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Index:Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln, v8.djvu

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Title Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln, 8
Author Abraham Lincoln
Editor Marion Mills Miller
Year 1907
Publisher Current Literature
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln (edit)
Volumes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Page scans: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10


Preface ix
  Lincoln, the Man of the People. By Edwin Markham. xi
Letters and Telegrams:

Adams, Charles Francis, page 1. Adams, Green, 10. Adams, James, 10. Agriculture, Commissioner of, 20. Addison, John, 22. Allen, Robert, 22. Anderson, Robert, 23. Anderson, W. G., 25. Andrews, I. D., 26. Andrews, —, 26. Arnold, I. N., 27. Asbury, Henry, 28. Ashmun, George, 29. Astor, J. J., and Others, 30.

Baldwin, D. S. D., 30. Bancroft, George, 31. Banks, Nathaniel P., 32. Barney, Hiram, 44. Bates, Edward, 44. Bayles, Jesse, 46. Bedell, Miss Grace, 47. Beecher, Henry Ward, 47. Belmont, August, 48. Bennett John, 49. Bennett, James Gordon, 52. Berdan, James, 52. Birchard, M., and Others, 53. Bixby, Mrs., 61. Blair, Frank P., Jr., 61. Blair, Frank P., Sr., 62. Blair, Montgomery, 64. Bliss, William S., 66. Blow, H. T., and Others, 67. Blunt, J. G., 67. Boal, Robert, 69. Boker, G. H., 70. Boyk, J. T., 71. Bouligny, J. E., 72. Bradford, A. W., 73. Bramlette, Thomas E., 75. Brayman, M., 77. Briggs, James A., 77. Broadhead, J. O., 77. Brockman, J. M., 78. Brown, B. Gratz, 78. Brown, J. N., 78. Browning, O. H., 80. Browning, Mrs. O. H., 84. Bryant, J. H., 86. Bryant, William Cullen, 87. Buckner, Simon B., 90. Buell, Don Carlos, 90. Bullitt, Cuthbert, 96. Burbridge, S. G., 99. Burnside, Ambrose E., 101. Butler, Benjamin F., 110. Butterfield, Daniel, 121.

Cabinet, The, 122. Cameron, Simon, 123. Campbell, A., 132. Campbell, J. A., 133. Campbell, William B., and Others, 134. Canby, E. R. S., 136. Canisius, Theodore, 140. Capen, F. L., 141. Carney, Thomas, 142. Chandler, Zachariah, 144. Chase, Salmon P., 144. Cheney, T. A., 164. Chew, Henry, 165. Chew, R. S., 165. Chicago Journal, Editor of the, 166. Choate, Joseph H., 168. Chrisman, John, 169. Clay, Cassius M., 169. Clay, Clement C., 171. Clay, John M., 172. Clay, Thomas H., 172. Clayton, John M., 173. Codding, I., 174. Colfax, Schuyler, 175. Collamer, Jacob, 177. Conkling, F. A., 179. Conkling, James C., 179 Cook, B. C., 186. Corning, Erastus, 187. Cottman, Thomas, 200. Craig, Mr. and Mrs., 202. Crawford, S. W., 202. Creswell, J. A. J., 202. Crosby and Nichols, 204. Crisfield, J. W., 205. Crittenden, J. J., 205. Cunningham, J. O, 207. Curtin, Andrew G., 208. Curtis, S. R., 213. Cushing, William B., 221.

Dana, N. J. T., 222. Davis, Henry Winter, 223. Davis, John W., 224. Delahay, M. W., 225. Dennison, William, 226. Derrickson, Captain, 227. Dingman, A., 228. Dix, John A., 228. Dixon, James, 232. Dodge, G. M., 233. Dodge, William E., Jr., 234. Douglas, Mrs. Stephen A., 235. Drake, Charles D., 236. Dubois, Jesse K., 243. Du Pont, Samuel F., 245. Durley, William, 247.

East, E. H., 249. Eckert, T. T., 250. Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs., 251. Embree, E., 252. Evans, E. P., 253. Everett, Edward, 253. Ewing, Thomas H., 255.

Fair, Sailors', at Boston, 259. Fair, Sanitary, at Chicago, 260. Farragut, David G., 260. Fell, Jesse W., 261. Ferguson, R. L., 264. Ficklin, O. B., 264. Field, Christopher F., 265. Filley, O. D., 266. Fishback, W. M., 268. Fisher, C. H., 269. Fisher, G. P., 269. Fisk, Clinton B., 271. Fithian, William, 271. Flanders, B. F., 272. Fleming, J. M., 272. Fletcher, Thomas C., 274. Foote, Andrew H., 275. Forney, John W., 276. Foster, J. G., 276. Fox, Gustavus V., 277. Franklin, W. B., 279. Frazer, W. E., 280. Frémont, John C., 280. Frémont, Mrs. John C., 295. French, B. B., 295. Fry, John B., 296.

Galloway, Samuel, 297. Gamble, Hamilton R., 302. Gardner, Prof., 306. Garrison, William Lloyd, 307.