Hand-book of Volapük/9

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129152Hand-book of Volapük — 91887Charles E. Sprague



Om, he (it); of, she ; os, it; ji, female.

All nouns are considered as "masculin" unless expressly denoting females. What we call the neuter gender of nouns does not exist in Volapük. Thus of is used of female persons or animals; om is used---1st, of males; 2nd, of living beings whose sex is disregarded; 3rd, of lifeless or sexless things (it); os is it, speaking abstractly, where no noun is referred to, as,

It is fair weather. Will you be faithful ? I swear it.

Ji- is a prefix (English, she) used to make nouns feminin, when the sex is to be specially pointed out.

A few words, easily recognised. are always feminin, as mot ( = jifat), vom ( = jiman), läd ( = jisöl), kun ( = jixol).

Other words, if relating to men, are masculin without any prefix; if relating to animals, the unprefixed word is common (indifferent) gender, the name or the male animal has the preflx om-, and the name of the female the prefix ji-.

Jeval, horse; omjeval, stallion; jijeval, mare.