Japanese flower arrangement/Chapter 8
BENDING the flowers and branches into the shapes desired is a very important part of Japanese arrangement, and there are many methods by which this bending may be accomplished.
Flowers Bent by Hand
To Bend Larger Stems of a Woody Nature
also Small Branches
These large, tough branches can sometimes be bent by hand pressure, especially branches of spring blossoms, such as the fruit blossoms and the flowering shrubs. The branch to be bent is held in the palms of one's hands like this:
Another method is to tie down the branch for twelve hours, or attach weights to branches as shown on the opposite page.
Branches may be bent until they break if the broken part comes beneath the surface of the water, but the bark must not be injured on any part visible above the water. Branches can also be bent over the knee.
The last resort with an obstinate branch is to use wedges, which is seldom done except by the school of Enshiu-Ryu; but by their use very large branches may be curved as one wishes. It is done in this way on the
Another way to facilitate bending an obstinate branch is first to heat it at the place where the bend should come, then bend by wrapping it with paper dipped in vinegar over the heated spot.
Bending of Leaves
By this is meant the turning over of leaves so that their backs may be seen. For this use only the fingers dipped in water. The foliage of daffodil, narcissus, and iris is bent in this way.