Index talk:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu

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Part I isn't really the "traditional" Volume 44 of the Statutes at large but the Code of Laws (or the Revised Statutes of the United States similar to the modern United States Code today) that contains portions of Vol. 44 as they were codified into the Revised Statues of the day. Parts II & III appear to be the usual Statues at Large volumes "typically" published as Parts I & II for other sessions of Congress.

Just thought I'd make a note of it - might be unneeded as a work in this project. George Orwell III (talk) 02:16, 27 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

As a visit to the local law library will confirm, the lengthy scanned volume posted here was, in fact, published as Volume 44, Part 1 of the Statutes at Large, with Parts 2 and 3 containing the ordinary legislation of the 69th Congress. This is not the first time Congress directed that material other than session laws be included in the Statutes at Large; there is an earlier Revised Statutes in Volume 18, Part 1, and of course many early volumes of the Statutes at Large include non-statutory materials such as Presidential records, treaties with foreign nations, and the like. Tarmstro99 (talk) 16:37, 29 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
That's all well and fine. I just didn't think it was made clear what this volume contained and why just yet is all. Also, I'm not sure why Part III isn't coming up - or is that not set up yet? We are just trying to fill in the lists per year and per POTUS so there is little double duty being done here (and incorporating existing content neatly & without intrusion whenever possible). George Orwell III (talk) 18:24, 29 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]