Letter to Ali ibn Isa

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Letter to Ali ibn Isa

Translation comes from the text Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad, 1878 by Author:Robert Durie Osborn.

135822Letter to Ali ibn Isa

In the name of God, the Merciful and the Compassionate,

O Son of a Prostitute, I have loaded you with favours; from the rank of a mere captain of guards, I elevated you to that of governor and conferred upon you the government of Khorasan, disregarding the advice of my ministers who said that you were not fit for so important a charge; and this is how you recompense me!

You oppress the faithful and alienate my subjects from me. Now I send Hartama[1] charged to arrest thee, to despoil thee of they wealth, to demand of thee an account of thy actions and to compel thee to restore all which thou hast wrongfully got possession of. Remit to him thy power and obey his orders.


  1. Hartama ibn Ayan, the Khorasan successor to ibn Isa