Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia/Series 1/Volume 4/Translation of the Annals of Acheen

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Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, Series 1 Volume 4,
Translation of the Annals of Acheen
4323149Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, Series 1 Volume 4,
Translation of the Annals of Acheen


This is the Genealogy of all the Kings who have reigned in Acheen.

On Friday the 1st of Ramazan, in the year of the flight of the Holy Prophet of God,601 Sultan Juhan Shah came from the windward and converted the people of Acheen to the Mahomedan faith. He married a daughter of Baludari at Acheen and by her had a son, and died on Thursday the 1st of Rajab631 after a reign of 30 years, 11 months and 26 days, and was succeeded the same day by his son Sultan Ahamed at that time 32 years of age, who was called

Paduka Sri Sultan Rayait Shah and who reigned 34 years, 2 months and 10 days. He died on Friday the 4th of Shaaban in the year 665665 and was succeeded by his son aged 1 year, who was called

Paduka Sri Sultan Mahomed Shab and who reigned 43 years. This King removed from the port and built a fort inland which be called Dal-al Dunia, and died on Friday the 12th of Rabinlawal.708 He was succeeded by his son called

Paduka Sri Sultan Perman Shah who reigned 47 years, 8 months, 13 days and died in 755,755 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Manshur Shah who reigned 56 years, 1 month, 23 days, and died on Monday the 10th Shaaban in the year 811,811 succeeded by his son Rajah Mahomed called

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Juhan Shah who reigned 59 years, 4 months and 12 days and died on Thursday the 12th of Shaban 870.870 He was succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Hassan Shah who reigned 31 years, 4 months, 2 days, and died on Wednesday the 1st of Rajaab in 901901 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Ali Rayait Shah who reigned 15 years, 2 months, 13 days and died on Tuesday the 12 of Rajab in 917917 (Note 1) He was succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Salleh Oodeen who reigned 28 years, 3 months, 28 days and was deposed on Monday the 4th of Dulkeida 946,946 by his brother,

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin, the tyrant, who reigned 28 years, 6 months, 27 days and died on Sunday the 15th of Saffer 975,975 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Hassan Shah who reigned 8 years, 4 months, 12 days and died on Tuesday the 15th of Jimadieulakhir 983.983 He was succeeded by his son, aged 4 months

Pakuka Sri Sultan Muda who reigned 6 months, 28 days and died on Friday the 12th of Mohuram in the year 984,984 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Periaman (Note 2) who reigned 1 month, 22 days,984 and was killed on Thursday the 12th of Rabialawal 985, succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Rajah Jeinal (Note 3) who reigned 10 months, 10 days, and was killed on Friday the 10th of Mo- huram 985,985 succeeded by the King of Perak

Paduka Sri Sultan Mansbur Shali (Note 4) who reigned 8 years, 3 months, 3 and days, and was killed on Monday the 17th of Mohuram in 993,993 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultan Buyong who reigned 2 years, 11 months, and died on Tuesday the 17th of Dulkaidah in 996,996 succeeded by Firman Shah, the son of our former King, called

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Rayait Shah who reigned 15 years, 10 months, 28 days and was deposed by his son Sultan Muda (Notes 5 & 6) who ascended the throne in the year 10111011 and was called

Paduka Sri Sultan Ali Mafait Shah, he reigned 3 years, I month, 21 days, and died on Wednesday the 1st of Dulbajah 1015,1015 succeeded by Maha Rajah Derma-Wangsa Tuan Paukat, called (Note 7)

Paduka Sri Sultan Iskunder Mudah who reigned 30 years, 7 mon'bs, 24 days and died on Saturday the 29th of Rajub 1045.1045 (Note 8) He was succeeded by his son-in-law Sultan Maghul, called

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Mafait Shah, who reigned 4 years, 3 months, 7 days and died on Monday the 7th of Dulkaidah,1048 (Note 9) Succeeded by Taajal Alum, daughter of our master Iskunder Mudah called

Paduka Sri Sultana Taaj Alum Sefait Oodin who reigned 35 years, 8 months, 12 days and died on Tuesday the 1st of Shabaan 1086.1088 (Notes 10 & 11) Succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultana Noor Aalam Fakait Oodin who reigned 2 years, 3 months, 25 days. In this reign the kingdom of Acheen was divided into 3 provinces in the first of which there were 22, in the 2nd 26, and in the 3rd 25 Mukims. The Queen died on Sunday the 21st of Dulkhaida 1086,1086 succeeded by her daughter called,

Paduka Sri Sultana Anait Shah who reigned 11 years and 8 days and died on Sunday the 8th of Dulhajah 1090,1090 succeeded by

Paduka Sri Sultana Kamalat Shah who reigned 11 years, 4 months and 2 days. This Queen was deposed by all the viziers and people in consequence of the arrival of a letter from Mecca sent by the Khali Malek Al Adil, in which he informed them that it was unlawful for a female to hold sovereign power, notwithstanding this 4 females reigned in Acheen for a period of 60 years, 4 months and 17 days. (Note 12)

On Wednesday the 20th Rabiulakhir 1111,1111 succeeded Paduka Sri Sultan Bedralam Sherifa Hashim Jemal Oolil, who reigned 2 years, 4 months and 12 days when he abdicated. He removed from the Fort Dar Ul Dunia on Saturday the 17th Ramzaan, and died in retirement on Friday the 1st of Shawal following,1113 during which interval of 14 days the throne of Acheen was vacant (Note 13). On the latter day succeeded,

Paduka Sri Sultan Perkasa Alam Sherifa Tetui Iba Sherif Ibrahim who reigned 2 years, 3 months and 2 days. This King was attacked by the son of the late King Bedralam and deposed on Wednesday the 17 of Mohurrum 1115.1115 An interregnum followed which continued for the space of 3 months, when on Sunday the 7th of Rabiulakhir, Badralam succeeded, called

Paduka Sri Sultan Jumal-ul-Alm Bedral Muneir who resided in the Fort Dar-ul Dunia 2 years, 9 months, 6 days, and on Monday the 13th of Mohurrum 11181118 removed to Malayu. After the King had reigned 24 years, 11 months and 26 days he was overcome in an insurrection of his subjects, and on Thursday the 13th Rabiulawal 1139,1139 fled in a prahu to Pedir. From this time there was an interregnum for 22 days, till on Friday the 5th of Rabiulakhir succeeded Maharajah Gompong Pahang called

Paduka Sri Sultan Johore Alalam Ama-oodin Shah, who reigned 20 days and died on Thursday the 25th of Rabiulahkir.1139 At this time the country was governed by these 4 Mukims—1st Mukim Men Sat Siak, 2nd Lem Jenak, 3rd Peiang, 4th Hurrur, when after an interregnum of 7 days they gave the crown to Wande Tebbing called

Paduka Sri Sultan Shem Ala-alim. who after a reign of 30 days was deposed on Saturday the 3rd of Jumadieulakir in an insurrection of all the great men and people in the kingdom. Maharajah Leelah Malayu was now called to the supreme rule by the unanimous voice of the warriors and common people of the 3 divisions of Acheen, and reigned under the title of

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Ahamed Shab, for the period of 8 years, 8 months and 1 day, till his death which happened on Thursday night, 3rd Mohurrum 1148.1148 The former King Jumal Ool Alm who had retired to Malayu in 1118 went from thence to the Jawi Kampong on Sunday the 5th Mohurrum, together with the Lemut people, the Pumantris of Delli and Pulida Lechat and lived in the Bait-al-Khaman Mosque. The 4 Mukims were at Kampong Pahang engaged in a war with the King's son Puchal Awak, after this war and interregnum had lasted 4 months and 1 day, peace was made and Puchat Awak ascended the throne by the consent of all parties, under the title of

Padaka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Juhan Shal, on Thursday the 4th of Jumadieulawal. In this King's reign on Wednesday the 6th of Shaban 1172,1172 the people of the 22 Mukims with Panglima Pulima Anak Muda Sakti, called Sri Muda Perkasa came down to the Coast at Riak in arms against the King. When they arrived at Kallan Sippeng on Tuesday the 12th of Shaban at about 7 P. M, the King ordered his artillerymen to cover the bend of the river with their guns and fire on the advance of the Jiging army and Puchal Hajee its commander. After the war had lasted 2 months and eight days, finding that they could not withstand the artillery of the enemy and that many of their soldiers had been killed, they sent letters to the 20 Jermukims on Tuesday the 1st of Dulkaideh beseeching their assistance. In the meantime the King died after a reign of 25 years, 1 months and 10 days, on Friday the 17 of Mohurrum 1174.1174 As soon as the King's death became known the people of the 22 Mukims came down to the Mosque Bait-al-Khaman, and without consulting with the rest of the nation prepared to put to death Tuanku Rajah the late King's son, but were diverted from this by the viziers in the Fort Dar-al-Dunia opening their fire on the Mosque. After this display of energy a general assembly was held of all the viziers in the Fort Dar-al-Dunia, the 26 Mukeems, the 22 Mukims, Imam Samarang the son of Imam Muda Abahah, Imam Gandrung, the 25 Mukims, the 9 Mukims, Perbawangsa, Panglima Pumuda Bentang &c. the result of which meeting was that Tuanku Rajah was proclaimed King under the title of (Note 14)

Paduka Sri Sultan Mahomood Shah, on Saturday the 6th of Jemadieulawal, after an interregnum of 3 months, 18 days.1174 At this time the Maha Rajah Sri Indra Puchal Agam was put to death, a war broke out in consequence with Panglima Pulim in the course of which the trading ships received much damage from the shot of the opposing armies. Letters were sent requesting aid from the 22 mukeems, they at once in conjunction with Maharajah Bahar of Labu came to the King's assistance and at day break on Thursday the 6th Ramzaan 1176,1176 a pitched battle was fought at Lam Chelling the abode of Paduka Mahamantri the Rajah Bundar of Anak Kachurunan, in which Panglima Pulim's army was beaten. After the King had reigned 3 years, 5 months, 21 days he was by the permission of God deposed by Maharajah Lebri, on Tuesday the 27th Shawal 1177,1177 who forced his way into the Fort Dar-al-Dunia at 3 A. M., on which the King retired to the Kampong Jawee, and from thenes went in a boat down the river till he got on board one of his own ships. On the King's flight there was an interregnum which lasted 28 days when Maharajah Lebri was advanced to the throne on the 25th of Shaban 1177,1177 under the name of Bedi Udin Juhan Shah. After reigning 2 years and 7 months this King was put to death by the people of the 26 mukims on Sunday the 27th Safir.1180 Now the Rajahs, Imams, Warriors and all the people sought the deposed King Mahomed Shah, and in a general meeting of all the people attended by the learned Hullemahs the Tuanku spoke to them as follows:—

How is it Oh people am I your King or am I not, was Maha- rajah Lebri your rightful King or was he not? Then the Hullemahs answered--Did you not Oh Tuanku conspire with others against you own people, and the Tuanku answered, I have never conspired with any one. If it is so, the people said, let the learned Hullemahs examine the book of the laws and see if in this case the Tuanku has lost his right to the crown or not; and the Hullemahs answered that the Tuanku's claim was good. On this the Punghulus of the Nobat were called with the viziers, and ordered to beat the great drum and proclaim the King which was done on that day, Saturday 10th Rabieulawal. The King Mahomed Shah reigned in peace and security for 6 years, 7 months and 3 days when he was again deposed on the 6th of Safar1187 by the detestable 22 mukums and he retired to the Kasaluanga mukeem. On Monday the 29th of Rabialakier 1187, the Rajah Oodahanaleilah was placed on the throne by the 22 mukeems, but had occupied it only 1 month, and 29 days when by the blessing of Gol &c. &c. (here follows a long list of blessings) on Sunday the 27th Jimadialwal, Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Mahamood Shah left the 4 mukims at midnight and went to the mosque at Pulu Susu, and after consulting with all the people of consequence there, moved to Bundar Punuie and remained 2 nights conferring with the people there, and the next day, accompanied by many of the Rajahs and elders, fought a battle and stormed the principal gate of the Fort Dar-al-Dunia at mid-day on Wednesday the 1st of Jumulalakier. Rajah Oodabanaleilah was overcome, and fled to Kota Panji, from thence crossed the great river and arrived at Katankap, and by the blessing of God, Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Mahomed Shah was again proclaimed King. This King reigned altogether 20 years, 7 months, 13 days, and died on Thursday the 7th of Jimalieulakier 1195.1195 There was an interregnum for 15 days, when the late King's son Tuanku Rajah, succeeded under the title of

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Mahomed Shah and reigned 20 years, and 5 months, and was celebrated for his justice and moderation—he died on Friday the 28th of Rajab 1209.1209 (Note 15) An interregnum followed which lasted 'for one month when Hassan the son of the late King became King, under the title of

Paduka Sri Sultan Ala-oodin Juhore Alam Shah, and on the 1st of Mohurrum in the year 1231,1231 he set out from Passé to visit Pulu Pinang—at this time he had been on the throne of Acheen 21 years. (Note 16)

On the 12th of Dulhaja, in the year 1230,1230 at about 10 A. M. all the people of the 3 Provinces of Acheen assembled and received Sherif Abdullah Ben Saidna, Hussain Ben Saidna, Abdulrhaman Aidid, as King of Acheen, giving him the title of

Paduka Sri Sultan Sherif Saif Alaalam Shah.

[Note 1] 1511. The Portuguese first arrived in Acheen this year. They inform us that Acheen was a dependency of Pedier and that Rajah Ibrahim, probably the King styled Sultan Sallih Oodin, was merely a governor appointed by the King of Pedier —that in 1521 this governor revolted and formed Acheen into an independent kingdom, consequently the previous Kings may be considered as fabulous. The fact of the first 7 of them having reigned for 300 years, would be sufficient of itself to throw doubts on the truth of the annals, even had we not this testimony of the early Portuguese writers.

From this time Acheen began to increase in importance, and the trade which had hitherto been carried on at Pedier and Passé soon ceutred in åcheen. The Portuguese having formed a Settlement at Malacca became rivals, attacks were made on their power by the Kings of Acheen almost yearly till the year 1641, when the Dutch sent a powerful force and not only drove the Portuguese out of Malacca, but destroyed their influence in the Western Archipelago. As a full account of the extraordinary exertions made by the Achinese against Malacca is to be found in Marsden's History of Sumatra, it will not be necessary to detail them here.

[Note 2] According to native writers of a later date, Sultan Pereaman was a man of weak character, very passionate and quite unacquainted with the business of government.

[Note 3—from native M. S.] Rajah Jeinal called Zeen-ul-abdin was a man of an exceedingly violent character, he was cruel and blood-thirsty to excess, it is said of him that he lost his appetite if he did not put some one to death daily.

[Note 4 from native M. S.] Ala-oodin Pers, son of Sultan Mahomed, called Sultan Manshar Shah. This is a favourite King of native writers, he is said to have been virtuous, and to have lived in the observance of the Holy laws, he wore a dress and beard like the Arab priests, fasted and prayed like them, and was very charitable to the poor, he was killed by wicked people who were shamed by his virtues.

[Note 5 from native M. S.] Ala-oodin Rayait Shah a virtuous King. On being deposed by his son his life was spared in recompence for his good actions when King, he lived 1 year in retirement and on his death was canonized.

[Note 6] 1600. The Dutch first arrived at Acheen but were not well received probably owing to the ill offices of the Portuguese.

1601. Two Achinese were sent this year on an Embassy to Holland. One died there and the other returned, but it does not appear that the position of the Dutch was much improved by the Embassy.

1602. Captain, afterwards Sir James Lancaster arrived bearing a letter and presents from Queen Elizabeth, to the King of Acheen. He had an imposing equipment and was well received, a treaty of peace and commerce was made, which was soon broken.

[Note 7] 1609. A long continued drought in this year caused a famine, and an epidemic disease arose which carried off great numbers of the inhabitants.

[Note 8] Sultan Iskundar Mada. This was the greatest of all the achinese Kings, with the exception probably of Rajah Ibrahim who formed the kingdom. He has a great warrior, he took Delli, Siak, Johore, Pahang and Keddah where he confirmed the Mahomedan faith, breaking down the houses and driving out of the country all those who would not become Mahomedans. He styled himself King of Acheen, of Ara, of Delli, of Johore, of Pahang, of Keddab, of Pera, of Baroos, of Passawan, of Ticoo, of Sileda and of Priaman. He built in 1614 the Mosque Bait-al-Khaman at Acheen. Captain Best arrived with a letter and presents (among the rest 2 brass mortars) from King James 1st. Captain Best made a new treaty and for the 1st time the English were permitted to built a factory of lasting materials.

1621. Louis XIII sent Commodore Beaulien with letters and presents this year to Acheen.

1635. The King died after a reign of 30 years leaving an enormous treasure notwithstanding his numerous warlike undertakings. He forced the peasants to provide the arms and provisions necessary, and consequently at the end of his reign the country was in a state of extreme misery. After his death he was canonized.

About this time Acheen began to decline in power, probably on account of the loss of trade occasioned by the establishment of the Portuguese at Malacca, and to the general fact that Europeans were no longer content to go to Acheen and Pedir to traffic for goods which they could obtain at cheaper rates, at the places where they were produced.

The Art of Navigation among the earlier traders was so defective, that they found it an advantage to be supplied with the produce of the whole Archipelago at entrepôts such as Acheen and Pedir, without the risk and loss of time necessary for them to go to the several ports, collecting produce themselves, but from the better navigation of Europeans and their energy of character, they now began to visit the whole of the ports where they could barter their goods for the produce of the country, consequently Acheen, which rose to importance from its position as a trading entrepót now began to decline rapidly. When that trade was withdrawn and 2 generations after Sultan Iskander Muda (who styled himself King of 12 different countries) the power of Acheen was confined to the country about Acheen itself. Beaulieu speaking of Sumatra in 1821 says Le Roy d'Achen possede la moitie et que est la meilleur.

[Note 9] Sultan Mafait Shah was said to have been powerful, just and merciful. Under his sway, the country began to recover from the effects of the drain on its resources in the last reign. He put a stop to the tyranny and oppression of the nobles over the peasants, the Mosque Bait-al-Mashaada was built by him.

[Note 10] Sultana Taaj Aleam. This is the 1st of4 Queens who reigned at Acheen during the period of 60 years, by no means a singular circumstance in the History of Mahomedan nations in the Malayan Archipelago. A radical change was now effected in the government of Acheen, the power which formerly was in the hands of a despotic prince, was seized by a council of 12 nobles, who allowed a Queen to be on the throne as a nominal ruler, the sole management of the country being in their hands, and although the importance of the kingdom declined under this system of government, this may probably be ascribed not to bad government but to the loss of trade and consequent wealth, as the few details we possess of the state of the country show a mild and equable rule aud a period less subject to revolutionary violence than any other in the history.

[Note 11] 1684. This year the Madras government sent Messrs Ord and Cawley on an embassy to the Queen to request permission to erect a brick and mortar factory at Acheen, This request was peremptorily refused and the ambassadors were in- formed that such was the jealousy in the government that not even the Queen herself would be allowed to erect any building capable of defence.

The Madras government sent this mission under the following circumstances.— Since the first arrival of Europeans in Sumatra the pepper trade had been the grand object of each nation and we find them contending with each other to secure a monopoly of it. Sir James Lancaster in 1603 formed a factory at Bantam where the English had traded in peace and security till the pear 1677, when the young Sultan, having been allowed part of the authority of government during his father's life time, rebelled, and assisted by the Dutch (the English had taken no part in the affair except protesting against the undutiful conduct of the son towards his father) deposed his father and drove the English out of the country. It consequently became necessary for the English company to establish themselves at some other place in the pepper countries, and Acheen was judged to be the most favourable place for trade generally. On the refusal of the authorities there to allow them to build a factory, Messrs Ord and Cawley accepted the invitation of the chiefs of Bencoolen, and at once commenced to build a fortified warehouse, on the ground allotted to them. This situation not proving advantageous they removed the site 2 or 3 miles, building a new factory which was called Fort Marlborough. It was in 1763 made a separate Presidency.

[Note 12] This is the last of the female reigns and now the country after experiencing the blessings of moderately good government for 60 years, suffers under a succession of revolutions and civil war, which have lasted almost without intermission till the present day.

[Note 13] Sultan Bedralam Sherif Hashim Jemal Oolil. This King was obliged to abdicate în consequence of the muscles of his legs and arms having become contracted by disease, which incapacitated him from performing the offices of prayer an essential requisite in a Mahomedan sovereign.

[Note 14] 1762. In this year Captain Forrest, an officer in the Company's Mercantile Navy visits Acheen, and favours us with some account of the King whom be visited as well as his son, whom he saw 20 years afterwards. He informs us that a strong feeling of jealousy existed against the nobles of the country, and that the King did not permit them to trade, confining the trade entirely to his own agent, who was a native of the Coromandel Coast. About 12 or 15 ships of 200 to 300 tons were said to come every year from the Coromandel Coast and one from Surat to trade at Acheen. 1764 Captain Forrest visited the King who was seated in an alcove about 5 feet high from the floor of the Hall, he appeared to be about 40 years age, and had an appearance of intelligence, there were two elderly women sitting at his feet one on each side. 1772 The Bencoolen government sent Mr Halliday to request permission to build a factory at Acheen, which request was refused. The country appeared to be ia a disturbed state, armed mobs often coming about the King's palace at night.

[Note 15] Sultan Al-ooodin Shah. This King in his youth was sent to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, the ship he sailed in was driven down to Mauritius, and the Captain was obliged to put in there for water. They remained about a month, during which time the prince had an opportunity of attending frequently at the Arsenal, and being of an enquiring turn of mind, and gifted with strong powers of observation, be became sufficiently skilled in casting metals, to be able on his return, to improve the Arsenal at Acheen, casting guns, shells &c., there himself. He also learned to speak the French language and frequently conversed with Captain Forrest in that language.

Captain Forrest notices the fear entertained by the King of the great nobles, and instances the peculiar care with which he is guarded when in his Alcove, no one being permitted to enter it, but the two women before mentioned. The King was said to be intelligent, and to be actuated by a strong desire to improve the condition and study the interests of his people, who appear to be attached to him. His great stumbling block in the way of improvement was the jealousy of the nobles. 1782 Admiral Suffren called this year at Acheen, but did not see the King, owing to a difficulty on points of ceremony.

[Note 16] Sultan Johore Shah. This prince's mother is said to have taken measures to prevent her son from acquiring the education necessary for his rank in life, and in consequence when he arrived at mature age, he was found incapable of taking his proper part in the government of the country.

He gave great offence to the nobles by his neglect of the observance of the Mahomedan law, having become addicted, from constant association with a few Christians of low origin, to the use of intoxicating liquors, and to other vices which disgusted his subjects to such a degree that the great nobles ceased to attend his court and became very turbulent.

Mr Campbell who was sent to Acheen as Agent to the Governor-General in 1811, reported that the country was in a state of anarchy, and that the King, harrased by his nobles, was unable to collect the ordinary revenue. This state of affairs continued till 1815 when on the death of the Queen mother the nobles, headed by the Panglima of the 22nd mukims, deposed the King and sent letters to Pinang inviting Syed Houssain to send one of his sons to receive from them the crown of Acheen.

Syed Houssain was the grandson of an Arab of high lineage who arrived in Acheen in the commencement of the 18th century, and received in marriages daughter of Queen Kamalat Shah, to whom he stands in the same degree of relationship as Sultan Johore Shah the deposed monarch. Syed Houssain left Acheen at an early age to seek his fortune in the Malayan Peninsula. He resided first in Salangore where he married, and after the English establishment was formed in Pinang he moved there and soon realized in trade an enormous fortune.

On the arrival of the invitation of the Acheen nobles, Syed Houssain after some hesitation decided in sending his second son Saiful Alam to Acheen, and accordingly he fitted out, in Pinang harbour, four ships well provided with warlike stores and an immense stock of goods to be distributed among the Achinese. The Pinang government favoured the Syed's claims and even went so far as to request from the Supreme government a force of 1,000 men with the necessary equipments for the purpose establishing a firm government at Acheen, as commerce had severely suffered of late by the anarchy and confusion which reigned there. Lord Hastings took Sir Stamford Raffles opinion on the point, (1819) and the result was that a commission was sent to Acheen (against the wishes and indeed protests of the Pinang government) for the purpose of using the English influence to tranquilise the country and to establish that King whose claims were to be considered as superior. After an arduous struggle Sir Stamford Raffles succeeded in convincing his colleague in the commission (Captain Coombs the agent of the Pinang government) that Saiful Alam's claims were spurious and that Juhore Shah should be supported by them. Accordingly Saiful Alam was driven out of the country and a new commercial treaty made with Juhore Shah, the restored monarch, who continued on the throne solely by English influence till his death in 1840, when he was succeeded by his son, the present monarch.