Flower v. United States

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Flower v. United States (1972)
4596147Flower v. United States — Syllabus1972
Court Documents

Supreme Court of the United States

407 U.S. 197

Flower  v.  United States

On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

No. 71-1180.  Argued: N/A --- Decided: June 12, 1972

Application of 18 U.S.C. § 1382, proscribing the re-entry onto a military post of a person who has been removed therefrom or ordered by an officer not to re-enter, held violative of First Amendment rights as applied when petitioner, a civilian who had previously been barred from the post was arrested after re-entry while quietly distributing leaflets on a public street extensively used by civilians as well as military personnel that runs through Fort Sam Houston, an open military post.

Certiorari granted; 452 F. 2d 80, reversed and remanded.