Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History/Daniel R. Anthony

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661116Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History — Anthony, Daniel R.1912

Anthony, Daniel R., journalist and soldier, was born at South Adams, Mass., Aug. 22, 1824, a son of Daniel and Lucy Anthony, and a brother of Susan B. Anthony, the famous advocate of female suffrage. In his boyhood he attended school at Battenville, N. Y., and later spent six months at the Union Village Academy. Upon leaving school he became a clerk in his father's cotton mill and flour mill until he was about 23 years old, when he went to Rochester, N. Y. After teaching school for two seasons he engaged in the insurance business, and in 1854 he was a member of the first colony sent out to Kansas by the New England Emigrant Aid Society. In June, 1857, he located at Leavenworth, which city was his home for the remainder of his life. When the Seventh Kansas cavalry was organized in 1861, Mr. Anthony was commissioned lieutenant-colonel and served until he resigned on Sept. 3, 1862, his resignation being due to a controversy between him and Gen. R. B. Mitchell. While in camp at Etheridge, Tenn., in June, 1862, Lieut.-Col. Anthony was temporarily in command of the brigade, during a short absence of Gen. Mitchell, and issued an order prohibiting slave-owners from coming inside the Union lines for the purpose of recovering fugitive slaves. The order further specif1ed that “Any officer or soldier of this command who shall arrest and deliver to his master a fugitive slave shall be summarily and severely punished according to the laws relative to such crimes.” When Gen. Mitchell returned and assumed command of the brigade, he asked Lieut.-Col. Anthony to countermand the order. Anthony replied that as he was no longer in command he had no right to issue or revoke orders. Mitchell then placed him in command long enough to rescind the obnoxious order, when Anthony, being in command, denied the right of Gen. Mitchell to dictate what he should do, and again refused to countermand the order. He was arrested and relieved of the command, but the matter came before the United States senate and Anthony was reinstated by Gen. Halleck. Then he resigned. He was elected mayor of Leavenworth in 1863 and undertook to clear the city of Southern sympathizers. Several houses sheltering them were burned, when Gen. Ewing placed the city under martial law. Ewing's scouts seized some horses, Anthony interfered and was again arrested, but was released the next day and civil law was restored. In the spring of 1866 Mr. Anthony was removed from the office of postmaster in Leavenworth because he refused to support the reconstruction policy of Andrew Johnson. He was president of the Republican state convention of 1868, and the same year was one of the Kansas presidential electors. In 1872 he was again elected mayor of the city; was appointed postmaster of Leavenworth by President Grant on April 3, 1874, and reappointed by President Hayes on March 22, 1878. He served several terms in the city council, and was nominated for mayor a number of times but was defeated. Mr. Anthony was a life member of the Kansas State Historical Society, of which he was president in 1885–86. In Jan., 1861, he established the Leavenworth Conservative, but the following year sold it to A. C. and D. W. Wilder. In March, 1864, he purchased the Bulletin, the Times came into his possession in 1871, and this paper he continued to conduct until his death. As a journalist Mr. Anthony was aggressive, and his outspoken editorials frequently involved him in trouble. To him physical fear was a stranger, and when R. C. Satterlee of the Leavenworth Herald published something derogatory to Mr. Anthony in 1864 a shooting affair occurred which resulted in the death of Satterlee. On May 10, 1875, W. W. Embry, a former employee, fired three shots at Mr. Anthony on the stairway of the opera house. One of the shots took effect in the right breast, just below the collar bone, severed an artery and Mr. Anthony's recovery from this wound is regarded as one of the remarkable cases of modern surgery. Mr. Anthony married Miss Annie E. Osborn of Edgarton, Mass., Jan. 21, 1864, and died at Leavenworth on Nov. 12, 1904. A short time before his death he suggested the following as his epitaph: “He helped to make Kansas a free state. He fought to save the Union. He published the Daily Times for nearly forty years in the interest of Leavenworth. He was no hypocrite.”