Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper/Volume 18/Number 450/The Sanitary Fair at Baltimore

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The Baltimore sanitary fair at the Maryland Institute.—From a Sketch by our Special Artist.


The great success of the Sanitary Fairs in New York and Brooklyn is stimulating other cities to renewed exertions. We give in the issue of this week a sketch of the Fair at the Maryland Institute, Baltimore, made on the spot by one of our Special Artists. It was inaugurated on the 18th of April by President Lincoln, who went thither, accompanied by Speaker Colfax and Senator Wilson. The contribution of all kinds are very fine and attractive and such is the change of feeling in Baltimore that the Fair cannot fail to command great success. As the Sanitary Commission extends its favors to all the suffering of either army, no consideration of politics should keep any one of charitable feelings away. In connection with this we give a view from Patterson's park on Londenschlager's hill, which will be readily recognised and admired by those who visit the City of Monuments to attend the great Sanitary Fair.