France and the Levant/end matter

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2488823France and the Levant — end matter


The following is a complete list of the Handbooks prepared under the General Editorship of Sir George W. Prothero, late Director of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office.

Net Prices are given of all Volumes which have been published to date. Volumes X— XXV will be issued shortly.

Books marked thus * contain sections on Geography and Economics as well as on History . Those marked thus § contain Geography and History only.

Vol. I. Austria-Hungary (1).
New Nos. Old Nos.
1 (1) History of Austria 2s. 6d.
(2) History of Hungary
(3) Foreign Policy of Austria-Hungary
2   (4) Bohemia* and Moravia*   2s. 6d.
3   (6) Slovakia*   1s. 0d.
4   (4a) Austrian Silesia*   1s. 0d.
5   (5) Bukovina*   1s. 0d.
6   (7) Transylvania* and the Banat*   2s. 0d.
7   (8) Hungarian Ruthenia*   0s. 6d.
Vol. II. Austria-Hungary (2).
8   (9) Croatia-Slavonia*, with Fiume*   2s. 0d.
9   (9a) Carniola*, Carinthia*, Styria*   1s. 6d.
10   (12) Austrian Littoral*   2s. 0d.
11   (13) Dalmatia*   2s. 0d.
12   (10) Bosnia* and Herzegovina*   2s. 0d.
13   (14a) The Slovenes   0s. 6d.
14   (14) The Jugo-Slav Movement   1s. 6d.
Vol. III. The Balkan States (1).
15   (15) The Eastern Question   3s. 6d.
16   (46) Turkey in Europe   3s. 6d.
17   (16) Albania*   2s. 0d.
18   (18) Greece*, with the Cyclades* and Northern Sporades*   3s. 6d.
Vol. IV. The Balkan States (2).
19   (20) Montenegro*   2s. 6d.
20   (22) Serbia*   2s. 6d.
21   (19) Macedonia   2s. 0d.
22   (17) Bulgaria*   3s. 0d.
23   (21) Rumania*, with the Dobruja*   3s. 0d.
Vol. V. The Netherlands.
25   (37) Holland   2s. 0d.
26   (23) Belgium*   5s. 0d.
27   (24) Luxemburg and Limburg   1s. 6d.
28   (25) The Scheldt   0s. 6d.
29   (26) The Neutrality of Belgium   0s. 6d.
Vol. VI. France, Italy, Spain, &c.
30   (28) Alsace-Lorraine*   2s. 6d.
31   (29) Lorraine and Saar Minefields*   1s. 0d.
33   (42) Trentino* and Alto Adige*   1s. 0d.
34   (61) Spain since 1815   1s. 0d.
35   (27) Slesvig-Holstein*   2s. 6d.
36   (64) Spitsbergen*   1s. 0d.
Vol. VII. Germany.
37   (32) Bavarian Palatinate*   1s. 0d.
38   (33) Rhenish Prussia*   2s. 0d.
39   (34) East and West Prussia*   1s. 6d.
40   (34a) Upper Silesia*   1s. 0d.
41   (36) Kiel Canal* and Heligoland   1s. 0d.
42   (35) German Colonisation   3s. 0d.
Vol. VIII. Poland and Finland.
43 (49) Poland: History, 1571–1774 1s. 0d.
(50) Poland: 1774-1815
44   (51) Russian Poland*, Lithuania*, White Russia   2s. 6d.
45   (52) Prussian Poland*   1s. 6d.
46   (53) Austrian Poland*   2s. 6d.
47   (58) Finland   2s. 6d.
48   (58a) Aaland Islands   1s. 6d.
Vol. IX. The Russian Empire.
50   (57) Courland*, Livonia*, Esthonia*   2s. 6d.
51   (59) Bessarabia*   1s. 6d.
52   (60) Ukraine*   2s. 6d.
53   (60a) Don and Volga Basins*   2s. 6d.
54   (60b) Caucasia*   2s. 6d.
55   (85) Eastern Siberia*   2s. 6d.
56   (86) Sakhalin*   1s. 0d.


Vol. X. Mohammedanism: Turkey in Asia (1).
57   (96) Mohammedan History 3s. 0d.
(a) Rise of Islam; Pan-Islamic Movement.
(b) Rise of the Turk; Pan-Turanian Movement.
(c) Islam in India; Islam in Africa
58   (88) Turkey in Asia (General)   0s. 6d.
59   (89) Anatolia*   3s. 6d.
60   (93) Syria* and Palestine*   3s. 6d.
162   (164) Zionism   1s. 6d.
Vol XI. Turkey in Asia (2).
61   (90) Arabia*   3s. 6d.
62   (91) Armenia* and Kurdistan   2s. 0d.
63   (92) Mesopotamia*   3s. 0d.
64   (94) Islands of the Northern and Eastern Ægean*   1s. 6d.
65   (65) Cyprus*   2s. 0d.
66   (95) The French in the Levant   1s. 0d.
Vol. XII. China, Japan, Siam.
67   (67) China: Recent History   In the Press.
68   (68) Mongolia§   In the Press
69   (68a) Manchuria*   In the Press
70   (68b) Tibet*   In the Press
71   (69) Kiaochow*   In the Press
72   (70) Weihaiwei*   In the Press
73   (79) Japan: Recent History   In the Press
74   (87) Siam: Recent History   In the Press
Vol. XIII. Persia: French and Portuguese Possessions.
75   (80) Persia*   In the Press.
76   (81) Persian Gulf§   In the Press
77   (77) French India*   In the Press
78   (78) French Indo-China*   In the Press
79   (82) Portuguese India*   In the Press
80   (83) Portuguese Timor*   In the Press
81   (84) Macao*   In the Press
Vol. XIV. Dutch and British Possessions.
82   (71) Java* and Madura*   In the Press.
83   (72) Sumatra*   In the Press
84   (73) Dutch Borneo*   In the Press
85   (74) Celebes*   In the Press
86   (75) Dutch Timor* and the smaller Sunda Islands*   In the Press
87   (76) Dutch New Guinea* and the Molucca Islands*   In the Press
88   (60) British New Guinea*   In the Press


Vol. XV. British Possessions (1).
89   (132a) The Partition of Africa   In the Press.
90   (100) British West African Colonies (General)   In the Press
91   (100a) Gambia*   In the Press
92   (101) Sierra Leone*   In the Press
93   (102) Gold Coast*   In the Press
94   (103) Nigeria*   In the Press
95   (104) Nyasaland*   In the Press
Vol. XVI. British Possessions (2): Belgian Congo.
96   (105) British East Africa*, Uganda*, Zanzibar   In the Press.
97   (106) British Somaliland* and Sokotra*   In the press
98   (107) The Sudan*   In the press
99   (99) Belgian Congo*   In the press
Vol. XVII. French Possessions.
100   (108a) French African Colonies (General)   In the Press.
101   (108) French Morocco*   In the press
102   (109) Senegal*   In the press
103   (110) French Guinea*   In the press
104   (111) Ivory Coast*   In the press
105   (112) Dahomey*   In the press
106   (113) Mauretania*   In the press
107   (114) Upper Senegal* and Niger Territories*   In the press
108   (115) French Equatorial Africa*   In the press
109   (116) French Somaliland*   In the press
Vol. XVIII. German Possessions.
110   (117) Togoland*   In the Press.
111   (118) Cameroon*   In the press
112   (119) German South-West Africa*   In the press
113   (120) German East Africa*   In the press
114   (132b) German Treatment of Natives   In the press
Vol. XIX. Portuguese Possessions.
115   (55) Portuguese Colonial Empire   In the Press.
116   (124) Azores* and Madeira*   In the press
117   (124a) Cape Verde Islands*   In the press
118   (125) Portuguese Guinea*   In the press
119   (126) San Thomé*, Principé*, and Ajuda*   In the press
120   (127) Angola*, with Cabinda   In the press
121   (128) Mozambique*   In the press
Vol. XX. Spanish and Italian Possessions: Independent States.
122   (129) Spanish Morocco*   In the Press.
123   (130) Canaries*   In the press
124   (131) Spanish Sahara*   In the press
125   (132) Spanish Guinea*, Annobon*, Fernando Po*   In the press
126   (121) Eritrea*   In the press
127   (122) Italian Libya*   In the press
128   (123) Italian Somaliland*   In the press
129   (97) Abyssinia*   In the press
130   (98) Liberia*   In the press
Vol. XXI. North, Central and South America; Atlantic Islands.
131   (133) St Pierre and Miquelon*   In the Press.
132   (133a) Greenland*   In the press
133   (134) British Honduras*   In the press
134   (134a) The Guianas (General)   In the press
135   (135) British Guiana*   In the press
136   (136) Dutch Guiana*   In the press
137   (137) French Guiana*   In the press
138 (141a) Falkland Islands   In the press
(146) Kerguelen Island*   In the press
Vol. XXII. Pacific Islands.
139   (142) Discoveries and Acquisitions   In the Press.
140   (138) Galapagos Islands*   In the press
141 (139) Malpelo Island*   In the press
(140) Cocos Island*   In the press
142   (141) Easter Island*   In the press
143   (141b) Juan Fernandez*, San Felix* and San Ambrosio*   In the press
144   (143) British Possessions*   In the press
145   (144) French Possessions*   In the press
146   (145) German Possessions*   In the press
147   (146a) New Hebrides*   In the press


Vol. XXIII. International Affairs.
148   (147a) The Freedom of the Seas (Historical)   In the Press.
149   (151) International Rivers   In the press
150   (152) International Canals   In the press
151   (154) International Congresses and Conferences   In the press
152   (158) European Coalitions, &c., since 1792   In the press
Vol. XXIV. Congresses: German Opinion.
153   (165) (165a) The Congress of Vienna   4s. 0d.
154   (167) The Congress of Berlin   1s. 6d.
155   (155) German Opinion on National Policy prior to July 1914. Part I   1s. 6d.
156   (156) German Opinion on National Policy prior to July 1914. Part II   2s. 6d.
157   (157) German Opinion since July 1914   1s. 0d.
Vol. XXV. Indemnities, Plebiscites, &c.
158 (159) Indemnities in previous wars   In the Press.
(160) Subsidies and Loans (British)   In the press
159   (163) Plebiscite and Referendum   In the press
160   (162) Schemes for maintaining General Peace   In the press
161   (166) President Wilson’s Policy   In the press


1 Austria-Hungary (10 maps) In the Press.
2 The Balkan Peninsula (8 maps) In the press
3 Poland (8 maps) In the press
4 Ethnology of Central and South-Eastern Europe and Western Asia (6 maps) In the press