Kath'rine Ogie

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For works with similar titles, see Katherine Ogie.
Versions of
Kath'rine Ogie

'Of the author of this old song nothing is known, but it can be traced as far back as the days of Charles II., before whom it was sung by John Abell of the chapel-royal, a celebrated singer of the period. Single sheets of it, with the music, were published in 1680. In the "Pills to Purge Melancholy," published about twenty years later, an inaccurate reprint of it is given, and also another song to the same tune, called "Kath'rine Logie." Ramsay's version of it in the Tea Table Miscellany differs only in a few words from the original, and is the one generally adopted.' —Alexander Whitelaw, The Book of Scottish Song (1843)

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Versions of Kath'rine Ogie include: