Life And Letters Of Maria Edgeworth/Volume 2/Letter 107

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EDGEWORTHSTOWN, Dec. 17, 1837.

We are very anxious indeed to hear of Sophy:[1] the last account Harriet gave was quite alarming. I see Richard going about the house with his watch in his hand to feel Sophy's pulse, and looking so anxious. How glad he must be that he had returned home, and to Sophy what a comfort it must be, to have the certainty of his affection, and to have the earliest companion of her childhood and her manly friend beside her now! I will go to her instantly if she desires it.

I long to hear that you have had, and that you like, the Memoirs of Mr. Smedley. I am sure that, when Sophy is well enough to hear or to read anything, that book will be the very thing for her.


  1. Miss Ruxton, Miss Edgeworth's cousin and dearest friend, died at Black Castle, December 30.