Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History/Samuel Allis Jr.

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656129Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History — Allis, Samuel, Jr.1912Frank Wilson Blackmar

Allis, Samuel, Jr., an early missionary to the Indians west of the Missouri river, was born at Conway, Franklin county, Mass., Sept. 28, 1805. He learned the trade of harness maker and worked at various places in his early manhood, finally reaching Ithaca, N. Y., where he united with the Presbyterian church, though his parents were Congregationalists. In the spring of 1834 he left Ithaca in company with Rev. John Dunbar (q. v.) as a missionary to the Nez Perces. Upon arriving at St. Louis he found that the company of traders with which he had intended to journey to the Indian country had already left that city. Not caring to undertake the trip alone, he spent some time at Fort Leavenworth, and then accompanied Mr. Dunbar to the agency of the Omahas, Otoes and Pawnees at Bellevue, Neb. Soon after arriving there Mr. Dunbar went as a missionary to the Grand Pawnees and Mr. Allis to the Pawnee Loups, with whom he remained until 1846. Among his other labors was the establishment of the Pawnee school at Council Point on the Platte river. For several years he was the interpreter for the United States in the negotiation of treaties and in this capacity aided in the acquisition of the Indian lands in Nebraska and Kansas. In 1851 he went to St. Mary's, Iowa, where he lived on a farm for two years. He then returned to Nebraska and there passed the remainder of his life. As a member of the Nebraska Historical Society he made valuable contributions to the Indian history of that state and Kansas.