Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate/Volume 2/Number 11/From the elders abroad

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Since our last months, paper was put to press we have received another letter from Elder G. W. Hinkle post marked Fairplay, Ia. July 15th. The elder informs us that he is now about to leave Ia. where he has labored the most of the season thus far since he left here. We trust he has been usefully employed, and that the Lord has blessed his labors. We think few are more successful in proclaiming the truths of the Gospel then elder Hinkle. He writes us that he has baptized in that region 57 and 14 in other places making 71 in all since he left Kirtland. He gives us to understand that he leaves a field of useful labor, and that there are more calls for preaching than he had ever witnessed before.—page 368He intreats elders that are traveling through that section of country, (Columbus Bartholomew Co. Ia. to call and teach them the way of life and salvation more perfectly, to which we respond, Amen.

Elders D. C. Smith & S. W. Denton returned a few weaks [weeks] since from a mission to the East. They state to us that they went as far as Waterloo Seneca Co. N. Y. and then returned to Naples Ontario Co. where they labored a while in company with Elder Jedediah Grant, whom they found there. They all labored there a short time, established a small branch of a church consisting of seven members, and then Messrs. Smith and Denton returned home, leaving Elder Jedediah and Joshua Grant still in charge, to instruct the saints more perfectly.

We have other elders whose places of residence are distant; they are situated in the various branches of the church abroad; some of them in Illinois, some in Indiana, some in the south and west part of this State, some in Pennsylvania, some in New York and others in all, or nearly all the N. England States. We frequently receive letters from them that are deeply interesting to us and to the cause of truth, and although we do not often mention their names in our paper, we owe it to ourselves to say we appreciate their services in the good cause, and tender them our grateful acknowledgements for the course many of them have taken to reward our humble talents and enhance our individual interest. We say they are useful in the branches until the time of the gathering, and we pray the Lord of the harvest to keep them humble, faithful, patient., wise, and consequently, useful, till in his own due time, he shall command them to come and bring their sheaves with them.



We are requested to notify a conference of the church of Latter Day Saints to beheld in the town of Milsford Ashtabula County Ohio, at the house of Brother John Knapp on Saturday the 20th inst. at 10 o'clock A .M. Elders brethren and others who can make it convenient, are respectfully invited to attend. Saturday will be a day of business with the church and on the following day there will be public preaching.