Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History/Altoona

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656141Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History — Altoona1912Frank Wilson Blackmar

Altoona (formerly Geddesburg), one of the larger incorporated cities of Wilson county, is located on the Missouri Pacific R. R., and on the Verdigris river, 11 miles east of Fredonia, the county seat. It has two banks, a weekly newspaper, telegraph and express offices, and an international money order postoffice with three rural routes. The population in 1910 was 1,462. The town was founded in 1869 by a town company, of which Dr. T. F. C. Todd was president. No town elections were held until the town company ceased to do business. The first business enterprise was a grocery store opened in 1869 by George Shultz and John Hooper. The postoffice was established in April, 1870, and J. N. D. Brown appointed postmaster. The Altoona Union, the second paper published in the county, was founded in March, 1870, by Bowser & Brown. A school house was built the next year at a cost of $3,000. A steam saw mill and a flour mill were set up in 1871 on the Verdigris.

The growth of Altoona dates from the entrance of the railroad in 1885–6. At that time it was a town of some 300 inhabitants, and a dozen business houses. The development of the oil and gas fields in the vicinity in the '90s added greatly to the importance of the city.