Index to Short Stories/Index to Short Stories/Ce

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1381711Index to Short Stories — Index to Short Stories, [Ce, Ci)1923Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
Cecca's lover. Allen, G.
Cech, Savatopluk
In Underwood, E. W. tr. Short stories from the Balkans
Cecil Castlemaine's gage. Ouida
Cecilia the Pharisee. Michelson, M.
Cecil's tryst. Payn, J.
Cecily. Hopkins, W. J.
Cedarschiöld, Gunnar, 1887-
In Collier's 60:18 O 27 '17
Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County. See Clemens. S. L. Jumping frog
Celebrity at home. Merrick, L.
Celestial chat. Phillpotts, E.
Celestial railroad. Hawthorne, N.
Celestial slingers. Jókai, M.
Celimene's diamonds. Hardy, A. S.
Cellars of Rueda. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Celtic beauty. MacManus, S.
Cenotaph. Earle, M. T.
Centaur. Guerin, G. M. de
Centenarian. Ingersoll, W. E.
Centurian of the thirtieth. Kipling, R.
Certain recipient. Duncan, N.
"Certain rich man ." Perry, L.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616
Liberal lover
In Jessup, A. and Canby, H. S. Book of the short story
Chad Gadya. Zangwill, I.
Chained to virtue. Thanet, O.
Chains. Dreiser, T.
Chair of philanthromathematics. Henry, O.
Chaldean magician, an adventure in Rome, in the reign of the Emperor Diocletian. Eckstein, E.
Chali. Maupassant, G. de
Challenge. Brown, A.
Challenge! Maartens, M.
Challenge. Tracy, V.
Challoner's adventure: The squire of dames. Story of the destroying angel. Stevenson, R. L.
Chalmer's gold piece. Gray, D.
Chaloner's best man. Castle, A. and Castle, E.
Chamber of light. Morrison, A.
Chamber over the gate. Bates, A.
Chambers, Robert William, 1865-
In Harp W 48:202 F 6 '04
Absent-minded goddess
In Sat Eve Post 180:5 Jl 13 '07
In Sat Eve Post 181:7 Ag 22 '08
In Sat Eve Post 181:4 S 26 '08
Ambassador extraordinary
In Haunts of men
In Hampton 26:530
Another good man
In Haunts of men
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 My 6 '05
In Harp W 48:98 Ja 16 '04
Better man
In The better man
Between friends
In Between friends
Black Water
In Maker of moons
Eng Illust 15:546
Blue-bird weather
In Blue-bird weather
Cosmopol 51:843; 52:124
Boy's sister
In Maker of moons
Bridal pair
In Tree of heaven
Harper 106:84
In The better man
Carpet of Belshazzar
In Tree of heaven
Case of Mr. Garden
In Sat Eve Post 178:3 My 12; 14 My 19 '06
Case of Mr. Helmer
In Tree of heaven
Harper 109:769
Collector of the port
In Haunts of men
In Maker of moons
In Heart's 29:12 Ja '16
Daughter of the revolution
In Hampton 27:330
Demoiselle d'Ys
In King in yellow
Down and out
In The better man
Drusilla and pa-pah
In Sat Eve Post 181:6 Ja 9 '09
Dryad's hunting
In Sat Eve Post 176:4 Je 25 '04
Eggs of the Silver moon
In Police!!!
En passant
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 Ja 21 '05
Enter the queen
In Haunts of men
Ever after
In Sat Eve Post 181:11 O 31 '08
Ex curia
In Tree of heaven
Scrib M 36:240
Ex machina
In Sat Eve Post 180:3 Ag 17 '07
In Hearst's 30:150 S '16
In The better man
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 108:930
In Sat Eve Post 181:16 F 13 '09
Germ of madness
In The better man
Ghost of chance
In Tree of heaven
Everybody's 13:146
God of battles
In Haunts of men
Golden pool
In Tree of heaven
Harp W 47:3 D 12 '03
Good citizens
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 S 17 '04
Hell's ashes
In The better man
How love came
In Cur Lit 33:432
In Police!!!
In heaven and earth
In Sat Eve Post 181:3 N 7; 12, N 14 '08
In Nauvoo
In Young man in a hurry
In the name of the Most High
In Maker of moons
Eng Illust 16:305
Chambers, R. W.Continued
International affair
In Haunts of men
In Iole
Keys of Eden
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 F 4 '05
La Brabangonne
In Hearst's 31:84 F '17
Ladies of the lake
In Police!!!
Lady in haste
In Sat Eve Post 180:3 Jl 27 '07
Little misery
In Haunts of men
In Hearst's 29:422
Lords of creation
In Hampton 27:131
Lucille's legs
In The better man
Lynx Peak pastoral
In The better man
Maker of moons
In Maker of moons
Eng Illust 15:315
Man at the next table
In Maker of moons
In Young man in a hurry
Marlitt's shoes
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 106:682
In King in yellow
Matter of eugenics
In Hampton 26:675
Matter of interest
In Mystery of choice
Cosmopol 23:315, 421
In Mystery of choice
Scarborough, D. Famous modern ghost stories
Scrib M 21:194
In Sat Eve Post 179:3 Je 8 '07
Mixed bag
In Harp W 48:406
Mystic three
In Sat Eve Post 178:1 D 23 '05
Nolens volens
In Sat Eve Post 178:3 Ap 28 '06
In Harper 109:831
Number seven
In The better man
Nursery tale
In The better man
Ole Hawg
In The better man
One man in a million
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 103:944
One over
In Police!!!
Orange puppy
In Harp B 48:20 Jl; 20 Ag; 30 Sept '13
Orchard-land, a children's story
In Orchard-land
Out of the depths
In Tree of heaven
Collier's 34:12 D 3 '04
In Outdoorland
In Sat Eve Post 179:10 Je 22 '07
Owl's head
In The better man
Pasque Florida
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 107:583
In Sat Eve Post 181:5 O 17 '08
In Mystery of choice
Eng Illust 18:62
Path-master: an evangel of the forest
In Young man in a hurry
Sat Eve Post 174:1 Jl 20 '01
Un peu d'amour
In Police!!!
In God of battles
McClure 7:437
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 103:358
Pleasant evening
In Maker of moons
Pompe funebre
In Mystery of choice
Pro bono publico
In Hampton 27:19
Progress of Janet
In The better man
Prophet's paradise
In King in yellow
Purple emperor
In Mystery of choice
Quod erat—
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 Ap 22 '05
Real thing
In The better man
Red ferry
In Sat Eve Post 181:6 S 19 '08
Repairer of reputations
In King in yellow
River-land: a story for children
In Riverland
In Collier's 42:12 S 26 '08
Rue Barree
In King in yellow
In Sat Eve Post 181:10 N 28 '08
In Sat Eve Post 178:3 My 5 '06
In Sat Eve Post 183:14 D 24 '10
Shining band
In Young man in a hurry
Sign of Venus
In Tree of heaven
Harper 108:99
Silent land
In Maker of moons
Smith's battery
In Haunts of men
Solomon's seal
In Sat Eve Post 178:1 Mr 31 '06
Special messenger
In Harper 110:344
In Harper 108:367, 618
State of mind
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 Je 3 '05
Stranger than fiction
In Harp B 48:6 N '13
Street of Our lady of the fields
In King in yellow
Street of the first shell
In King in yellow
Street of the four winds
In King in yellow
In Tree of heaven
Sat Eve Post 177:1 Mr 18 '05
In Sat Eve Post 181:5 D 19 '08
Third eye
In Police!!!
Tracer of lost persons
In Sat Eve Post 177:1 Je 17; 6 Je 24 '05
Tree of dreams
In Tree of heaven
Sat Eve Post 179:3 Ja 19 '07
Tree of heaven
Harp W 48:24 D 10 '04
Trouble for two
In Harper 109:390
In Harp W 47:2116
In Haunts of men
White shadow
In Mystery of choice
Wild boar shooting
In Collier's 41:14 S 5 '08
Wildrick's dump
In The better man
Wolf! Wolf!
In Harper's W 47:1912
Yellow sign
In King in yellow
In Hearst's 36:8 Jl '19
Yo espero
In Haunts of men
Scrib M 21:413
Young man in a hurry
In Young man in a hurry
Harper 107:377
Chamisso, Adalbert, yon (Louis Charles Adelaide de Chamisso), 1781-1838
Peter Schlemihl; the shadowless man
In Wonderful history of Peter Schlemihl
Mabie, H. W. and Strachey, L.
Little masterpieces of fiction v 5
Stories by foreign authors, German
Champagne; a wayfarer's story. Chekhov, A. P.
Champion of the weather. Henry, O.
Championship. Morris, G.
Champney, Elizabeth (Williams) (Mrs. James Wells Champney) 1850-
Heartbreak cameo
In Stories by American authors v 6
Chan Tow, the highrob. Fernald, C. B.
Chance child. Mayo, I.
Chance of Araminta. Freeman, M. E. W.
Chance of the game. Morrison, A.
Chance Samaritan. Lewis, M. C.
Chandra's vengeance. Frere, M.
Change of air. Gerould, K. F.
Change of air. Van Dyke, H.
Change of heart. French, A. W.
Change of heart. Hawkins, A. H.
Change of heart; a drama. James, H.
Change of heart. Spofford, H. P.
Change of treatment. Jacobs, W. W.
Change of views. Payn, J.
Changed man. Hardy, T.
Changed view. Donnell, A. H.
Changeling. Jacobs, W. W.
Changeling. Lamb, C.
Changing numbers. Jacobs, W. W.
Channing, Grace Ellery. See Stetson G. E. C.
Chaparral Christmas gift. Henry, O.
Chaparral prince. Henry, O.
Chapel of ease. Davis, Rebecca H.
Chaperon. Hibbard, G. A.
Chaperon. James, H.
Chaplin, Heman White, 1847-
In Stories by American authors v 9
Cent 23:131
Village convict
In Stories by American authors v 6
Character woman. Hurst, F.
Charcoal sketches. Sienkiewicz, H.
Charge for France. Heard, J., jr.
"Charge it"; or, Keeping up with Harry. Bacheller, I.
Chariot of fire. Ward, E. S. P.
Charity. Bovet, M. A. de
Charity. Boyesen, H. H.
Charity ball. Gale, Z.
Charley. White, S. E.
Charley and the possum. Edwards, H. S.
Charles Ashmore's trail. Bierce, A.
Charley's coup. London, J.
Charlie Whittler's Christmas party. Page, T. N.
Charlotte Wilmot: Merchant's daughter. Lamb, M.
Charm dispelled. See Maupassant, G. de Discovery
Charm of the stable. Maupassant, G. de
Charm school. Miller, A. D.
Charmed life. Davis, Richard H.
Charmed life. Gibbon, P.
Charmer of snakes. Hichens, R. S.
Charming family. Gissing, G. R.
Charming woman. Jerome, J. K.
Chartres. Gibbon, P.
Chase of Saint-Castin, Catherwood, M. H.
Chase of the fin-back whale. Duncan, N.
Chase of the tide. Duncan, N.
Chase overnight. Connolly, J. B.
Chasing a major-general. Remington, F.
Chasing a rainbow. Futrelle, J.
Chasing the white mail. Warman, C.
Chasse-Croise. Zangwill, I.
Chastening of Sally. Vorse, M. H.
Chat about children, snakes and zebus. Doyle, A. C.
Chat with Xanthippe. Bangs, J. K.
Chateau of Prince Polignac. Trollope, A.
Chateaubriand, François Auguste René, Viscount, 1768-1848
Adventures of the last of the abencerrages
In Dorchain, A. ed. Twelve best short stories in the French language
Chatelaine of Burnt Ridge. Harte, B.
Chatelaine of La Trinite. Fuller, H. B.
Chatelaine of Vergi. Marie de France
Châtelaine sans château. Ouida
Chatelard. Simms, W. G.
Chatrian, A. See Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Chatter-box. Wyatt, E. F.
Chautauquaed. Kipling, R.
Chautonville. Comfort, W. L.
Chavero. Connolly, J. B.
Cheap at a million. Lefèvre, E.
Cheap boat. Vorse, M. H.
Cheap tour. Payn, J.
Cheapness of the boat. Vorse, M. H.
Cheating the gallows. Zangwill, I.
Check and countercheck. See Matthews, J. B. and Jessop, G. H. Tale of twenty-five hours
Checked imagination. Björnson, B.
Checked love affair. Ford, P. L.
Checkerboard table. Rinehart, M. R.
Checkmate. Maupassant, G. de
Cheek. Marshall, A.
Cheerful by request. Ferber, E.
Cheerful glacier. Austin, M. H.
Cheese-soup. Daudet, A.
Cheesewing. Bland, E. N.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
In Love and other stories
About love
In Wife and other stories
Actor's end
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Adventure a driver's story
In Cook's wedding and other stories
After the theatre
In Bet and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Schoolmistress and other stories
In Witch and other stories
In Stories of Russian life
In Schoolmaster and other stories
"Anna on the neck"
In Party and other stories
Anonymous story
In Lady with the dog and other stories
In Darling and other stories
In Darling and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Artist's story (House with the mezzanine painter's story)
In Darling and other stories
House with the mezzanine and other stories
My life and other stories
At a country house (At the manor)
In Black monk
Chorus girl and other stories
Touchstone 7:126
At a summer villa
In Love and other stories
At Christmas time
In Russian silhouettes
Witch and other stories
At home (1)
In Black monk and other stories
Stories of Russian life
At home (2)
In Duel and other stories
At the barber's
In Schoolmaster and other stories
At the manor. See Chekhov, A. P. At a country house Avenger
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Bad business
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Bad conduct. See Chekhov, A. P. Kaschtanka
Bad weather
In Chorus girl and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In Bet and other stories
Schoolmistress and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Bird market
In Cook's wedding and other stories
In Bishop and other stories
Black monk
In Black monk and other stories
Lady with the dog and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
In Russian silhouettes
In Love and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Carelessness. See Chekhov, A. P. Inadvertence
Carried top far. See Chekhov, A. P. Overdoing it
Cattle dealers
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Chameleon and four other tales
Cook's wedding and other stories
Champagne; a way-farer's story
In Schoolmistress and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Chemist's wife
In Duel and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In Love and other stories
Chorus girl
In Chorus girl and other stories
Russian silhouettes
La cigale
In Kiss and other stories
Classical student (Matter of classics)
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Cook's wedding
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In Love and other stories
Country cottage
In Love and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
In Darling and other stories
Fortn 36:560
Daughter of Albion
In Love and other stories
Day in the country
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Dead body
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Death of a government clerk [Death of an official]
In Love and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Death of an official. See Chekhov, A. P. Death of a government clerk
In Stories of Russian life
Defenceless creature
In Horse-stealers and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Dialogue between a man and a dog
In Stratford J 4:291
Difficult people
In Wife and other stories
In Love and other stories
Doctor's visit
In Lady with the dog and other stories
In Witch and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Dreary story (Tedious story; Tiresome story
In Bet, and other tales
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Wife and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Duel and other stories
Easter eve
In Bishop and other stories
Enemies (Two tragedies)
In Bet and other stories
Black monk and other stories
Schoolmistress and other stories
Enigmatic nature
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Event. See Chekhov, A. P. Incident
Examining magistrate
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Excellent people
In Duel and other stories
Expensive lessons
In Bet and other stories
Duel and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Family council. See Chekhov, A. P. Problem
Fat and thin (Lean and fat)
In Love and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In Black monk and other stories
Chorus girl and other stories
Father of a family. See Chekhov, A. P. Head of the family
First-class passenger (Such is fame!)
In Nine humorous tales
Schoolmistress and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Fit. See Chekhov, A. P. Nervous breakdown
From the diary of a violent-tempered man
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Gentleman friend (Her gentleman friend)
In Bet and other stories
Chorus girl and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Nine humorous tales
Gone astray
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Gooseberries. See Chekhov, A. P. Gooseberry-bush
Gooseberry-bush (Gooseberries)
In House with the mezzanine and other stories
Steppe and other stories
Wife and other stories
My life and other stories
Goussiev (Gusez)
In House with the mezzanine and other stories
Witch and other stories
My life and other stories
Grasshopper (La cigale)
In Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Wife and other stories
In Steppe and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Gusez. See Chekhov, A. P. Goussiev
Chekhov, Anton PavlovichContinued
In Witch and other stories
Happy ending
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Happy man
In Horse-stealers and other stories
He who wore a husk
In Steppe and other stories
Head gardener's story. See Chekhov, A. P. Head gardener's tale
Head gardener's tale (Head gardener's story)
In Kiss and other stories
Schoolmistress and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Head of the family (Father of a family)
In Lady with the dog and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In Darling and other stories
Her gentleman friend. See Chekhov, A. P. Gentleman friend
Hollow (In the ravine)
In Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Steppe and other stories
Witch and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Eng R 6:625
In Cook's wedding and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Horsey name
In Russian silhouettes
House with the mezzanine painter's story. See Chekhov, A. P. Artist's story
In Witch and other stories
In Lady with the dog and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In a hotel
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In a strange land
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In an ill-humour
In Chameleon and four other tales
In exile
In Black monk and other stories
House with the mezzanine and other stories
My life and other stories
Schoolmistress and other stories
Esenwein, J. B. Short story masterpieces, Russian v 2
Fortn 80:529
Lippinc 90:370
In passion week
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In the coach house
In Russian silhouettes
Schoolmistress and other stories
In the court (On trial)
In Kiss and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Schoolmaster and other stories
In the dark
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In the graveyard
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In the ravine. See Chekhov, A. P. Hollow
In trouble (Trouble)
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Russian R (NY) 1:218
Inadvertence (Carelessness)
In Nine humorous tales
Schoolmaster and other stories
Incident (Event)
In Black monk and other stories
Chameleon and four other tales
Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In Steppe and other stories
In Chameleon and four other tales
Love and other stories
In Lady with the dog and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Ivan Matveyitch
In Chorus girl and other stories
Jeune premier
In Horse-stealers and other stories
In Russian silhouettes
Love and other stories
Journey by cart
In Russian silhouettes
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Just for a lark
In Eng Rev 6:625
Kashtanka. (Bad conduct)
In Cook's wedding and other stories
New Eng M n s 39:564
In Kiss and other stories
Party and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
La cigale. See Chekhov, A. P. Grashopper
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Lady N—'s story (Lady's story)
In Russian silhouettes
Schoolmistress and other stories
Lady with the dog (Lady with the toy dog)
In House with the mezzanine and other stories
Lady with the dog and other stories
My life and other stories
Lady with the toy dog. See Chekhov, A. P. Lady with the dog
Lady's story. See Chekhov, A. P. Lady N 's story
Lean and fat. See Chekhov, A. P. Fat and thin
In Bishop and other stories
In Love and other stories
Lion and the sun
In Love and other stories
Little Jack
In Stories of Russian life
Living calendar
In Bet and other stories
Living chattel
In Love and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Lottery ticket
In Wife and other stories
In Love and other stories
In Witch and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Man in a case
In Wife and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Mari d'Elle
In Love and other stories
Marshal's widow
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Love and other stories
Mass for the dead
In Kiss and other stories
Matter of classics. See Chekhov, A. P. Classical student
Minds in ferment
In Horse-stealers and other stories
In Duel and other stories
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Bet and other stories
Party and other stories
In Bishop and other stories
Stories of Russian life
In Kiss and other stories
My life, the story of a provincial
In Chorus girl and other stories
House with the mezzanine and other stories
My life and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Naughty boy (That "fresh kid," That wretched boy.)
In Bet and other tales
Nine humorous tales
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In Duel and other stories
In Love and other stories
Nervous breakdown (Fit)
In Bet and other stories
Schoolmistress and other stories
New villa
In Witch and other stories
Night before Easter
In Stories of Russian life
In Bishop and other stories
Not wanted
In Party and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Of love
In Steppe and other stories
Oh! the public
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Old age
In Bet and other stories
Horse-stealers and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Old house
In Cook's wedding and other stories
On official duty
In School mistress and other stories
On the road. See Chekhov, A. P. On the way
On the way (On the road)
In Black monk and other stories
Chorus girl and other stories
Stories of Russian life
On trial. See Chekhov, A. P. In the court
In Russian silhouettes
Schoolmaster and other stories
Out of sorts
In Russian silhouettes
Overdoing it (Overspiced; Overseasoned; Carried too far)
In Chameleon and four other tales
Nine humorous tales
Schoolmaster and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Overseasoned. See Chekhov.. A. P. Overdoing it
Overspiced. See Chekhov, A. P. Overdoing it
Overwhelming sensations (btrong impressions)
In Bet and other stories
Schoolmaster and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Kiss and other stories
Panic fears
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Party and other stories
Peasant wives
In Witch and other stories
In Witch and other stories
Peculiar man
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Pink stocking
In Love and other stories
In Witch and other stories
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Darling and other stories
Chekhov, Anton PavlovichContinued
In Witch and other stories
In Duel and other stories
Kiss and other stories
Privy councillor
In Kiss and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Wife and other stories
Problem (Family council)
In Black monk and other stories
Party and other stories
In Kiss and other stories
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Stories of Russian life
In Steppe and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle
In Black monk and other stories
Chorus girl and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Russian silhouettes
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Kiss and other stories
Safety match
In Continental classics v 18
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German, etc.
Scandal-monger. See Chekhov, A. P.
In Schoolmaster and other stories
In Schoolmistress and other stories
Shoemaker and the devil
In Schoolmistress and other stories
Shrove Tuesday
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Slander (Scandal-monger)
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Nine humorous tales
Sleepy (Sleepy-eye) (Sleepy-head)
In Black monk and other stories
Cook's wedding and other stories
Cosmopol 41:151
Int Soc R 17:492
Sleepy-eye. See Chekhov, A. P. Sleepy
Sleepy-head. See Chekhov, A. P. Sleepy
Small fry
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Schoolmistress and other stories
Steppe; the story of a journey
In Bishop and other stories
Steppe and other stories
Story without an end
In Love and other stories
Story without a title
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Street scene in Russia [from Chameleon]
In Canad M 24:556
Strong impressions. See Chekhov, A. P. Overwhelming sensations
In Witch and other stories
Such is fame! See Chekhov, A. P. First-class passenger
Swedish match the story of a crime
In Cook's wedding and other stories
In Darling and other stories
Teacher of literature
In Party and other stories
Tedious story. See Chekhov, A. P. Dreary story
Terrible night
In Cur Lit 42:112
Terror; my friend's story
In Party and other stories
That "fresh kid." See Chekhov, A. P. Naughty boy
That wretched boy. See Chekhov, A. P. Naughty boy
Three years
In Darling and other stories
Tiresome story. See Chekhov, A. P. Dreary story
Too early
In Love and other stories
Tragic actor
In Schoolmistress and other stories
In Schoolmistress and other stories
Trifle from life. See Chekhov, A. P. Trifle from real life
Trifle from real life (Trifle from life; Trifling occurrence)
In Bet and other stories
Party and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Trifling occurrence. See Chekhov, A. P. Trifle from real life
Tripping tongue
In Schoolmaster and other stories
Trivial incident
In Chorus girl and other stories
Trouble. See Chekhov, A. P. In trouble Troublesome visitor (Troublesome guest)
In Horse-stealers and other stories
Stories from Russian life
In Darling and other stories
Stories of Russian life
Touchstone 1:376
In Russian silhouettes
Two beautiful girls
In Russian silhouettes
Two tragedies. See Chekhov, A. P. Enemies
Two Volodyas
In Darling and other stories
In House with the mezzanine and other stories
My life and other stories
Party and other stories
In Lady with the dog and other stories
In Bishop and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Steppe and other stories
In Nine humorous tales
Vierochka (Verotchka)
In Chorus girl and other stories
Kiss and other stories
Rothschild's fiddle and other stories
Verotchka. See Chekhov, A. P. Vierochka
Volodia. See Chekhov, A. P. Volodya
Volodya (Volodia)
In Lady with the dog and other stories
Russian silhouettes
Ward no. 6
In Black monk and other stories
Horse-stealers and other stories
In Cook's wedding and other stories
Who was she?
In Nine humorous tales
Who was to blame?
In Cook's wedding and other stories
In Wife and other stories
In Witch and other stories
Without a title
In Stories of Russian life
In Kiss and other stories
Woman's kingdom (Women)
In Kiss and other stories
Party and other stories
Women. See Chekhov, A. P. Woman's kingdom
Work of art
In Love and other stories
Nine humorous tales
In Chorus girl and other stories
Kiss and other stories
Chekko and Uncle Ben. Warman, C.
Chelkash. Gorky, M.
Chemical comedy. Robertson, M.
Chemistry class. Phillpotts, E.
Chemistry of anarchy. Barr, R.
Chemist's wife. Chekhov, A. P.
Cheneviere, Adolphe, 1855-
In Patten, W. International short stories v 3
Cherchez la femme. Fisher, D. C.
Cherchez la femme. Henry, O.
Cherokee embassage. Simms, W. G.
Cherokee Hall. Lewis, A. H.
Cherokee Hall plays poker. Lewis, A. H.
Cherokee legend. See Simms, W. G. Jocassee, a Cherokee legend
Cherries in Kent. Earle, M. T.
Cherry. Tarkington, B.
Cherry orchard. Edgeworth, M.
"Cherry ripe." Phillpotts, E.
Cherrycote. Harrison, C. C.
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell, 1858-
Baxter's Procrustes
In Atlan 93:823
In Wife of his youth
Atlan 84:648
Bunch of yellow roses
In Liv Age 225:63
Cicely's dream
In Wife of his youth
Conjurer's revenge
In Conjure woman
Overland n s 13:623
Dave's neckliss
In Atlan 64:500
Goophered grapevine
In Conjure woman
Atlan 60:254
Gray Wolf's ha'nt
In Conjure woman
Her Virginia Mammy
In Wife of his youth
Hot-foot Hannibal
In Conjure woman
Atlan 83:49
March of progress
In Cent 61:422
Mars Jeem's nightmare
In Conjure woman
Matter of principle
In Wife of his youth
Passing of Grandisson
In Wife of his youth
Po J Sandy
In Conjure woman
Sheriffs children
In Wife of his youth
Sis' Becky's pickaninny
In Conjure woman
Sway-backed house
In Outlook 66:588
Uncle Wellington's wives
In Wife of his youth
Web of circumstance
In Wife of his youth
Wife of his youth
In Wife of his youth
Atlan 82:55
Chest of cedar. Jacks, L. P.
Chest of silver. Hornung, E. W.
Chester, George Randolph
Bargain day at Tutt house
In Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Chesterfield's postal cards to his son. Matthews, J. B.
Chevalier de Resseguier. Aldrich, T. B.
Chevalier of Pensieri-Vani. Fuller, H. B.
Chevalier Saint Agar. Trumbull, A. E.
Chick of the Easter egg. Howells, W. D.
Chickamauga. Bierce, A.
Chicken-feed. Hughes, R.
Chickens. Ferber, E.
Chief and his fellow dogs. Smith, F. H.
Chief clerk's Christmas. White, W. A.
Chief engineer. Osbourne, L.
Chief factor. Parker, G.
Chief of the devorants. See Balzac, H. de. Ferragus
Chief operator. Ward, E. S. P.
Le chien d'or. Besant, W.
Child. Donnell, A. H.
Child. Galsworthy, J.
Child. Lowndes, M. A. B.
Child. Maupassant, G. de
Child Christopher and Goldiluid the Fair. Morris, W.
Child in the garden. Merrick, L.
Child in the house. Pater, W.
Child of Christmas. Harris, J. C.
Child of light. Crosby, M.
Child of the age. Boyesen, H. H.
Child of the Ghetto. Zangwill, I.
Child of the heart. Cutting, M. S.
Child of the Jago. Morrison, A.
Child of the phalanstery. Allen, G.
Child of the rain. Peattie, E. W.
Child of Urbino. Ouida
Child spy. See Daudet, A. Boy spy
Child that was taken to raise. Singmaster, E.
Child who had everything but—. Bangs, J. K.
Children. Bacon, J. D.
Children. Chekhov, A. P.
Children. Gale, Z.
Children. Morris, K.
Children may be wiser than their parents. See Tolstoi, L. N. Texts for woodcuts.
Children of Mount Pyb. Pangborn, G. W.
Children of the barren. Stetson, G. E. C.
Children of the long ago. Thompson, V.
Children of the public. Hale, E. E.
Children of the sun. Simms, W. G.
Children of the zodiac. Kipling, R.
Children of water. Sharp, W.
Children of wind and the clan of peace. Sharp, W.
Children's crusade. See Peattie, E. W. With scrip and staff.
Children's hearts. Bourget, P.
Child's dream of a star. Dickens, A.
Child's heart. Vorse, M. H.
Child's letter. Field, E.
Child's mother. Deland, M.
Child's story. Dickens, C.
Chilhowee lily. Craddock, C. E.
Chimaera. Hawthorne, N.
Chimes. Dickens, C.
Chinago. London, J.
Chinese ambassador. Halévy, L.
Chinese girl graduate. Douglas, R. K.
Chinese magic. Blackwood, A.
Ching, Ching, Chinaman. Steele, W. D.
Ching-Ling-Chan concession. Hibbard, G. A.
Chink and the child. Burke, T.
Chip. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Chip of the old block. Wynne, M. Y.
Chippings with a chisel. Hawthorne, N.
Chirikov, Evgeniv, 1864-
In Russian Rev (NY) 3:15
Chiropodist. Taylor, B.
Choctaw Sampson. See Simms, W. G. Oakatibbe, or, The Choctaw Sampson
Choice. Galsworthy, J.
Choice. Wharton, E.
Choice of Amyntas. Maugham, W. S.
Choice of Cyril Harjohn. Jerome, J. K.
Choice spirits. Jacobs, W. W.
Choices. See Cabell, J. B. Story of the choices
Choolah. See Craddock, C. E. Exploit of Choolah
Choosing time. Moulton, L. C.
Chopin of the gutter. Huneker, J. G.
Choristers. Chekhov, A. P.
Chorus girl. Chekhov, A. P.
Choy Susan. Bishop, W. H.
Chris Farrington, able seaman. London, J.
Chrisna; the queen of the Danube. Saintine, J. X. B.
Christ. See Merezh-Kovskii, D. S. When Christ shall rise again
Christ in Flanders. Balzac, H. de
Christabel. Robins, E.
Christening. Gale, Z.
Christening. Lawrence, D. H.
Christening. Maupassant, G. de
Christian. Galsworthy, J.
Christian Gellert's last Christmas. Auerbach, B.
Christian Lahnsen's baron. Theden, D.
Christie Johnstone. Reade, C.
Christmas accident. Trumbull, A. E.
Christmas and Rome. Hale, E. E.
Christmas angel. Singmaster, E.
Christmas at Goldberg. Peattie, E. W.
Christmas at Peace Haven. Grenfell, W. T.
Christmas at the Trimbles. Stuart, R. M.
Christmas at Thompson Hall. Trollope, A.
Christmas banquet. Hawthorne, N.
Christmas before last. Stockton, F. R.
Christmas, Beggar's. Wyatt, E. F.
Christmas bells. Spofford, H. P.
Christmas betrothal. Coppee, F.
Christmas blessing. Spofford, H. P.
[Christmas] Burglar and the blizzard. Miller, A. D.
Christmas burglary. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Christmas by injunction. Henry, O.
Christmas carol. Dickens, C.
Christmas child. Schock, G.
Christmas chime. Lewis, M. C.
Christmas clearing-house, ltd. Hughes, R.
Christmas club. Eggleston, E.
[Christmas] Col. Crockett's cooperative. Hughes, R.
Christmas, Conscript's. Harris, J. C.
Christmas, criss cross. Hughes, R.
Christmas crime. Bishop, W. H.
Christmas day in the morning. Phillpotts, E.
Christmas day on Old Windy mountain. Craddock, C. E.
Christmas devotee. French, A. W.
[Christmas] Dick Decker's most glorious
Christmas party. MacManus, S.
Christmas, Dick Spindler's. Harte, B.
Christmas dinner. Dickens, C.
Christmas dinner mother didn't cook. Gale, Z.
Christmas, Duke's. Stuart, R. M.
Christmas episode of the plantation. Stuart, R. M.
Christmas eve. Maupassant, G. de
Christmas eve at Swamp's End. Duncan, N.
Christmas eve concert. Allen, G.
Christmas eve happening. Spofford, H. P.
Christmas eve in the forest. Zeisinger, H.
Christmas eve on Lonesome. Fox, J., jr.
Christmas-eve revel in the Marais. Daudet, A.
Christmas eve under the Terror. Bourget, P.
Christmas every day. Howells, W. D.
Christmas fantasy, with a moral. Aldrich, T. B.
Christmas feast, Father Balagnere's. Daudet, A.
Christmas riddle. Austin, M. H.
Christmas for Big Ame. Fox, J., jr.
Christmas for Tony. Gale, Z.
Christmas geese. Stuart, R. M.
Christmas ghost. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas gift, Chapparal. Henry, O.
Christmas gift of Thaddeus. Bangs, J. K.
Christmas gift, Penelope's. Jordan, E. G.
Christmas gift that came to Rupert. Harte, B.
Christmas gift, Van Valkenburg's. Jordan, E. G.
Christmas gifts. Stuart, R. M.
Christmas guest. Kelly, M.
Christmas guest. Lagerlöf, S.
Christmas guest. See Stuart, R. M. Sonny, a Christmas guest
Christmas handicap. Connolly, J. B.
Christmas hare-hunt in old Virginia. See Page, T. N. Long hill-side
Christmas, Her. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas in a dugout. Empey, A. G.
Christmas Jenny. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas, Josiah's first. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas, Journey in search of. Wister, O.
Christmas joy that came to Betty. French, A. W.
Christmas Kalends of Provence. Janvier, T. A.
Christmas lady. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas, Little lady who wouldn't spoil. Long, J. L.
[Christmas] Lost! Dec. 25th. Thanet, O.
Christmas lovers. Coppee, F.
[Christmas] Mamsell Fredrika. Lagerlöf, S.
[Christmas] Mam'selle Delphine; a story of the Christmas. Edwards, H. S.
Christmas masquerade. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas miracle. See Craddock, C. E. His Christmas miracle
[Christmas] Misadventures of John Nicholson. Stevenson, R. L.
Christmas love story, Just sweethearts. Edwards, H. S.
[Christmas] "Merry Christmas, dad!" Norris, K.
Christmas, Mr. Davidson's last. Watson, J.
[Christmas] Mistletoe, a Christmas eve love story. Brown, A.
[Christmas] Mrs. Budlong's. Christmas gifts. Hughes, R.
Christmas monks. Freeman M. E. W.
Christmas mummers. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Christmas mutineers. Osbourne, L.
Christmas mystery; the story of three wise men. Locke, W. J.
Christmas night. Lagerlöf, S.
Christmas, Night before. Harris, J. C.
[Christmas]. Night before Christmas; a morality. Howells, W. D.
Christmas night with Satan. Fox, J., jr.
Christmas, Old-time. Davis, C. B.
Christmas, Old-time. Dunbar, P. L.
Christmas party, Beasley's. Tarkington, B.
Christmas party, Charley Whittler's. Page, T. N.
Christmas party. Woolson, C. F.
Christmas passage, Joy of a. Connolly, J. B.
Christmas peace. Page, T. N.
Christmas phantoms. Gorky, M.
Christmas picture. Barr, R.
Christmas, Pilot Matthey's. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Christmas possum, Mt. Pisgah's. Dunbar, P. L.
Christmas present Heyse, P. J. L.
Christmas present for a lady. Kelly, M.
[Christmas]. Prodigal village; a Christmas tale. Bacheller, I.
[Christmas]. Railroading a Christmas. Tarkington, B.
[Christmas]. Rechoussat's Christmas. Duhamel, G.
Christmas, Recruit at. Davis, C. B.
Christmas rose. Bland, E. N.
Christmas rose, Legend of. Lagerlöf, S.
Christmas roses. Gale, Z.
Christmas roses. Sedgwick, A. D.
Christmas sermon. Saltykof-Stchedrin, M. E.
Christmas shadrach. Stockton, F. R.
Christmas, Shakespeare's. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Christmas sing in our village. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas sketch; Salvette and Bernadon. Daudet, A.
Christmas spirit, Carmichael's. Davis, C. B.
Christmas story. Bernhardt, S.
[Christmas]. Three necklaces. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Christmas, Stephen Skarridge's. Stockton, F. R.
Christmas stocking, Whistling Dick's. Henry, O.
Christmas, Stolen. Freeman, M. E. W.
Christmas storms and sunshine. Gaskell, E. C.
Christmas story. Hornung, E. W.
Christmas story: Captain Eli's best ear. Stockton, F. R.
Christmas story; Mr. Blake's walking-stick. Eggleston, E.
Christmas story of a little church. King, G. E.
Christmas story. Return. Bazin, R.
Christmas story, unfinished. Henry, O.
Christmas, Summer. Maartens, M.
Christmas supper in the Marais. See Daudet A. Christmas-Eve revel in the Marais
Christmas tree. Austin, M. H.
Christmas tree and a wedding. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Christmas tree, First Van Dyke, H.
Christmas tree on Pigeon. Fox, J., jr.
Christmas truants. Stockton, F. R.
[Christmas] Two Christmases. Grenfell, W. T.
Christmas venture; a romance of Valley Forge. Mitchell, S. W.
Christmas voyage of the Handy Lass. Grenfell, W. T.
Christmas waits in Boston. Hale, E. E.
[Christmas] Way to the house of Santa Claus. Burnett, F. H.
Christmas wreck. Stockton, F. R.
Christopher. See Harris, M. In the interests of Christopher
Christopher II. Donnell, A. H.
Christopherson. Gissing, G. R.
Christophorus. Ward, E. S. P.
Chronicles of a chromatic bear hunt. Beach, R. E.
Chrystal's century. Hornung, E. W.
Chu-bu and Sheemish. Dunsany, E.
Chu Chu. Harte, B.
Chukchee. Sieroszewski, W.
Chumming with a savage. Stoddard, L. W.
Chums. Gorky, M.
Chun Ah Chun. London, J.
Church for honest sinners. Nicholson, M.
Church-grim. Phillpotts, E.
Church mouse. Freeman, M. E. W.
Church of San Pablo, Seville. Smith, F. H.
Church with an overshot wheel. Henry, O.
Churching of Grandma Pleasant. Dunbar, P. L.
Churchwarden's brother. Allen, G.
Cicatrice. Morris, G.
Cicely's dream. Chesnutt, C. W.
La cigale. Chekhov, A. P.
Cigar divan. See Stevenson, R. L. Prologue of the cigar divan
Cinderella. Bland, E. N.
Cinderella. Davis, Richard H.
Cinderella. Perrault, C.
Cinderella. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Cinderella of the links. Gale, Z.
Cinderella; or the glass slipper. (Adapted.) Scudder, H. E.
Cindy's funeral. Edward, H. S.
Cinnamon roses. Freeman, M. E. W.
Cipher. Parker, G.
Cipher. Lost. Weyman, S. J.
.007; story of a locomotive. Kipling, R.
Circe's palace. Hawthorne, N.
Circle in the water. Howells, W. D.
Circular tour. Jacobs, W. W.
Circulating library. Donnell, A. H.
Circumstance. Spofford, H. P.
Circumstances. Cahan, A.
Circus. Bland, E. N.
Circus at Denby. Jewett, S. O.
Circus charger. Halévy, L.
Circus Dan. Harben, W. N.
Citizen. Dwyer, J. J.
Citizen and his wife. Brown, A.
Citizen and the traveller. Stevenson, R. L.
Citizen of the roads. Gibbon, P.
Citizen Schneider. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
City. Andreev, L. N.
City editor's conscience. Williams, J. L.
City of dreadful night. Henry, O.
City of dreadful night. Kipling, R.
City of dream. Crockett, S. R.
City of lights. Smith, G. A.
City of refuge. Fisher, D. C.
City of refuge. Van Dyke, H.
City of the beast. Jókai, M.
City of the Gone Away. Bierce, A.
City of the sea. Jerome, J. K.
City on Mallington Moor. Dunsany, E.
City urchin and the chaste villagers. Crane, S.
Civil servant. Hale, E. E.
Civilization. Duhamel, G.