Folk-lore of the Telugus/The Path to Fame

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2731263Folk-lore of the Telugus — The Path to Fame1919G. R. Subramiah Pantulu



King Jayathratha of Panchala had a son who was gifted with much sense from infancy. One day, beholding the king, he asked him what the sure road to reputation was. The king replied:—"When you rule the kingdom, without oppressing the people, you must find out who are rich and who are poor, and protect the latter by giving them food and clothing from time to time. Thus will you obtain an extended reputation. But, however much you may bestow on the rich, no fame will accrue to you. To give you an example, if rain falls while the crops are withering for want of water, the cloud will obtain fame, but however much it rains in the ocean, no reputation can result to the cloud." Thus speaking and considering how clever the boy was, the king made over half his kingdom to him. The youth assumed the sceptre, confirmed the leases that had been given to the people, and finding out the poor caused food and clothing to be given to them, and cherished them much. He thus obtained great celebrity.