History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century/4/George M. Christian

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GEORGE M. CHRISTIAN is a native of Chicago, where he was born June 19, 1847. He received his education in the public schools. When the Civil War began he was but fourteen years of age, yet he tried several times to enlist but was rejected on account of his youth. Having his own way to make he came to Davenport, Iowa, in 1865, and attended the commercial college. Five years later he removed to Grinnell which has since been his home. Mr. Christian early became an expert telegraph operator and later an hotel keeper. In 1888 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, and chairman of the finance committee of the Iowa delegation. He also had charge of the Allison Presidential campaign during the sessions of the Convention. In 1889 he was appointed by J. S. Clarkson, assistant superintendent of the railway mail service and in July, 1890, became Post-office Inspector. This position he retained through changing administrations until he received the appointment of United States Marshal in 1898.