Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition/Part 1

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Part 1: General (2023)
Federal Highway Administration

Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration, pages 1–38

4385634Part 1: General2023Federal Highway Administration



Section 1A.01 Purpose of the MUTCD


[01] The purpose of the MUTCD is to establish uniform national criteria for the use of traffic control devices that meet the needs and expectancy of road users on all streets, highways, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and site roadways open to public travel.

[02]This purpose is achieved through the following objectives:

A. Promote safety, inclusion, and mobility for all users of the road network;
B. Promote efficiency through creating national uniformity in the meaning and appearance of traffic control devices;
C. Promote national consistency in the use, installation, and operation of traffic control devices; and
D. Provide basic principles for traffic engineers to use in making decisions regarding the use, installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of traffic control devices.

[03] Uniformity of the meaning of traffic control devices is vital to their effectiveness. Uniformity means treating similar situations in a similar way. Uniformity of devices simplifies the task of the road user because it aids in recognition and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. Uniformity assists road users, law enforcement officers, and traffic courts by giving everyone the same interpretation. Uniformity assists public highway officials through efficiency in manufacture, installation, maintenance, and administration.

[04]The use of uniform traffic control devices also requires uniform and appropriate application.

[05] The applicability of the MUTCD to facilities open to public travel is independent of the type of ownership or jurisdiction (public or private) and the source of funding (Federal, State, local, or private).

[06] This Manual presumes the user of the MUTCD has sufficient working knowledge, professional training and experience, and education in the principles of traffic engineering. Other resources can be consulted to understand the basis for decisions that are made in which engineering study or judgment will be applied.

Section 1A.02 Traffic Control Devices – General Description


[01]As defined in Section 1C.02 of this Manual, traffic control devices include all signs, signals, markings, channelizing devices, or other devices that use colors, shapes, symbols, words, sounds, and/or tactile information for the primary purpose of communicating a regulatory, warning, or guidance message to road users on a street, highway, pedestrian facility, bikeway, pathway, or site roadway open to public travel.

[02] Infrastructure elements that restrict the road user’s travel paths or vehicle speeds, such as islands, curbs, speed humps, and other raised roadway surfaces, are not traffic control devices. Transverse or longitudinal rumble strips are also not traffic control devices. Operational devices associated with the application of traffic control strategies such as fencing, roadway lighting, barriers, and attenuators are shown in this Manual for context, but their design, application, and usage are not specified since they are not traffic control devices.

[03] Certain types of signs and other devices that do not have any traffic control purpose are sometimes placed within the highway right-of-way by or with the permission of the public agency or the official having jurisdiction over the street or highway. These signs and other devices are not considered to be traffic control devices and provisions regarding their design and use are not included in this Manual. Among these signs and other devices are the following:

A. Devices whose purpose is to assist highway maintenance personnel, such as markers to guide snowplow operators, devices that identify culvert and drop inlet locations, and devices that precisely identify highway locations for maintenance or mowing purposes;
B. Devices whose purpose is to assist fire or law enforcement personnel, such as markers that identify fire hydrant locations, signs that identify fire or water district boundaries, speed measurement pavement markings, small indicator lights to assist in enforcement of red light violations, and photo enforcement systems;
C. Devices whose purpose is to assist utility company personnel and highway contractors, such as markers that identify underground utility locations;
D. Signs posting local non-traffic ordinances; and
E. Signs giving civic organization meeting information.

Section 1A.03 Target Road Users


[01] Traffic control devices can be targeted at operators of motor vehicles, including driving automation systems, and at vulnerable road users.

[02] Targeted operators of motor vehicles include motorists, public transportation operators, truck drivers, and motorcyclists. Targeted users also include vulnerable road users, who have little to no protection from crash forces. These users are defined in Title 23, U.S.C. 148(a). They include bicyclists and pedestrians, including persons with disabilities. Pedestrians with disabilities might be blind or vision-impaired, have mobility limitations, or other impairments. Protection of vulnerable users is a priority in this Manual as directed in Section 11135 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

[03] Operators of motor vehicles and vulnerable road users are both likely to be present on roadways where adjacent land use suggests that trips could be served by varied modes. Application of traffic control devices on these roadways requires careful consideration of measures to set and design for appropriate speeds; separation of various users in time and space; improvement of connectivity and access for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit riders, including for people with disabilities; and implementation of safety countermeasures.

Section 1A.04 Use of the MUTCD


[01]Traffic control device principles in the MUTCD are developed for and used by individuals who are duly authorized and qualified to conduct traffic control device activities.


[02] Where the content of this Manual requires a decision for implementation, such decisions shall be made by an engineer, or an individual under the supervision of an engineer, who has the appropriate levels of experience and expertise to make the traffic control device decision. Those decisions shall be made using engineering judgment or engineering study, as required by the MUTCD provision.


[03] Section 1C.02 contains definitions of “engineering study” and “engineering judgment.”


[04] In making traffic control device decisions, individuals should consider the impacts of the decision on the following: safety and operational efficiency (mobility) of all road users at that location, the effective use of agency resources, cost-effectiveness, and enforcement and education aspects of traffic control devices.


[05] Throughout this Manual the headings Standard, Guidance, Option, and Support, the meanings of which are defined in Section 1C.01, are used to classify the nature of the text that follows. Figures and tables, including the notes contained therein, supplement the text and might constitute a Standard, Guidance, Option, or Support. The user needs to refer to the appropriate text to classify the nature of the figure, table, or note contained therein.


[06]Except when a specific numeral is required or recommended by the text of a Section of this Manual, numerals displayed on the images of devices in the figures that specify quantities such as times, distances, speed limits, and weights should be regarded as examples only. When installing any of these devices, the numerals should be appropriately altered to fit the specific situation.

[07]Similarly, destination names, route numbers, and State route shields that are displayed on the images of devices in the figures should be regarded as examples only. When installing any of these devices, the destination names, route numbers, and State route shields should be appropriately altered to fit the specific situation.


[08] The information contained in Paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Section will be useful when reference is being made to a specific portion of text in this Manual.

[09] There are nine Parts in this Manual and each Part includes one or more Chapters. Each Chapter includes one or more Sections. Parts are identified by a single-digit numerical identification, such as “Part 2 – Signs.” Chapters are identified by the Part number and a letter, such as “Chapter 2B – Regulatory Signs.” Sections are identified by the Chapter number and letter followed by a decimal point and a 2-digit number, such as “Section 2B.03 – Size of Regulatory Signs.” In some Chapters, the Sections are grouped together by subject into unnumbered sub-chapters with a heading, such as “Signing for Right-of-Way at Intersections” (for Sections 2B.06 through 2B.20).

[10] Each Section includes one or more paragraphs. The paragraphs are indented and are identified by a number. Paragraphs are counted from the beginning of each Section without regard to the intervening text headings (Standard, Guidance, Option, or Support) or any intervening text in embedded Figures or Tables. Some paragraphs have lettered or numbered items. As an example of how to cite this Manual, the phrase “[n]ot less than 40 feet beyond the stop line” that appears in Section 4D.08 of this Manual would be referenced in writing as “Section 4D.08, Par.1, A.1,” and would be verbally referenced as “Item A.1 of Paragraph 1 of Section 4D.08.”

Section 1A.05 Relation to Other Publications


[01] To the extent that they are incorporated by specific reference, the latest editions of the following publications, shall be a part of this Manual: “Standard Highway Signs” publication (FHWA), and “Color Specifications for Retroreflective Sign and Pavement Marking Materials” (appendix to Subpart F of Part 655 of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations).


[02] The “Standard Highway Signs” publication includes standard alphabets and symbols and arrows for signs and pavement markings.

[03] The MUTCD is not a roadway design manual, and engineers seeking guidance on design should refer to appropriate roadway design guides recognized by the Federal Highway Administration as needed for the design application.

[04] Other publications are referenced in this Manual as useful resources, but they are not regulatory in nature and are not independently legally enforceable.

Section 1A.06 Uniform Vehicle Code – Rules of the Road


[01] The “Uniform Vehicle Code” (UVC) is one of the publications referenced in the MUTCD. The UVC contains a model set of motor vehicle codes and traffic laws for use throughout the United States, the intent of which is to promote national uniformity in these laws. The Rules of the Road contained in the UVC are intended to be recommendations for States to adopt in their State statutes and are not independently legally enforceable.


[02] The actions required of road users to obey regulatory devices should be specified by State statute, or in cases not covered by State statute, in local ordinances or resolutions. Such statutes, ordinances, and resolutions should be consistent with the “Uniform Vehicle Code.”


Section 1B.01 National Standard


[01] The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) is incorporated by reference in 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 655, Subpart F and shall be recognized as the national standard for all traffic control devices installed on any street, highway, bikeway, or site roadway open to public travel (see definition in Section 1C.02) in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 109(d) and 402(a).

[02] In accordance with 23 CFR 655.603(a), the MUTCD shall apply to all of the following types of facilities:

A. Any street, roadway, or bikeway open to public travel, either publicly or privately owned;
B. Streets and roadways on sites that are off the public right-of-way that are open to public travel without full-time access restrictions. Examples include roadways within shopping centers, office parks, airports, sports arenas, other similar business and/or recreation facilities, governmental office complexes, schools, universities, recreational parks, and other similar publicly-owned complexes and/or recreation facilities. The above-described examples of streets and roadways are referred to in this Manual as site roadways open to public travel;
C. Publicly-owned toll roads, including those under the jurisdiction of a public agency, public authority, or public-private partnership;
D. Privately-owned toll roads where the public is allowed to travel without access restriction. This includes gated toll roads or roadways where the general public is able to pay to access the facility; and
E. Grade crossings of publicly-owned roadways with railroads or light rail transit.

[03] The MUTCD shall not apply to the following types of facilities:

A. Roadways within private gated properties where access to the general public is restricted at all times;
B. Grade crossings of privately-owned roadways with railroads; and
C. Parking areas, including the driving aisles within those parking areas, that are either publicly or privately owned.


[04] The policies and procedures of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to obtain basic uniformity of traffic control devices are as described in 23 CFR 655, Subpart F.

[05] Section 15-116 of the UVC (see Section 1A.06) states, “No person shall install or maintain in any area of private property used by the public any sign, signal, marking, or other device intended to regulate, warn, or guide traffic unless it conforms with the State manual and specifications adopted under Section 15-104.” Adoption by agencies of such a provision through statute or ordinance can help maintain the integrity of official traffic control devices and provide continuity of uniformity at locations that are not subject to the provisions of this Manual.

Section 1B.02 State Adoption and Conformance


[01] All States have officially adopted the National MUTCD either in its entirety, with supplemental provisions, or as a separate published document. The National MUTCD has also been adopted by the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Military Command, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.


[02] States or other Federal agencies that have their own MUTCDs or Supplements shall revise these MUTCDs or Supplements to be in substantial conformance with changes to the National MUTCD within 2 years of the effective date of the Final Rule for the changes [23 CFR 655.603(b)(3)]. Substantial conformance of such State or other Federal agency MUTCDs or Supplements shall be as defined in 23 CFR 655.603(b)(1).

[03] For the purposes of Paragraph 2 of this Section, policies, directives, specifications, standard drawings, or similar documents that are issued by an agency and that change or modify Standard, Guidance, or Option provisions in this Manual shall be considered as supplements to the MUTCD and shall also be revised to be in substantial conformance with the National MUTCD.

Section 1B.03 Compliance of Devices


[01] The U.S. Secretary of Transportation, under authority granted by the Highway Safety Act of 1966, decreed that traffic control devices on all streets and highways open to public travel in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 109(d) and 402(a) in each State shall be in substantial conformance with the Standards issued or endorsed by the FHWA.


[02] 23 CFR 655.603 also requires traffic control devices on all streets, highways, bikeways, and site roadways open to public travel in each State be in substantial conformance with standards issued or endorsed by the Federal Highway Administrator.


[03] After the effective date of a new edition of the MUTCD or a revision thereto, or after the adoption thereof by the State, whichever occurs later, new or reconstructed devices installed shall comply with the new edition or revision, as required by 23 CFR 655.603.

[04] In cases involving Federal-aid projects for new construction, reconstruction, resurfacing, restoration, or rehabilitation of a facility to which this Manual applies, the traffic control devices installed (temporary or permanent) shall comply with the most recent edition of the National MUTCD before that highway is opened or re-opened to the public for unrestricted travel [23 CFR 655.603(d)(2) and (d)(3)].

[05] Unless a particular device is no longer serviceable (see definition in Section 1C.02), non-compliant devices on existing highways and bikeways shall be brought into compliance with the current edition of the National MUTCD as part of the systematic upgrading of substandard traffic control devices (and installation of new required traffic control devices) required pursuant to the Highway Safety Program, 23 U.S.C. §402(a).


[06] The FHWA has the authority to establish other target compliance dates for implementation of particular changes to the MUTCD [23 CFR 655.603(d)(1)].


[07] The target compliance dates established by the FHWA shall be as shown in Table 1B-1.

[08] Design, application, and placement of traffic control devices other than those adopted in this Manual shall be prohibited unless the provisions of Sections 1B.04 through 1B.08 are followed regarding official interpretations, experiments, changes to the MUTCD, and interim approvals granted by the FHWA.


[09] Many of the provisions in this Manual that are explicitly prohibitive have been included to address practices that have been shown to be ineffective, unsafe, or inconsistent with uniformity. A provision of mandatory or recommended practice represents the accepted and established practice that promotes uniformity and consistency. The absence of a provision in this Manual that explicitly prohibits a particular practice, use, design, application, operation, or other aspect of a traffic control device does not, in itself, constitute acceptability or permission to use the device in a manner not provided for in this Manual.

Table 1B-1. Target Compliance Dates Established by the FHWA
Subject Area Specific Provision Compliance Date
2B.64 Weight Limit Signs Paragraph 14 – requirement for additional Weight Limit sign with the advisory distance or directional legend in advance of applicable section of highway or structure 5 years from the effective date of this edition of the MUTCD
2C.25 Low Clearance
Signs (W12-2)
Paragraph 1 – Required posting of the Low Clearance Advance (W12-2) sign in advance of the structure 5 years from the effective date of this edition of the MUTCD
2C.25 Low Clearance
Signs (W12-2a,
Paragraph 8 – Recommended posting of Low Clearance Overhead (W12-2a or 12-2b) signs on an arch or other structure under which the clearance varies greatly 5 years from the effective date of this edition of the MUTCD
3A.05 Maintaining
Implementation and continued use of a method that is designed to maintain retroreflectivity of longitudinal pavement markings (see Paragraph 1 of Section 3A.05) September 6, 2026
8B.16 High-Profile
Grade Crossings
Paragraphs 3 and 7 – Recommended installation of Low Ground Clearance and/or Vehicle Exclusion signs and detour signs for vehicles with low ground clearances that might hang up on highprofile grade crossings at locations with a known history 5 years from the effective date of this edition of the MUTCD
Highway Traffic
Signals at or Near
Grade Crossings
Assessment and determination of appropriate treatment to achieve compliance (preemption, movement prohibition, pre-signals, queue cutter signals) 10 years from the effective date of this edition of the MUTCD


[10] Agencies should contact the FHWA when considering employing a practice or application that is not explicitly addressed in this Manual to ensure continued compliance with the provisions in this Manual.


[11] The FHWA reviews and interprets the provisions in this Manual for agencies on an as-needed basis, which can lead to the issuance of official interpretations (see Section 1B.04), or interim approvals (see Section 1B.07).


[12] A non-compliant traffic control device that is being replaced or refurbished because it is damaged, missing, or no longer serviceable (see definition in Section 1C.02) for any reason shall be replaced with a compliant device, except as provided for in Paragraph 13 of this Section.


[13] A non-compliant traffic control device may be replaced in kind when engineering judgment indicates it is more appropriate because:

A. One compliant device in the midst of a series of adjacent non-compliant devices would be confusing to road users, and/or
B. The schedule for replacement of the whole series of non-compliant devices will result in achieving timely compliance with the MUTCD.

Section 1B.04 Interpretations


[01] The FHWA issues authoritative interpretations of this Manual when necessary to provide clarity in response to unique situations for device application or general requests for clarification of a provision.

[02] An interpretation includes a consideration of the application and operation of standard traffic control devices, the official meanings of standard traffic control devices, or the variations from standard device designs and design requirements.


[03] Requests for an interpretation of this Manual should contain the following information:

A. A concise statement of the interpretation being sought;
B. A description of the condition that provoked the need for an interpretation;
C. Any illustration that would be helpful to understand the request; and
D. Any supporting research data that is pertinent to the item to be interpreted.


[04] Section 1B.08 contains information on submitting a request for interpretation.

Section 1B.05 Experimentation


[01] Requests for experimentation (see Section 1B.08) include consideration of field deployment for the purpose of testing or evaluating a new traffic control device, its application or manner of use, or a provision not specifically described in this Manual.


[02] A traffic control device or application that does not comply with the provisions of this Manual shall not be used on any street, highway, bikeway, or site roadway open to public travel (see definition in Section 1C.02) without first receiving official approval to experiment from the FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations.


[03] A request for permission to experiment (see Section 1B.08) will be considered only when submitted by the public agency or toll facility authority responsible for the operation of the road or street on which the experiment is to take place. For a site roadway open to public travel, the request will be considered only if it is submitted by the private owner or official having jurisdiction.

[04] A request for experimentation with a novel device or application across multiple jurisdictions as a single experiment with a common hypothesis, evaluation plan, and evaluation team will be considered when submitted jointly by all the authorities responsible for operation of the roads or streets on which the experiment is to take place. Similarly, a request to add experimental sites to an experimentation approved for another jurisdiction will be considered when submitted jointly by the all the authorities for operation of the roads or streets on which the experiment is then to take place.

[05] Manufacturers or inventors of novel devices are encouraged to engage the services of a qualified traffic engineer or other professional who is versed in traffic control devices. Early engagement during the concept and development processes will help ensure the efficacy of the device with regard to human factors, operational, safety, and other considerations prior to an agency requesting experimentation.

[06] In some cases, an off-roadway closed-course or laboratory study might be required before a request for experimentation can be considered. The purpose of such a study is to determine whether testing the experimental device or application in an open-road setting could result in an undue safety risk.


[07] Before requesting permission to experiment with a new device or application, an owner of a site roadway open to public travel should first check for any laws, regulations, and/or directives covering the application of the MUTCD that might apply.


[08] An agency may request a preliminary assessment of the viability of a potential request for experimentation by submitting an abstract that briefly describes the experimental concept.


[09] A diagram indicating the process for requesting and conducting experimentations with traffic control devices is shown in Figure 1B-1.

Figure 1B-1. Process for Requesting and Conducting Experimentations for the New Traffic Control Devices


[10] The request for permission to experiment shall contain the following:

A. A statement indicating the nature of the problem and a hypothesis establishing the premise of the experiment.
B. A description of the proposed change to the traffic control device or application of the traffic control device, including the manner in which it deviates from the provisions of this Manual, and how it is expected to be an improvement over existing provisions.
C. Illustrations that would help to explain the traffic control device or use of the traffic control device.
D. Any supporting data explaining how the traffic control device was developed, including if it has been tested, in what ways it was found to be adequate or inadequate, and how this choice of device or application was derived.
E. Comparison of the proposed device to other compliant devices or treatments, either individually or in combination, that address the same condition, if applicable.
F. A legally-binding statement that the experimental device or application is in the public domain, in accordance with Paragraph 16 of this Section.
G. The time period and location(s) of the experiment.
H. Control sites for comparison purposes or justification for not using control sites.
I. A detailed research and evaluation plan that provides for close monitoring of the experimentation, throughout all stages of its field implementation. The evaluation plan shall include an appropriate evaluation methodology, such as before and after analysis, or other appropriate methodology as well as quantitative data describing the performance of the experimental device.
J. An agreement to provide semi-annual progress reports for the duration of the experimentation, in accordance with the schedule provided in Paragraph 12 of this Section, and an agreement to provide a report of the final results of the experimentation to the FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations within 3 months following completion of the experimentation (see Paragraph 14 of this Section). The FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations shall have the right to terminate approval of an agency’s experiment if reports are not received in accordance with this schedule.
K. An agreement to restore the site of the experiment to a condition that complies with the provisions of this Manual within 3 months following the end of the time period of the experiment. This agreement shall also provide that the agency sponsoring the experimentation will terminate the experimentation at any time that it determines that safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the experimentation and the agency shall provide timely notification to the FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations. The FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations shall have the right to terminate approval of the experimentation at any time if there is an indication of safety or operational concerns, or if the terms of the approval are not being adhered to. If, as a result of the experimentation, a request is made that this Manual be changed to include the device or application being experimented with, the FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations will determine whether the device or application can be permitted to remain in place until an official rulemaking action has occurred.

[11] Where an item in Paragraph 10 of this Section is determined to not be applicable to the type of experiment, device, or application, the request shall provide sufficient explanation.

[12] The required semi-annual progress reports shall be submitted throughout the course of an approved experiment in accordance with the following schedule:

A. No later than August 1st for the preceding period of January through June; and
B. No later than February 1st for the preceding period of July through December.

[13] The experimenting agency shall submit a semi-annual progress report for any approved experiment even if no work was performed during the previous reporting period. Failure to submit two consecutive progress reports shall result in termination of the experiment and shall constitute rescission of the FHWA’s approval to the experimenting agency, requiring restoration of the site(s) to a condition that complies with the provisions of this Manual within 3 months.

[14] The experimenting agency shall submit a final report within 3 months of the conclusion of an approved experiment. If a final report is not received by the FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations, and the experimenting agency fails to notify the FHWA of any mitigating circumstances within 6 months of the end of the approved experimentation period, then the experiment shall be considered terminated and shall constitute rescission of the FHWA’s approval to the experimenting agency, requiring restoration of the site(s) to a condition that complies with the provisions of this Manual within 3 months.


[15] Under certain circumstances the FHWA Office of Transportation Operations might allow an experimental device or device application that has been shown to be effective and without safety concerns to remain in use after the experiment has ended. This typically would occur if the device or application is actively being considered for interim approval under the provisions of Section 1B.07.


[16] A request for experimentation that involves a new traffic control device or a new application of an existing traffic control device shall include from the agency conducting the experiment, the manufacturer and/or developer of the device, and the supplier of the device, a legally-binding statement certifying that the traffic control device is not protected by a patent, trademark, or copyright in accordance with Section 1D.06, and that the traffic control device is in the public domain and can be used freely in traffic control device design and application without infringement or claim of trade secret misappropriation. The legally-binding statement shall also state that the agency conducting the experiment, the manufacturer and/or developer of the device, and the supplier of the device are aware that if patent, trademark, or copyright protection is established in the future for the device or application, such action will result in its removal from the MUTCD, cancellation of its interim approval, or cancellation of the authorization for experimentation.


[17] For the purpose of the Standard in Paragraph 16 of this Section, traffic control device refers to those aspects of a sign, signal, marking or other device which regulates, warns, or guides traffic. The limitation on patent, trademark, or copyright protection does not include the legal protection of individual elements of such devices. For example, manufacturing methods, assembly methods, or individual components of such devices can be protected, whereas the traffic control device cannot be subject to protection so long as it remains in this Manual. As a further example, an internal circuit board for an electronic traffic control device can be legally protected, but the electronic traffic control device itself or its operational function cannot be legally protected by any of the above forms of intellectual property rights.

Section 1B.06 Changes to the MUTCD


[01] Continuing advances in technology and approaches to traffic safety will produce changes in the highway, vehicle, and road-user proficiency; therefore, portions of the system of traffic control devices in this Manual will require updating. It is important to have a procedure for recognizing these developments and for introducing new ideas and modifications into the system.

[02] A change includes consideration of a new device to replace a present standard device, an additional device to be added to the list of standard devices, or a revision to a traffic control device application or placement criteria.


[03] Requests for a change to this Manual (see Section 1B.08) should contain the following information:

A. A statement indicating what change is proposed;
B. Any illustration that would be helpful to understand the request; and
C. Any supporting research data that is pertinent to the item to be reviewed.


[04] Requests for a change to this Manual will be evaluated to consider the potential safety and operational benefits of the requested change and be considered for inclusion in a future for consideration in the next rulemaking to issue a new edition or revision of the Manual. A diagram indicating the process for incorporating new traffic control devices into this Manual is shown in Figure 1B-2.

Section 1B.07 Interim Approvals


[01] Interim approval allows for provisional use, pending official rulemaking, of a new traffic control device, a revision to the application or manner of use of an existing traffic control device, or a provision not specifically described in this Manual.

[02] The FHWA issues an interim approval by official memorandum signed by the Associate Administrator for Operations and posts this memorandum on the MUTCD Web site.

[03] Interim approval allows for the optional use of a traffic control device or application and does not create a new mandate or recommendation for its use. Interim approval includes conditions that jurisdictions, toll facility operators, or owners of site roadways open to public travel agree to comply with in order to use the traffic control device or application until an official rulemaking action has occurred.

Figure 1B-2. Process for Incorporating New Traffic Control Devices into the MUTCD

[04] The issuance by FHWA of an interim approval might result in the traffic control device or application being proposed for adoption in the next scheduled rulemaking process to issue a new edition or revision of this Manual. If the device or application under interim approval is not proposed in the next rulemaking for a new edition or revision, then a statement of the status of the interim approval, whether it is to be rescinded or remain in effect, will be included in the Federal Register notice for the rulemaking.

[05] Interim approval is considered based on the results of experimentation, and/or results of analytical or laboratory studies with a traffic control device or application that analytically demonstrates a device effectively communicates its intended meaning. Interim approval considerations include an assessment of relative risks, benefits, costs, impacts, and other factors.

[06] Section 1B.08 contains information on submitting a request for interim approval.

[07] Interim approval is ordinarily considered only after published authoritative research and experimentation sufficiently demonstrate that the device or application provides a significant safety or operational improvement. Individual experiments by various jurisdictions, without a research report on the overall findings of the experimental device or application, will not ordinarily qualify for issuance of an interim approval.

[08] Interim approval ordinarily is not considered based solely on non-U.S. experience with a new traffic control device or application. Differences in regulations, enforcement and penalties, and driver licensing requirements, among other factors, can result in dissimilar road-user behavior. Additionally, due to variations in conventions for traffic control device design, a non-U.S. traffic control device concept might need to be adapted to U.S. criteria to ensure consistency with the provisions and principles of this Manual. However, documented non-U.S. experience can be considered in the development of requests for experimentation (see Section 1B.05) and within the evaluation plan for traffic control device research.


[09] A jurisdiction, toll facility operator, or owner of a site roadway open to public travel that desires to use a traffic control device or application for which FHWA has issued an interim approval shall request and receive permission from FHWA in writing prior to applying the device or application.

[10] The request to place a traffic control device or application under an existing interim approval shall contain the following:

A. A description of where the device or application will be used, such as a list of specific locations or highway segments or types of situations, or a statement of the intent to use the device or application jurisdiction-wide;
B. An agreement to abide by the specific conditions for use of the device or application as contained in the FHWA’s interim approval memorandum;
C. An agreement to maintain and continually update a list of locations where the device or application has been installed; and
D. An agreement to:
1. Restore the site(s) of the interim approval to a condition that complies with the provisions in this Manual within 3 months following the issuance of a final rule on this traffic control device or application; and
2. Terminate use of the device or application installed under the interim approval at any time that it determines that safety concerns are directly or indirectly attributable to the device or application. The FHWA’s Office of Transportation Operations shall have the right to terminate the interim approval at any time if there is an indication of safety, operational, or other concerns.


[11] A State may submit a request for permission to use a device or application under an existing interim approval for all jurisdictions in that State, as long as the request contains the information required in Paragraph 9 of this Section.


[12] A jurisdiction, toll facility operator, or owner of a site roadway open to public travel that elects to use a device or application under a statewide interim approval shall inform the State of its use of the device or application.

[13] Under a statewide interim approval, the respective jurisdictions, toll facility operators, and owners of site roadways open to public travel shall maintain and continually update a record of all locations on their roads where the device or application is implemented (see Item C of Paragraph 9 of this Section) and shall furnish this information to the State.

Section 1B.08 Requesting Official Interpretations, Experiments, Changes to the MUTCD, or Interim Approvals


[01] A local jurisdiction, toll facility operator, or owner of a site roadway open to public travel that is requesting permission to experiment or permission to use a device or application under an existing interim approval should first check for any State laws, regulations, and/or directives covering the application of the MUTCD provisions that might apply.


[02] Except as provided in Paragraph 3 of this Section, requests for an interpretation, permission to experiment, a change to the MUTCD, granting of an interim approval, or permission to use an existing interim approval shall be submitted electronically to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Transportation Operations, MUTCD team, at the following e-mail address:


[03] If electronic submittal is not possible, requests for an interpretation, permission to experiment, a change to the MUTCD, granting of an interim approval, or permission to use an existing interim approval may instead be mailed to the Office of Transportation Operations, HOTO-1, Federal Highway Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.


[04] Communications regarding other MUTCD matters that are not related to official requests will receive quicker attention if they are submitted electronically to the MUTCD Team Leader or to the appropriate individual MUTCD technical lead team member. Their e-mail addresses are available through the links contained on the “MUTCD Team” page on the MUTCD Web site at

[05] For additional information concerning interpretations, experimentation, changes, or interim approvals, visit the MUTCD Web site at


Section 1C.01 Definitions of Headings Used in this Manual


[01] When used in this Manual, the text headings of Standard, Guidance, Option, and Support shall be defined as follows:

A. Standard—a statement of required, mandatory, or specifically prohibitive practice regarding a traffic control device. In limited, location-specific cases, the results of a documented engineering study (see Section 1D.03) might indicate a deviation from one or more requirements of a Standard provision to be appropriate. All Standard statements are labeled, and the text appears in bold type. The verb “shall” is typically used. The verbs “should” and “may” are not used in Standard statements. Standard statements are sometimes modified by Option statements.
B. Guidance—a statement of recommended practice in typical situations, with deviations allowed if engineering judgment or engineering study (see Section 1D.03) indicates the deviation to be appropriate. All Guidance statements are labeled, and the text appears in unbold italic type. The verb “should” is typically used. The verbs “shall” and “may” are not used in Guidance statements. Guidance statements are sometimes modified by Option statements.
C. Option—a statement of practice that is a permissive condition and carries no requirement or recommendation. Option statements sometimes contain allowable modifications to a Standard or Guidance statement. All Option statements are labeled, and the text appears in unbold type. The verb “may” is typically used. The verbs “shall” and “should” are not used in Option statements.
D. Support—an informational statement that does not convey any degree of mandate, recommendation, authorization, prohibition, or enforceable condition. Support statements are labeled, and the text appears in unbold type. The verbs “shall,” “should,” and “may” are not used in Support statements.

Section 1C.02 Definitions of Words and Phrases Used in this Manual


[01] Unless otherwise defined in this Section, or in other Parts of this Manual, words or phrases shall have the meaning(s) as defined in the “Uniform Vehicle Code,” “AASHTO Transportation Glossary (Highway Definitions),” or other appropriate publications.

[02] Where a term that is defined in this Section or elsewhere in this Manual has a different definition in another resource or in common use, the definition herein shall govern for purposes of the applicability of the provisions of this Manual.

[03] The following words and phrases, when used in this Manual, shall have the following meanings:

1. Accessible Pedestrian Signal—a device that communicates information about pedestrian signal timing in a non-visual format such as audible tones and/or speech messages and vibrating surfaces.
2. Accessible Pedestrian Signal Detector—a device designated to assist the pedestrian who has vision or physical disabilities in activating the pedestrian phase.
3. Active Grade Crossing—a grade crossing equipped with automatic traffic control devices, such as flashing-light signals, gates, and/or traffic control signals, that are activated upon the detection of approaching rail traffic.
4. Actuated—a type of traffic control signal operation in which some or all signal phases are operated on the basis of actuation.
5. Actuation—initiation of, a change in, or an extension of a traffic signal phase or a sign legend through the operation of any type of detector.
6. Advance Preemption—the notification of approaching rail traffic that is forwarded to the highway traffic signal controller unit or assembly by the railroad or light rail transit equipment in advance of the activation of the railroad or light rail transit warning devices.
7. Advance Preemption Time—the period of time that is the difference between the required maximum highway traffic signal preemption time and the activation of the railroad or light rail transit warning devices.
8. Advisory Speed—a recommended speed for all vehicles operating on a section of highway and based on the highway design, operating characteristics, and conditions.
9. Agency—an organization with the responsibility for providing, maintaining, and/or operating a public or private road system.
10. Alley—a street or highway intended to provide access to the rear or side of lots or buildings in urban areas and not intended for the purpose of through vehicular traffic.
11. Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT)—the total volume of traffic passing a point or segment of a highway facility in both directions for one year divided by the number of days in the year. Normally, periodic daily traffic volumes are adjusted for hours of the day counted, days of the week, and seasons of the year to arrive at annual average daily traffic.
12. Application—in regard to a traffic control device, the act of deciding to use a device, generally or at a particular location for a particular condition.
13. Approach—all lanes of traffic moving toward an intersection or a midblock location from one direction, including any adjacent parking lane(s).
14. Arterial Highway (Street)—a general term denoting a highway primarily used by through traffic, usually on a continuous route or a highway designated as part of an arterial system.
15. Automated Vehicle—see Driving Automation System.
16. Automatic Lane—see Exact Change Lane within the definition of Toll Collection.
17. Average Daily Traffic (ADT)—the average 24 hour volume, being the total volume during a stated period divided by the number of days in that period. Normally, this would be periodic daily traffic volumes over several days, not adjusted for days of the week or seasons of the year.
18. Average Day—a day representing traffic volumes normally and repeatedly found at a location, typically a weekday when volumes are influenced by employment or a weekend day when volumes are influenced by entertainment or recreation.
19. Backplate—see Signal Backplate.
20. Barrier-Separated Lane—a preferential lane or other special purpose lane that is separated from the adjacent general-purpose lane(s) by a physical barrier.
21. Beacon—a highway traffic signal with one or more signal indications that operates in a flashing mode. Types of beacons include:
(a) Emergency-Vehicle Hybrid Beacon—a special type of beacon (see Hybrid Beacon).
(b) Intersection Control Beacon—a beacon used only at an intersection to control two or more directions of travel.
(c) Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon—a special type of beacon (see Hybrid Beacon).
(d) Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB)—a pedestrian-activated and/or bicycleactivated device comprising two horizontally arranged, rapidly flashed, rectangular-shaped yellow indications that is used to provide supplemental emphasis for a pedestrian, school, or trail crossing warning sign at a marked crosswalk across an uncontrolled approach.
(e) Speed Limit Sign Beacon—a beacon used only to supplement a SPEED LIMIT sign.
(f) Stop Beacon—a beacon used only to supplement a STOP sign, a DO NOT ENTER sign, or a WRONG WAY sign.
(g) Warning Beacon—a beacon used only to supplement an appropriate warning or regulatory sign or marker.
22. Bicycle—a pedal-powered vehicle upon which the human operator sits.
23. Bicycle Box—a designated area on the approach to a signalized intersection, between an advance motorist stop line and the crosswalk or intersection, intended to provide bicyclists a visible place to wait in front of stopped motorists during the red signal phase.
24. Bicycle Facilities—a general term denoting improvements and provisions that accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking and storage facilities, and shared roadways not specifically defined for bicycle use.
25. Bicycle Lane—a portion of a roadway that has been designated for preferential or exclusive use by bicyclists. A typical bicycle lane is delineated from the adjacent general-purpose lane(s) by longitudinal pavement markings and bicycle lane symbol or word markings and, if used, signs. Other types of bicycle lanes include:
(a) Buffer-Separated Bicycle Lane—a bicycle lane that is separated from the adjacent generalpurpose lane(s) by a pattern of standard longitudinal pavement markings that is wider than a normal or wide lane line marking.
(b) Counter-Flow Bicycle Lane—a one-directional bicycle lane that provides a lawful path of travel for bicycles in the opposite direction from general traffic on a roadway that allows general traffic to travel in only one direction. Counter-flow bicycle lanes are designated by the traffic control devices used for other bicycle lanes.
(c) Separated Bicycle Lane—an exclusive facility for bicyclists that is located within or directly adjacent to the roadway and that is physically separated from motor vehicle traffic with a vertical element. Separated bicycle lanes are differentiated from other bicycle lanes by a vertical element.
26. Bicycle Signal Face—a signal face that displays only bicycle symbol signal indications, that exclusively controls a bicycle movement from a designated bicycle lane or from a separate facility such as a shared-use path, and that displays signal indications that are applicable only to the bicycle movement.
27. Bicycle Symbol Signal Indication—a red, yellow, or green signal indication that displays a bicycle symbol rather than a circular or arrow indication.
28. Bikeway—a generic term for any road, street, path, or way that in some manner is specifically designated for bicycle travel, regardless of whether such facilities are designated for the exclusive use of bicycles or are to be shared with other transportation modes.
29. Blank-Out Sign—a sign that displays a single predetermined message only when activated. When not activated, the sign legend is not visible.
30. Buffer-Separated Lane—a preferential lane or other special purpose lane that is separated from the adjacent general-purpose lane(s) by a pattern of standard longitudinal pavement markings that is wider than a normal or wide lane line marking. The buffer area might include rumble strips, textured pavement, or channelizing devices such as tubular markers or traversable curbs, but does not include a physical barrier.
31. Business Identification Sign Panel—a panel containing a word legend or logo used to identify a business on a Specific Service sign.
32. Busway—a traveled way that is used exclusively by buses.
33. Cantilevered Signal Structure—a structure, also referred to as a mast arm, that is rigidly attached to a vertical pole and is used to provide overhead support of highway traffic signal faces or grade crossing signal units.
34. Center Line Markings—the yellow pavement marking line(s) that delineates the separation of traffic lanes that have opposite directions of travel on a roadway. These markings need not be at the geometrical center of the pavement.
35. Changeable Message Sign—a sign that is capable of displaying more than one message (one of which might be a “blank” display), changeable manually, by remote control, or by automatic control. Electronic-display changeable message signs are referred to as Dynamic Message Signs in the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture and are referred to as Variable Message Signs in the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards publication.
36. Channelizing Line—a solid wide or double white line marking used to form islands where traffic in the same direction of travel is permitted on both sides of the island.
37. Circular Intersection—an intersection that has an island, generally circular in design, located in the center of the intersection where traffic passes to the right of the island. Circular intersections include roundabouts, rotaries, and traffic circles.
38. Circulatory Roadway—the roadway within a circular intersection on which traffic travels in a counterclockwise direction around an island in the center of the circular intersection.
39. Clear Storage Distance—when used in Part 8, the distance available for vehicle storage measured between 6 feet from the rail nearest the intersection to the intersection stop line or the normal stopping point on the highway. At skewed grade crossings and intersections, the 6-foot distance shall be measured perpendicular to the nearest rail either along the center line or edge line of the highway, as appropriate, to obtain the shorter distance. Where exit gates are used, the distance available for vehicle storage is measured from the point where the rear of the vehicle would be clear of the exit gate arm. In cases where the exit gate arm is parallel to the track(s) and is not perpendicular to the highway, the distance is measured either along the center line or edge line of the highway, as appropriate, to obtain the shorter distance.
40. Clear Zone—the total roadside border area, starting at the edge of the traveled way, that is available for an errant driver to stop or regain control of a vehicle. This area might consist of a shoulder, a recoverable slope, and/or a non-recoverable, traversable slope with a clear run-out area at its toe.
41. Collector Highway—a term denoting a highway that in rural areas connects small towns and local highways to arterial highways, and in urban areas provides land access and traffic circulation within residential, commercial, and business areas and connects local highways to the arterial highways.
42. Conflict Monitor—a device used to detect and respond to improper or conflicting signal indications and improper operating voltages in a traffic controller assembly.
43. Constant Warning Time Detection—a means of detecting rail traffic that provides relatively uniform warning time for the approach of through rail traffic that is not accelerating or decelerating after being detected.
44. Contiguous Lane—a lane, preferential or otherwise, that is separated from the adjacent lane(s) only by a normal or wide lane line marking.
45. Controller Assembly—a complete electrical device mounted in a cabinet for controlling the operation of a highway traffic signal.
46. Controller Unit—that part of a controller assembly that is devoted to the selection and timing of the display of signal indications.
47. Conventional Road—a street or highway other than an expressway or freeway.
48. Counter-Flow Lane—a lane operating in a direction opposite to the normal flow of traffic designated for peak direction of travel during at least a portion of the day. Counter-flow lanes are usually separated from the off-peak direction lanes by tubular markers or other flexible channelizing devices, temporary lane separators, or movable or permanent barrier.
49. Crashworthy—the ability of a roadside safety hardware device or appurtenance to minimize risks to vehicle occupants by allowing a vehicle impacting the appurtenance to be slowed before stopping, redirected, or to continue without significant resistance. Section 1D.11 contains additional information about crashworthiness.
50. Crosswalk—(a) that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway, and in the absence of a sidewalk on one side of the roadway, the part of a roadway included within the extension of the lateral lines of the sidewalk at right angles to the center line; (b) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated as a pedestrian crossing by pavement marking lines on the surface, which might be supplemented by contrasting pavement texture, style, or color.
51. Crosswalk Lines—white pavement marking lines that identify a crosswalk.
52. Cycle Length—the time required for one complete sequence of signal indications.
53. Dark Mode—the lack of all signal indications at a signalized location. The dark mode is most commonly associated with power failures, ramp meters, hybrid beacons, beacons, and some movable bridge signals.
54. Dedicated Lane—A lane on a freeway or expressway that provides access to: (a) either an exit lane or the mainline, but not both, at a freeway or expressway exit, or (b) only one roadway at a freeway or expressway split.
55. Delineator—a retroreflective device mounted at the side of the roadway in a series to indicate the alignment of the roadway, especially at night or in adverse weather.
56. Design Vehicle—the longest vehicle permitted by statute of the road authority (State or other) on that roadway.
57. Designated Bicycle Route—a system of bikeways designated by the jurisdiction having authority with appropriate directional and informational route signs, with or without specific bicycle route numbers.
58. Detectable—having a continuous edge within 6 inches of the surface so that pedestrians with vision disabilities can sense its presence and receive usable guidance information.
59. Detector—a device used for determining the presence or passage of motor vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians.
60. Detection Plate—a smooth continuous plate used on pedestrian channelizing devices to facilitate the use of low-vision canes for pedestrians with vision disabilities. The bottom edge of the detection plate shall be no more than 2 inches above the walkway and the top edge of the detection plate shall be at least 8 inches above the walkway. The detection plate shall share the same vertical plane as the hand trailing edge of the pedestrian channelizing device.
61. Diagnostic Team—a group of knowledgeable representatives of the parties of interest in a grade crossing or group of grade crossings (see 23 CFR Part 646.204).
62. Downstream—a term that refers to a location that is encountered by traffic subsequent to an upstream location as it flows in an “upstream to downstream” direction. For example, “the downstream end of a lane line separating the turn lane from a through lane on the approach to an intersection” is the end of the lane line that is closest to the intersection.
63. Driveway—an access from a roadway to a building, site, or abutting property.
64. Driving Aisle—circulation area for motor vehicles within a parking area, typically between rows of parking spaces. Driving aisles provide one-way or two-way travel. Driving aisles are exempted from compliance with MUTCD provisions.
65. Driving Automation System—technology that automates some or all aspects of the driving task to assist or replace the human vehicle operator. Section 5A.03 contains descriptions of the automation levels.
66. Dropped Lane—see Lane Drop.
67. Dual-Arrow Signal Section—a type of signal section designed to include both a yellow arrow and a green arrow.
68. Dynamic Envelope—the clearance required for light rail transit traffic or a train and its cargo overhang due to any combination of loading, lateral motion, or suspension failure (see Figure 8C-3).
69. Dynamic Exit Gate Operating Mode—a mode of operation where the exit gate operation is based on the presence of vehicles within the minimum track clearance distance.
70. Dynamic Message Sign—see Changeable Message Sign.
71. Edge Line Markings—white or yellow pavement marking lines that delineate the right or left edge(s) of a traveled way.
72. Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) Account Only Lane—a non-attended toll lane that is restricted to use only by vehicles with a registered toll payment account.
73. Emergency-Vehicle Hybrid Beacon—see Hybrid Beacon.
74. Emergency-Vehicle Traffic Control Signal—see Highway Traffic Signal.
75. Engineer—see Professional Engineer.
76. Engineering Judgment—the evaluation of available pertinent information including, but not limited to, the safety and operational efficiency of all road users, and the application of appropriate principles, provisions, and practices as contained in this Manual and other sources, for the purpose of deciding upon the design (see Section 1D.03), use, installation, or operation of a traffic control device. Engineering judgment shall be exercised by a professional engineer (see definition in this Section) with appropriate traffic engineering expertise, or by an individual working under the supervision of such an engineer, through the application of procedures and criteria established by the engineer. Documentation of engineering judgment is not required.
77. Engineering Study—the analysis and evaluation of available pertinent information including, but not limited to, the safety and operational efficiency of all road users, and the application of appropriate principles, provisions, and practices as contained in this Manual and other sources, for the purpose of deciding upon the design (see Section 1D.03), use, installation, or operation of a traffic control device. An engineering study shall be performed by a professional engineer (see definition in this Section) with appropriate traffic engineering expertise, or by an individual working under the supervision of such an engineer, through the application of procedures and criteria established by the engineer. An engineering study shall be documented in writing.
78. Entrance Gate—an automatic gate that can be lowered across the lanes approaching a grade crossing to block road users from entering the grade crossing.
79. Exclusive Alignment—a light rail transit track(s) or a bus rapid transit busway that is grade-separated or protected by a fence or traffic barrier. No grade crossings exist along the track(s) or busway. Motor vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians are prohibited within the right-of-way. Subways and elevated structures are included within this definition.
80. Exit Gate—an automatic gate that can be lowered across the lanes departing a grade crossing to block road users from entering the grade crossing by driving in the opposing traffic lanes.
81. Exit Gate Clearance Time—for Four-Quadrant Gate systems at grade crossings, the amount of time provided to delay the descent of the exit gate arm(s) after entrance gate arm(s) begin to descend.
82. Exit Gate Operating Mode—for Four-Quadrant Gate systems at grade crossings, the mode of control used to govern the operation of the exit gate arms.
83. Expressway—a divided highway with partial control of access.
84. Fail-Safe—when used in Part 8, a railroad signal design philosophy applied to a system or device such that the result of a hardware failure or the effect of a software error shall either prohibit the system or device from assuming or maintaining an unsafe state or shall cause the system or device to assume a state that is known to be safe.
85. Flagger—a person who actively controls the flow of vehicular traffic into and/or through a temporary traffic control zone using hand-signaling devices or an Automated Flagger Assistance Device (AFAD).
86. Flasher—a device used to turn highway traffic signal indications on and off at a repetitive rate of approximately once per second.
87. Flashing—an operation in which a light source, such as a traffic signal indication or LEDs in a sign, is turned on and off repetitively.
88. Flashing-Light Signals—a warning device consisting of two red signal indications arranged horizontally that are activated to flash alternately when rail traffic is approaching or present at a grade crossing.
89. Flashing Mode—a mode of operation in which at least one traffic signal indication in each vehicular signal face of a highway traffic signal is turned on and off repetitively.
90. Four-Quadrant Gate System—an exit gate system that includes entrance and exit gates that control and block road users on all lanes entering and exiting the grade crossing.
91. Freeway—a divided highway with full control of access.
92. Full-Actuated—a type of traffic control signal operation in which all signal phases function on the basis of actuation.
93. Gate—an automatically-operated or manually-operated traffic control device that is used to physically obstruct road users such that they are discouraged from proceeding past a particular point on a roadway or pathway, or such that they are discouraged from entering a particular grade crossing, ramp, lane, roadway, or facility.
94. General-Purpose Lane—a highway lane or set of lanes, other than a Managed Lane (see definition in this Section) or a Preferential Lane (see definition in this Section), that all or most of the traffic that is allowed on that highway is also allowed to use. Certain classes of vehicles, such as commercial vehicles or vehicles exceeding a certain weight or size, might be prohibited from using one or more of the general-purpose lanes. A general-purpose lane might also be restricted to certain uses, such as passing or turning or as an auxiliary lane.
95. Gore Area—see Physical Gore and Theoretical Gore.
96. Grade Crossing—the general area where a highway and a railroad and/or light rail transit route cross at the same level, within which are included the tracks, highway, and traffic control devices for traffic traversing that area.
97. Grade Crossing Warning System—the flashing-light signals, with or without automatic gates, together with the necessary control equipment used to inform road users of the approach or presence of rail traffic at a grade crossing.
98. Guide Sign—a sign that shows route designations, highway names, destinations, directions, distances, services, points of interest, or other geographical, recreational, or cultural information.
99. High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)—a motor vehicle carrying at least two (or more than two if the signs for a specific roadway indicate a higher minimum occupancy requirement) persons, including carpools, vanpools, and buses.
100. Highway—a general term for denoting a public way for purposes of travel by vehicles and vulnerable road users, including the entire area within the right-of-way.
101. Highway-Light Rail Transit Grade Crossing—the general area where a highway and a light rail transit route cross at the same level, within which are included the light rail transit tracks, highway, and traffic control devices for traffic traversing that area.
102. Highway-Rail Grade Crossing—the general area where a highway and a railroad cross at the same level, within which are included the railroad tracks, highway, and traffic control devices for highway traffic traversing that area.
103. Highway Traffic Signal—a power-operated traffic control device by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific action. These devices do not include power-operated signs (except as provided in Chapters 4S and 4T), steadily illuminated raised pavement markers, gates, flashing-light signals (see Section 8D.02), warning lights (see Section 6L.07), or steady-burning electric lamps. Highway traffic signals include:
(a) Flashing Beacon—see Beacon.
(b) In-Roadway Warning Lights—a special type of highway traffic signal installed in the roadway surface to warn road users that they are approaching a condition on or adjacent to the roadway that might not be readily apparent and might require the road users to reduce speed and/or come to a stop.
(c) Lane-Use Control Signal—a signal face or comparable display on a full-matrix Changeable Message Sign (see Chapters 2L and 4T) displaying indications to permit or prohibit the use of specific lanes of a roadway or a shoulder where driving is sometimes permitted, or to indicate the impending prohibition of such use.
(d) Traffic Control Signal (Traffic Signal)—a highway traffic signal placed at intersections, movable bridges, fire stations, midblock crosswalks, alternating one-way sections of a single lane road, private driveways, or other locations that require conflicting traffic to be directed to stop and permitted to proceed in an orderly manner. These devices do not include pedestrian hybrid beacons (see Chapter 4J) or emergency-vehicle hybrid beacons (see Chapter 4N). Traffic control signals include vehicular signal indications, pedestrian signal indications, and bicycle symbol signal indications. Special traffic control signals include:
(1) Emergency-Vehicle Traffic Control Signal—a traffic control signal that directs all conflicting traffic to stop in order to permit the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle to proceed into the roadway or intersection.
(2) Movable Bridge Traffic Control Signal—a traffic control signal installed at a movable bridge to notify traffic to stop during periods when the roadway is closed to allow the bridge to open.
(3) Portable Traffic Control Signal—a temporary component of a traffic control signal on a mobile support with one or more signal faces that is designed so that it can be easily transported, deployed, or relocated as part of a temporary traffic control signal, or during construction and maintenance as a temporary part of a permanent traffic control signal installation.
(4) Pre-Signal—traffic control signal faces that are located upstream from a signalized intersection and are operated in conjunction with the traffic control signal faces at the downstream signalized intersection in a manner that is designed to keep the area between the stop line for the upstream traffic control signal faces and the stop line for the downstream signalized intersection clear of queued vehicles. When used in conjunction with a grade crossing, the pre-signal is operated for the purpose of preventing vehicles from queuing within the minimum track clearance distance. Supplemental near-side traffic control signal faces for the downstream signalized intersection are not considered to be pre-signals.
(5) Queue Cutter Signal—an independently-controlled traffic control signal (not operated in conjunction with the traffic control signal faces at a downstream signalized intersection) located at a grade crossing that controls traffic in one direction only on the roadway for the purpose of keeping the minimum track clearance distance clear of vehicles. The display of red signal indications is activated from a downstream queue detection system, by time of day, by approaching rail traffic, by an approaching bus on a busway, or by a combination of any of these methods.
(6) Ramp Control Signal—a traffic control signal installed to control the merging flow of traffic onto a freeway at an entrance ramp or at a freeway-to-freeway ramp connection.
(7) Temporary Traffic Control Signal—a traffic control signal that is installed for a limited time period using fixed or portable traffic control signal units.
104. HOV Lane—any preferential lane designated for exclusive use by high-occupancy vehicles for all or part of a day—including a designated lane on a freeway, other highway, street, or independent roadway on a separate right-of-way.
105. Hybrid Beacon—a special type of beacon that is intentionally placed in a dark mode (no indications displayed) between periods of operation and, when operated, displays both steady and flashing traffic control signal indications. Hybrid beacons include:
(a) Emergency-Vehicle Hybrid Beacon—used to warn and control traffic at an unsignalized location to assist authorized emergency vehicles in entering or crossing a street or highway.
(b) Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon—used to warn and control traffic at an unsignalized location to assist pedestrians in crossing a street or highway at a marked crosswalk.
106. Identification Marker—a shape, color, and/or pictograph that is used as a visual identifier for a destination guide signing system of a community wayfinding system or a shared-use path system for an area.
107. Inherently Low Emission Vehicle (ILEV)—any kind of vehicle that, because of inherent properties of the fuel system design, will not have significant evaporative emissions, even if its evaporative emission control system has failed.
108. In-Roadway Warning Lights—see Highway Traffic Signal.
109. Interchange—a system of interconnecting roadways providing for traffic movement between two or more highways that do not intersect at grade.
110. Interchange Lane Drop—see Lane Drop.
111. Preemption Interconnection—the electrical connection between the railroad or light rail transit active warning system and the highway traffic signal controller assembly for the purpose of preemption.
112. Intermediate Interchange—an interchange with an urban or rural route that is not a major or minor interchange as defined in this Section.
113. Intersection—intersection is defined as follows:
(a) The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or if none, the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways that join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling on different highways that join at any other angle might come into conflict.
(b) The junction of an alley, driveway, or site roadway with a public roadway or highway shall not constitute an intersection, unless the public roadway or highway at said junction is controlled by a traffic control device.
(c) If a highway includes two roadways separated by a median, then every crossing of each roadway of such divided highway by an intersecting highway shall be a separate intersection if the opposing left-turn paths cross and there is sufficient interior storage for the design vehicle (see Figure 2A-5).
(d) At a location controlled by a traffic control signal, regardless of the distance between the separate intersections as defined in (c) above:
(1) If a stop line, yield line, or crosswalk has not been designated on the roadway (within the median) between the separate intersections, the two intersections and the roadway (median) between them shall be considered as one intersection;
(2) Where a stop line, yield line, or crosswalk is designated on the roadway on the intersection approach, the area within the crosswalk and/or beyond the designated stop line or yield line shall be part of the intersection; and
(3) Where a crosswalk is designated on a roadway on the departure from the intersection, the intersection shall include the area extending to the far side of such crosswalk.
114. Intersection Control Beacon—see Beacon.
115. Interval—the part of a signal cycle during which signal indications do not change.
116. Island—a defined area between traffic lanes for control of vehicular movements, for toll collection, or for pedestrian or bicyclist refuge. It includes all end protection and approach treatments. Within an intersection area, a median or an outer separation is considered to be an island.
117. Jughandle Turn—a left-turn or U-turn that, in conjunction with special geometry, is made by initially making a right-turn or diverging to the right. With other special geometry, a right-turn or U-turn makes a jughandle turn by initially making a left-turn or diverging to the left.
118. Lane Drop—a through lane that becomes a mandatory turn lane on a conventional roadway, or a through lane that becomes a mandatory exit lane on a freeway or expressway. The end of an acceleration lane and reductions in the number of through lanes that do not involve a mandatory turn or exit are not considered lane drops.
119. Lane Line Markings—white pavement marking lines that delineate the separation of traffic lanes that have the same direction of travel on a roadway.
120. Lane Reduction—elimination of a through lane by a gradual narrowing of the travel pavement (taper) through physical construction or pavement markings at which traffic in the lane being eliminated must merge into the adjacent through lane and continue in the same direction of travel. A lane reduction can occur outside the influence of an intersection or interchange, or within an interchange a short distance downstream of the gore of an exit ramp. Through lanes that become a mandatory turn or exit are considered lane drops rather than lane reductions.
121. Lane-Use Control Signal—see Highway Traffic Signal.
122. Legend—see Sign Legend.
123. Lens—see Signal Lens.
124. Light Rail Transit Traffic (Light Rail Transit Equipment)—every device in, upon, or by which any person or property can be transported on light rail transit tracks, including single-unit light rail transit cars (such as streetcars and trolleys) and assemblies of multiple light rail transit cars coupled together.
125. Loading Zone—a specially marked, signed or designated area for the loading or unloading of vehicles (passenger or freight).
126. Locomotive Horn—an air horn, steam whistle, or similar audible warning device (see 49 CFR Part 229.129) mounted on a locomotive or control cab car. The terms “locomotive horn,” “train whistle,” “locomotive whistle,” and “train horn” are used interchangeably in the railroad industry.
127. Logo—a distinctive emblem or trademark that identifies a commercial or non-commercial business, program, or organization.
128. Longitudinal Markings—pavement markings that are generally placed parallel and adjacent to the flow of traffic such as lane lines, center lines, edge lines, channelizing lines, and others.
129. Louver—see Signal Louver.
130. Low-Volume Rural Road—A category of paved or unpaved conventional or special-purpose roadways having an AADT of less than 400 vehicles and lying outside of built-up or urbanized areas of cities, towns, and communities. Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/61 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/62 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/63 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/64 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/65 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/66 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/67 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/68 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/69 Page:Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 11th Edition (December 2023).pdf/70

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