means of resolving the crisis. The probability that the FBI could have broken Koresh's hold over his followers through negotiations was extremely low based upon what we have learned following the incident.

Under the circumstances, the FBI exhibited extraordinary restraint and handled this crisis with great professionalism.

Edward S.G. Dennis, Jr.[1]

October 5, 1993


  1. I am grateful for the material support of my law firm in this endeavor. However, the opinions expressed here are mine and not those of the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.