Laugh and Be Fat, the Golden Dreamer, or, Dreams Interpreted/Chapter 2

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To dream of walking in a field,
Where new blown roses odiours yield,
If any of them you do pluck,
It shews in love most happy luck,
And that your lass so kind shall prove
To let you gather sweets of love.

Dreams full of horror and confusion,
Ending merrily in conlusion,
Show storms of love are ever blown
And after sorrow, joy shall come.

To dream of mountains, hiils or rocks.
Does signify flouts, scoffs and mocks,
Their pains in passing over ahow,
That she whom you love, loves not you.

To dream of sitting by the fire,
When it is late, doth shew desire,

But if you sit till the fire's out,
Your love will prove false out of doubt.

To dream of rivers, or of water,
Doth signify much weeping after,
But dreaming of being drowned I tell ye,
Bids maids beware of a great belly.

If maids of sweeming milk-bowls dream,
It does denote some pleasant theme;
But if they dream of shifting smoke,
Let them look on their maiden lock.

To dream of being in a boat,
Does show that maiden's fancies float;
And whether sink or swim they do;
To try love's sport they still shall show.

To dream of birds-nests signifies,
In maiden's ripe virginities:
But if the birds away be flown,
it shews her maidenhead is gone.

To dream of brewing and of baking,
Doth signify a match is making
Between a maiden and some other,
Both by her father and her mother.

To dream of blust'ring storms of wind,
Does shew inconstancy of mind;
But if you dream of elves and fairies,
Beware of whores and night vagaries.

To dream of seeing strange apparitions,
As devils, hobgoblins, and such visions,
Does shew thy love, or thy sweetheart,
Hath a fair face but devil's heart.

Dreams of sack-possets and sweet meat,
Or drinking wine with pleasure great.
And all dreams pleasant in condition,
Shews sports of love, and love's fruition.

Dreams of wandering over plains,
Walking in cross-ways and lanes,
And being in thick woods quite lost,
Declare that lovers shall be crost.

Dreams of lions, bears, bulls, bees,
Nests of wasps or hornets; these
Are emblems whereby are exprest
Discord with those whom you love best.

Dreams of rivers, ships and horses,
Of snow and frost, and of dead corpses,
Are signs by which it may be read,
Your sweetheart's love is cold or dead.

Who dream of deer, of hounds, of chases
Or being at once in many places:
Passions of love shall every where,
Haunt their poor hearts as hounds do deer

Dreams of joy and pleasant jests,
Dancing, merriment, and feasts,
Or any dream of recreation,
Sinifies love's delication.

Dreams of air serene and gay.
And the fields dsessed all like May;
But quickly clouded and o er cast,
With many a bitter northern blast,
Shews nuptial pleasures fade apace,
And joys the sorrow soon give place
And that 'twixt poverty and strife,
You'll have but an unpleasant life.