Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper/Volume 18/Number 451/Secessionville, James Island, South Carolina

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Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Volume 18, Number 451 (1864)
Secessionville, James Island, South Carolina
4291410Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Volume 18, Number 451 — Secessionville, James Island, South Carolina1864


Secessionville, as its name implies, is a place which has received its name since the war began, and if our present military operations do not miscarry, may soon adopt some other appellation, and its present name never be enshrined in a gazetteer.

It is on James island and was one of the points strongly entrenched by the rebels to prevent our advance, and not far from the scene of one of our disastrous attacks. The sketch was made from a signal station on Long island, and beside the picturesque village, beyond the marsh and water, may be seen the frowning batteries of rebellion.

In the foreground is a redoubt for infantry with a dry ditch.