Littell's Living Age/Volume 135/Issue 1745

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Fifth Series,
Volume XX.
No. 1745. — November 24, 1877. From Beginning

I. Pre-Christian Dispensaries and Hospitals, Westminster Review, 451
II. Da Capo. By Miss Thackeray. Part II. Advance Sheets, 462
III. Lord Chancellors and Chief Justices since Lord Campbell. By Rev. F. Arnold, New Quarterly Review, 469
IV. Green Pastures and Piccadilly. By William Black. Part XXXVIII. Harper's Bazar, 486
V. The Restoration of the Ancient System of tank Irrigation in Ceylon, Nature, 489
VI. Erica. Translated for The Living Age from the German of Frau von Ingersleben, 495
VII. The Black Museum, Spectator, 501
VIII. William and Mary Howitt, Leisure Hour, 504
VII. A Female Detective, European Mail, 510
VIII. The Mennonite Communists, Pall Mall Gazette, 512
The Angels' Greeting, 450  Bide a Wee, and Dinna Fret, 450
Dead, yet Speaking. By the author of "John Halifax, Gentleman," 450 Gathered Roses. By F. W. Bourdillon, 450