Maid milking her cow/The Loving and United Valentine

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Maid milking her cow (1800)
The Loving and United Valentine
3211487Maid milking her cow — The Loving and United Valentine1800

The Loving and United Valentine.

ALL in the month of February,
when the trees do bud and spring,
And little lambs do skip like fairies,
birds-do couple, build and sing,
All things on earth that do draw breath,
in love together they do join,
Why should not I my fortune try,
and chafe me out some Valentine.

Thanks to kind features, I have my wishes,
since that I have met my dear,
Your fair face and lovely kisses,
your fair face doth my heart cheer,
My dearth, love and turtle dove,
O let my arms about thee twine,
For thou art she that first I see,
good-morrow my fair Valentine.

O no, kind Sir, you are mistaken,
you must chase other maid,
For young men are given to flatter,
and so much to me you’ve said
Pray do not stay me on the way,
with those few lines which you have join'd,
Let me alone, let me be gone,
chuse you some other Valentine.

If kind Fate may be believed,
when on you I first set fight,
Surely I did love, believe me,
and you are my beauty bright;
Oft have ' wish’d for to be bless’d,
in your fair presence to be join’d,
And in my mind, maids should be kind,
and loving to their Valentine.

To me, kind Sir. you are a stranger,
maids must look before they leap,
And in strange hands there is great danger,
snakes under flowers often creep;
I often had men’s words are wind,
the fun doth set to brighter shine,
After a calm there comes a storm,
and then no more sweet Valentine.

But if I from my promise alter,
let then nothing with me thrive,
No, nor nothing with me thrive,
whilst that I remain alive:
Pains I'll not spare but I'll take care,
for to maintain you neat and fine,
And of the best that can be drest,
then thou shalt eat, sweet Valentine.

For your affection kind Sir, I thank you,
for it is more than I deserve,
For I will be no longer cruel,
but will a lover’s heart preserve;
‘Tis modesty makes maids deny,
and from these words I do decline,
So banish pain, take heart again,
and I will be your Valentine.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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