Handbook of Maritime Rights/Rules for Local Associations in connection with the Maritime League

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Handbook of Maritime Rights
Rules for Local Associations in connection with the Maritime League
1599957Handbook of Maritime Rights — Rules for Local Associations in connection with the Maritime League

Rules for local associations

in connection with

the maritime league.

  1. Wherever the Council can find a competent person, it will appoint him Local Secretary, and, whenever a Local Association is formed spontaneously, its Secretary is requested to communicate with the Central Maritime League in London.
  2. His duty will be to enrol members, diffuse information, hold meetings, lectures and discussions, correspond with the local representatives in Parliament, and promote petitions on the subject of Maritime Rights.
  3. Every assistance will be given by the Council in London for the formation of Branch Associations.
  4. Each branch is expected to be self-supporting. Should it have any surplus funds wherewith to promote the general objects of the League, a communication to that effect can be made to the Secretary in London.
  5. Any Local Secretary appointed by the London Council will be responsible to that body for all subscriptions he may receive.
  6. In order to preserve unity of action it is desirable that each branch should communicate through its Secretary with the Council in London before presenting any address to Her Majesty or Her Ministers, or any petition to either House of Parliament.