Guantanamo Bay Detainee Litigation: Doc 677 -- Order: Granting the Petitioners' Motions for Judgment on Their Pending Habeas Petitions and Denying as Moot The Petitioners' Motions for Immediate Release on Parole into the United States

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Granting the Petitioners' Motions for Judgment on Their Pending Habeas Petitions and Denying as Mott The Petitioners' Motions for Immediate Release on Parole into the United States (2008)
260535Granting the Petitioners' Motions for Judgment on Their Pending Habeas Petitions and Denying as Mott The Petitioners' Motions for Immediate Release on Parole into the United States2008

Granting the Petitioners' Motions for Judgment on Their Pending Habeas Petitions and Denying as Mott The Petitioners' Motions for Immediate Release on Parole into the United States

United States District Court
for the District of Columbia

In Re:
Guantanamo Bay
Detainee Litigation
Misc No. : 08-0442 (TFH)
Civil Action No.
05-cv-1509 (RMU)
05-cv-1602 (RMU)
05-cv-1704 (RMU)
05-cv-2370 (RMU)
05-cv-2398 (RMU)
08-cv-1310 (RMU)
Document Nos. 133, 134, 172


Granting the Petitioners' Motions for Judgment on Their Pending Habeas
Petitions and Denying as Mott The Petitioners' Motions for
Immediate Release on Parole into the United States

For the reasons stated in the accompanying Memorandum Opinion, it is this 8th day of October, 2008,

ORDERED that the motion of Huzaifa Parhat and four other petitioners for judgment on their habeas petitions and release into the continental United States is GRANTED; and it is

FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of Huzaifa Parhat and four other petitioners for immediate release on parole into the continental United States pending final judgment is DENIED as MOOT; and it is

ORDERED that the remaining petitioners' motion for immediate release on parole into the continental United States pending final judgment and for release into the continental United States is DENIED as MOOT as to immediate release on parole and GRANTED as to release into the United States; and it is

FURTHER ORDERED that the government shall produce each of the petitioners before this court on Friday, October 10, 2008 at 10:00 am, at which time the court will impose such short-term conditions of release as it then finds reasonable and appropriate; and it is

ORDERED that a hearing shall take place on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 2:00 pm, at which time the court imposed terms and conditions will be reassessed and altered if necessary; and it is

FURTHER ORDERED that a representative from the Department of Homeland Security be present at the October 16, 2008 hearing.


Ricardo M. Urbina
United States District Judge