Laws and ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674

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Laws and ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674 (1868)
by Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan
23651Laws and ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-16741868Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan


1638 - 1674






Albany, April 20, 1867.
Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate cause to be printed five hundred copies of the Laws and Ordinances enacted by the Director General and Council of New Netherland from 1638 to 1674, translated from the original Dutch Records in the office of the Secretary of State.

By order of the Senate,


Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • 1629
    June 7 - Freedoms and Exemptions - Granted by the West India Company to all Patroons, Masters, or Private Persons who will plant Colonies in New Netherland
  • 1638
    April 15 - Ordinance - Prohibiting trade in Furs; Regulating intercourse with Ships in Port; Enjoining due attention on the part of Workmen; Establishing Court days, and prohibiting Immorality
    May 17 - Ordinance - Against Immoderate drinking, and Harboring seamen on shore at night
    June 7 - Ordinance - Of the West India Company against Clandestine Trade
    June 24 - Ordinance - Authorizing the issuing of Patents to freemen for their Lands
    Aug. 19 - Ordinance - For the Inspection of Tobacco, and drawing up of Legal Instruments
    Nov. 25 - Ordinance - For the recovery of Public property; protection of private Gardens and Henroosts, and prohibiting persons in the public service quitting the Island of Manhattan without permission
  • 1639
    March 31 - Ordinance - Prohibiting the sale of Firearms, &c., to Indians, and requiring Vessels sailing to or from Fort Orange, the South River, or Fort Hope, to take out clearances
    Aug. 11 - Ordinance - For the regulation of the Workmen in the Public Service
    Sept. 22 - Ordinance - Fixing the price of Duffels
  • 1640
    March 15 - Ordinance - Against Trespassing
    May 9 - Ordinance - Against Trespasses on Indian Maize Lands
    May 9 - Ordinance - Providing for the Arming and mustering of the Militia in case of danger
    Aug. 9 - Ordinance - Against Fugitives from Service, and providing for the proper drawing up of Legal Instruments
  • 1641
    April 11 - Ordinance - Against tapping Beer, &c. during Divine service, or after Ten o’clock at night; against using any but the Amsterdam measure, and for fixing the price of Beer
    April 18 - Ordinance - Regulating the Currency of Wampum
    June 6 - Freedoms and privileges - Granted to English Settlers
    July 4 - Ordinance - Offering a reward for the Heads of Raritan Indians
    Sept. 30 - Ordinance - Establishing an annual Fair at New Amsterdam
  • 1642
    April 3 - Ordinance - Prohibiting the purchase of produce raised near Fort Hope
    April 3 - Ordinance - Imposing certain Import and Export Duties
    April 13 - Ordinance - Against harboring Fugitive Servants
    July 11 - Ordinance - Against drawing a Knife and inflicting a Wound therewith
    Oct. 16 - Ordinance - Against Defaults
  • 1643
    June 18 - Ordinance - Against selling intoxicating Liquors to Indians
    June 18 - Ordinance - Against harboring Fugitive Servants (renewed)
    Nov. 19 - Ordinance - Regulating the Burgher guard
  • 1644
    Feb. 25 - Act - Emancipating certain Negro Slaves therein mentioned
    March 31 - Ordinance - For the construction of a public Inclosure on the Island of Manhattan
    June 7 - Ordinance - Against depositing Ashes, or committing any nuisance within Fort Amsterdam
    June 21 - Ordinance - For levying an Excise on Liquors and Beavers
    Aug. 4 - Ordinance - For Further levying an Excise on Beavers and Beer
    Aug. 25 - Ordinance - Against Harboring certain persons
    Nov. 16 - Charter - Granted to the Town of Hempstead
  • 1645
    Feb. 23 - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the Sale of Firearms, etc., to Indians
    Oct. 10 - Charter - Granted to the Town of Flushing
    Nov. 21 - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating Liquors to Indians
    Dec. 19 - Charter - Granted to the Town of Gravesend, L. I.
  • 1646
    June 12 - Ordinance - Establishing a Court of Justice in Breuckelen
    June 12 - Ordinance - Further providing for the proper drawing up of Legal Instruments
    Sept. 27 - Act - Manumitting a Negro Slave
  • 1647
    May 31 - Ordinance - Against selling Liquor during Divine Service on the Sabbath, and after nine o’clock at night; and against Fighting with Knives
    June 18 - Ordinance - Against trading in the Minquas country
    July 1 - Ordinance - Against selling Liquor to Indians; against Trespasses; and for the erection of Fences and a Public Pound
    July 4 - Ordinance - Against Smuggling, and to oblige Merchants to exhibit their Books and Accounts when called on
    July 4 - Ordinance - Imposing an Excise on Wines and Spirituous Liquors
    July 4 - Ordinance - Respecting Large and Small ships and Smuggling
    July 23 - Ordinance - Imposing an Export Duty on Furs
    July 25 - Ordinance - Regulating Buildings in the city of New Amsterdam
    Sept. 25 - Ordinance - Establishing a Board of Nine Men
    Nov. 22 - Ordinance - Providing for the completion of Fort New Amsterdam
    Nov. 30 - Resolution – Respecting loose Wampum
  • 1648
    Jan. 12 - Ordinance - Forbidding Brewers to retail, and Tavern keepers to manufacture Beer
    Jan. 20 - Resolution - Opening the Trade to Brazil and Angola, and authorizing the Importation of Slaves into New Netherland
    Jan. 23-28 - Ordinance - Prohibiting Wooden Chimneys, and appointing Firewardens in New Amsterdam
    Jan. 29 - Ordinance - Further regulating the Fur trade and imposing a Duty on Exported Furs
    March 10 - Ordinance - Against Goats and Hogs running at large in New Amsterdam
    March 10 - Ordinance - For the regulation of Trade and Navigation; the establishment of a weekly Market and an annual Fair, and declaring the East river free to all nations
    March 10 - Ordinance - Regulating Taverns in New Amsterdam
    April 27 - Additional Privileges - Granted to the Town of Flushing
    April 29 - Ordinance - For the better observance of the Sabbath
    May 13 - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the sale of Intoxicating Liquor to Indians
    Aug. 19 - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the Sale of Fireams, &c., to Indians (renewed)
    Sept. 18 - Ordinance - Obliging Scotch Merchants and Petty Traders to reside three years in New Netherland, &c
    Sept. 28 - Ordinance - For the better enforcing of the Ordinance against Fires
    Sept. 28 - Ordinance - For the recovery of Wages due to Indians
    Oct. 6 - Ordinance - Against Fugitives from Service
    Dec. 15 - Ordinance - For the speedier erection of Buildings in New Amsterdam
  • 1649
    April 21 - Ordinance - Fixing the duty on New Netherland Tobacco
    May 8 - Ordinance - Further providing for the proper drawing up of Legal Instruments
    July 19 - Ordinance - To enforce the Law respecting Weights and Measures
    Nov. 8 - Ordinance - To prevent frauds on the Excise
    Nov. 8 - Ordinance - Prohibiting the Exportation of Grain and Bread from New Netherland
    Nov. 8 - Ordinance - Regulating the Baking and sale of Bread
  • 1650
    Feb. 7 - Ordinance - To prevent Frauds in the conveyance of Real Estate
    April 14 - Ordinance - Amending the Ordinance of the 8 November, 1649, regulating the Baking and sale of Bread
    May 23 - Ordinance - Against encumbering or obstructing Highways
    May 30 - Ordinance - For the better regulation of the Currency
    June 27 - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the running at large of Goats, Hogs and other Animals in New Amsterdam
    Sept. 14 - Ordinance - Further regulating the Currency
  • 1651
    June 5 - Ordinance - Regulating the price of Bread, Wine, Brandy, &c
    Aug. 28 - Ordinance - To prevent Smuggling
  • 1652
    February - Ordinance - Regulating the Windmill
    February - Ordinance - Abolishing the Export duty of eight per cent on New Netherland Tobacco
    February - Ordinance - Imposing a Duty on Merchandise imported into New Netherland from New England
    April 4 - Conditions and Regulations - For the Importation of Negroes from Africa into New Netherland
    April - Ordinance - Against Illegal Trade in Powder, Lead, and Guns in New Netherland by Private persons
    June 27 - Ordinance - Regulating the driving of Wagons, Carts, &c., in New Amsterdam
    June 27 - Ordinance - Against boarding Vessels arriving at New Amsterdam before the same are entered
    July 1 - Ordinance - Regulating the purchase of Indian Lands and vacating and annulling sundry grants and purchases therein mentioned
    Sept. 4 - Ordinance - Reducing the Duty on Furs
    Sept. 30 - Ordinance - Against Runners in the Mohawk or Senecas country
    Oct. 9 - Ordinance - Against firing at Partridges or other Game within the limits of New Amsterdam
    October - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance against the Exporting of grain and against the consumption thereof by Brewing, Distilling, &c.
    October - Ordinance - Regulating the Baking and sale of Bread (renewed)
  • 1653
    Feb. 18 - Ordinance - Regulating the Inspection of New Netherland Tobacco
    Feb. 18 - Resolution - Ordering the publication of the Ordinances respecting Farm Servants, and regulating the Brewing and Malting of Grain
    March 26 - Ordinance - For the more general planting of Corn and other Grain
    March 26 - Ordinance - Imposing an additional Excise on Wines and Strong Liquors
    May 12 - Ordinance - Providing for the fortifying of the city of New Amsterdam
    May 30 - Ordinance - Directing returns to be made of all Grain in Fort Orange and the Colonie of Renselaerswyck
    Aug. 4 - Resolution - Declaring that no Appeal can lie from Judgments pronounced in New Netherland
    Aug. 15 - Ordinance - Further regulating the price of Wine and Brandy
    Nov. 19 - Ordinance - Fixing the prices of certain Imported goods
    ? - Ordinance - Fixing the rate of wages to be paid to Carpenters, Masons, &c,.
  • 1654
    Jan. 19 - Ordinance - Regulating the publication of Bans of Matrimony
    Jan. 28 - Ordinance - Imposing Duties on Indian Goods, Wines, Brandy, &c.
    April 8 - Ordinance - Against Pirates and Vagabonds, and requiring Strangers to report and give an account of themselves
    April 8 - Ordinance - For the better defense of the Dutch Towns on Long Island
    June 14 - Ordinance - Providing additional Works for Fort Amsterdam
    July 1 - Ordinance - Regulating the Ferry at the Manhattans
    July 7 - Ordinance - Against removing property from the City of New Amsterdam during the present Panic, and forbidding the return to said City, after the Panic has subsided, of such persons as may remove
    July 11 - Ordinance - Against circulating False Reports, and for obliging those who have removed from the City of New Amsterdam to return thither
    July 11 - Ordinance - To prevent injury to the Fortifications
    July 11 - Ordinance - Providing for the Increase of Sheep
    July 22 - Ordinance - Amending the Ordinance of the 28 January, 1654, imposing Duties on Indian Goods, Wines, Brandy, &c.
    Aug. 2 - Ordinance - Regulating the purchase of Lands from the Indians, and requiring all who have not Patents to take out the same within six weeks
    Aug. 10 - Ordinance - Regulating the Weighing house in New Amsterdam
    Aug. 20 - Ordinance - Regulating the duties of the Provost Marshal
    Aug. 24 - Ordinance - Imposing a Tax on Land and Cattle
    Aug. 28 - Ordinance - Against furnishing Liquor to Indians
    Sept. 2 - Ordinance - Authorizing a Tax Levy in Midwout to defray Town Charges
    Nov. 18 - Ordinance - For the better collection of the Excise at Fort Orange
    Dec. 31 - Ordinance - For the further protection of Fences
  • 1655
    Feb. 6 - Ordinance - Regulating the Duties and Fees of the City Marshal
    Feb. 23 - Ordinance - Determining the Fee for executing a Deed before the Magistrates of New Amsterdam
    March 10 - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance regulating the Inspection of New Netherland Tobacco, passed 18 February, 1653
    May 5 - Ordinance - Establishing a Tariff of Fees to be received by the Clerk of the Court of Breukelen, Midwout and Amesfoort
    July 27 - Ordinance - Of the Court at Fort Orange prohibiting Dutch Bosloopers
    Aug. 6 - Ordinance - Imposing a Duty on exported Negroes
    Aug. 28 - Ordinance - Exempting Jews from Military service
    Oct. 9 - Ordinance - For the better preservation of Fences
    Oct. 11 - Ordinance - Levying an Assessment in the City of New Amsterdam
    Oct. 16 - Ordinance - Against persons going into the Country in small parties
    Oct. 16 - Ordinance - Authorizing the laying out of the Village of Midwout
    Oct. 18 - Ordinance - Prohibiting intercourse with the Indians on the West side of Hudson’s river
    Nov. 5 - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance against Goats running at large in New Amsterdam
    Nov. 29 - Ordinance - Increasing the Tavernkeepers’ Excise throughout the Province of New Netherland
    Nov. 29 - Ordinance - Fixing the price of strong New Netherland Beer
    Dec. 20 - Ordinance - Imposing an Excise on Liquors at Fort Casimir, and prohibiting the sale of Liquor to the Indians on the South river (Delaware)
    Dec. 31 - Ordinance - To prevent Firing of Guns, Planting May poles and other Irregularities within this Province
  • 1656
    Jan. 18 - Ordinance - For the formation of Villages, and prohibiting Straw roofs and Wooden chimneys
    Jan. 18 - Ordinance - Establishing an Excise on Slaughtered cattle
    Jan. 27 - Ordinance - For the more effectual collection of Duties on exported Furs
    Feb. 1 - Ordinance - Against Conventicles
    Feb. 22 - Ordinance - For the immediate formation of the Village of Midwout
    Feb. 22 - Resolution - Of the States General ratifying the Treaty of Hartford
    Feb. 23 - Ordinance - For the proper maintaining of Fences on Lands at the South river, and for other purposes therein mentioned
    Feb. 25 - Ordinance - Confirming the survey of the city of New Amsterdam
    April 27 - Ordinance - Providing for the collection of Duties on Exported Furs and Liquors
    April 27 - Ordinance - Directing all articles over Twenty-five pounds to be weighed at the Weighinghouse
    April 27 - Ordinance - Further regulating the Weighinghouse in New Amsterdam
    May 22 - Ordinance - To prevent damages by Hogs, at Fort Casimir
    May 26 - Ordinance - For the better securing of the Village of Midwout
    May 29 - Ordinance - Against lodging Indians in New Amsterdam
    June 7 - Ordinance - Amending the Ordinance for the collection of Duties on Exported Liquors
    June 27 - Ordinance - For the payment of Tenths
    June 27 - Ordinance - Providing for the clearance of Vessels, and for the entry of Goods subject to Export Duties
    July 1 - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinances for the formation of Villages, and against admitting armed Indians into Cities, Villages and Houses
    Aug. 11 - Ordinance - Renewing and amending the Ordinance against importing articles of Contraband
    Aug. 12 - Conditions - Offered by the City of Amsterdam to those who may be sent as Colonists to the South River of New Netherland
    Aug. 24 - Ordinance - Explaining the Ordinance of the 11 August, 1656, so far as regards the Anchorage ground in the port of New Amsterdam
    Sept. 6 - Ordinance - Regulating the Fees payable at the Custom-house and Public Store, New Amsterdam
    Sept. 13 - Ordinance - Establishing a Weekly Market at New Amsterdam
    Sept. 20 - Ordinance - For the regulation of the Director General’s Company
    Sept. 27 - Ordinance - Regulating the rate at which Beaver is to be received in payment of Duties
    Oct. 24 - Ordinance - For the sweeping of Chimneys at Fort Orange
    Oct. 26 - Ordinance - Renewing and amending the Ordinances for the due observance of the Sabbath; against furnishing Liquor to Indians, or exporting Liquors without a permit, and for establishing an Assize of Bread, and regulating the trade of Baking
    Nov. 25 - Ordinance - Further regulating the Excise in New Amsterdam
    Nov. 27 - Ordinance - Providing for the Fencing of Lands at Fort Casimir
    Dec. 12 - Ordinance - For the Inspection of Tobacco at the South river
    Dec. 21 - Ordinance - Enlarging the jurisdiction of the Court of New Amsterdam
    Dec. - Articles and Ordinances - Revised and enacted by the Right honorable the Lords Burgomasters of the City of Amsterdam, according to which shall be engaged and sworn, all those who shall hereafter enter the service of the Lords Burgomasters of the City of Amsterdam, for the purpose of going with their own, or chartered ships to New Netherland and the limits of the West India Company’s Grant, pursuant to the Agreement entered into with it, and approved of by the High and Mighty Lords States General of the United Netherlands. Also, those who shall happen to transport themselves thither as Colonists and other Free persons. All which, the above mentioned Lords States General and the Lords Burgomasters of the aforesaid City, ordain and command shall be obeyed, maintained, respected during the aforesaid journey both by water and on land, by all and every of the crew of the Ships which are equipped, sent, and fitted out to New Netherland, and generally by all those who shall repair to the Country aforesaid as Servants or as Colonists, and other Free persons as aforesaid
  • 1657
    Jan. 3 - Ordinance - Regulating the Currency
    Jan. 9 - Resolution - Suspending the preceding Ordinance
    Jan. 10 - Ordinance - For the removal of Abuses in the Indian Trade at the South River
    Jan. 16 - Ordinance - For the Fencing of Private Lands, and authorizing the cutting of Firewood and Timber on unfenced Lands
    Jan. 23 - Ordinance - Obliging Tavernkeepers to take out Licenses, and to pay Excise
    Jan. 30 - Ordinance - Establishing Great and Small Burgherright in New Amsterdam
    Feb. 2 - Ordinance - Declaring who may be admitted Great and Small Burghers
    Feb. 7 - Ordinance - Imposing an Assessment to pay the salary of the Rev. Mr. Polhemius, &c
    March 30 - Ordinance - For the better Inspection of Tobacco
    June 12 - Ordinance - Renewing the laws for the better Observance of the Sabbath; against selling Liquor to Indians, and Smuggling; prescribing the Anchorage ground in the port of New Amsterdam; providing for the safe delivery of Letters, and prohibiting Fast driving through the Streets
    Aug. 12 - Ordinance - For the more effectual prevention of Smuggling
    Aug. 24 - Ordinance - Against exporting Goods without a Permit
    Nov. 29 - Ordinance - Further regulating the Currency
    Dec. 3 - Ordinance - Against receiving Goods in Pawn for Liquor
    Dec. 15 - Ordinance - Annulling fraudulent Sales of Mortgaged Lands on the South river
    Dec. 15 - Ordinance - For the more effectual and speedy removal of Thatched Roofs, Wooden Chimneys and Hay-stacks from New Amsterdam, and for providing that City with Fire-buckets, Hooks and Ladders
    Dec. 15 - Ordinance - Against Street broils and Fights in New Amsterdam
  • 1658
    Jan. 15. - Ordinance - For Appraising and Assessing vacant Lots in New Amsterdam
    Jan. 15. - Ordinance - To oblige parties to Marry after the publication of their Bans
    Jan. 25. - Ordinance - Regulating the Duties and Fees of Notaries and other Officers
    Feb. 26. - Ordinance - Of the States of Holland prohibiting certain Festivities
    March 4. - Ordinance - For establishing a New Village at the end of Manhattan Island
    March 19. - Ordinance - To prevent Fraud in the shipping of Tobacco
    March 26. - Ordinance - For the better government of the Town of Flushing on Long Island
    April 9. - Ordinance - Renewing sundry Ordinances therein mentioned
    April 9. - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance against the Importation of Munitions of War; against the unseasonable loading and unloading of Yachts, Ketches and Barks; against carrying persons away without a Pass, &c.
    April 11. - Ordinance - Against cutting Sods or dredging Oyster shells on Manhattan Island, within certain limits
    April 16. - Ordinance - Explaining what Goods are subject to Import Duty
    April 23. - Ordinance - Continuing the Ordinance of the 27 April, 1656, and further regulating the Duties payable on Imported and Exported Goods
    April 23. - Ordinance - Regulating the Duties und Fees of Court messengers
    July 2. - Ordinance - For the payment of Tenths
    Nov. 11. - Ordinance - Making Wampum a legal Tender in certain cases, and fixing the price of Bread and Liquors
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - For the immediate Settlement of Haerlem
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - For the proper Assize of Bread at Fort Orange
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - For the better prevention of Fires at Fort Orange
    Nov. 28 - Ordinance - Obliging Boarding-house keepers to pay Excise
    Nov. 28. - Ordinance - For the establishment of two Cattle Fairs in New Amsterdam
    Nov. 29. - Ordinance - Fixing the rate at which certain Debts may be paid at Fort Orange, in Wampum
    Dec. 30. - Ordinance - For the better preservation of Fences
    Dec. 30. - Ordinance - Against Firing guns, Planting May-poles, Beating Drums, or Selling Liquor on May-day or New-year’s-day
  • 1659
    Sept. 27. - Ordinance - Against molesting Indians within the jurisdiction of Fort-Orange
    Dec. 10. - Ordinance - Regulating Tapsters; against playing Golf in the Streets; against piling Firewood in the Streets, and against firing Guns on New-year’s-day, at Fort Orange
  • 1660
    Feb. 9. - Ordinance - For the establishment of Villages
    Feb. 23. - Ordinance - For inclosing the Village, and for the better government of the Town of New Utrecht
    Feb. 26. - Ordinance - For the better preservation of the Palisades around the Villages of Midwout and Amesfoort
    April 9. - Ordinance - Defining the Powers and Duties of the Schout of New Amsterdam
    May 25. - Ordinance - Excluding all persons who have not obtained their Burgher-right, from trading to Fort Orange or other parts of New Netherland
    May 31. - Ordinance - Against employing Brokers in the Indian Trade at Fort Orange
    June 2. - Ordinance - Providing for the safe transmission of Letters to Holland
    June 7. - Ordinance - For the more regular Recording of Judgments, &c., in the Inferior Court of New Amsterdam
    June 28. - Ordinance - Prohibiting Runners at Fort Orange going into the Woods to trade with Indians
    July 2. - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance against resorting to the North and South rivers without a Permit
    July 21. - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinances for the regulation of the Fur trade, and forbidding the Sale of Liquor to Indians at Fort Orange and Rensselaerswyck
    July 25. - Ordinance - Imposing a Tax on Chimneys at Fort Orange
    Aug. 16. - Ordinance - Erecting a Court of Justice in Haerlem
    Nov. 25. - Ordinance - Directing the Fencing and Improving of the Lands and Lots at the Esopus
  • 1661
    March 21. - Additional Privileges - Granted by the Directors in Holland to the Colonie of the City of Amsterdam, on the South River of New Netherland
    March 31. - Ordinance - Erecting a Court of Justice at Bushwyck
    March 31. - Ordinance - Erecting separate Courts of Justice for Midwout and Amesfoort
    April 11. - Ordinance - Further regulating the Weighinghouse
    April 25. - Ordinance - Of the Director and Council of Rensselaerswyck forbidding the trading with Indians in the Woods
    May 16. - Ordinance - For the erection of a Court of Justice at Wildwyck
    June 23. - Ordinance - Against False entries at the Custom House
    July 6. - Ordinance - For the collection of the Tenths within the district of Breuckelen
    Sept. 5. - Ordinance - Erecting a Court of Justice at Bergen
    Sept. 15. - Ordinance - Commanding the Inhabitants of certain Towns to take out Patents for their Lands
    Oct. 22. - Ordinance - Against Offsetting claims of persons in the public service against payment of Duties
    Oct. 22. - Ordinance - Making provision for the Poor
    Nov. 12. - Ordinance - Imposing a Land tax at Esopus, to defray the expense of building a Minister’s house there
    Nov. 15. - Ordinance - For the observance of the Sabbath, prevention of Fires, construction of Fences and Houses, and for the keeping in repair the Palisades at Wiltwyck, in the Esopus
    Nov. 21. - Ordinance - Imposing an Excise for one year at the Esopus for the further defraying the expense of building the Minister’s house at Wiltwyck
    Nov. 22. - Ordinance - For the construction of a new Road at the Esopus
    Nov. 24. - Ordinance - For the more speedy collection of the arrears due on the House, and Salary of the Minister at Wiltwyck, in the Esopus
    Dec. 22. - Ordinance - Erecting a Court of Justice at New Utrecht
  • 1662
    Feb. 9. - Ordinance - For the construction of a Public Well in the Village of Bergen
    Aug. 5. - Ordinance - Renewing the Ordinance of the 21st of July, 1660, regulating the Indian trade at Fort Orange
    Aug. 5. - Ordinance - Further regulating the Indian Trade at Fort Orange
    Sept. 21. - Ordinance - Against Conventicles
    Oct. 16. - Ordinance - Against burning Straw and other refuse Combustibles in the Village of Wlltwyck
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - Against selling Grain at the Esopus by Unstamped measures
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - Against receiving in pawn clothing, arms, &c., belonging to Soldiers stationed at Wiltwyck
    Nov. 27. - Ordinance - Against making openings in the Palisades at Wiltwyck
    Dec. 28. - Ordinance - Further regulating the Currency
  • 1663
    Feb. 2. - Ordinance - Against advancing Money out of the public Treasury to persons in the public service
    Feb. 12. - Further Concessions - By the West India Company to the Colonie of the City of Amsterdam on the South River of New Netherland
    March 30. - Ordinance - For the perfecting of Titles to Lands at Wiltwyck, and for the more speedy settlement of the same
    April 5. - Ordinance - Against False entries at the Custom House
    April 26. - Ordinance - For the more speedy and effectual settlement of conceded Lands
    May 17. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the bringing of Quakers and other Strollers into New Netherland
    May 24. - Ordinance - Authorizing the Farmer of the Customs to visit and examine Vessels
    June 18. - Ordinance - Against carrying on any Indian trade at Schanechtade
    June 21. - Ordinance - For the better protection of Persons traveling on the Public roads
    July 12. - Ordinance - For the arrest of Hostile Indians
    July 19. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the Inhabitants of Breuckelen removing their crops before the Tenths are paid
    July 19. - Ordinance - Empowering Inferior Courts to make Laws to prevent the sale of Liquor to Indians
    July 30. - Additional Concessions - To the Colonie of the City of Amsterdam, on the South River of New Netherland
    Sept 10. - Ordinance - For the better observance of the Sabbath
    Nov. 15. - Ordinance - For the better security and settlement of Bergen
    Nov. 29. - Ordinance - To prevent certain abuses on Leased lands
    Dec. 31. - Ordinance - For the arrest of Indians found drunk on Sundays
    Dec. 31. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the purchase of Goods stolen by Indians
  • 1664
    Jan. 3. - Ordinance - For the appointment of Fence Viewers and the erection of Pounds in the several Towns and Villages of the Province
    Jan. 23. - Edict - Of the States General declaring the Right of the West India Company to plant Colonies in America, and the power of said Company to conclude the Treaty of Hartford in 1650
    Jan. 28. - Ordinance - Erecting a Court of Justice on Staten Island
    Feb. 14. - Ordinance - For the Recording of Deeds and Mortgages in Breuckelen, Midwout, Amesfoort and New Utrecht
    March 17. - Ordinance - For the better and more careful Instruction of Youth in the principles of the Christian Religion
    April 22. - Ordinance - Against Non-residents selling by retail at Fort Orange
    June 23. - Ordinance - For the better regulating and keeping of Fences on Manhattan Island, and for the appointment of Fence Viewers
    June 23. - Ordinance - For the better regulation of the Trade with Indians
    July 17. - Ordinance - For the more careful Navigation of the North River
  • 1673
    Aug. 17. - Ordinance - Altering the Form of Government in the city of New Orange
    Aug. 18. - Freedoms and Exemptions - Of the several Towns in Achter Col
    Aug. 18. - Ordinance - Seizing all property belonging to the English or French in New Netherland
    Aug. 28. - Act - Confiscating Shelter Island and conveying the same to Nathaniel Silvester
    Sept. 11. - Ordinance - Against entertaining Strangers in the City of New Orange
    Sept. 20. - Act - Confiscating all property in the Province belonging to the English and French, with certain exceptions
    Sept. 25. - Ordinance - Directing Inhabitants of Hempstead who had not taken the Oath of Allegiance to do so within four days
    Oct. 1. - Ordinance - Explaining the Duties and Powers of the Schout and Schepens of Midwout, Amesfoort, Breuckelen, New Utrecht, Gravesend and Bushwyck
    Oct. 16. - Ordinance - Providing Means to indemnify parties whose property in New Orange may be taken for public purposes
    Oct. 16. - Ordinance - Directing the demolishing and removal of certain Buildings in New Orange, and providing payment for the same
    Oct. 31. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the sale of strong liquors to soldiers in garrison at New Orange
    Nov. 8. - Ordinance - Prescribing the Duties and Powers of the Court of Willemstadt and Renselaerwyck
    Nov. 14. - Ordinance - Prescribing the Duties and Powers of the Deputy Sheriff and Schepens of the Out district on Manhattan Island, between Fresh Water and Haerlem
    Nov. 18. - Laws and Ordinances - Enacted by the Schout and Magistrates of After Coll Assembly held att Elisabeth Towne
    Dec. 12. - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the entertainment of Strangers, and forbidding intercourse or correspondence with the people of New England
    Dec. 22. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the exportation of provisions and other articles, and directing the laying in of supplies at New Orange for six or eight months
    Dec. 27. - Ordinance - For the preservation and security of the Fortifications of New Orange
  • 1674
    Jan. 15. - Ordinance - Prescribing the Duties and Powers of the Court of the City of New Orange
    Jan. 24. - Ordinance - Further prohibiting the sale of Strong Liquor to Soldiers in garrison at New Orange
    Feb. 1. - Ordinance - Authorizing the imposing of a Tax for the payment of the Debt of the city of New Orange, and appointing Commissioners to assess the same
    Feb. 20. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the use of any other than Amsterdam Weights and Measures
    March 13. - Ordinance - Calling on the Militia of the Dutch Towns to repair to New Orange on the first notice
    March 16. - Ordinance - Forbidding inhabitants of New Orange leaving, or passing the night outside the City without permission, or corresponding with the enemy
    March 17. - Ordinance - Authorizing a Loan to defray certain expenses incurred by the Government
    April 16. - Ordinance - Against the running at large of Swine, &c., in New Orange
    April 19. - Ordinance - Prohibiting the shooting of Hogs on Manhattan Island without permission

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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