Irish application to join League of Nations

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Irish Free State press release on Statute of Westminster (1923)

Irish application to join League of Nations-(Source:

585093Irish Free State press release on Statute of Westminster1923

DUBLIN, 17 April 1923


In accordance with the terms of Article 1 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, I have the honour to request that the Free State of Ireland may be admitted as a Member of the League of Nations, and that this request may be placed on the agenda of the next Meeting of the Assembly of the League.

The Government of the Irish Free State is prepared to accept the conditions laid down in Article 1 of the Covenant, and to carry out all obligations involved in Membership of the League.

The Government will send representatives, empowered to give all necessary explanations, to the Assembly, and it will be glad in the meantime to give any information relevant to this application which may be required.

It is requested that this application may be brought without delay to the knowledge of all the Members of the League.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,

Desmond FitzGerald

Minister of External Affairs