Index talk:Relief Society Magazine 1.1.djvu

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Hi, thanks for helping out. Don't worry about proofreading ads. Formatting is nice--see the first few pages for examples. If you look at the code under "edit" you can see how the formatting is done. Let me know if you have any questions.

Here are some of the things you might need to use when formatting these magazine pages:

  • Do not indent new paragraphs. Instead, hit enter and leave a space between the two paragraphs. This lets wikisource know there is a new paragraph.
  • To make a line break without making a new paragraph, use <br>
  • {{rule}} creates a line like this:

  • {{center|centered text here}} centers text to look like this:

centered text here

  • {{Smaller| small text here}} makes text look smaller like this: small text here.
  • {{fs|200%|RELIEF SOCIETY BULLETIN}} makes the text twice as big and looks like this: RELIEF SOCIETY BULLETIN
  • {{rh|VOL. 1.|January, 1914 |NO. 1}} makes a line of text with the three things in it evenly spaced, starting at the right-hand side. Looks like this:
    VOL. 1.
    January, 1914
    NO. 1

Use it for "headers" to format the title and page number that appear at the top of each page in the special "header" box. You can change which "space" the number goes in to reflect which side it appears on in the text. For example, in {{rh|2|RELIEF SOCIETY BULLETIN|}}, the "2" appears on the right-hand side. In {{rh||RELIEF SOCIETY BULLETIN|3}}, the "3" will appear on the right-hand side, like so:

  • If you see a spelling error that doesn't look like a variant spelling, indicate it with {{SIC|what the text says|what it ought to say}}. So if the text says "puprle" and you're pretty sure they meant "purple," write {{SIC|puprle|purple}}. This way we still have a record of what the text actually shows, and the text is more legible.
  • Sometimes the magazine will have a list of items slightly indented. This is formatted with a left margine like this: {{left margin|1em|thing slightly indented here<br> second thing here <br> third here <br>}} It looks like this:

thing slightly indented here
second thing here
third here

Regular text

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