Jersey Journal/1940/Air Buddies to Strew Rose on Schneider Grave

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Air Buddies to Strew Rose on Schneider Grave (1940)

Eddie August Schneider (1910-1940) in an article written in the The Jersey Journal on 26 December 1940.

3061845Air Buddies to Strew Rose on Schneider Grave1940

Air Buddies to Strew Rose on Schneider Grave. Following funeral services to-night in Jersey City, interment services will be held tomorrow afternoon at Fairview Cemetery, Fairview, for Eddie A. Schneider, Jersey City aviator, who was instantly, killed Monday afternoon in a midair collision over Floyd Bennett Airport, Brooklyn. A plane, piloted, by Schneider, was struck by a Naval Reserve plane as the two ships were at an altitude of 600 feet, both coming in for a landing. Schneider, a resident of Jersey City for 23, years before moving to Jackson Heights less than a year ago, became a pilot when 15 and established It a new transcontinental speed record for junior pilots when 18. In 1936 he went to Spain as a pilot in the Loyalist Air Force and flew a bomber for several months. Pilots from Roosevelt Field and Floyd Bennett Airport will fly over Fairview Cemetery tomorrow afternoon and drop roses from the plane in a parting tribute to their fellow flyer. Schneider learned how to fly at Roosevelt Field from the late Bill Ulbrich, who lost his life while attempting a trans-Atlantic flight in the ill-fated "American Nurse." Schneider is survived by his widow, the former Gretchen Hahnen; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil A. Schneider, of Arlington; a sister, Mrs. Alice Harms, and a half-sister, Miss Eleanor Schneider.

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