Medicina de Quadrupedibus/Glossary

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Medicina de Quadrupedibus (1914)
by unknown author, translated by Joseph Delcourt
unknown author2672357Medicina de Quadrupedibus — Glossary1914Joseph Delcourt


A list of the principal abbreviations used in the Gloassary.

cj. = conjunction.
comp. = comparative.
dem. = demonstrative.
i. = instrumental.
Lt. = Latin.
n. = neuter.
nm. = neuter and masculine.
nns. = nominative neuter singular.
npl. = nominative plural.
ns. = nominative singular. pl. = plural.
pp. = past participle.
pr. p. = present participle.
pret. = preterite.
pret.-p. = preterite-present.
pron. = pronoun.
prop. = proper name.
sup. = superlative.
w. = weak.

wa., wd., wg. = with accusative, with dative, with genitive.


Abdias prop. Abdias (?) Neither Jer. XIII nor I kings XVIII nor the Book of Obadiah can clear up the passage gs. abbias 219.

ābēatan rd. beat off imp. 2d. s. abeate 213.

āclǣnsian w. 2 cleanse 3d. s. aclænsað 1421.

ācwęllan w. 1 kill ger. acwellanne 812, acwellen 811; 3d. s. acwellaþ 812.

ādle f. disease ns. adle 142; ds. adle 41 411.

ādōn anv. take off 3d. s. adeþ 187; imp. 2d. s. ado 211.

ādrȳ(ī)gan w. 1 dry up ger. adriȝenne 83; 3d. s. adriȝed 815; imp. 2d. s. adriȝ 625 1611, adriȝe 127.

adūn adv. down ætdun 68.

ǣc cf. also æt (sic) 618.

æfter adv. afterwards after 618 1820 || prep. wd. after 62 1811, æft (s) 49, after 1211, afte 1226according to 45.

ǣȝhwylc adj. each ams. æȝhylce 86.

ǣlc adj. each dns. alcen 44; ams. ælcne 82; ans. 1823.

ælcor cf. elcor.

ælmihtiȝ adj. almighty gms. ælmihtiȝon 212.

ǣniȝ adj. any gns. aniȝes 217; dfs. æniȝe 41; dns. æniȝun 44 614; ans. 2221.

æppel m. apple gs. aeppes 1428; as. 61 66 etc.

ǣ(ā)r comp. adv. before 416 618 2019 || cj. before 166 || prep. wd. before 62 820.

ærfoþ cf. earfoð.

æsce, axe f. ash ds. sca 107; apl. axan 84 813 227.

Æsculapius Lt. prop. Æsculapius abl. s. Æscolupio 27.

æt prep. wd. at 413 414.

ætforan adv. beforehand 162.

æthrïnan 1 touch wd. inf. 215.

æthwega adv. somewhat æthweȝa 625.

ætïe(i)wan w. 1 appear wd. pres. 3d. pl. ætiwdan 2019.

äfie(i, y)rran w. 1 remove 3d. s. afirreð 1816, afyrred 816.

äflïe(y)ȝennys f. removal ds. | (a) flyȝennysse 226.

āhębban 6 lift imp. 2d. s. ahefe 66.

āhōn rd. hang opt. 3d. s. aho 620; pp. ahangen 1017.

āhweorfan 3 drive away 3d. s. awyrfþ 812.

(āhyldan) w. 1 turn away 3d. s. ahyldeþ 41.

ālęcgan w. 1 lay pp. aled 1811.

ālīesan w. 1 liberate pp. alisede 415, alysed 1619.

an prep. wd. on 419; wa. on 101.

ān num. one nf. ane 617 1224; am. ane 85.

and conj. and written ⁊ 28 211 etc.

androȝines lat. hermaphrodite as. androȝinem 1224.

anwli(a)ta m. face as. anwlitan 615; ds. anwlitan 818 1420 etc., ⁊ wlatan 1418.

apuldure (f.?) apple-tree gs. 201.

ārīsan 1 arise 3d. pl. arisaþ 185; imp. 2d. s. aris 67.

āstyrian w. 1 drive away pp. astyred 416.

[attorcoppe f. spider gs. attorcoppan 1217.]

āwęccan w. 1 raise ger. aweccenne 821; 3d. s. awecceð 822.

aweȝ adv. away areȝ 416, aȝe 1010.

āweorpan 3 throw 3d. s. awirph 1625.

āwiht ind. pron. aught ns. awyt 217.


bān n. bone as. 2217.

bærnan w. 1 burn imp. 2d. s. bærn 2210; pp. ȝebærned 816 146, ȝebærnedne 818, ȝebærnede 814, ȝebarned 87, ȝebarnedne 227, ȝeberned 2222, ȝebernede 811.

bæþ n. bath as. baðe 49.

bār m. boar gs. bares 1823 etc., bæres 203 2014.

be prep. wd. concerning 29.

bearn n. child as. 2024.

bēatan rd. beat pp. ȝebeaten 89.

[becuman 4 come pret. 2d. s. ? become 27.]

bedelfan 3 bury imp. 2d. s. bedelf 412.

bedrūwian w. 2 dry up pp. bedruwod 819.

behēfe adj. suitable nms. 68.

behęlian w, 1 conceal imp. 2d. s. behele 414.

bēon anv. be inf. byon 624; 1st. s. eom 25; 2d. s. byst 223; 3d. s. byð 42 416 etc., byd 218 413 etc., is 29, ys 210 [417] etc., hys 1218; 3d. pl. beoð 46 415 etc., sinde 224 813; opt. 3d. s. beo 2010, sy 42, si 48 etc; 3d. pl. sin 202, sy 1610.

ȝe beorhtiȝan w. 1 become bright 3d. pl. ȝebeorhtiȝed 1214.

beorhtnes f. brightness ns. beornysse 1413 as. beorhnesse 1412.

beorðor n. fœtus ns. 127; childbirth ds. beorðre 1211.

beran 4 wear imp. 2d. s. ber 143.

beren adj. of barley afp. berena 1622.

(ȝe-)bétan w. 1 better 3d. s. beteð 123, ȝebeteþ 2015; pp. ȝebeted 61.

beþian w. 1 bathe ger. beþienne 146.

beweallan w. 1 boil pp. bewealled 48, weallen 2010.

bewyrcan w. 1 work imp. 2d. s. bewyrc 215.

bie(y)rnan 3 burn opt. 3d. s. byrne 168.

bismermn. insult as. besmer 1017.

[bite m. bite ds. 1217.]

biwindan 3 wrap, wind up imp. 2d. s. biwind 214.

blæc adj. black nfs. blæc 1810.

blæ̂dre f. bladder ns. 2012; gs. blædran 1215.

blōd n. blood gs. blodes 61; as. 43 1622.

blōd-ryne m. flux of blood ds. 149, blod-rine 1611, blod-rune 146; as. blod-rune 1411.

bodian w. 2 send pret. 3d. s. bodede 24.

bōt(e) f. remedy ns. bot 817, bote 1614.

bræ̂dan w. 1 roast imp. 2d. s. bræd 1220; pp. ȝebræded 2012, ȝebræde 107, [ȝebrædde 1215].

bræ(a)ȝen n. brain ns. 122 141 1823; as. 46 165 1825.

brī(ȳ)ce adj. useful 418 67.

brine m. burning (ds.) 2210.

broc m. badger as. broce 210.

broc n. disease gs. broces 1016.

broþ n. broth ds. broðe 145.

brūcan 2 wg. make use of inf. 425; 3d. s. bruced 83, brucad 88; opt. 3d. s. bruca 166.

bryttian w. (1) break up pp. ȝebrited 1410.

bucca m. buck gs. buccan 161.

burg-geat n. borough-gate dpl. burgatun 414.

burh-staþol m. borough-foundation dpl. burh-stapela 413.

būtan prep. wd. without 1227 2221.

butere f. butter ds. 243.

butu num. both 1224.

bȳsen f. example dpl. bysnum 25.


cāsere m. emperor ns. 420; as. 24.

cęmban w. 1 comb 3d, s. cembeð 623; opt. 3d. s. cembe 617 618; pret. 3d. s. cembde 618.

cęnnan w. 1 bear (child) 3d. s. cenþ 1224 1227; opt. 3d. s. cenne 1222.

cię(y)rran w. 1 convert 3d. s. ȝecyrreð 1611.

cīę(y)se m. cheese ns. cuse 1613 1615 1616.

ci(y)ld n. child ns. 164; ds. cilde 166; as. cyld 1222, cy (u)ld 1227; dpl. cyldum 1227.

clǣne adj. clean nfs. clane 621; nmpl. clane 142.

clænsian w. 2 cleanse 3d. s. clænsad 1620; pp. ȝeclænsod 625, clansod 624, ȝeclansod 623.

clǣnsung f. cleansing ds. clænsunge 1226.

clǣnsung-daeȝ m. cleansing day dpl. clænsung-dæȝes 422.

cnēow n. knee gp. cneowa 222.

cnedan 5 knead imp. 2d. s. cned 182.

ȝe cnidan 1 rub imp. 2d. s. ȝecnid 109; pp. ȝecniden 1223.

cnucian w. 2 pound imp. 2d. s. cnuca 823 169 etc; pp. ȝecnucad 88, ȝecnucod 107 2217.

comb m. comb ds. combe 620; as. 617.

crocca mf. earthenware vessel ds. croccen 47.

cuman 4 come ger. cumende 415; 3d. s. cymð 1022, cymed 817, cumed 1414; imp. cume 63.

cūþ adj. well-known nns. 417.

cweþ(ð)an 5 say pr. p. cweþende 24; imp. 2d. s. cweð 212, cwed 221; pp. ȝecweden 611 103.

cwic adj. alive dns. cwicum 211.

cyrnel n. kernel, swelled gland apl. curnlu 1012, cyrnlu 1625.

cȳððo f. knowledge ds. cyððe 28.


dæȝ m. day as. 86; gpl. dæȝe 1210; apl. dæȝes 426 129.

dǣl m. part ns. 48 1016; ds. dæle 67; as. 822.

dēad adj. dead ans. 2024.

dēofol-sēocnes f. demoniacal possession ds. deolfolseocnesse 2017.

dēor n. animal gs. deores 45; as. 211.

derian w. 1 hurt 3d. s. dered 218.

ȝedīe(ī)gan w. 1 carry out in safety, do well in 2d. s. ȝediȝest 223.

dīfan w. 1 dip pp. ȝedifed 1811.

dimnys f. dimness ds. dimnesse 1213, dymnysse 1416.

(ȝe)dōn anv. put ger. done 2021 2211, donne 419, do 818; 3d. s. deþ 108 1010, ȝedeþ 185; imp. 2d. s. do 45 68 etc.; pp. ȝedon 416 1019 1021 etc., ȝedeon 2222.

dora m. humble-bee gs. dore 1020.

dręnc m. drink ns. 207; ds. drence 815 107 etc., drencȝe 1212.

drinc m. drink ds. drince 122; as. 822 824.

drincan 3 drink inf. drincan 128; ger. drincanne 145; 3d. s. drinceð 1224, drinced 2025; opt 3d. s. drince 202 2010 2012 etc.; 3d. pl. drincen 1223; imp. 2d. s. drinc 83 811, drince 86; pp. ȝedrucan 89, ȝedruncen 187.

dropfāg adj. spotted dms. drofaȝum 1418.

drȳgan w. 1 dry imp. 2d. s. driȝ 821; pp. ȝedriȝede 1215, ȝedriȝed 1223.

drȳȝe adj. dry ap. driȝe 2211.

(ȝe)dryppan w. 1 drop, drip opt. 3d. s. druppe 1815; imp. 2d. s. drupe 105, ȝedrupe 1022, [drype 1019].

dust n. dust gs. dustes 128; ds. duste 89 822.

ȝedwǣcan w. 1 extinguish 3d. s. ȝedwæsceþ 2223.

dwyreȝe-dwosle f. pennyroyal as. 242.


ēac adv. also 410 417 etc.

ēafod-ęce cf. hēafod-ęce.

ēaȝe n. eye ds. eaȝen 2022; as. 2022; npl. eaȝene 1214; gpl. eaȝena 123 123 etc., eaȝene 144 1613; dpl. eaȝen 1021; apl. eaȝen 145, eaȝean 229.

ēaȝe-bræ̂w m. eyelid apl. eaȝe-bræwas 1614.

ēah-sylf f. eye-salve as. eahsylfe 83.

ēah-hræc m. pain in the eyes as. 2021.

eal adj. all nms. 416; dpl. eallum 418; anpl. ealle 1421 1814.

eald adj. old nms. 62; dms. ealden 827.

ealteaw adj. good nns. ealtewa 1218.

eardian w. 2 dwell opt. 3d. pl. eardien 227.

eardung f. in-dwelling ds. earddunge 226.

ēare n. ear as. eare 105 1624; npl. earan 202; gpl. earena 1422, earane 104 1021, eara 1018; apl. earan 1424, eare 1022.

earfoð n. trouble dpl. ærfodum 615; apl. earfeðu 827 102.

earfodnys i. disturbance (of women) apl. earfodnyssa 826.

earm m. arm apl. hermen 1017.

ęced m. vinegar ds. ecede 817 1410 etc., 169.

efne adv. equally 46 2025.

eft adv. again 63 621 etc.

Egypt m. Egyptian gp. egy (e)pta 23.

elcor adv. else ælcor 2212.

ele m. oil gs. eles 47; ds. 819 827 etc.

embe prep. wa. after 621about 46 1815.

embehwyrft cf. ymbhwyrft.

ęnglis n. English ds. 211 242.

eorþ f. earth gs. eorþan 422 613.

etan 5 eat inf. 2018; ger. etanne 2013; 2d. s. etest 423; opt. 3d. s. eta 1617; 3d. pl. ete 221.

et cetera Lt. etc. 610.


fæstan w. 1 fast pr. p. fæstende 426, fastende 1212.

fæt n. vessel as. 168.

fæ̂telsian w. 2 put into a vessel imp. 2d. s. fætelsa 48.

fām n. foam as. 2010.

(ȝe)faran 6 go ger. ȝefarenne 415; 2d. s. farst 422.

feallan rd. fall pr. p. feallendum 1219.

fearr m. bull gs. fearres 226 2210, ferres 228 2212.

feax n. hair ns. fex 1221; ds. fexe 624 1219; as. fex 619 1221.

fefor m. fever ds. fefore 41.

ȝefēlan w. 1 feel 2 s. ȝefelest 420.

feld-bēo field-bee gpl. feldbeona 229, fealdbeona 1413.

(fel-sticce) n. fell-piece apl. fel-sticceo 419.

ȝefeoht n. fight ds. ȝefeohte 222.

fēran w. 1 obtain (Cock.) pret. 1st. pl. ferdon 28.

fīf num. five 84.

fīf-þing cf. wīf-þing.

finger m. finger apl. fingran 65.

firgen-gāt f. mountain-goat gs. fire-gate 165.

firȝin-bucca m. mountain-buck ns. firȝin-buccan 149.

fixen-hȳd f. skin of the she-fox ns. 1024.

flǣsc n. flesh as. 423 2018.

flēoȝan 2 fly 3d. pl. fleoþ(ð) 814 227.

flēwsa m. flux ns. 202; ds. flewsan 61 616 1826, flesan 89.

ȝeflit n. conflict ds. ȝeflite 222.

ȝefōn rd. take imp. 2d. s. ȝefoh 211.

for prep. wd. for 28.

foreweard adj. front dms. forewearde 2219.

fort cj. till 1610 209.

forþryccan w. 1 contract 3d. s. forþicceð 1813.

fōt m. foot as. 220 223; gp. fota 1023; dp. fotun 420; ap. fet 410 1024.

fōt-ādl f. gout ns. 1024; ds. fot-adle 1616.

fōt-swyle m. swelling of the foot dp. fot-swulan 125.

fox m. fox gs. foxes 827 etc.

fra(o) m. adv. away 41 || prep. wd. from 27 417 202.

frēcen n. danger ns. frecne 417.

[ȝefreȝnan 3 learn 1st. sg. ȝefreȝn 27.]

(ȝe)fremman w. 1 benefit ger. ȝefremmenne 204; 3d. s. fremedð 421.

frēond m. friend ds. frunde 24.

fulf cf. wulf.

fulfen cf. wylfen.

full adj. full ams. fulne 86.

furþra comp. adj. more in front as. furþran 220.

furþur adv. further 1620.

fy(i)lle-sēoc adj. who has the falling sickness ns. 164; dms. fylle-seocum 206.

fȳ(ī)r n. fire gs. fires 2210; ds. fyre 417 168.

fyþerfēte adj. four-footed dns. fuþer-fæte 44 418.


gang m. gait, steps as. 1025; npl. gangas 126.

gāt f. goat ns. 1410; gs. gate 1420 167 etc.

ȝe cj. and ȝe… ȝe both… and 1210.

ȝ(g)ealla m. gall ns. 187, ȝealle 1412 1423, ȝeallen 1213; ds. gealle 1420; as. geallan 1018 1416, geallen 1425 161, ȝellan 228, ȝellen 1427.

ȝearo adj. ready comp. ns. ȝearra 2213.

ȝeond prep. wa. through 412.

[ȝeȝie(y)rwan w. 1 prepare imp. 2d. s. ȝeȝyre 1217.]

ȝif cj. w. ind. if 28 223 615 1024.

ȝie(ȳ, ī)t adv. as yet 66 2220.

(ȝe)gnīdan 1 rub opt. 3d. s. ȝegnide 2014, imp. 2d. s. gnid 1015 1612, ȝegnid 1013 141; pp. ȝegniden 146, ȝegnidon 2222.

god m. God gs. godes 213 221.

gōd adj. good nfs. 1022 204; nns. 423; dms. gode 1220; nfpl. gode 1219.

gode-wębb n. precious cloth ds. gode-webbe 612.

gold n. gold ds. golde 214.

g(ȝ)ōman mpl. jaws gpl. gomena 1414, gomane 1014; apl. 1015 1415.

gor n. dung as. 2211.

grytt f. grain apl. grutta 1622.

gylden adj. golden ams. gyldene 165.

ȝyrdels m. belt ns. 219.


habban w. 3 have ind. 2d. s. hafast 224; 3d. s. hæfeð 82, hafað 206; 3d. pl. habbað 1025; opt. 2d. s. habbe 611; 3d. s. habbæ 2024, habban 212; imp. 2d. s. hafe 215, hafa 419.

(ȝe)hǣlan w. 1 cure ind. 3d. s. hæleð 412 823 1621, hælþ 1021, hæled 820 104 etc., haleð 2026, haled 1012, ȝehæleð 102 108, ȝehælþ 188, ȝehæled 184 2013, ȝehaleð 1818, ȝehaled 208; pp. ȝehæled 410, ȝehælede 126.

hǣlo f. (message of) health as. 24.

hǣmed n. sexual intercourse ds. hamede 164.

hǣte f. inflammation ds. 1613.

haȝol m. hail ns. 216.

hæl adj. whole nms. hæl 2011; nns. 224; nmpl. hale 415 1426, hæle 1013; nfpl. hæl 1610; nnpl. hæle 46, hal 183.

hala m. afterbirth as. halan 187.

hāliȝ adj. holy sup. nms. halgusla 420.

hām m. home as. hale (sic) 415.

hand f. hand ds. handa 64; dpl. handum 1814.

hara m. hare gs. 122 1213, haran 127 143.

hāt adj. hot dfs. hæte 106; dns. haten 811.

hātan rd. call 3d. s. hætað 63; pp. 23.

ȝehaþerian w. 2 restrain 3d. s. ȝehaþeraþ 87.

hē pers. pron. he ns. 812; gs. hi(y)s 43 412; ds. hi(y)m 211 2217; as. hi(y)ne 411 2019; npl. hi(y) 1013; apl. hi(y)m 41 1015; apl. hi(y) 215 1010, hiȝ 1816.

hēafo(a)d n. head as. 104, heafad 617; as. heafod 1610.

hēafod-ece m. headache ds. 102 1615; eafod-ece 242.

hēafod-sār n. sore of head ds. heafod-sare 84.

hēafod-wræc n. headache ds. heafod-wræce 49.

(ȝe)healdan rd. preserve imp. 2d. s. heald 48; opt. 3d. s. ȝehealde 622.

healf soden adj. half-boiled dfs. healfe sodene 1816.

heardnys f. hardness ds. heardnysse 1617 1618.

hed-clāð m. frock ds. hed-claðe 143.

hēla m. heel apl. helan 143.

hēo pers. pron. she ns. 41 617; gs. hyre 617 622; ds. hyre 622 624; npl. hy 227; gpl. hure 826.

heorot m. stag gs. heortes 82 84 etc., hortes 87 811.

heort f. heart as. heortan 414 127.

hēr before adv. here above 103.

herm cf. earm.

herþan pl. testicles gpl. herþena 1823; apl. 205.

herþ-byliȝ m. scrotum gs. herþ-buliȝes 1426.

hȳ(ī)d f. skin ns. 47; gs. hyde 419.

hi(y)t n. pers. pr. it ns. 42; gs. hi(y)s 83 822; ds. hi(y)m 810 817; as. 48; npl. hi(y) 46 1417; gpl. hyra 127; dpl. hym 42 127 1413.

hlūtor adj. clear afs. hlutre 105.

hnappung f. drowsiness ds. nappunge 208.

horn m. horn ns. 87; gs. hornes 89; as. 45 226.

hors n. horse dpl. horsa 43; apl. hors 224.

hræd adj. quick comp. ns. hrædra 2213.

hrædlīce adv. soon 817 1614, hradlice 820.

hræȝel n. cloth ds. hræȝele 214.

hraþ(ð)e adv. soon 1010 1013 etc.

hrēaw adj. raw afpl. hreawe 1218.

hrēosan 2 fall pr. p. hreosende 164.

hrif n. belly as. 1223.

hrīnan 1 touch wga. opt. 3d. s. hrine 613; imp. 2d. s. hrin 1415.

hring m. ring as. 165.

hring-finger m. ring-finger ds. hring-fingrum 65.

hund m. dog gs. hundes 2221, dp. hundun 418.

huniȝ n. honey ds. huniȝe 426 1014 1413 181, hunia 228; as. 1415 1427, huni 1213.

hwā indef. pr. any one ns. 48; ds. hwam 414.

hwæt indef. pr. wg. something ns. 414; swa hwæt swa whatever 1617.

[hwæþere adv. nevertheless 26.]

hwelp m. whelp as. helpna 2220.

hwīt adj. white ams. hwitne 66.

(ȝe)hwylc indef. any dfs. hwylcere 410; ams. hwrylce 2220; ampl. ȝehwilce 2216; ȝehwylc… swa whatever; dns. ȝehwylce swa 222.

[hie(y)rstan w. 1 fry pp. ȝehyrste 1216.]


ic pers. pron. I ns. 25 26 213 etc.; npl. we 27.

Idpartus prop. m. (Idpartus) ns. 23.

ie(y)rnan 3 run pr. p. hyrnende 425.

i(y)lca adj. same nns. ylca 1414; afs. ylcan 103; ans. ylce 823 824 etc., ylcan 108, y (u)lcan 103.

innan adv. within 203.

inne adv. within comp. inra adj. ns. 1023.

innoþ m. intestines, inwards ns. 1621; gs. innoþes 1617, inneþes 1825; ds. innoþe 2024.

inwerdlīc adj. inward dp. inwerdlicum 826.


læ̂cecræft m. medicine dpl. læcecræftef 29.

læ̂cedōm m. remedy ns. læcedom 613; ds. lacedome 222 [dpl. læcedomum 26.]

(ȝe)lā(æ̂)cnian w. 2 cure 3d. s. læcned 412, ȝelacnað 1419.

lǣs adv. less þi læs 164.

land-ȝemāre n. boundary gpl. 413.

lęcȝan w. 1 imp. 2d. s. leȝe 167 2020; pp. ȝeled 1610 1616 1818.

lēo m. lion gs. leones 221, leon 223.

leofian w. 3 live pr. p. leuiende 221.

leoht adj. light (not heavy) comp. ams. leohtran 1025.

līc n. body ds. lice 215; as. 625.

ȝelīce adv. equally 2025.

līchama m. body gs. lichaman 69, lichamas 614, lichames 224; ds. lichama 2216.

līf u. life gs. lifes 41.

(ȝe)līfan w. 1 believe 2d. s. lifest 1017; opt. 2d. s. ȝelife 421.

lifer f. liver ns. 108 144; as. 146, lifre 412, lifere 1825.

lim n. limb ds. lime 1814.

linnen adj. of linen dns. linnenon 213.

līþ adj. smooth comp. nns. liþere 1821.

liþ n. limb gp. liþe 222; apl. liþu 827.

ȝeliþegian w. 2 assuage, relieve 3d. s. ȝeliþegaþ 1616 1824, ȝeliþeged 1624.

lōcian w. 2 look, see imp. 2d. s. loca 612.

ȝe lōme adv. often 1013 141 etc.

ȝe lōme līce adv. often 2023.

losian w. 2 perish opt. 3d. s. losie 127.

lungen f. lung ns. lungane 108 1011 123 1817, lungum 125; ds. lungene 1816.

lust m. lust as. 823 206.

ȝely(i)nd f. fat ds. ȝelynde 224; as. ȝelinde 1022 209.

lȳ(i)tel adj. little nns. 417; a little ds. 43–wg. as. 1416.


[mā adv. more 1619.]

mæȝ pret. p. may, have power 3d. s. 1414; opt. 3d. s. maȝe 424; 3d. pl. mæȝen 215; pret. 3d. s. mihte 624.

mæȝen n. virtue, power gs. mæȝnes [26]; as. 82; gpl. mæȝena [25.]

mæniȝ adj. many dpl. mæneȝa 25.

man noun indef. one, a man ns. 210 410 618 1218.

man(n) m. man 217; gs. manes 1814; ds. men 206.

mearh m. marrow as. merurh 223.

(ȝe)męn[c]gan w. 1 mix opt. 3d. s. mengc 1617; imp. 2d. s. meng 43 816 etc.., mencg 1018, ȝemeng 1622, ȝemengc 1414; pp. ȝemenged 1214 1412 etc.

meoluc f. milk gs. 166; as. 2025.

mētan w. 1 dream of opt. 3d. s. mete 165.

mi(y)cel adj. great, big gns. mycles [26]; ams. micelne 206–sup. mǣst ampl. mæste 212.

micga m. urine as. migga 1624.

mid prep. wd. with 215 223 etc.; wa. 1614 || adv. therewith 1015 1214 1417 205.

mię(y)ltan w. 1 melt pp. ȝemylted 1022.

mīgan 1 make water 3d. pl. miȝað 2012.

miht f. strength ds. mihte 45.

milte mf. spleen gs. miltan 814 106; as. miltan 815 107.

mōna m. moon ns. 61; gs. 62.

mōrbēam m. mulberry-tree gs. morbeames 621; ds. morbeame 619; as. 64.

mūl m. mule dpl. mule 43.

mūþ m. mouth ds. muþe 45.


nā(mare) adv. no more 618.

næ̂dre f. snake gs. nærdran 82; npl. neardran 227; gpl. nardran 226; apl. nædran 812.

nǣfre adv. never [26] 623.

naht ne adv. not 416 n.–ds. (to) nahte as naught 1225.

nama m. name ds. 212 221.

nappung cf. hnappung.

naþer ne… ne cj. neither… nor 1225.

ne cj. not 216 1225 2220 ne… ne neither… nor… nor 217 613.

nēad-þearf f. need ns. 613.

nearo(w-) adj. narrow afs. nearwe 1010.

nēat n. animal ds. neate 44.

nębb n. nose ds. nebbe 149.

nębcorn n. pimple apl. 1420 1421.

nęmnan w. 1 call 3d. s. nemned 210.

neoþan adv. beneath 126.

nętel f. nettle gs. netelan 162.

ȝenīe(ȳ)dan w. 1 compel 3d. s. ȝenydeð 1221.

nīe(ȳ)ten n. animal ns. 210; dpl. nitennum 418.

niht f. night dpl. nyhtum 49; apl. 46.

(ȝe)ni(y)man 4 take ger. nimen 2216; 1st. s. nime 222 610; 3d. s. ȝenimeþ 2218; opt. 2d. s. nyme 610; 3d. s. ni(y)me 617 204; imp. 2d. s. nim 412 64, nin 143, ȝenim 611 1014.

ȝenip n. darkness ds. ȝenipe 228.

nīwe adj. new nms. 1613 1615; dms. niwum 1428, niwen 47; afs. nife 1825; ans. 168.

ȝenīwan w. 2 renew imp. 2d. s. ȝenywa 818.

nosþȳrl n. nostril as. nosþrul 1612; apl. nosþurlo 1410.

nosu f. nose ds. nose 1611.

nyþor adj. lower dms. nyþeran 69 616.


Octavianus Lt. prop. m. Octcavian ds. octaviano 23.

of adv. off 213 168 || prep. wd. off 64 818from 624 149 etc.

ofer adv. thereon 1614over (left) 42 || prep. wa. after 222.

oferslǣp p m. oversleeping ds. oferslæpe 122.

ofslēan 6 kill 1st. s. ofslean 213.

oft adv. often 109 1015.

oman fpl. erysipelas apl. 167 169 2013.

on adv. on 419 123 1616 etc. || prep. wd. in 214 47 etc., metaph. 210 212 etc.–on 44 620 etc.—during 410; wa. in metaph, 1017on 615 625into 822, metaph. 1611.

onfōn rd. receive 3d. s. onfeahþ 163.

ongietan 5 wa. feel 2d. s. ongyft 2220.

onhrine m. contact ns. 218.

onlūtan 2 bow down over (something) imp. 2d. s. onlut 68.

onstrēdan w. 1 spread pp. onȝestreded 147.

onweȝ adv. away 816 1812 etc.

[oð ðat cj. till 47.]

ōþer adj. other nms. 2011; dns. oþrum 1814.

oþfeallan rd. fall away 3d. s. oþfealleð 1210.

oþꝥ cj. or 214 222 etc.

oþþ(ðð)er cj. or 218 1410 1426 1814 2212, odðer 1223 2212 243.


panne f. pan ds. pannum 1220.

peniȝ m. penny gp. peniȝe 84.

pollege f. pulegium, penny-royal as. 242.

pyle m. pillow as. pule 2020.


ramm m. ram gs. rammes 1810 1817 etc.

raðe adv. soon 42 101 147 1411.

rēadiȝan w. 2 become red opt. 3d. s. readiȝe 66.

rēcan w. 1 steam pp. ȝereced 1812.

rēcels n. incense gs. receles 128; as. 162.

reste-ȝemāna m. sexual intercourse gs. reste-ȝemanan 163.

rind f. rind as. rinde 201.


sæ̂d n. seed as. sæd 162.

sand n. sand as. 1820.

sār n. pain ns. 124 186; ds. sare 614 etc., sara 10{{x-smaller|14} 1021 etc.; as. 815 1422 etc.; apl. 1824 || adj. sore afs. sara 1811; nnpl. sara 203.

scādan rd. shed imp. 2d. s. sced 2211.

sceafan 6 shave [imp. 2d. s. sceaf 1216]; pp. ȝesceawen 1223.

sceallan npl. testicles apl. sceallan 1226, sceallan 425, sceallen 821 109, scellan 2212.

scearn n. dung as. 2014.

scearp adj. sharp dms. scearpun 169.

scęnc m. cup as. 86.

scęþþan 6 scathe 3d. sceþþes 216 417.

scęþþu f. injury dp. sceþþum 125.

scille f. shell apl. scille 168.

scīnlāc n. phantom npl. 2019; apl. 165 221 222.

scīr adj. pure dns. scirum 129.

scōh m. shoe gs. sceos 1023; dpl. seon 420.

scurf m. scurf dpl. scurfum 1819.

scytel (m.) dung as. 823.

sē̆, sēo, þ(ð)æ(a)t dem. pron. & mod. art. that, the nms. 614 1016, þe 23; nfs. 411 1221; nns. 124, ꝥ 29 819; gms. þ(ð)æs 212 219 85, þas 221 etc., gfs. hara 419, gns. þas 43 1015 þæs þe with comp. the 1025; dms. þam 2018, þ(ð)an 67 616 etc.; dfs. þare 622; dns. þam 49, þan 63 67 etc.; ams. þane 220 223 etc.; þ(ð)one 220 1618, þana 1815; afs. þa 616 105 etc., þe 414, ꝥ 1811; ans. 211 824 etc., ꝥ 210 223 etc., þa 63; i. þi 164; npl. þa 1420 2019; dpl. þam 129 1211 2012, þan 412 127; apl. þ(ð)a 27 211 169 etc. || rel. pron. that, which nns. 619; ams. ꝥ 2011; dpl. that which nns. ꝥ 416.

sealf(e) f. ointment ns. 1221 182; ds. sealfe 101; as. sealfe 624 105.

sealt n. salt ds. sealte 43; as. 1819.

sēl adv. well 810 1015.

sęllan w. 1 give imp. 2d. s. sy(i)le 128 1217 1226 166; pp. ȝeseald 1012 122 2013.

seofan num. seven 129.

seofontȳne num. seventeen 62.

seolc-rēad cf. weolc-rēad.

seolfor n. silver seolfre 214.

(ȝe)sēoþ(ð)an 2 boil opt. 3d. s. seoðe 425; imp. 2d. s. seoð 209, ȝeseoð 46, seod 1220; pp. ȝesoden 423 1011 1414 1823, ȝesodene 1219, ȝesodan 141.

sester m. measure, pitcher ds. 85; dp. sestrum 47, sesterum 209.

sēaw n. juice ds. siwe 1423.

setl-gang m. setting ds. setl-gange 62.

sęttan w. 1 put pp. ȝesetted 124, ȝesedet 1614.

ȝesihþ f. sight ds. ȝesihþe 2017.

si(y)nu f. sinew gpl. si(y)na 185 222; apl. si(y)na 1014 1215.

siþþ(ðð)an adv. afterwards 213 1811.

slæ̂p m. sleep ds. slæpe 1610 2020; as. 1611.

slæ̂pan d. sleep 3d. s. slæped 2021.

smæl adj. fine afs. (taken adverbially) smæl 1817.

smale adv. finely 2222.

smeru n. grease ds. smeruwe 1622; as. 827 1819.

smie(i, y)ran w. 1 anoint opt. 3d. s. smira 205; imp. 2d. s. smi(y)re 49 819 1024 etc., smere (y) 1220, smyra 1417, smure 224 817 etc., smura 181; pp. ȝesmi(y)red 1214 1419 2023, ȝesme (i)red 1413.

[snytro f. prudence gs. 25.]

ȝesomnian w. 2 gather opt. 3d. s. ȝesomne 620.

sōna adv. soon 61 810 etc.

sōt n. soot as. 1819.

spīwþa m. vomiting ds. spiwan 208.

standan 6 stand pr. p. standende 621.

stice m. pricking sensation ds. 1613.

stingan 3 thrust pp. ȝestungen 1411.

storm m. storm ns. 217.

stōw f. place as. stowe 1811; dpl. stowum 826; apl. stowe 101.

strang adj. strong nms. 216.

strēdan w. 1 spread imp. 2d. s. stred 813 227.

ȝesti(y)llan w. 1 assuage 3d. s. ȝestilleð 1411, ȝestyllæð 147.

sūcan 2 suck opt. 3d. s. shuca 166.

sum adj. some nns. 210; afpl. sumum 1211.

sumor m. summer ds. sumera 2219.

sunna f. sun gs. 62, sunnan 820.

swā cj. as 22, correl. of swylc [27] correl. of hwylc cf. (ȝe)hwylc || adv. so 108; swā hwæt swā whatever 1617; swā… swā so much… so much 1619.

swefel m. sulphur as. 2014.

swēȝ m. noise, sounding ds. sweȝe 1422.

swelȝan 3 swallow inf. 166; 3d. s. swelȝed 1218.

swēt adj. sweet dms. swete 815, swetan 1011; gfs. swetre 201.

(ȝe)swincan 3 labour opt. 3d. s. ȝeswince 615; 3d. pl. swincon 1211.

swīþ(ð)e adv. very 109 1015 etc.–strongly, thoroughly 169 182.

swīþra comp. of swīþ right ams. swyrðanan 220; ans. swyrþre 2022.

sworetung f. hard-drawn breathing as. sworetunga 1010.

swylc adj. such as (like) nfs. swylce 182; [dpl. swylcum 27].

swyle m. abcess apl. swylas 183 184 etc., swulas 1810.

sygefæst adj. victorious nms. sylefæst 223.

sylf refl. pron. preceded by he ns. 2011.


tæȝl m. tail gs. tæȝeles 1016.

taxo Lt. ra. badger as. taxonem 210.

tāwian w. 2 prepare pp. ȝetawod 2018.

tēon 2 draw imp. 2d. s. teoþ 165; pp. toȝene 1619.

teors m. membrum virile gs. teu’rse 1825; as. tears 205, terþ 162.

teter m. ringworm as. 818.

till adj. good nns. 424.

tō prep. wd. for (= as a) 222into 89 822 etc.–to (marking motion) 63, (object) 1411 1610 (with object of a verb) 1427 167; wg. (object) 163–forming ger. 415 419 83.

tōbrecan 4 break up 3d. s. tobrycþ) 1010.

tōceorfan 3 cut in pieces pp. tocorfan 1818.

tōcuman 4 come 3d. s. tocumed 1413.

tōdǣlan w. 1 divide imp. 2d. s. todæl 412.

tōdrīfan 1 drive away 3d. s. todrifd 184.

ȝetog n. tugging ds. ȝetoȝe 185.

tōȝesomnian w. 2 gather opt. 3d. s. toȝesomne 621.

(tōlęcȝan) w. 1 apply pp. toȝeled 2217.

tōniman 4 hold on (Cock.) 3d. s. nimed… to 1221.

tord n. piece of dung as. 181 182 etc.

tōslītan 1 tear asunder pp. tosliten 219, toslitena 1813.

tosomne adv. together 1416.

tōstingan 3 prick to pieces imp. 2d. s. tosting 2022.

tōþ m. tooth npl. teþ 141 2221; gpl. toþa 87; apl. teþ 211 213.

tōþ-ęce m. toothache (ds.) 1424.

tōþ-reo(ea)ma m. gum gpl. toð reomera 2222; apl. teþ reaman 142.

tōwrīþan 1 bind on pp. toȝewriþen 126.

trēow n. tree ds. treowe 63 619.

ȝetrymman w. 1 make strong 3d. s. ȝetrymeð 88.

tungol n. heavenly body ns. 216.

tux n. tusk ns. 2221.

twēgen num. two a. 85, d. twam 65.

twig n. twig as. twi 621.

tyd f. time ns. 41.

tyrwe mf. tar ds. fyrwan 101.


ꝥ cf. þæt & þonne.

þæ̂(ā)r(e) adv. there 619 619 622 || cj. where 422 813 227.

þæ̂r-on adv. thereon 2211.

þæ̂(ā)r-to adv. thereto 124 1615 2010 [ðærto 1819].

þæt, ꝥ cj. that [26] 421 etc.; so that 215 1619.

þæ(ð)ann(an)e, þan, þon adv. then 28 218 216 1210 etc. || cj. when 426 610 611–after comp. than 66 166.

þar-mid adv. therewith 109 2023.

þe rel. pron. who, which nms. 25 nns. 623; dms. 102; ams. þa 617; npl. 826 1814; dpl. 127 2018; apl. 211 etc.

þēah cj. though 42 410.

þearf f. need ns. 2018.

þēoh n. thigh apl. 183.

þēoh-wræc m. pain in the thigh ds. þeoþ wræce 182.

þē̆s, þē̆os, þis dem. pron. this nms. 612 86; nns. 421 1017; ams. þisne 69; ans. 28; dpl. þissun 220, þis 24; apl. þas 611, þus 610.

þicȝ(e)an (5) take inf. ðicȝean 1217; 2d. s. þiȝest 423 2219; opt. 3d. s. þicȝe 426; imp. 2d. s. þicȝe 815.

þīn poss. pron. thy dms. þine 143; dfs. þinre 28 64; dns. þine 215; npl. þine 414; gpl. þinra [25], linra 413; dpl. þ(ð)inum 413 414, þinum 419, þine 420 421; apl. þine 213.

þindan 3 swell opt. 3d. s. þinde 1621.

ȝeþoliȝan w. 2 remain opt. 3d. s. ȝeþoliȝe 620.

þrīe, þ(ð)rēo num. three d. þry(i)m 47 49 209; am. þri 426; af. 46.

þ(ð)rri(y)dda num. adj. third nms. þrindan 209 þryddan 47; ams. þriddan 128.

þrītiȝ num. thirty 1210.

þriwa adv. thrica 1417.

þ(ð)rōwian w. 2 suffer 3d. pl. þrwoiaþ 827; ðrowiad 221; opt. 3d. pl. ðrowion 221.

þū pers. pron. thou ns. [26] 223 etc.; ds. þe 213 [218] etc.; as. þe 28 213 etc.

þuma m. thumb ds. þuman 65.

þurh per. wa. through 165, ðurh 45.

þus ad. thus 24 [26] 212.

(ȝe)þy(i)nnian w. 2 diminish 3d. s. ȝeþinneþ 1422.

þȳstru f. obscurity ds. þystru 228.


ufan adv. above 125.

under prep. wa. under 1610 2020.

[unȝesēond pr. p. blind ams. unȝeseondne 2220.]

unhǣlo f. disease as. unhæle 2013.

unhāl adj. used as a subst. unsound ns. unhala 2020.

unhālwęndlic adj. incurable dfs. unhalwendlicre 411.

ȝeunstillian w. 2 disturb 3d. pl. ȝeunstillaþ 2019.

unȝewęndlic adj. chronic dfs. unȝewendedlicre 411.

ūp(p) adv. up 67 67 620.

ūpgang m. rising ds. upgange 820.

ūpryne m. rising ds. 63.

ūtan adv. outside 1623.

ūte adv. sup. ȳtemest adj. extreme ns. ytemesta 1016.

ūt gang m. anus as. 1815.


wæcce f. sleeplessness as. wæccen 1611.

ȝewæ̂ȝe n. weight is. 84.

wæ̂pned adj. male as. 1222 1227.

wæ̂t n. water as. wæte 1810.

wæ̂ta m. wet ds. wætan 1815–(ewil) humour as. wætan 83 1613 1620.

ȝewæ̂tan w. 1 wet imp. 2d. s. ȝewæt 1014.

wæter n. water gs. 613 209 etc. ds. wæ(a)tere 811 207.

waȝung f. shaking ds. waȝunga 87.

wamb f. womb ns. wambe 1619; gs. wambe 86; as. wambe 616, wamba 220.

wambe-wrǣc f. pain of womb ds. wambe-wyæce 142.

ȝewanian w. 2 diminish 3d. s. ȝewanaþ 2023.

wāt pret. pr. know ger. ȝewitenne 28.

wearm adj. warm dns. wa (e)rme 1212.

wearr m. callosity apl. wearras 1810, wearres 1813.

wearte f. wart dpl. wirtan 108; apl. weartan 109.

wel adv. well 421 161 etc.

wēnan w. 1 ween [1 st. s. wene 26]; 3d. s. weneþ 2011.

weolc-rēad adj. crimson dns. seolc readum 612.

wer m. man ns. 1225; gs. weres 204.

werod n. host dpl. weredun 423.

wexan rd. grow 3d. s. wexed 1222; 3d. pl. wexaþ 1420; opt. 3d. pl. 141, wexan 2221.

wīf n. woman ns. 623 etc.; gs. wifes 616 161; ds. wife 1226; gpl. wifa 826 187; dpl. wyfam 127.

wīf-lust m. sexual lust gpl. wif-lusta 425.

wīfman m. woman ns. 2024.

wīf-ȝemāna m. sexual intercourse gs. wif-ȝemanon 822; as. wið-ȝemanan 820, wið-ȝemanen 2211.

wīf-þing n. sexual intercourse dpl. wif-þingun 1016 1017, fif-þingumd 2213.

wi(y)ldēor n. wild beast ns. 421; gpl. wyldeora 29.

willa m. will ds. willan as. willan 161 204.

wi(y)llan anv. wish, desire 1st. s. wylle 421; opt. 2d. s. wylle 623.

willan w. 1 boil imp. 2d. s. wul 201, wulle 243.

wille wæter n. spring ds. wille-wætera 426.

wīn n. wine gs. wines 85 822; ds. wine 810 1210 etc.

ȝewindan 3 wind up imp. 2d. s. ȝewind 612.

ȝewinn n. hardship ds. ȝewinne 418; as. ȝewin 420.

wiunan 3 suffer opt. 3d. pl. winnon 44.

[ȝewis adj. certain ns. 25].

wī(ȳ)se f. ns. wysa 411.

wislīce adv. wisely 88.

ȝewī(ȳ)tan 1 depart away 3d. s. ȝewyteþ 43 202.

witiga m. prophet gs. witigan 220.

wið prep. wd. with 43 816 etc.–wd. against 82 2017 etc., wid 418 1023 1112 125; wa. 826 1012 1617 183 etc.–for wd. 206; wa. 823; wið ꝥ in order that 1227 2221.

wiðstandan 6 oppose 3d. s. wið-standeþ 1612.

wlæc adj. lukewarm nms. 1424.

wlǣtta m. nausea ds. wæ (l)tan 208, wæ (l)ten 1219.

wōl mf. pestilence ns. wol 416; gs. woles 418; ds. wole 44.

wōl-berende adj. pestilential nns. 27.

wom m. spot, blot, unsightliness, as. 1422; apl. wommas 2216, womas 2218.

word n. word dpl. wordum 24, worde 221; apl. word 611.

worms nm. matter, pus ns. wurmas (!) 1625 wu (r)m 208.

wracu f. acute pain ds. wæ (r)ce 1023.

(ȝe)wrī(ȳ)þan 1 bind imp. 2d. s. wriþ 615 616, wryþ 2022, ȝewryd 1622; pp. ȝewriþen 1615, ȝewryþan 124.

wude-bucca m. wild goat ns. 149; gs. wudu-bucca 148, wude-buccan 1412.

wudu-gāt f. wild goat gs. wudu-gate 1416 1425, wudegete 1427.

wulf m. wolf gs. fulfes 147 1410 2017.

wull f. wool ns. wul 1810.

wullian w. 2 wipe with wool imp. 2d. s. willa 1820.

wund i. wound (ds.) wunde 27; apl. wunda 1813.

wunderlīce adv. wonderfully 104 105 etc., wundelice 1012 1622.

wundrian w. 2 wonder wg. 3d. s. wundraþ 2011.

wund-spring m. ulcer dpl. wund-sprinȝum 1816.

wurd adj. worthy ams. wurde 28.

wylfen f. she-wolf gs. fulfune 2025.

wynstre f. adj. left ds. wynstran 64.

wyrm m. worm apl. wyrmas 810 wurmas 812.

wy(i)rcan w. 1 work, make imp. 2d. s. wy(i)rc 624 207 2212; pp. ȝeworht 1823.


y(i)fel adj. bad nms. 217; dfs. yfele 2017 || n. evil gs. yfeles 218 218 hifeles 424; ds. yfele 45.

ylpen-bān n. ivory as. 2217.

ymbhwyrft m. circumference, turning as, embehwyrft 422; dnl. ymbhwyrftum 413.

ȳtemest cf. ūte.