Excavations at the Kesslerloch/Plates

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Excavations at the Kesslerloch (1876)
by Konrad Merk, translated by John Edward Lee
Konrad Merk4306954Excavations at the Kesslerloch — Plates1876John Edward Lee

Pl. I.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 081.png

Pl. II.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 083.png

Pl. III.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 085.png

Pl. IV.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 087.png

Pl. V.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 089.png

Pl. VI.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 091.png

Pl. VII.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 093.png


Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 095.png

Pl. IX.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 097.png

Pl. X.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 099.png

Pl. XI.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 101.png

Pl. XII.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 103.png


Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 105.png

Pl. XIV.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 107.png

Pl. XV.

Excavations at the Kesslerloch, 109.png


Cave of the Kesslerloch, p. 1.

Plate I.

Fig. 1. Flint spear-head, p. 28.—2 and 3. Pieces of reindeer-horn with incisions, p. 33.—4. Flint borer, p. 29.

Plate II.

Fig. 5. Reindeer-horn hollowed out, p. 33.—6. Flint knife, p. 28.—7. Flint 'core,' p. 29.—8. Flint spear-head, p. 28.

Plate III.

Fig. 9. Reindeer-horn from which the brow-antler, the main shoot, and the 'beam' have been cut off, p. 31.—10. Reindeer-horn from the 'beam' of which portions have been cut off for making implements, p. 33.—11. Reindeer-horn from which the 'beam' has been cut off, p. 32.

Plate IV.

Fig. 12. 'Beam' of a reindeer-horn with a cut lengthwise preparatory to being split, p. 33.—13. Spear-point with a groove, p. 30.—14. Arrow-head, p. 34.—15, Broken arrow-head, p. 34.

Plate V.

Fig. 16. Spear-head, p. 34.—17. Perforated bone (Bâton), p. 40.—18. Broken spear-head with groove, p. 34.—19. Ornamented arrow-head, p. 34.—20. Spear-head, p. 34.—21. Ornamented bone, p. 35.—22. Ornamented spearhead, p. 30.

Plate VI.

Fig. 23. Ornamented spear-head, p. 35.—24. Awl, p. 40.—25. Ornamented bone harpoon, p. 39.—20. Spear-head, perforated and grooved, p. 35.—27. Spearhead sharpened at both ends, p. 38.—28. Worked rib-bone, p. 40.

Plate VII.

Fig. 29. Ornamented scraper, p. 40.—30. Ornamented spear-head, p. 37.—31. Scraper, p. 40.—32. Arrow-head with notches, p. 34.—33, Broken spearhead, ornamented, p. 36.—34. Bone arrow-head, p. 34.—35. Bone harpoon, p. 38.—36. Broken spear- or arrow-head, p. 35.—37. Perforated ammonite, p. 45.—38, 39, 40. Ornaments of stone, p. 45.—41. Bâton (?) with two perforations, p. 46.—42. Ornamented poignard, p. 43.

Plate VIII.

Fig. 43. Perforated Baton (?) p. 40.—44. Implement (for extracting roots from the ground?), p. 43.—45. Ornamented bone implement, p. 43.—46. Bone implement sharpened at both ends, p. 42.—47. Bone harpoon, p. 39.—48. Bone harpoon, p. 38.

Plate IX.

Fig. 49. Bone with two perforations, p. 46.—50. Indefinite drawing on brown coal, p. 48.—51. Carved head of horse, p. 52.—62. Earring of slate coal, p. 46.—53. Perforated tooth, p. 43.—54. Point of a harpoon, p. 38.—66. Unknown implement, p. 43.—56. Perforated horse's tooth, p. 43.—57. Bone earring, p. 44.—68. Piece of brown coal with an incision lengthwise, p. 44.—69, 60, 61. Earrings of brown coal, p. 46.—62, 63, 64, 65. Bone needles, p. 41.

Plate X.

Fig. 66a and b. Drawings of a horse and two reindeer on the 'beam' of a reindeer-horn, p. 48.

Plate XI.

Fig. 67. Drawing, probably of a pig, p. 46.—68. Drawing of a horse (see fig. 70), p. 50.—69a and b. Carved head of musk-sheep, p. 51.

Plate XII.

Fig. 70. Drawing of a horse on the branch of a reindeer-horn, p. 50.—71. Drawing of a reindeer on the branch of a reindeer-horn, p. 49.

Plate XIII.

Fig. 72. Reindeer-head drawn on a dagger-like bone, p. 47.—73. Unknown bone implement, p. 42.—74. Small bone spear-head, p. 34.—75. Earring of brown coal, p. 46.—76, 77. Ornamented plate of bone, p. 44.—78. Perforated horse's tooth, p. 43.—79. Earring of brown coal, p. 45.—80. Piece of pottery found in the uppermost bed, p. 62.—81. Earring of brown coal, p. 45.

Plate XIV.

Fig. 82, 83. Earrings of brown coal, p. 44.—84. Perforated pectunculus, p. 45.—85. Earring of brown coal, p. 44.—86. Earring (?) of slate coal, p. 44.—87. Ground tooth, p. 43.—88. Unknown bone implement, p. 42.—80. Awl, p. 40.—90. Ornamented spear-head, p 37.—91. Perforated humerus, p. 43.—92. Ornamented bone implement, p. 43.—93. Unknown bone implement, p. 43.—94. Bone harpoon, p. 39.—95. Perforated ammonite, p. 46.

Plate XV.

Fig. 96, 97. Drawing of a horse's head on brown coal, p. 47.—98. Drawing of a bear, p. 61.—99. Drawing of a fox, p. 61.

Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, yew-street Square, London.