Jersey Journal/1934/Eddie Schneider, Gretchen Hahnen Are Betrothed

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Eddie Schneider, Gretchen Hahnen, Local Fliers, Report Wedding (1934)
3133826Eddie Schneider, Gretchen Hahnen, Local Fliers, Report Wedding1934

Eddie Schneider, Gretchen Hahnen Are Betrothed. A New Year's Eve party at the home of Mrs. Zora Hahnen, 209 Sip Avenue, Sunday night proved to be an engagement party as well, when the betrothal of Miss Gretchen Hahnen to Eddie A. Schneider, Jersey City pilot and former junior transcontinental record holder, was announced. Schneider, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Schneider, formerly of Broadman Parkway, this city and now North Arlington, is at present living at the Park Central Hotel, New York. The couple plan to marry in June. Miss Hahnen, who is an officer of the Women's International Aeronautic Association, formerly conducted a column in The Jersey Journal on aviation. She was a student of Colonel Clarence D. Chamberlin, when the latter had charge of Jersey City Airport at Droyer's Point. A native of Des Moines, Iowa, she has been a resident of Jersey City the past eight years. Schneider, who has been a pilot since 1928, held for a time the junior trans-continental speed record, and later won the Great Lakes Trophy in the Ford Air Derby, placing first in the single-motored plane. His air exploits gained him national recognition as a pilot. He is at present connected with the aviation division of the Gulf Gasoline Corp. Among the guests at the engagement party were Captain and Mrs. Francis A. Adams, Lieutenant Don Ryan Mockler, Captain and Mrs. Lloyd F. Miller, Lieutenant and Mrs. Haddington Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schneider, Captain and Mrs. Ralph Tandberg, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Thompson, Captain and Mrs. Martin Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Schneider, Miss Alice Schneider, Edge R. Winfield, Theodore Schneider, Miss Edna Schneider, Peter Anderson, and J. O. Haff.

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