Men of 1914/F

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Men of 1914, Chicago: American Publishers' Association, 1915, OCLC:49777827all editions

The phrase "Men of 1914" appears frequently in the English literature of the 20th century as a metonym for the generation that faced World War I.

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195281Men of 1914 — F

Faber, Leander B., lawyer, Jamaica, L. I.; residence, 75 Alsop St., born in Jamaica, Nov. 5, 1867. Educated in Jamaica and New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of Monfort & Faber. Police justice of the village of Jamaica, 1889-93. Director of counsel, Queen County Trust Co. Trustee Jamaica Savings Bank. Member of Jamaica Club, Knights of Columbus and Royal Arcanum.

Fagan, Charles A., lawyer, born Pittsburgh, July 1, 1859; son of Thomas Jefferson and Mary McLaughlin Fagan; educated at Pittsburgh Catholic College and Ewalt College ; married Mary Kane of Pittsburgh, Feb. 11, 1888; vice-president German National Bank of Pittsburgh; the Iron City Sanitary Manufacturing Co.; the Pittsburgh "Post"; the Pittsburgh "Sun"; director East End Savings and Trust Co.; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Ship Canal Co.; Anthracite Coal Co.; the Natalie and Mt. Carmel R. R. Co. of Scranton ; pres. Wheatley Hills Land Co. of N.Y.; asst. dist. atty. of Allegheny County, 1888-95; Dem. presidential elector, 1892; Chin. Dem. Co. Com., 1894-96; del. at large, Dem. Nat. Con., 1896; pres. Pittsburgh Hospital; div. Boys' Industrial School of Allegheny Co.; Clubs : Duquesne, Union, Pittsburgh Country, Oakmont Country, Press. Home, North Highland Ave. and St. Marie St. Office, Frick Bldg. Annex.

Fagan, Charles Paden, district passenger and ticket agent Texas & Pacific Ry. Office Dallas, Tex. Born Dec. 6, 1855, at Lyons, Ia. Educated at Cornell University and United States Naval Academy. Entered railway service March, 1874, since which he has been consecutively to Feb., 1882, successively clerk, etc., freight and ticket office Chicago & North Western, Chicago Clinton & Dubuque, and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rys. at Clinton, Ia.; May to Sept., 1883, local ticket clerk general ticket office Burlington, Cedar_ Rapids & Northern Ry.; Sept., 1883, to May 1, 1884, rate and division clerk same office; May 1, 1884, to May 1, 1885, chief clerk same office ; May 15, to July 15, 1885, ticket auditor Mexican Central Ry.; July 15, 1885, to April 1, 1887, rate clerk Missouri Pacific and Texas & Pacific Rys., Galveston and Dallas, Tex.; April, 1887, to Jan. 1, 1895, successively southwestern passenger agent Wabash Ry. and traveling passenger agent Texas & Pacific Ry. at Dallas, Tex.; Jan. 1, 1895, to Sept. 1, 1898, traveling passenger agent Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Ry. at Dallas, Tex.; Sept. 1, 1898, to Jan. 1, 1900, chief clerk general passenger office Texas & Pacific Ry.; Jan. 1, 1900, to Oct. 15, 1911, assistant general passenger agent same road; Oct. 15, 1911, to date district passenger and ticket agent same road.

Fagnani, Charles Prospero, educator, clergyman and author of New York City, where he was born Oct. 29, 1854. In 1873-79 he taught in the public schools of New York City. In 1882-86 he filled pastorates in New York and Yonkers, N.Y. Since 1892 he has been a professor in the Union Theological Seminary of New York City. He is the author of A Primer of Hebrew.

Fahnestock, James Frederick, was born in Gettysburg, Pa., Oct. 16, 1859. He is the son of James F. Fahnestock, descended from the early German settlers of Pennsylvania, and Sarah Gates Lord, a direct descendant from Elder William Brewster, of "Mayflower" fame, and one of the five signers of the compact, and also in direct descent from Governor Haynes and Governor Willis, two of the earliest Colonial governors in New England. Mr. Fahnestock moved to Philadelphia soon after the battle of Gettysburg and received his education in the public schools. He was graduated from the Philadelphia high school in June, 1879. In September, 1879, Mr. Fahnestock entered the employ of Peter Wright & Sons, General Agents for the American Line of steam-ships, and the International Navigation Co., operating the Red Star Line. In July, 1884, upon the acquisition of the Inman Line by the International Navigation Co., he inaugurated their voucher system and was placed in charge of the adjustment of through freights between the ocean carriers and the railroads. In January, 1902, when the International Navigation Co. assumed full charge of its own affairs, he was made assistant treasurer at Philadelphia. In December, 1902, upon the merger of the various steamship lines and the formation of the International Mercantile Marine Co., Mr. Fahnestock was appointed assistant treasurer and removed to New York. In October, 1907, upon the retirement of Mr. James S. Swartz, who had been treasurer of the International Navigation Co. and its successors for more than thirty years, he succeeded to the treasurership of the International Mercantile Marine Co. On Dec. 9, 1908, Mr. Fahnestock was appointed assistant treasurer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. and assigned to duty at the New York office. On March 23, 1909, he was elected treasurer of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., succeeding Mr. Henry Tatnall, who, in turn, succeeded Captain John P. Green as vice-president, in charge of finances. Mr. Fahnestock is a member of the-Society of Mayflower Descendants, Society of Colonial Wars, the Orpheus and Merion Cricket Clubs and Racquet Club of Philadelphia.

Fairbairn, Russel L., general passenger agent Canadian Northern Ry. Lines East of Port Arthur. Office, Toronto, Ont. Born Nov. 24, 1880, at Stillwater, Minn. Educated in common and high schools, Stillwater, Minn. Entered railway service 1900, since which he has been consecutively to June, 1908, with Great Northern Ry., as division or apportionment clerk, train auditor, assistant rate clerk and chief rate clerk general passenger department; June, 1908 to September, 1910, chief clerk general passenger department Canadian Northern Ry. at Winnipeg, Man.; September, 1910 to May, 1911, district passenger agent at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; May, 1911 to June 1, 1912, assistant general passenger agent same road, lines east of Port Arthur at Toronto, Ont. ; June 1, 1912, to date, general passenger agent same lines, and Canadian Northern Steamships Limited at Toronto.

Fairbanks, Charles Warren, former vice-president of the United States, born on a farm near Unionville Center, Union Co., 0., May 11, 1852; son of Loriston M. and Mary A. (Smith) Fairbanks. He was graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., in 1872 in the classical course. Mr. Fairbanks was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1874; re-moved to Indianapolis in the same year, where he practiced his profession until his admission to the United States Senate. He never held public office prior to his election to the United States Senate in 1897; was elected a trustee of the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1885. He was chairman of the Indiana Republican State Conventions in 1892 and 1898 was unanimously chosen as the nominee of the Republican caucus for United States Senator in the Indiana Legislature in January, 1893, and subsequently received his entire party vote in the Legislature, but was defeated by David Turpie, Democrat; was elected to the United States Senate, Jan. 20, 1897, to succeed Daniel W. Voorhees, Democrat; took his seat March 4, 1897, and was re-elected in 1903. He was appointed a member of the United States and British Joint High Commission which met in Quebec in 1898, for the adjustment of Canadian questions, and was chairman of the United States High Commissioners; was a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at St. Louis- in 1896, and was temporary chairman of the convention; was a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia in 1900, and was chairman of the committee on platform; was a . delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1904, and was chairman of the Indiana delegation; was a delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1912 and was chairman of the committee on resolutions; was unanimously nominated at the Republican National Convention at Chicago in 1904 for vice-president of the United States, and elected on the ticket with Theodore Roosevelt, receiving 337 of the 476 electoral votes, to 139 for Henry Gassaway Davis of West Virginia, the Democratic candidate. Mr. Fairbanks resigned as United States Senator from Indiana to take effect March 4, 1905, at noon, on which day and hour he took the oath as vice-president of the United States. He was presented by the Republicans of Indiana as a candidate for the nomination for the presidency in 1908. His term of office expired March 4, 1909, and in company with Mrs. Fairbanks he made a tour of the world. Upon their return he devoted himself largely to semi-public work. He is a trustee of the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., the American University, Washington, D.C., and DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. He is president of the Board of Trustees of the Methodist Hospital at Indianapolis, and president of the Indiana Forestry Association. He was chosen by Congress as a regent of the Smithsonian Institution.

Fairchild, George Winthrop, congressman, was born in Oneonta, Otsego County, N.Y., May 6, 1854, the son of the late Jesse Fairchild, who came from Connecticut, being a direct descendant of Thomas Fairchild, who settled in Stratford, Conn., in 1639; his mother is a granddaughter of Thomas Morenus, a revolutionary soldier, and daughter of Jeremiah Morenus, a veteran of the war of 1812; is married; was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; and re-elected to the sixty-third congress as a Republican; and resides in Oneonta, N.Y.

Fairchild, Julian D., banker, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; born Stratford, Conn., April 17, 1850; educated in public schools of Stratford and New Haven, Conn., President Kings County Trust Co., Union Ferry Co.; vice-president Mortgage Bond Co.; director Lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust Co., Metropolitan Casualty Co., East River Savings Bank, Eagle Warehouse and Storage Co. Was offered Democratic nomination for mayor of Brooklyn, 1896, but did not accept it; appointed one of commissioners from Brooklyn of the new East River Bridge. Trustee Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; regent of Long Island College Hospital; president Brooklyn Central Dispensary. Member, Chamber of Commerce. Clubs : Brooklyn, Montauk.

Fairchild, Samuel William, of firm of Fairchild Bros. & Foster; pharmaceutical chemist, financier; born Stratford, Conn., 1853; descendant of Thomas Fairchild of England, who settled at Stratford in 1832, and of Lieut. Thomas Elwood, who served under Paul Jones. Ph.G., 1873, and Ph.M., 1908, of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; Sc.M., Columbia University; president College of Pharmacy of the City of New York, 1890-1896 ; founder of the Fairchild Scholarships for students of pharmacy in England. Veteran of Seventh Regiment, N.G., State of New York; commissioner representing New York at World's Columbian Exposition, 1893; trustee of Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission, 1909; member of New England Society of New York; of Society of Sons of the Revolution. President of James Pyle & Sons; chairman of Committee on International Trade and Commerce of Chamber of Commerce of New York; director Market-Fulton National Bank; trustee of Bowery Savings Bank. Trustee of Home for Incurables at Fordham, N.Y.; vice-president of .the Sevilla Home for Orphan Children ; trustee of the Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, New York. Clubs: President of Union League Club of New York; president of Princess Anne Club of Virginia ; member of the Metropolitan, Lawyers', Sleepy Hollow (New York) ; Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C.; Virginia Club (Norfolk) ; Southside Sportsmen's (Long Island); Devonshire Club of London, England; Travelers' (Paris). Address : 74 Laight St., N.Y. City.

Fairclough, George Herbert, organist and composer, of St. Paul, Minn., was born Jan. 30, 18'69, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He studied three years in the Berlin Royal Academy of Music. He has been organist of leading churches in Hamilton and Toronto ; and is now organist of St. John's Episcopal church and also of the Jewish temple of St. Paul Minn. He is head of the piano department of the Macalister Conservatory of Music, and has a large private class of pupils.

Fahhead, J.E., superintendent car service, Kansas City Southern Ry. Office : Kansas City, Mo. Born Aug. 4, 1879, at Urbana, Ill. Educated in the public schools of Covington, Ky. Entered railway service Nov. 1, 1900, since which he has been consecutively to May, 1902, clerk to trainmaster Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. at Huntington, W.Va.; May to Oct., 1902, clerk to train-master same road at Covington, Ky.; Oct., 1902, to Dec., 1903, stenographer in office of general manager Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. at Cincinnati, O.; Dec., 1903, to July, 1904, secretary to president Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Ry. at Pittsburgh, Pa.; July, 1904, to Jan., 1905, chief clerk to superintendent same road; Jan. to Dec., 1905, secretary to general manager Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. at Cincinnati, O.; Dec., 1905, to Feb., 1907, secretary to president Kansas City Southern By.; Feb., 1907, to Aug. 1, 1912, chief clerk to general manager and vice-president and general manager; Aug. 1, 1912, to date, superintendent car service same road.

Faison, John Miller, congressman, was born near Faison, N.C., April 17, 1862. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Falconer, J. A., United States congressman at large from Washington, was born in 1869 in Canada. He is a manufacturer of shingles ; and has been a member of the State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Everett, Wash.

Fall, Albert Bacon, United States senator from New Mexico, was born Nov. 26, 1861, in Frankfort, Ky. He has been associate justice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico, and served in the Spanish-American War. He was elected a member of the United States Senate for the term of 1913-19, and resides in Three Rivers, N.M. rancher, E. A., banker, merchant; born, Hillsboro, Texas; Sept. 25, 1865; son of Alexander and Mary E. (Morrison) Fancher; graduated from Baylor University, Waco, Texas; married, Seymour, Texas, March 24, 1897, Lura B. Bedford; four children. President and director of the First State Bank of Bomarton, Texas; director West Texas Supply Co., Commonwealth Bonding and Casualty Co.; stockholder Farmers' National Bank of Seymour, Texas, Seymour Cotton Oil Co., Seymour Compress Co., Seymour Flouring Co., and Amicable Life Insurance Co., of Waco, Texas; also president and director of Farmers National Bank,-Seymour, Texas. Democrat. Knight of Pythias. Address: Seymour.

Farley, Andrew G., lawyer ; born, Tecumseh, Nebr., Jan. 28, 1875; son, Andrew J. and Elizabeth (Alinger) Farley. LL.B., Campbell Univ., 1900. Married, Louise Schmidt, April 10, 1902, at Dodge City, Kas. County Atty., seven years, Hodgeman Co., Kas., and four years of Garfield Co., Wash.. Member K. of P., I. O. O. F., W. O. W. Republican. Address: Pomeroy, Wash.

Farley, Robert E., lawyer, banker; born, Fort Plain, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1871; son of Worthington S. and Helen Hall (Moyer) Farley. Father was a prominent hardware merchant of Fort Plain, and master of Fort Plain Masonic Lodge seventeen years; mother an authoress, who, under pseudonym of "Ernest Gil-more," wrote many stories and books; grandson of John H. Moyer, former president Fort Plain National Bank (one of the oldest banks in Mohawk Valley) ; cousin of late James S. Sherman (vice-president of U.S.) ; great grandson of Dr. Jonathan Sherman of Utica, N.Y.; early education in public and private schools; graduated Clinton Liberal Institute, Fort Plain (president, valedictorian), 1888; Rutgers College, A.B. (rhetorical honor) president of class, 1892; A.M., 1895; New York Law School, LL.B. (cum laude), 1894, and admitted to bar May 15, 1894; married, Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec., 1897, Grace Hazard Colvin (daughter of William S. Colvin, then president of Hazard Powder Co.) ; four children. Senior member of firm Farley & Rumsey, of White Plains, N.Y., and New York City; director and former president Gramatan National Bank of Bronxville ; president Scarsdale Estates, Gedney Farm Company, Country Life Permanent Exposition, Scarsdale Construction Co., Westchester Land Exchange; trustee White Plains Public Library; treasurer and director Westchester Syndicate. Member Bar Association City of New York, Westchester County Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Society of Medical Jurisprudence of New York; governor of White Plains Hospital; chairman Fort Slocum Committee of Y.M.C.A.; director and former president of Lake Mahopac Protective Association ; member Delta Phi Fraternity ; former president Rutgers College Alumni Association; president Gedney Farm Country Club, Westchester Beach Club. Clubs : Scarsdale Golf and Country (director) ; University, New York Athletic, Transportation; Lake Mahopac Golf, Gedney Farm Country (governor) ; County Tennis Club of Westchester (governor); Westchester Beach Club (director). Summer residence: Canopus Island, Lake Mahopac, N.Y. Residence : White Plains, N.Y. Offices : White Plains and Country Life Permanent Exposition, Grand Central Terminal, N.Y. City.

Farnsworth, Harry B., physician and surgeon; born, Hull, Ill., Aug. 13, 1875; son, Harvey Wayne and Elizabeth (Kingsbury) Farnsworth. Educated, public schools, Kansas City, Mo.; attended Union College, College View, Nebr., 1891-96; M.D., Am. Med. Missionary College, Chicago, and Battle Creek, Mich., 1900; practiced profession in Madison, Wis., Detroit, Mich., and has been located in Missoula since 1904. Married, Ethel Terry Reeder, Sept. 24, 1902, at College View, Nebr. Member : Am. Assn. for the Advan. of Science, National Geographic Soc., Missoula County Med. Soc., Montana Med. Assn., Am. Med. Assn. Res.: 128 S. Fifth St., W. Office : Montana Bldg., Missoula, Mont.

Farr, John Richard, congressman, was born July 18, 1857, in Scranton, Pa. He served five terms in the Pennsylvania State Legislature. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Republican.

Farragut, Loyall, author, of New York City, was born in Norfolk, Va., 1844, son of Admiral David G. Farragut and Virginia L. Farragut. He was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1888, but later resigned and was in the employ of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. Mr. Farragut is author of: Life of David Glasgow Farragut, First Admiral of the United States. He is a member of the Naval Order of the United States, American Geographical Society, the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy and the Century Association and the University Club. He married in New York, in 1869, Gertrude Metcalfe.

Farrar, Lilian K. P., born, Newton, Mass.; parents, Jefferson C. and Sarah Deane Pond; educated Newton High School, Claverack Academy, Boston University; graduated Cornell University Medical School, 1900; licensed New York, 1900; New Jersey, 1902; degrees A.B., M.D., postgraduate Austria, 1902-03-04; medical examiner N.Y. Life Ins. Co. and North Amer. Life Ins. Co.; instructor diseases of women, N.Y. Post-Grad. Med. School and Hosp.; gynecologist Post-Grad. Disp.; member Co. Med., A.M.A., Women's N.Y. City, Women's State Med. ; regular, allopathy ; specialty, gynecology and obstetrics. Residence and office : 40 W. 96th St., N.Y. City. Hours : 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tel. Riverside 350.

Farrington, Wallace Rider, newspaper man; born, Orono, Me., May 3, 1871; son of Joseph Rider and Ellen Elizabeth (Holyoke) Farrington. B.S., Univ. of Maine, 1891. Married, Catherine McAlpine Crane, Oct. 26, 1896, at Honolulu, Hawaii. Vice-pres. and gen. bus. mgr. Honolulu Star Bulletin, Ltd. Clubs : Commercial, Honolulu Ad. (pres.). Member: Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu (1st vice-pres.). Pres. Board of Regents College of Hawaii. Address : 1807 Anapuni St.; office : Honolulu Star Bulletin, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Farrington, William Hyatt, publisher, of 25 Park Place, New York City, was born, N.Y. City, July 24, 1838 ; s. William H. and Frances Child (Francis) Farrington; ed. private schs., m. N.Y. City, Oct. 24, 1860, Sophie, daughter of Thos. Farrington Devoe; children : Fannie, b. 1863; William H., b. 1871; Thomas Coggeshall, b. 1878; Helen Congdon, b. 1881. Has pursued a business and literary life; trustee, sec. and treas. D. Van Nostrand Co. Mem. N.Y. City Charity Org'n Soc. ; Nat. Geog. Soc. (Washington, D.C.), N.Y. State Hist. Ass'h, Am. Museum of Natural History, N.Y. Acad. of Science, Met. Museum of Art (N.Y.), Nantucket (Mass.) Hist. Ass'n, Hort. Soc. of N.Y.

Favour, Alpheus Hoyt, lawyer, of 43 Cedar St., New York City, was born, Natick, Mass., Oct. 8, 1880; s. Richmond and Josephine (Temple) Favour; ed. Natick, Mass., public schs., Amherst Coll., B.S., 1903 ; N.Y. Law Sch., LL.B., 1905 ; m. Kenton, 0., Sept. 25, 1907, Ethel Lamber ; children : Catharine, b. April 24, 1909 ; Mary Temple, b. Nov. 9, 1910. Mem. Ass'n Bar, City of N.Y., Amherst Ass'n, Phi Delta Theta. Clubs : Nipnischen.

Fay, Charles Spencer, general freight agent Morgan's Louisiana & Texas Rd. and Steamship Co. and Louisiana Western Rd. (Southern Pacific Co.). Office New Orleans, La. Born Oct. 23, 1867, at Minden, La. Educated at the Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, La. Entered railway service 1889 as clerk traffic department Atlantic System Southern Pacific Co., since which he has been consecutively chief rate clerk, chief clerk, assistant general freight agent and is now general freight agent Louisiana Lines same" company, viz.: Morgan's Louisiana & Texas Rd. and Steamship Co. and Louisiana Western Rd., also G. F. A. of So. Pac. Co., Atl. S.S. Co. line to Havana, Cuba and so. frt. agt. N.O., N.Y. lines of same Co.

Faymonville, Bernard, insurance man; born Bowmanville (now a part of Chicago), Cook County, Ill., March 24, 1860; son Tillman J. and Katherine (Fisher) Faymonville; ancesters prominent in iron mining and smelting industry, Ardennes and Rhine Provinces. Educated public schools, Bowmanville, Ill., 1865-73; two years' course in preparatory school of Prof. J. P. Lauth, Chicago. Married Dora Belle Ries, April 19, 1881, at San Jose, Cal. Worked in real estate and brokerage office, 1875-77. Moved to Fresno, Cal., 1877. Special agent Pacific Coast Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., 1882 ; assistant secretary Fireman's Fund, 1887-90 ; secretary, 1890-93; second vice-pres., 1893; first vice-pres., 1900-13 ; pres. of the Board of Underwriters of the Pacific, pres. Under-writers Fire Patrol, and of the Underwriters Inspection Bureau; has been supervisor and pres. Board Fire Commissioners of San Francisco. Clubs : Pacific Union, Bohemian, Olympic, San Francisco Golf and Country, Presidio Golf. Address : San Francisco, Cal.

Fearing, Daniel Butler, public official of Newport, R.I., was born Aug. 14, 1859, in Newport. In 1911 received the degree of M.A., from the Harvard University in recognition of his library of books and pamphlets on Angling, Fishing, Fish Culture and Fisheries; numbering over 12,000 volumes in 17 different languages. He has been school commissioner and alderman of New-port, was elected mayor in 1893, served as common councilman from 1909-1912; in 1912 was elected a presidential elector of the State of Rhode Island on the Democratic ticket. He is vice-president of the Board of Inland Fisheries of the State of Rhode Island; for many years a trustee of St. Mark's School in Southbore, Mass. Life member of the American Fisheries Society and vice-president for 1913; life member and a councillor of the Marine Museum, Boston.

Felker, S. D., governor of the State of New Hampshire, was born April 16, 1859, in Rochester, N.H. He is governor of New Hampshire for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Concord, N.H.

Felt, Charles F. W., chief engineer Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Office Chicago, Ill. Born April 29, 1864, at Salem, Mass. Educated at Massachusetts Agricultural College. Entered railway service Sept., 1886, as axman on construction Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rd. in Kansas and Colorado, since which he has been consecutively Dec., 1886, to Oct., 1887, rodman; Oct., 1887, to Feb., 1888, bridge engineer same road; Feb. to May, 1888; level-man Denver & Rio Grande Rd.; Aug., 1888, to April, 1889, instrumentman Arizona & Southeastern Rd.; April, 1889, to Feb., 1890, transitman Topolobampo Line in Mexico ; April, 1890, to July, 1892, resident engineer Northern division Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry. at Cleburne, Tex.; July, 1892, to Feb., 1893, office engineer Rio Grande Southern Ry.; Feb. to May, 1893, division engineer Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Ry.; May, 1893, to Sept., 1896, resident engineer at Galveston, Tex.; Sept., 1896, to Nov. 6, 1909, chief engineer same road; Nov. 6. 1909, to April 1, 1913, chief engineer Atchison, Topeka .& Santa Fe Ry., Topeka, Kans.; April, 1913, to date, chief engineer system, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway system.

Felton, Henry E., president Union Tank Line Co. Office 26 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Born Dec. 3, 1855, at Brooklyn, N.Y. Entered railway service Nov., 1882, with Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rd., since which he has been consecutively rate clerk general freight office, chief clerk same office and assistant general freight agent same road until Jan. 1, 1893 ; Jan. 1 to Nov. 1, 1893, general freight agent Evansville & Terre Haute, Evansville & Richmond, Evansville & Indianapolis and Evansville Belt Rds.; Nov. 1, 1893, to June 1, 1897, general freight agent Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rd.; June 1, 1897, to May 1, 1898, general freight agent Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry.; May 1, 1898, to Dec. 1, 1911, in general charge of railroad traffic Standard Oil Co. at New York; Jan. 1, 1905, to March 1, 1906, also vice-president Union Tank Line Co.; March 1, 1906, to date, president same company.

Fenno, Edward Nicoll, retired wool commission merchant ; born in Boston, Nov. 4, 1845; son of John Brooks Fenno and Sarah Elizabeth (Smith) Fenno. He attended Boston Public Latin School from 1856 to 1862, and was graduated from Harvard University as A.B., in 1866 and as A.M., in 1868. He is a director of the Old Boston National Bank, Indian Head Mills of Alabama, Boston Land Company and Slatersville Finishing Company, and trustee of the Provident Institution for Savings. He retired from wool commission business in 1900. In politics he is a Republican and in religion an Episcopalian. He is a vestryman of Trinity Church in the City of Boston ; trustee of the Vincent Memorial Hospital; vice-president of the Veteran Association of Independent Corps Cadets of Massachusetts Volunteers Militia; a member of the Massachusetts Historical and Genealogical Society and Boston Episcopal Charitable Society and of the Boston Athletic Association. He is a member of the Somerset, Country, Central Lunch, Woods Hole Golf, Old Colony and Seapuit Clubs; also member of the Harvard Club of Boston and of the Varsity Club. Mr. Fenno married in Boston, Feb., 1872, Ellen M. Bradlee, and they have three children : Henry Bradlee, Edward Nicoll, Jr., and Marion Hiller. Residence: Falmouth, Barnstable County, Mass. Address : 87 Milk St., Boston, Mass.

Fenton, Matthew Clark, merchant, banker; born Baltimore, Md., Jan. 29, 1855; son of Aaron and Rebecca Hedington (Clark) Fenton; educated in private schools; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 25, 1896, Harriet M. B. Thomas; five sons. Started paper warehouse business, Sept. 6, 1875, which still conducts ; vice-president Security Storage and Trust Co. Republican; Presbyterian. 32° Scottish Rite Mason (Past Master of Lodge). Residence : Park Heights Av., Station E. Office : 18 West Pratt St., Baltimore.

Ferguson, Daniel Araunah, clergyman, of Hammond, N.Y., was born, near Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 10, 1850; s. Rev. Archibald and Nancy A. (Rodger) Ferguson; ed. Ogdensburg Acad.; grad. Hamilton Coll., 1871, S.T.D., 1905 ; Union Theological Sem., 1875; m. 1st, Rossie, N.Y., ,Jan. 2, 1878, Selina B. Leonard; 2d, Jan. 24, 1883, Mary Ellen Cuthbert; children: William Archibald, Helen, Florence, Leonard Cuthbert. Pastor Presby'n Ch., Hammond, N.Y., since May, 1875 ; sec. County Sunday Sch. Ass'n 12 years; permanent clerk 17 years, now stated clerk Presbytery of St. Lawrence; permanent clerk Synod of N.Y.

Ferguson, John Calvin, educator, college president and translator, of Peking, China, was born March 1, 1866, in Canada. Since 1899 he has been foreign advisor of the viceroys, of Nanking and Wuchang. He has translated several books into Chinese.

Fernald, Josiah Eastman, banker; born, London, N.H., June 16, 1856; son of Josiah and Mary Esther (Austin) Fernald; educated in Pittsfield Academy, N.H.; married, Concord, N.H., Dec. 8, 1880, Anna White. Began in employ of National State Capital Bank, Concord, N.H., 1875; appointed cashier, 1882, and president 1905; also president Concord Axle Co., of Penacook; vice-president Loan and Trust Savings Bank; treasurer Capital Fire Insurance Co. Republican; Baptist. Clubs: Commercial (treasurer); Wonolancet (vice-president). Received silver medal from Humane Society of Massachusetts in 1900 for heroism in saving the lives of three women from drowning at Agonquit, Maine. Address: Concord.

Ferris, Scott, congressman, was born Nov. 7, 1877, in Neosho, Mo. He graduated from the Newton County High School, and from the Kansas City School of Law. Since 1901 he has practiced law in Lawton, Okla. In 1904 he was a member of the Legislature of Oklahoma. He was elected a representative from Oklahoma to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses as a Democrat, and was re-elected to the sixty-third congress-for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Lawton, Okla.

Ferris, W. N., governor of the State of Michigan. He is governor of Michigan for the term of 1913-14, and resides at Big., Rapids, Mich.

Few, Simeon D., United States congressman from the Sixth District of Ohio, was born Dec. 11, 1861, near Lima, Ohio. He is president of Antioch College, and is the author of several educational works. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Yellow Spring, Ohio.

Fewkes, Jesse Walter, ethnologist; born at Newton, Mass., Nov. 14, 1850. He was graduated from Harvard College, A.B., 1875, A.M. (in natural history) and Ph.D., 1877; then studied zoology at the University of Leipzig, 1878-1880. He was assistant at the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, 1881-1889, editor of the Journal of Ethnology and Archaeology, 1890-1894 and since 1895 has been ethnologist of the Bureau of American Ethnology in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. Dr. Fewkes is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; member of the American Anthropological Association (president, 1911, 1912; a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member of the American Society of Naturalists, American Folklore Society; fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Washington Anthropological Society (president, 1909, 1910), and the Deutsche Anthropologische Gesellachaft; Antonio Alzarte, Mexico; Anthropological Society, Florence, etc. He is author of many monographs on American archaeology and ethnology, and is especially well-known for his researches in relation to the ceremonies of the Moqui Indians, and the ruins of the Southwest. He has also had charge of the excavation and repair of Casa Grande, Ariz., Cliff Palace and Spruce Tree House, in the Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., for the Smithsonian Institution and the Department of the Interior. He has written several pamphlets on the prehistoric inhabitants of the West Indies, the most important of which is a monograph on The Aborigines of Porto Rico and Neighboring Islands," one of the yearly reports of the Bureau of American Ethnology. His contributions to zoology may be found in the publications of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, and deal mainly with jellyfishes and other marine animals. He received, for his ethnological researches, a gold medal from King Oscar of Sweden, and the decoration, "Isabel la Catolica," grade of knight, from the Queen Regent of Spain. Dr. Fewkes married at Cambridge, Mass., April 4, 1898, Harriet O. Cutler. Address : Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Ficken, John F., president board of trustees College of Charleston, S.C., was born June 16, 1843, in Charleston, S.C. He was educated at the College of Charleston, and at the University of Berlin, Germany. During the Civil War he was in the service of the Confederate Army. For twelve years he was a representative in the South Carolina State Legislature; was mayor of Charleston for one term, and has attained prominence at the bar. He is now president of the board of trustees of the College of Charleston, and resides in Charleston, S.C.

Field, Clarence Everett, physician, military surgeon, writer, of 742 Lefferts Ave., Richmond Hill, L.I., N.Y., was born, Taunton, Mass., 1870; son ,of Albert and Maria L. (Combes) Field; educated in N.Y. City schools, N.Y. Univ. (college), 1887-1889; N.Y. Univ. Med. Coll., M.D., 1891; post-grad. course at Bellevue Hosp., N.Y. City; married, N.Y. City, Nov. 30, 1894, Clara M. Feltt; children : Gladys L., born Dec. 2, 1895; Albert Everett, born Jan. 2, 1898. In Chilean Government Service, 1892; commended in Med. Service of Army with rank as major in Feb., 1907; commended captain Nat. Vol. Emergency Service, U.S. Med. Dept. Special research work during six years, 1902-1908, in life work and history of Napoleon—Lecture on same, with 200 valuable slides. Democrat; Methodist. Mem. Queens Co. Med. Soc., Nassau Co. Med. Soc., N.Y. State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assn., Am. Soc. Med. Sociology. Director and organizer of Temple Forum, an organization of about 150 young men along Y.M.C.A. lines at Richmond Hill, L.I.

Fields, William Jason, congressman, was born at Willard, Carter County, Ky., Dec. 29, 1874; was educated in the common schools of Carter County; is a farmer and real estate dealer; was a traveling salesman for twelve years. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses.

Finck, Edward Bertrand, lawyer, author, was born Oct. 16, 1870, in Louisville, Ky. He was educated at Allmond's University School, and at the Louisville Law School. He is a successful attorney-at-law of Louisville, Ky. Under the nom de plume of Bert Finck he is the author of Pebbles, Webs, Plays, Musings and Pastels, all works of a philosophical and poetic nature.

Finegan, Thomas Edward, assistant commissioner for elementary education, N.Y. State; born, West Fulton, Schoharie County, N.Y.; son of Michael and Ann (Welch) Finegan; educated public school of West Fulton, Cooperstown High School; grad. State Normal Coll., 1889, Ph.D., 1909; A.M., Hamilton Coll., 1894; LL.D., Colgate University, 1912; married, Schenectady, N.Y., Dec. 10, 1894, Grace E. Browne; one son : Edmund Randolph, born 1898. Admitted to bar, 1894. Taught public school six years; prin. public schools, West Fulton, N.Y., 1889-90; elected school commissioner, Second Dist., Schoharie County, serving from Jan. 1, 1891, to Dec. 1, 1892, when resigned to accept appointment by James F. Crooker, state superintendent public instruction, as supervisor of examinations in State Dept. of Public Instruction; served twelve years, during which period the examination and certification of teachers in N.Y. State was developed. Appointed by State Commissioner Andrew S. Draper, chief of law division, State Education Dept., Dec. 1, 1904, serving until appointed, Oct. 1, 1908, to third assistant commissioner of education in charge elementary education, including normal schools, training classes, training schools, teachers' conferences, compulsory education law, medical inspections and certification of teachers. Democrat; Presbyterian. Trustee State Normal Coll., Albany Exchange Savings Bank, Albany Chamber of Commerce, First Presbyterian Ch., N.Y. State Historical Assn. Author text-book, N.Y. School Law, Education Code, Judicial Decisions on School Affairs. Mem. N.Y. State Bar Assn., N.Y. State Hist. Assn., Nat. Edn. Assn., Albany Inst. and Hist. Soc. Clubs : Aurania (charter mem. and pres. for first three years), University.

Finkle, Frederick Cecil, consulting engineer; born, Viroqua, Wis., May 3, 1865; son, Thurston and Sophia (Michelet) Finkle; descendant of Jules Michelet, French historian. Grad. public schools, Viroqua, Wis.; special course in engineering, Univ. of Wis., 1882-87. Married, Priscilla Ann Jones, Sept. 18, 1901, at San Francisco. Moved to San Bernardino, Cal., 1887. Chief engineer, North Riverside Land & Water Co., 1887-88; Jurupa Land & Water Co., 1887-88; Vivienda Water Co., 1887-88; city engineer, San Bernardino, 1889-93; consulting engineer, State of Cal., 1889-93; chief engineer, East Riverside Irri. Dist., 1893-97; Riverside Highland Water Co., 1893-97; Grapeland Irri. Dist., 1893-97; Southern Cal. Edison Co., 1897-1906. Since 1906 has been consulting engineer and expert in hydraulic work for number of irrigation and water supply companies in Cal., Ore., Colo., Ariz., Mexico, etc. Consulting engineer for thirty or more large corporations. Constructed Kern River plant No. 1 of the Edison Co., the largest impulse water wheel plant in the world; Mill Creek No. 3 plant of the Edison Co.; Arrowhead Dam at Little Bear Valley, the highest earth dam in the world. Owns Finkle Bldg., and the Finkle Arms apartment hotel, L.A.; Monitor Apts., Ocean Park. Republican. Member: Am. Inst. Elect. Engrs., Am. Soc. of Irrigation Engrs., Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., Sou. Cal. Engrs. and Architects Assn. Clubs: California (Los Angeles), Bohemian, Sierra (S.F.), Denver (Denver, Colo.), Covina Country Club. Res.: 407 W. 31st. Office : 411 S. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Finley, David Edward, congressman, was born Feb. 28, 1861, in Trenton, Ark. He was a member of the House of Representatives of South Carolina in 1890-91, and of the State Senate in 1892-96. He was a member of the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from South Carolina as a Democrat. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the fifth district of South Carolina for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Yorkville, S.C.

Finley, William L., state game warden; born, Santa Clara, Cal., Aug. 9, 1876; son, John Pettis and Nancy Catherine (Rucker) Finley. Educated in Portland public schools; Portland Academy; A.B., Univ. of Cal., 1903. Married, Irene Barnhart, Feb. 21, 1906, at Santa Monica, Cal. State Game Warden of Ore. Pres. Oregon Audubon Soc. Member: Sigma Xi. Author: "American Birds," 1907 (Charles Scribner Sons); also numerous leaflets and magazine articles. Res.: 651 E. Madison St. Office : 630-31-32 Pittock Blk., Portland, Ore.

Finney, Frederick Norton, civil engineer; born, Boston, Mass., March 7, 1832; son of Rev. Charles Grandison and Lydia R. (Andrews) Finney; educated, Oberlin College; married, Oberlin, Ohio, 1863, Willieanna W. Clarke; four children. Admitted to bar, 1857; engaged in practice of law, Oshkosh, Wis., 1857-60; engineering, construction, Chicago & North Western Ry., 1860-62; city engineer, Toledo, Ohio, 1862-64; first assistant engineer Mountain division Union Pacific Rd., 1864; resident engineer and superintendent Jamestown division Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Rd., 1864-67; chief engineer and superintendent Erie & Pittsburgh Rd., 1867-70. Chief engineer and superintendent, located, built and operated Canada Southern Ry., 1870-74; chief engineer and superintendent Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Ry., 1874-78; chief engineer and general manager Wisconsin Central Ry., 1878-89; president St. Paul, Minneapolis & Sault Ste. Marie Ry., 1900-02; superintendent of construction Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry., 1893-1902; president Missouri, Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad Co. and Missouri, Texas & Oklahoma Railway Co., 1902-04; president Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway, 1904-06. Re-publican. Author : Three Months in Italy, 1893; A Souvenir of the Nile, 1896; In Memoriam, 1896; Letters from Across the Sea, 1909. Trustee Oberlin College., Club : Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Address : Villa Dora, South Pasadena, Cal.

Fish, Frederick Samuel, lawyer, financier; born, Newark, N.J., Feb. 5, 1852; son of Rev. Henry Clay and Clara (Jones) Fish; descended in the eighth generation from John Fish, who, with his two brothers, Nathan and Jonathan, removed from England in 1635, settling first at Lynn, Mass., thence in 1637 at Sandwich, Cape Cod, Mass., founding the Puritan family of Fish. His grandfather, Samuel Fish, was for more than seventy years a minister of the gospel in Vermont, 95 years old at the time of his death; through his Grandmother Fish he is descended from John Packer, who, with his brother William removed from England about 1651, settling in Groton, Conn., founding the Puritan family of Packer; his mother, now living (1913), 92 years old, descended from Johial Jones of Old Deerfield, Mass.; graduated from University of Rochester, A.D., 1873; married, South Bend, Ind., June 16, 1887, Grace A. Studebaker. Admitted to New Jersey Bar, 1876, and practiced at Newark and New York, 1876-1891; removed to South Bend, Ind., and became director and general counsel Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Co.; 1897-1911 chairman of its executive committee; president Studebaker Vehicle Company of New York; president Corporation Fine Arts Building (Chicago); president of The Studebaker Corporation and president of many of its numerous subsidiary companies; one of the organizers of National Manufacturers Association, National Association of Agricultural Implement and Vehicle Manufacturers; vice-president and otherwise connected with other similar associations, Civic Federation of New York; director St. Joseph Loan & Trust Co., South Bend, Ind., Mishawaka Woolen Manufacturing Co., Winona Interurban Railway Co. (Indiana); city attorney of Newark, N.J., 1880-84; member of New Jersey Senate General Assembly, 1884-85; member of Senate, 1884-87 (president, 1887); twelve years member New Jersey National Guard, colonel. Republican; Baptist. Member Psi-Upsilon and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities, Japan Society of Lon-don, Eng.; Mason, Knight Templar, life member of Mecca Temple, New York. Clubs: Indiana, Sunnyside Golf (South Bend); University Club of New York, St. Andrews Golf (New York); Chicago Club, University Club of Chicago, Chicago Golf Club, Touring Club of France. Address: " Sunnyside, " Jefferson Blvd, South Bend, Ind.

Fisher, Irving, educator, political economist and author, of New Haven, Conn., was born Feb. 27, 1867, in Saugerties, N.Y. Since 1898 he has been professor of political economy in Yale University. He is the author of Elements of Geometry and other works.

Fisher, Nevin Francis, clergyman, of 21 South Thirteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa., was born in Center County, Pa. He graduated from Franklin and Marshall College of Lancaster, Pa.; attended Berlin and Leipzig universities, and visited the Holy Land and Egypt. In 1890-1902 he was rector of the Catholic High School of Philadelphia, and since 1902 has been rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist. In 1905 he was made a domestic prelate.

Fisk, Arthur Lyman, physician; born, St. Paul, Minn.; son of Robert F. and Narcissa P. (Whittemore) Fisk; educated in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., Yale University, Harvard Medical School, M.D., 1889; married, Baltimore, Md., Feb. 15, 1900, Alice B. Carter; children : Arthur Lyman, Jr., Bernard Carter (deceased), Shirley Carter, born June, 1910. Engaged in practice of medicine in New York City from graduation. Surgeon Trinity Hospital, The. Babitt Hospital, St. John's Guild, Seaside Hospital; surgeon O.P.D., New York Hospital; assistant surgeon General Memorial Hospital and Roosevelt Hospital. Member American Medical Association, N.Y., State Medical Association, N.Y., Academy Medicine, Massachusetts Medical Society, etc. Clubs: Century Association, University, Yale (N.Y. City), Tavern (Boston). Address: 41 W. 50th St., New York City.

Fiske, Thomas Scott, mathematician, educator, Columbia University, New York City, was born, New York City, May 12, 1865; son of Thomas Scott and Clara (Pittman) Fiske; A.B., Columbia Univ., 1885, A.M., 1886, Ph.D., 1888; married, Feb. 1, 1913, Natalie Page, of New York City. Fellow and assistant in mathematics, Columbia Univ., 1885-1888; tutor in mathematics, 1888-1891; instructor in mathematics, 1891-1894; adjunct prof. of mathematics, 1894-1897; prof. of mathematics since 1897. Acting dean of Barnard Coll., 1899; sec. Coll. Entrance Examination Bd. since 1902; chairman of Corn. on Instruction, Columbia Univ. Faculty of Pure Science, since 1910. Member and one of founders of Am. Mathematical Soc. (sec. and treas., 1888-1891; sec., 1891-1895; v.-pres., 1898-1901; pres., 1902-1904); fellow S.A.E.S., member Assn. of Teachers of Mathematics of Middle States and Md. (pres., 1905-1906); first chairman, 1906-1907, of Council of Am. Federation of Teachers of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences; chairman Cora. on Mathematical Examinations in America, International Commission on Teaching of Mathematics, 1911; examiner in Mathematics, N.Y. State Education Dept., 1909-1911; mem. London Mathematical Soc., Circolo Matematico di Palermo, mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi societies. Editor : Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1891-1899; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1900-1905. Author : Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (New York, John Wiley & Sons), 1906; also of mathematical and educational contributions to American and foreign scientific journals and periodicals. Club : Columbia University.

Fitzgerald, Andrew F., real estate and insurance; born Aug. 8, 1861, in Waterford City, Ireland; son of John Fitzgerald (deceased), one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of Waterford, and sacristan of the Church of Trinity Without, Ballybricken, for fifty years; educated by the Christian Brothers at Mount Sion and at St. John's College, of his native city; emigrated to America in 1887 and became a resident of California, locating in San Luis Obispo, where he opened a real estate and insurance office; married, in 1891, Mary Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Duff. Elected city treasurer in 1898 and again in 1900; is president of Moro Bay Oil Co. and San Luis Brick Co., and a director in the Brookshire and Obispo oil companies and other large corporations. Was president of the Chamber of Commerce for two successive terms. Has traveled extensively in Europe and throughout Canada and the United States; is past grand knight and past district deputy of the Knights of Columbus and was delegate from California to the Supreme Convention of that order to Detroit in 1911. Address : San Luis Obispo, Cal.

Fitzgerald, J. M., president Western Maryland Ry. Office : Baltimore, Md. Born April 26, 1877, near Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the public schools and the School of Technology in Philadelphia. Entered railway service, 1894, in the general offices Columbus, Sandusky & Hocking Rd. at Columbus, Ohio, since which he has been consecutively, Aug., 1896, to March, 1897, purchasing clerk and general storekeeper same road; March, 1897, to Aug., 1898, on construction and maintenance of way work engineering department Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Rd., South McAlester, I.T.; Aug., 1898, to April, 1900, assistant general manager in charge of operating department Virginia & Southwestern Rd. at Bristol, Virginia, and assistant to vice-president, Virginia Iron, Coal & Coke Co.; April, 1900, to Aug., 1904, in charge of mining operations Empire Steel & Iron Co.; Aug., 1904, to June, 1909, with B. Nicoll & Co.; June, 1909, to April 1, 1912, vice-president Pittsburgh Terminal Rd. & Coal Co.; April 1 to Oct. 16, 1912, president The Davis Coal & Coke Co.; Oct. 16, 1912, to Jan. 1, 1913, vice-president Western Maryland Ry.; Jan. 1, 1913, to date, president same road.

Fitzgerald, John Francis, mayor of Boston, Mass., was born Feb. 11, 1863, in Boston, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; attended the Boston Latin School, and for one year studied medicine at the Harvard Medical School. He is publisher of The Republic of Boston, Mass. In 1892 he was a member of the Boston Common Council, and in 1893-94 was a member of the Massachusetts State Senate. He was a member of the fifty-fourth and fifty-sixth congresses from Massachusetts as a Democrat. In 1906-07 he was mayor of Boston, and in 1910 received the reelection for a four-year term.

Fitzgerald, John Joseph, congressman, was, born March 10, 1872, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention of Kansas City in 1900. He was a member of the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the seventh district of New York for the term of 1913-15, and resides in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Fitzgerald, Marcella Agnes, author and poet; born Feb. 23, 1845, at Frampton, Canada East; of Irish ancestry; a sister of Sr. Anna Raphael, poetess and pianist of the Notre Dame Order; her family came to California in 1851 and. settled near Gilroy; educated at College of Notre Dame, San Jose, Cal. Author of Poems (Catholic Publishing Society, 1886); has contributed to the Catholic World, Ave Maria, Rosary, Carmelite Monthly, Good Counsel and Irish Journals. Her poem on the death of the great Dominican, Fr. Thomas. Burke, was widely copied. Member of the Catholic Ladies' Aid Society. Address: Gilroy, Santa Clara County, Cal.

FitzHenry, Louis, lawyer and congressman, of Bloomington, Ill., was born June 13, 1870, in Bloomington, Ill. He graduated from the Law Department of the Illinois Wesleyan University. For two terms he was city attorney of Bloomington, and for two terms was a member of the Democratic State Central Committee. He is special legal counsel for the City of Bloomington, and is now a representative to the sixty-third congress from the seventeenth district of Illinois for the term of 1913-15.

Flanagan, Webster, collector United States internal revenue for the third district of Texas, was born Jan. 9, 1832, in Cloverport, Ky., and is a son of the late United States Senator James W. Flanagan. His father moved to the Republic of Texas in 1843, and the son has ever since been a citizen of Texas. In 1851 he was admitted to the bar, and in 1860 he was commissioned brigadier-general by General Sam Houston, governor of Texas. He served as a soldier in the Civil War from 1862 until its close. In 1865 he was appointed judge, and in 1869 was a member of the Constitutional Convention. In 1871 he was elected a member of the Texas State Senate. In 1871-73 he was lieutenant-governor, and in 1875 again served as a member of the Texas State Senate. He was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and helped to frame the present Constitution of Texas. He also helped to organize the Republican party in Texas. In 1872, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1892, 1896 and 1904 he was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions. In 1884-85 he was internal revenue collector for the fourth district of Texas. In 1876-80 he was president of the Henderson and Overton Railroad Company. In 1890 he was a candidate of the Republican party for governor of Texas, and in 1891-93 was collector of customs. Since 1898 he has been collector of internal revenue for the third district of Texas, and resides in Austin, Texas.

Flenniken, Michael F., general agent Aetna Life Insurance Co. and real estate dealer; born, Knoxville, Tenn., June 10, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Elijah H. and Mary A. (French) Flenniken; educated in University of Tenn. and city schools; graduated from the former in 1887; in early life he was a bookkeeper; married 011a McCallum, April 28, 1898; member of Masons, Scottish Rite, 33d degree Hon. of Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, B.G.H.P. of Grand Chapter of Tenn., P.G.M., Grand Council of Tenn.; Democrat; member of Methodist Church; interested in real estate and general agent Aetna Life Insurance Co., Accident and Liability Dept. Address : Knoxville, Tenn.

Fletcher, A. M., governor of the State of Vermont. He is governor of Vermont for the term of 1912-14, and resides in Montpelier, Vt.

Fletcher, Austin Bradstreet, civil engineer; born, Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 19, 1872; son of Ruel H. and Rebecca C. (Wyman) Fletcher. Educated in Cambridge, Mass., public schools; S.B. (in C.E.), Harvard University, 1893. Married Ethel Hovey, 1894, at Cambridge, Mass. Secretary and executive officer High-way Commission of Mass., 1893-1910; secretary engr. Highway Commission of San Diego County, Cal., 1910, to Aug., 1911; high-way engr., Dept. of Engineering, State of Cal., since 1911. Member American Society Civil Engineers, Boston Society Civil Engineers, Massachusetts Highway Association, American Road Makers Association, American Association for Highway Improvement. Clubs: Boston Engineers, University (San Diego); University, Sutter, Sacramento (Sacramento). Residence : 1213 26th St. Office : Forum Bldg., Sacramento, Cal.

Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw, United States senator from Florida, was born Jan. 6, 1859, near Americus, Ga. He was educated at Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tenn., and soon attained success at the bar of Florida. In 1893 he was a representative in the Florida State Legislature, and in 1893-95 and in 1901-03 was mayor of Jacksonville, Fla. In 1896-98 he was president of the Jacksonville Bar Association; in 1906 became president of the Citizens' Bank of Jacksonville, and in 1900-06 was chairman of the Board of Public Instruction for Duval County, Fla. He was chairman of the Florida Democratic State Committee. for the term of 1904-08. In 1909 he was elected to the United States Senate for the term ending in 1915, and resides in Jacksonville, Fla.

Fletcher, William Isaac, librarian; born in Burlington, Vt., April 28, 1844; son of Stillman and Elizabeth (Severance) Fletcher. He was educated in the public schools of Winchester, Mass., afterwards devoting himself to library work. He conducted a summer school of library economy in the Amherst Summer School, 1891-1905; librarian of Amherst College, 1883-1911; an active member and ex-president of the American Library Association. He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Amherst in 1884. Mr. Fletcher was joint editor of Poole's Index to Periodical Literature from 1876, and after the death of Dr. Poole in 1894 edited the volumes in continuation of that work until 1911, and is author of: Public Libraries in America; the American Library Association Index to General Literature; the Co-operative Index to Periodicals, and other publications. Address : Amherst, Mass.

Flexner, Simon, physician Rockefeller Institute, New York city, was born, Louisville, Ky., March 25, 1863; son of Morris and Esther (Abraham) Flexner; educated in public schools; grad. Univ. of Louisville, M.D., 1889; D.Sc. (hon.), Harvard Univ., 1906; LL.D. (hon.), Univ. of Maryland, 1907; D.Sc. (hon.), Yale Univ., 1910; Princeton Univ., 1913; post-grad. student Johns Hopkins, 1892-1893; Strassburg, Prague and Berlin univs., 1896; married, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1903, Helen Whitall Thomas; two children: William Welch, born Oct. 5, 1904; James Carey Thomas, born Jan. 13, 1908. Assoc. prof. and prof. pathol. anatomy, Johns Hopkins, 1891-1899; prof. pathology, Univ. of Pa., 1899-1903; mem. Johns Hopkins Univ. Com. for Investigation of Tropical Diseases, sent to Philippine Islands, 1899; mem. commission appointed by the Sec. of Treas. of U.S. to investigate bubonic plague in San Francisco, Cal., 1901; director Ayer Clinical Laboratory, Pa. Hosp., 1901; pathologist, Univ. and Philadelphia Hosp., 1900; director laboratories Rockefeller Inst. for Med. Research, N.Y. City. Fellow Acad. of Medicine, N.Y.; mem. Nat. Acad. of Sciences, Assn. Am. Physicians, Am. Philos. Soc., Harvey Soc., A.A.A.S., Am. Assn Pathologists and Bacteriologists; cor. mem. Medico-Chirurg. Soc., Bologna, Italy; Soc. pathol. exotique, France. Author various monographs and papers relating to pathol. and bacteriol. subjects, snake venom, bubonic plague, dysentery, meningitis, etiology and pathology of infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis), and other infections. Club : Century.

Flint, James Milton, medical director U.S.N. (retired), Stoneleigh Court, Washington, D.C. Medicine, biology, Hillsborough, N.H., Feb. 7, 1838. M.D., Harvard, 1860. Assistant surgeon, U.S.N., 1862-74; surgeon, 1874-93;. medical inspector, 1893-97; medical director, 1897; curator, div. of med., U.S. Nat. Museum, 1880-84, 1888-91, 1895. Member commission on revision and publication, U.S. Pharmacopoeia, 1880-90; surgeon, U.S. Fish Com mission, Str. Albatross, 1884-87. F.A.A.; Micros. Soc.; Anthrop. Assn.; Wash. Acad.; Wash. Biol. Soc.; Wash. Philos. Soc. Pharmacology; history of medicine; foraminifera.-Deep-sea deposits of the Pacific Ocean.

Flood, Henry Delaware, congressman, was born Sept. 2, 1865, in Appomattox, Virginia In 1891 he was elected a member of the State Senate; and subsequently was the Democratic nominee for Congress, but was defeated by a majority of only forty-eight. He has attained success as an able lawyer of his native city; and has served with distinction as commonwealth attorney of his county. He was a member of the fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Virginia as a Democrat. He was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the tenth district of Virginia for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Appomattox, Virginia

Floyd, John Charles, congressman, was born April 14, 1858, in Sparta, White County, Tenn. In 1889 he was a member of the Arkansas State Legislature from- Marion County; and in 1890-94 was prosecuting attorney of the fourteenth judicial district. In 1904 he was elected a member of the fifty-ninth congress for the term of 1905-07 from Arkansas as a Democrat. He has always been prominently identified with the Democratic party; is a prominent citizen of Yellville, Ark.; and has filled numerous other positions of trust and honor. He was a member of the sixty-second congress and was reelected to the sixty-third congress from the third district of Arkansas as a Democrat for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Yellville, Ark.

Flynn, David M., banker; born Princeton, N. J., Nov. 5, 1876; on of John J. and Mary (Naughton) Flynn; educated in St. Paul School, Princeton, N.J. Cashier First National Bank, Princeton, N.J.; treasurer Princeton Militia Co., Citizens' Association. En-listed Company L, Second Regiment, National Guard of New Jersey, Sept., 1899; now assistant inspector general rifle practice with rank of lieutenant colonel, National Guard of New Jersey; vice-president of American Irish Historical Society; director New Jersey State Rifle Association. Democrat; Catholic. Recreations : Shooting, golf, fishing, horseback riding. Club : Commercial, Army and Navy, New York. Address : Princeton.

Flynn, Thomas Michael, banker, merchant; born Peru, Ill., June 17, 1859; son of Patrick J. and Mary A. (Farrell) Flynn; married, Peru, Ill., Feb., 1895, Annie J. Johnson; four children. President State Bank of Parsons; treasurer Parsons Electric Light and Power Co.; manager and treasurer Flynn Clothing Co. Republican; Catholic. Director Parsons Home and Hospital. Elk, member of Royal Arcanum, Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of Columbus, Royal Neighbors. Address : Parsons.

Folks, Homer, social worker; born in Hanover; Mich., Feb. 18, 1867; son of James and Elizabeth (Woodliff) Folks. He was graduated from Albion College, A.B., 1889, and from Harvard College, A.B., 1890. Mr. Folks was general superintendent of the Children's Aid society of Pennsylvania, 1890-1893; secretary of the State Charities Aid Association of New York, 1893-1902; commissioner of Public Charities of New York City, 1902-1903, and again since 1904, secretary of the State Charities Aid Association. Mr. Folks has published a History of the Care of Destitute, Neglected and Delinquent Children in the United States, contributed to the Charities Review during 1899-1900, and published in book form by the Macmillan Company in January, 1902, and numerous reports, pamphlets and magazine articles. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen of New York City, 1898-1899, and is president of the State Probation Commission of New York, established in 1907, and also of the National Association of Probation Officers. Mr. Folks is a member of the Board of Trustees of the City Club of New York; vice-chairman of the National Child Labor Committee, member of the Central Council of the Charity Organization Society; member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis; and member of the Advisory Board of the State Health Department. He is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and of the City, Republican, University, and National Arts Clubs of New York- City. Mr. Folks married in Albion, Mich., Dec. 22, 1891, M. Maude Beard, and they have three daughters : Lalitha, Gertrude and Evelyn. Residence: 428 Hawthorne Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y. Office : 105 East 22d Street, New York City.

Follansbee, Mitchell Davis, lawyer; born in Chicago, Jan. 23, 1870; son of George Alanson and Susan Dana (Davis) Follansbee. He attended public and private schools; was graduated A.B., at Harvard in 1892, and LL.B., at Northwestern University Law School in 1894, and has since practiced law. He is a member of the firm of Adams, Follansbee, Hawley & Shorry. He is an editor of the Illinois Law Review, a professor in the Northwestern University Law School, president of the Chicago Bar Association, a member Illinois State Bar Association; is a member of the Law, the Legal, University, Chicago Midday, and Saddle and Cycle Clubs of Chicago, and the Harvard and University Clubs of New York, and is a director of the United Charities of Chicago. He married at Seabreeze, Fla., April 14, 1903, Julia Rogers McConnell, and they have four children : Eleanor McConnell, Mitchell D., Jr., Rogers McConnell and Susan. Residence: 65 Bellevue Place. Business address : 137 S. La Salle St., Chicago.

Fontana, Mark John president Italian-Swiss Colony; born Cerisola, Italy, May, 1849; son Giuseppe and Boro (Bianca) Fontana. Educated private night school, N.Y. City; English night school, N.Y. City. Married Nellie Jones, June, 1877, at San Leandro, Cal. Served as supervisor under Prelan administration. General superintendent Cal. Fruit Canners Association; director and member Executive Board Cal. Fruit Canner's Association, Cal. Wine Association, Italian & American Bank, E. B. & A. L. Stone Co., Italian-Swiss Agricultural Colony. Clubs : San Francisco Commercial, Olympic. Address : San Francisco, Cal.

Foote, Allan Ripley, editor and author of 315 Linwood ave., Columbus, Ohio, was born Jan. 26, 1842, in Olcott, N.Y. He served nearly four years in the civil war in a Michigan regiment, attaining the rank of second lieutenant. He has been president of the Ohio state board of commerce and president of the national tax association. In 1899-1905 he was editor of Public Policy. He is the author of Public Policy Editorials in three volumes; Labor, Capital and the Public and other works.

Foote, Edward B., Jr., physician, 120 Lexington avenue, New York City. Born in Colimer, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1854. Educated at College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. (Single.) Secretary and director Murray Hill Publishing Co. Member Manhattan Liberal Club.

Foote, Edward B., author and editor, 120 Lexington avenue, New York City; residence Larchmont. Born in Ohio, Feb. 20, 1829. Educated in Colimer (Cleveland), Ohio. (M.D.) (Married) President and director Murray Hill Publishing Co. Member Ohio Society, Sons of the Revolution and Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Foote, Hubert T., physician, 120 Lexington avenue, New York City; residence New Rochelle. Born in Saratoga, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1859. Educated at Cornell. (Married.) Member Cornell, Country Cycle, Metropolitan Kennel, American Kennel and Century Road Clubs, League of American Wheelmen and the Alumni Associations of the American Veterinary College and the Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York.

Foraker, Joseph Benson, soldier, lawyer, governor and United States senator of Cincinnati, Ohio, was born July 5, 1846, near Rainsboro, Highland County, Ohio. He enlisted in 1862 as a private in Company A, Eighty-ninth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He served until the close of the war, at which time he held the rank of first lieutenant and brevet captain. He was elected judge of the Superior Court of Cincinnati in 1879, and resigned on account of ill health in 1882. In 1886-90 he was the thirty-fourth governor of Ohio. He was again nominated for governor and defeated in 1889, and in 1897-1909 he was a United States senator.

Forbes, Allen Boyd, banker; born in Cleveland, Ohio; son of Alexander and Catherine C. (Boyd) Forbes. Was educated at Northwestern University and Yale Law School. Is head of the New York banking house of Harris, Forbes & Co., successors to N. W. Harris & Co.; member of the New York Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Society, Illinois Society. Is a member of the Metropolitan, City, Yale, Recess, Midday and Union League Clubs of Chicago. He is also a member of Greenwich Country Club, Field Club of Greenwich, Indian Harbor Yacht Club, Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Mr. Forbes married in Chicago, Ill., Sept. 25, 1899, Laura Hately, and they have two children, Craig George, born in 1903, and Gordon Cleaver, born in 1908. Residence: Plaza Hotel, Greenwich, Conn. Address: Pine and William Sts., New York City.

Forbes, Frank Sumner, judge; born, Brooks, Me., Jan. 10, 1860; son, Almon S. and Barbara Ann (Rich); F.A.B., Bates College, Lewiston, Me., 1885; B.D., Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1888; post-grad., Harvard College, 1894-95; LL.B., Sou. Cal. Univ. Law College, 1908. Married, Cora E. Gardner, Sept. 23, 1887. Pastor, Congregational Church, Ogden, Utah, 1890-94; Congregational Churches at Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, Cal., 1888 to 1908. Justice of the Peace of Los Angeles, since Jan., 1910.: Clubs: City, Federation, Metropolitan. Member: Phi Delta Phi, Los Angeles Bar Assn., Masons. Progressive. Res.: 5274 Aldoma St. Office: Rm. 11, County Court House, Los Angeles, Cal.

Forbush, Edward Howe, naturalist, curator, author and state ornithologist of Boston, Mass., was born on April 24, 1858. Collaborator with C. H. Fernald on The Gypsy Moth. Author of Useful Birds and Their Protection and A History of Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds.

Force, William H., merchant; born in Brooklyn, May 11, 1852; son of William Force and Sophia (Emmons) Force. He was educated at the Dutchess County Academy, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. His present business (shipping and forwarding), he established in 1873; he is senior member of the firm of William H. Force & Co. He is a director of the Staten Island Rapid Transit R.R. Co., and United Casualty Co., and the New York Board of Trade, and Transportation; member of the New York Chamber of Commerce, the New York Coffee Exchange and the Down Town and New York Yacht Clubs of New York City, Merchants Assn., N.Y., and Sons of the Revolution; and is secretary and treasurer of the Rob-bins Island Gun Club. He married Katherin Arvilla Talmadge; and they have two daughters. Address: 78 Front St., New York City.

Ford, Edwin Ivanhoe, superintendent Richmond division, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, office Richmond, Virginia Born April, 1871, in Goochland Co., Virginia Educated in the public schools. Entered railway service in 1886, as water boy, since which time he has been consecutively: 1887 messenger; 1888 flagman; 1888 to 1890 switchman; 1890 to 1893 yard clerk and yard conductor; 1893 to 1897 assistant yard master; 1897 to 1905 yard master and general yard master; 1905 to 1908 train master terminals; 1908 to 1913 superintendent terminals at Newport News, Virginia, September 1, 1913, appointed Superintendent Richmond division, same road; entire service with Chesapeake & Ohio Ry.

Ford, George Burdett, architect, of 101 Park Ave., New York City, was born, Clinton, Mass., June 24, 1879; s. Andrew E. and Ellen L. (Burdett) Ford; grad. Harvard Coll., A.B.; 1899; Mass. Inst. of Technology, S.B., 1900; M.S., 1901; Ecole de Beaux Arts, Paris (Architecte diplome par le gouvernement francais), 1907; pi. N.Y., June 15, 1912, Harriet Chalmers Bliss. Mem. firm Geo. B. Post & Sons. Lecturer on City Planning, Columbia Univ.,1911-1914; also gen. lecturer. Spent four years in study and travel in Europe. Consultant to the committee on the City Plan of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of New York. Sec. and dir. Investigations to Com. of B 'd of Estimate and Apportionment of City of N.Y. on Regulation of Height, Size and Arrangement of Bld'gs, 1913. U.S. Delegate to the 9th Internat. Housing Congress in Vienna, 1910; mem. Bld'g Code Advisory Com. to N.Y. B'd of Aldermen, 1913; Expert to City Plan Comm'ns of Newark, N.J., and of Jersey City, N.J. Mem. of Civic Center Advisory Cora. to Borough Pres. of Manhattan, 1913. Author: City Planning, and many articles and reports on city planning, architecture, housing. Mem. Am. Inst. of Architects (treas. and mem. exec. corn. of N.Y. Chapter), mem. Civic Improvement Com.; Nat. City Planning Conf., mem. Exec. Com. Merchants Ass'n of N.Y., mem. City Plan corm; trustee N.Y. Societe des Architects Diplomes; a founder Internat. Civic Bureau and its European Civic Tours; a founder Am. Social Center Ass'n; dir. Am. City Magazine; mem. Natl Housing Ass'n, Nat. Municipal League, Am. Civic Ass'n. Recreation: Walking. Clubs: Harvard„ MacDowell, Faculty (Columbia Univ.), Appalachian Mountain.

Ford, H. Clark, lawyer, banker; born Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio C. and Martha C. Ford; graduated from the University of Michigan, B.S., 1875; married, Cleveland, Ohio, Oct., 1877, Ida M. Thorp; five children. Engaged in the practice of law; president and director The Garfield Savings Bank Co., The Williamson Co.; director The Cleveland Trust Co., The Cleve-land & Eastern Traction Co.; member Ford, Snyder & Tilden, attorneys at law. Served as member City Council, City of Cleve-land, Ohio, six year, 1879-1885 and also served as its vice-president. Republican; Congregationalist. Trustee and, ex-president The Congregational Union, Cleveland; trustee Oberlin College and Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief; vice-president Congregational Building Society. Club: Union of Cleveland. Residence: 11014 Euclid Av. Office: Williamson Building, Cleveland.

Ford, Henry L., lawyer; born, Inyo, Mendocino Co., Cal. May 15, 1860; son of Henry L. and Martine (Yugera) Ford. Educated public schools, Humboldt Co.; studied law under directions of Hon. J. J. De Haven and Hon. E. W. Wilson. Married, Nellie V. Woodlee, May 1, 1899. One daughter, Geraldine F. Ford. Democrat. Office: 233 K St., Eureka, Calif.

Ford, James C., railroad president of the Pacific Coast Corny, Seattle, Wash., was born Jan. 1, 1860, in Marshall County, Ill. In 1877 he entered railway service as operator for the middle division of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. He has since filled various positions on different railroads. Since 1903 he has been vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Coast Company; president of the Pacific Coast Railway, the Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad, the Pacific Coast Coal Company and Pacific Coast Steamship Company at Seattle, Wash.

Fordney, Joseph Warren, congressman, was born Nov. 5, 1853, in Blackford County, Ind. He has been extensively engaged in the lumber business for many years; and owns an ice plant at Hartford, Ind. He was a member of the fifty-sixth, fifty-seventh, fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses from Michigan as a Republican. He was re-elected to the sixty-third congress from the eighth district of Michigan for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Saginaw, Mich.

Foreman, Edwin G., banker; born Chicago, July 14th, 1862; son of Gerhard and Hannah Foreman; educated in public schools of Chicago; married, June 1, 1887, Rose Kohn; children: Harold E., Alfred K., Edwin G., Jr. Entered employ of Corn Exchange National Bank as messenger in 1879; entered father's banking house in 1882, and was member of firm of Foreman Bros. until Jan., 1897, when firm was incorporated as a state bank under name of Foreman Bros. Banking Co., of which became president. Director Corn Exchange National Bank; treasurer First State Pawners Society. Clubs: Commercial, Standard. Address: 30 North La Salle St., Chicago.

Foreman, Oscar G., banker; born, Chicago, Nov. 1, 1863; son of Gerhard and Hannah Foreman; educated in public schools of Chicago; married, Chicago, Sept. 28, 1893, Fannie Mandel; children: Gerhard, Madeleine. Entered business life as messenger in the National Bank of Illinois in 1880; entered banking house of father in 1883, and continued in same until 1897, the business being conducted upon retirement of father in 1885 under name of Foreman Bros.; in 1897, when the business was incorporated as Foreman Bros. Banking Co., became its vice-president, which position still holds. Ex-president Bankers Association of Illinois; member Chicago Stock Exchange. Democrat. Clubs: Union League, Standard, Bankers, Iroquois. Address: 30 N. Lasalle St., Chicago.

Forget, Alphonsus Joseph, physician; born, Paris, France, May 14, 1859. Educated in Stanislaus College, Paris, and University of Paris, A.M. and M.S.; St. Bartholomew's College, London; M.D., University of Louvain, Belgium, 1894. Married Mary M. Selfridge, 1891. Assistant in Ophthalmology Clinic, University of Louvain, 1887-94; assistant in Historical Laboratory, 1887-94. Lecturer, physiology, St. Thomas Post-Graduate School, University of Louvain, 1892-94. In practice, Los Angeles, since 1894. Member California State Homeopathic Medical Soc.; Southern California Homeopathic Medical Society. Address: 1047 S. Bonnie Brae St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Forman, Charles, railroad man and capitalist; born near Owego, N.Y., Jan. 14, 1835. Educated in public schools, Owego Acad. Moved to Cal., 1853, and became cashier Sacramento post-office. Married Mary Agnes Gray, 1862. Was deputy secretary of State of Cal. two years; was engaged in mining in and around Virginia City, Nev. Was made major-general of state volunteers. Moved headquarters to Los Angeles, 1882. Vice-pres. and mgr. City & Central Ry. Co. (later known as Los Angeles Cable Ry. Co.); since 1902 devoted to power development of Kern River Co. President Chamber of Commerce two years. Res.: 1719 S. Flower St. Office: 210 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

Fornes, Charles Vincent, merchant, congressman, capitalist; born, Erie County, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1847; son of John and Rosina (Krumholz) Fornes; graduated from Lockport (N.Y.) State Normal School, 1864. In service of Dahlman & Co., Buffalo, N.Y., wholesale woolen merchants, 1864-1872; then with nephew of former employer started same line of business for self as Dahl-man & Fornes; removed to New York City, 1877, and two years later firm became C. V. Fornes & Co. Trustee Emigrant Indus-trial Savings Bank; director New York Mortgage and Security Co., Columbia National Life Insurance Co. President Board of Aldermen, New York, 1902-1907; member 60th to 61st congresses (1907-1911) from 11th New York District; reelected to 62d congress, 1911-1913. Democrat; Catholic. Trustee Catholic Protectory. Clubs: National Democratic Club, Catholic Club, Columbian Yacht (N.Y. City); Champlain (Plattsburgh, N.Y.). Address: 429 Broome St., New York City.

Forry, Edwin Henry, banker, insurance official; born Newark, Ohio, 1864; son of George C. and Addie (Jury) Forry; educated St. Joseph, Mo. public schools, and college; married, Indianapolis, 1901, Caroline Malott, daughter of Volney T. Malott, president of the National Bank of Indianapolis; one daughter. Began banking business as clerk in Merchants National Bank, St. Joseph, Mo.; later on was with American National Bank of Kansas City, Mo.; drifted into insurance business in 1893; became connected with Central Trust Co. (now Farmers Trust Co.), Insurance Department, at Indianapolis, and has been vice-president and di-Teeter since 1905. Served four years in State Militia in Missouri. Republican. Vice-president National Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Recreation: Golf. Clubs: Commercial, Country, Dramatic. Residence: 2134 N. Alabama St. Office: 150 E. Market St., Indianapolis.

Fortune, William, publisher and business president of 963 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind., was born May 27, 1863, in Boonville, Ind. In 1884-88 he was city editor of the Indianapolis Journal, in 1888-90 was editorial writer on the Indianapolis News, and in 1890-1913 was founder and owner of the Municipal Engineering Magazine. He is president of the Indianapolis Telephone company, the New Long Distance Telephone company and various other telephone companies. He was the originator at the Indiana state board of commerce, of which he was president in 1897-99. In 1898-1914 he was chairman of the elevated railroad track commission which secured the abolition of grade crossings in Indianapolis.

Foss, Eugene Noble, governor of the State of Massachusetts, was born Sept. 24, 1858, in West Berkshire, Vt. He is a successful manufacturer of Boston, Mass. He was elected to the sixty-first congress to fill a vacancy. He is now governor of the State of Massachusetts for the term ending in 1914; and resides in Boston, Ma.

Foster, Harry DeWaine, assistant general auditor Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd. Office Chicago, Ill. Born Oct. 24, 1866, at Downers Grove, Ill. Educated at high school at Downers Grove. Entered railway service June 8, 1882, since which he has been consecutively to July 1, 1892, in various clerical positions Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd.; July 1, 1892, to Jan. 1, 1896, ticket auditor Chicago, Burlington & Quincy lines in Missouri at St. Joseph, Mo.; Jan. 1, 1896, to Nov. 23, 1903, auditor freight and ticket accounts same lines; Nov. 23, 1903, to May 7, 1906, auditor of expenditures Chicago, Burlington & Quincy lines east of the Missouri river at Chicago; May 7, 1906, to March 1, 1910, assistant auditor lines west of the Missouri river at Omaha, Neb.; March 1, 1910, to date, assistant general auditor Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rd. at Chicago.

Foster, Howard E,, banker, of White Plains, N.Y., was born Brewster, N.Y., 1859; s. Francis E. and Anna Augusta (Howes) Foster; ed. public and private schs., Claverack Coll., Hudson River Inst.; m. N.Y. City, April 20, 1887, Cordelia E. Nickerson; one son: Howard Elbert,. Jr. Connected with Central Bank of Westchester Co., 25 years; pres. since 1902. Pres. County Trust Co. of White Plains; dir. Westchester Lawyers' Title Ins. Co.; pres. White Plains Rural Cemetery; treas. and dir. Westchester County Chamber of Commerce. Treas. Village of White Plains, 10 years. Democrat; vestryman Grace Episcopal Ch. Club: Am. Yacht.

Foster, Martin D., congressman, was born Sept. 3, 1861, on a farm near West Salem, Edwards County, Ill. He began the practice of medicine in Olney, Ill., in 1882; was a member of the board of United States examining surgeons from 1885 to 1889, and from 1893 to 1897. He was elected mayor of Olney in 1895 and again in 1902. He was elected to the sixtieth, sixty-first and sixty-second congresses; reelected to the sixty-third congress as a Democrat for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Olney, Ill.

Foster, Robert Arnold, mining and civil engineer; born, Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 19, 1877; son, John Curry and Mary Robinson (Patterson) F. Edu.: B.S., (M.E.), Univ. of Cal., 1898. Married, Katherine Lucretia Fairchild, Sept. 3, 1901, at Oakland, Cal. Pres. Alaskan Peninsular Coal Co., vice-pres. and genl. mgr. Lewiston-Clarkston Improvement Co. Member: Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, Sigma Xi, Lewiston Consistory No. 1, Calam Temple. Res.: Clarkston, Wash.; Address: Box 218, Lewiston, Idaho.

Fouilhoux, Jacques Andre, architect and consulting engineer; born, Paris, France, Sept. 1879; son, Jean Baptiste and Leonie Gasparine (d'Etcheverry) F.; great-grandson of Baron George Doncoeur, made baron by Napoleon I, for gallant action at the siege of St. Jean d'Acre. A.B., Sorbonne Univ., Paris, 1897; Engineer of Arts and Manufactures, Paris., 1902. Married, Jean Clark, of Baltimore, Md., July 7, 1908, at Seattle. Member firm, Whitehouse & Fouilhoux. Was 2nd Lieut. of Artillery in the 28th Regiment of the French army, 1901-02. Asso. Member, Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. Member: Ore. Soc. Engrs., Ore. Chapter, Am. Inst. of Architects, Portland Art Assn., Knights of Columbus (4th degree). Clubs: University, Waverly Country, Multnomah Amateur Athletic (life member); Portland Architectural, Touring (of France). Res.: 688 Marshall St. Office: 809 Wilcox bldg., Portland, Ore.

Fournier, Alexis Jean, artist of East Aurora, N.Y., was born, St. Paul, Minn., July 4, 1865; s. Isaiah and Mary Fournier; studied at Academic Julien, Paris; also with Jean Paul Laurens, Bery, Constant, Henri Harpignies; m. April, 1887, Emma M. Fricke; children: Grace, b. 1888; Paul, b. 1889. Exhibitor in Paris Salon and in all current exb'ns in America and Europe; accompanied, as artist, Jay Smith exploring party among the cliff dwellings of Ariz., Colo., Utah and N. Mexico, and planned exhibit of same at Chicago Exb'n (collection now in Pa. Acad. of Sciences); represented by work in permanent collection at Vanderbilt Univ. (Nashville, Tenn.), Albright Gallery (Buffalo), Municipal Gallery (Minneapolis), Kenwood Club (Chicago); Muskegon Museum of Art (Muskegon, Mich.), Detroit Museum of Art (Detroit,:Mich.), Toledo Muesum of Art (Toledo, 0.), and in many clubs and private galleries. Author and lecturer of groups of 25 paintings of the Haunts and Homes of Barbizon Masters. Mem. Minneapolis Art League (founder), Am. Art Ass'n (Paris), Soc. Western Artists, Soc. Chicago Artists, etc.; art dir. Roycroft Guild, East Aurora, N.Y. Clubs: Muskegon, Mich., Art Museum, Buffalo Artists, Cliff Dwellers (Chicago). Address: East Aurora, N.Y.

Fowler, Arthur A., iron merchant, of 30 Church St., New York City, was born, N.Y. City, Mar. 1, 1878; s. Anderson and Emily (Arthur) Fowler; grad. Columbia Coll., 1899. Mem. firm Rogers, Brown & Co., pig iron, coke, ferro-manganese, etc.; also dir. Empire Steel & Iron Co., Red Rock Fuel Co., Northern Ins. Co., Caldwell Land & Lumber Co. Clubs: University, Racquet & Tennis, Riding.

Fowler, Edward Sydney, lawyer, collector of the Port of New York, 1907-1909, was born, Newburgh, N.Y.; s. Lieut. Col. David Edward and Jane Ann (Belknap) Fowler; ed. Highland Acad. (Newburgh, N.Y.) and by private tutors; grad. Columbia Univ., LL.B.; m. 1st, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1897, Katharine Viets Bonnell (died, 1901); 2nd, Washington, D.C., 1906, Linda M. T., d. Rev. Samuel Tweedale of Philadelphia: Clerk in law office of ex-Judge William Fullerton; practicing att'y since 1875; admitted to Bar, Supreme Court of Dist. of Columbia, all U.S. courts, and courts in State of N.Y. Referee in action against John Y. MoKane, rendering judgment in favor of City of Brooklyn for $420,000; engaged largely in private practice in mn'g estates, serving as executor and trustee; also retained as counsel in Customs Revenue cases. Subway comm'r on construction of tunnels under East River, and comm'r of appraisement in aqueduct condemnations. Youngest clerk appt 'd in War Dep 't at Washington; also clerk in office of Sec. of Treas; chief of records and files div., U.S. Mint Service, Washington, counsel to gen. appraiser, law clerk in Appraiser's Office, N.Y., ass't appraiser of merchandise, N.Y., appraiser of Port of N.Y., 1906-1907; private sec. to Major-Gen. Howard, U.S. Army, appt'd 2nd lieut., but declined, to continue practice of law. Maj. U.S. Vol., May 28, 1898, serving as paymaster during Spanish-Am. War; mustered out Jan. 31, 1899; major, U.S.A., ass't chief of Record and Pension Office, until Feb. 15, 1905; capt. ordnance officer, 22nd Brigade, N.G., N.Y.; lieut.-col. and aide-de-camp to gov. of N.Y.; Col. and Ass't Judge Advocate-Gen. National Guard, State of N.Y. Republican; Presby'n. Mason. Mem. Sons of Revolution, Society of War 1812; Loyal Legion of U. S., Sons of Veterans, Spanish-Am. War Veterans, Naval and Military Order, Spanish-Am. War; Chancellor Soc. of Am. Wars. Clubs: Union League. Address: 60 Wall street, N.Y. City.

Fowler, H. Robert, congressman, was born in Pope County, Ill. For four years he was States Attorney of Hardin County, Ill., and has been a representative and state senator. He was elected to the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a Democrat, and resides in Elizabeth, Ill.

Fowler, Joseph Millspaugh, lawyer, of 293 Wall St., Kingston, N.Y., was born, Walden, Orange Co., N.Y., July 15, 1873; son of Nicholas Jansen and Elizabeth (Millspaugh) Fowler; educated in New Platz Normal School, Rutgers College, two years;. Cornell University, B.Litt., 1895, and Cornell Law School; married, Kingston, N.Y., April 23, 1902, Katherine Winne Frear; one son: Nicholas Jansen, born Nov. 28, 1908. Admitted to bar in 1897, and since in general practice at Kingston, N.Y. Director in several local corporations. Member N.Y. State Bar Assn., Ulster Co. Bar Assn., N.Y. Hist. Soc. Member Nat. Guard ten years, retiring as 1st lieut. Co. M, 1st Regt., N.G. N.Y., 1905; during Spanish-American War served with Co. M, 1st N.Y.. Vols., as corporal and 2d lieut., in U.S. and Hawaii . Member Delta Upsilon college fraternity, Chancery Law School Soc. Member of Assembly, N.Y. State, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, from Ulster Co. Pres. Bd. of Mgrs., Ulster Co. Tuberculosis Hosp. Republican. Candidate for county judge, 1912. Mason and Shriner, A.O.A.M., Elks, L.O.O.M. Member Dutch Reformed Church. Clubs: Kingston, Twaalfskill Country (Kingston, N.Y.).

Fowler, Nathaniel Clark, Jr., author, lecturer and business advisor; born in Yarmouth, Mass., Jan. 21, 1858. In 1880 he founded the Pittsfield (Mass.) Daily Journal, and at that time was supposed to be the youngest daily newspaper editor and proprietor in the world. He later founded the Worcester Light, and in 1897 founded and managed the first school of advertising. For the past twenty-five years he has practiced the business-profession of advertising and business advisor and counsellor without connection with an advertising agency. He has planned advertising and selling campaigns for many of the largest concerns in America, and is said to, have written over 10,000 advertisements, including the world-famous Gibraltar Rock advertisement for an insurance company, which is considered the most effective trade mark ever produced. Originated the demonstration form of imparting business education, and established the Labratory of Business Method, conducting classes of several hundred men and women. The demonstrations are held upon a stage with scenery and accessories. Prominent business men and women play the parts. He is author of: About Advertising and Printing, 1889, the first book on advertising published; Building Business, 1893; Dollars and Sense, 1896; Practical Publicity, 1896; Fowler's Cyclopedia of Advertising and Printing, 2,000 illustrations, 1897; Ayes of Advertising, 1900; The Boy, How to Help Him Succeed, 1902; Gumption, 1905; Starting in Life, 1906; How to Get and Keep a Job, 1907; Hayfield Mower, 1907; Practical Salesman-ship, 1911; How to Save Money, 1912; How to Get Your Pay Raised, 1912; Art of Letter Writing, 1913; Art of Story Writing, 1913; Handbook of Journalism, 1913; Knockers' Club, 1913; How to Obtain Citizenship (in five languages), 1913; A Thousand Things Worth Knowing, 1913; Toasts and After-Dinner Stories, 1913; The Art of Speaking, 1914; Getting a Start, 1914; The New Salesmanship, 1914. He is also the author of a large number of syndicate articles which have appeared in hundreds of newspapers, on business methods, advertising, and on the making of success. He is a member of the Twentieth Century Club, Boston Authors' Club, Boston City Club, Massachusetts Civic League, Massachusetts Press Association, Agate Club of Chicago; secretary and treasurer of Puddingstone Club, Boston, and is a Mason and Knight of Pythias. He married, April 27, 1882, Fannie Alice Foote, and has two boys and two girls. Addresses: Office, 1302 Commonwealth Ave., Boston; residence, 437 Cambridge St., Allston, Mass.

Fowler, P. Van Benschoten, physician, of Centre Moriches, N.Y., was born, Newburgh, N.Y., Feb. 6, 1866; son of C. Gilbert and Elizabeth (Du Bois) Fowler; educated in Y.M.C.A. Training School, Springfield, Mass., 1889; Medico-Chirurgical Coll., Philadelphia, M.D., 1897; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 22, 1900, Matilda P. Donaghy; children: Charles Gilbert, born 1901; Frank Bowman, born 1903; Margaret Donaghy, born 1904; John Du Bois, born 1906; Elizabeth Du Bois, born May 30, 1907. Interne at Samaritan Hosp., Philadelphia, 1897-1898; since Sept., 1898, in practice at Centre Moriches, N.Y. Sec. Suffolk Co. Med. Soc. over four years; member Associated Physicians of Long Island, N.Y. State Med. Soc., Am. Med. Assn., Royal Arcanum, Bd. of Education. Progressive; Presbyterian. Recreation: Gardening.

Fraker, George Washington, manufacturer, of Spray, N.C.; born in Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 10, 1874; son of E. L. and Helen (Porter) Fraker; educated in public schools of Oshkosh, Wis.; graduated from Oshkosh (Wis.) High School, passing entrance examination for Yale College; married, New Berlin, Ill., Nov. 14, 1899, Agnes F. Warren; three children. During last two years of school worked evenings and Saturdays in the Continental Clothing Company as assistant in advertising and as salesman; continued as salesman until accepted position as traveling salesman for Hart, Schaffner & Marx, of Chicago, Ill.; was offered interest in clothing business in Oshkosh with Mr. Sam Stern, which accepted, and later this interest extended to Springfield (Ill.) store' accepted position as western representative for A. G. Hyde & Sons, of New York; in 1903 went to Spray, N.C, in the cotton and woolen manufacturing business, and is now president of the Carolina Cotton and Woolen Mills Company.

Francis, Elmer Ellsworth, physician; born Madison, Ind., July 18, 1863; Scotch-English descent; son of Walter S. and Amy (Firth) Francis; father's occupation, steamboat captain and real estate dealer; paternal grandfather, Jno. Francis; maternal grandparents, Vincent and Emily (Briggs) Firth; educated in public schools of Madison, Ind., and in Louisville, Ky., graduated with degree M.D. March 3, 1885; in early life was assistant emigrant agent L. & N.R.R.; married Mabel Haines, Nov. 5, 1890 ; member Royal Arcanum, and all Masonic bodies, Shrine ; Democrat; professor of Surgical Anatomy and Clinical Surgery. Surgical U. of Tenn., and State Medical Examiner for Royal Arcanum. Address: Memphis, Tenn.

Francis, William Bates, was born at Updegraff, Jefferson County, Ohio. He was delegate to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis in 1904; member of City Board of School Examiners of Martins Ferry, Ohio, for six years and elected member of the Board of Education in 1908; elected and served as city solicitor for Martins Ferry three years; was elected to the Sixty-second and Sixty-third Congresses.

Frank, Alfred, mining engineer; born at Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1879, son of Charles and Amelia (Binger) Frank. Educated in Cincinnati public schools and Univ. of Cincinnati; C.E., Cornell Univ., 1898. General manager Ohio Copper Co. and Bingham Central Ry. Construction engineer Stewart Mining Co. Member Am. Inst. Min. Engrs. Clubs: Alta, University, Country (Salt Lake City), Silver Bow, Auto, Country (Butte, Mont.). Residence: Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offices: Newhouse Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, and State Savings Bank Bldg., Butte, Mont.

Frank, Philip, lawyer, of Long Island City, N.Y.; born at Winfield Junction, Queens County, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1873; son of Gustav and Jette (Ehrlich) Frank ; educated in College City of New York, New York Law School ; married, Winfield Junction, Nov. 15, 1896, Bertha Worms ; children: Miriam, born 1897; Helen, born 1898. Admitted to New York Bar, Nov. 3, 1898 ; appointed assistant corporation counsel City of New York, April 1, 1904; resigned March 1, 1906; appointed transfer tax appraiser for the County of Queens, Feb. 1, 1907. Member law firm of Gregg & Frank. Member Queens County Bar Association, New York State Bar Association ; member Democratic County Committee, 1900-03, 1911-13; secretary committee for erecting Carnegie libraries in Borough of Queens, past regent Newton Council, 747, Royal Arcanum ; member Island City Lodge, 586, F. and A.M.; Queens-borough Lodge, 878, B.P.O.E. Democrat.

Frankel, Charles, lawyer, of 1096 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y., was born at London, Eng., March 25, 1880 ; son Abraham and Pauline (Aaron) Frankel; educated in public schools, Evening High School, Senftner Preparatory School (with honors), New York Law School; married in New York City, March 24, 1903, Lena Smolinsky; children: Elsie, born 1905; Ely, born 1907; Charlotte Rosalie, born October, 1913. Engaged in general practice ; distinguished himself in the detention case of The People vs. Annie Milan, which attracted wide attention. Democrat. Hebrew. Member New York Law School Alumni Association and numerous charitable organizations and societies ; chairman Appeals Committee, O.B.A.; president the Sanders Association, consisting of lawyers, doctors and dentists ; member Empire Council National Union.

Frankforter, George Bell, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., was born at Potter, 0., April 22, 1860. A.B., Nebraska, 1886, A.M., 1888 ; Ph.D., Berlin, 1893. Instructor chemistry, Nebraska, 1885-87; high school, Lincoln, 1887-88; professor, Nebraska, 1893-94; dean and director, School of Chemistry, Minnesota, 1894--. U.S. Mint Commissioner, 1901. F.A.A. (vice president, 1910) ; Chem. Soc. ; Electrochem. Soc.; Soc. Chem. Indust.; Eng. Educ. ; Chem. Gesell.; Electrochem. Gesell. Alkaloids, narcotin, narcein, veratrin and isopyroin ; vegetable oils; the terpens, including camphor and crude pitch; eugenol. Formaldehyde; veratrim, eugenol; the pitch of the northern pine; terpenes; resins; catalysis; Phase Rule, etc.

Frankland, Frederick William, actuary, philos. writer, of 346 Broadway, New York City, was born Manchester, England, April 18, 1854; s. Sir Edward (K.C.B., F.R.S.) and Sophie Jeannette Christiana (Fick) Frankland; ed. University Coll. Sch., London, 1866-1869; University Coll., London, 1869-1872; Royal Coll. of Chemistry (Gov't Sch. of Mines), London, 1873-1874; head boy and winter chief prize (Cook Memorial Prize) at University Coll. Sch. (mathematical exhibitioner), 2d in honor list, Univ. of London, 1870; m. Wellington, New Zealand, April 30, 1879, Miriam Symons; children: Octavia Miriam, b. 1880, Frederick William Herston, b. 1882; Charles Edward Harold, b. 1897. Appt'd Gov't actuary and statist of New Zealand, 1886; Gov 't ins. comm 'r of New Zealand, 1889; asso. actuary of N.Y. Life Ins. Co. in 1893 to inaugurate that company's dep't for ins. of under average lives, and in 1909 agent for negotiating sale of New Zealand forest properties to Am., British and European capitalists; appt 'd delegate to Internat. Congress of Hygiene and Demography at London, 1891. Traveled in U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, all Scandinavian countries (including Iceland), Italy, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, Egypt, India, China, Japan, P.I., Hawaii , Polynesian Islands, Brazil, Canary Islands, Australia and New Zealand. Agent for Tongariro Timber Co. Elected mem. Borough Council, New Zealand, 1905, and stood for Parliament, 1905, 1908. Progressive Republican (with Socialist leanings); mem. Ch. of England; mem. Am. Acad. Polit. and Social Science, Royal Statis. Soc. of London, Actuarial Soc. of America, Inst. of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland, Am. Math. Soc. Nat. Geog. Soc. of Washington, Math. Soc. of Palermo (Italy), Royal Colonial Inst. of London, Imperial Inst. of London. Recreations: Travel, philos. writing. Author: Thoughts on Ultimate Problems (5th edition, David Nutt, London), 1912; The Synoptic Problem, 1913, and The Johannine Problem, 1909. In these works Mr. Frankland expounds an original theory of non-miraculous Christian philosophy based on new metaphysical principles. Clubs: West Side Republican, Circumnavigators (N.Y.), Royal Societies (London), Wellington (New Zealand). Residence: "Okataina," Foxton, Manawatu, New Zealand.

Franklin, Henry James, Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. Botany, Zoology, Entomology. He was born at Guilford, Vt., Feb. 10, 1883. B.S., Mass. Agr'l College, 1903, Ph.D., 1908. Instructor botany, Mass. Agr'l College, 1904-06; assistant entomologist, Agr'l Exp. Station, summers, 1906, 1907; assistant to state entomologist, Minn., 1908-10; superintendent cranberry sub-station, Mass. Agr '1 Exp. Station, 1910. Entom. Soc.; Ass. Econ. Entom. Entomology; Thysanoptera; Bombidae; cranberry insects; Empoasca; Papaipema.— Bombidae; cranberry problems. Author, of "The Bambidae of the New World." Inventor of the cranberry harvester.

Franklin, Nathan E., banker, born at Burlington, Ia., Dec. 15, 1870; son of Harris and Anna (Steiner) Franklin; educated in Deadwood High School and the Univ. of Notre Dame, Ind.; married, Deadwood, S.D., Sept. 14, 1893, Ada F. Keller; one daughter, Anna Mildred. Engaged in pharmacy ten years; became cashier of the American National Bank, president since 1905 of the First National Bank of Deadwood; also president of the Consolidated Power and Light Co. of South Dakota, treasurer Franklin Hotel Co.; assistant secretary Golden Reward Consolidated Mining and Milling Co.; Mayor, Deadwood, 1914-16. Republican. President Humane Society. Mason, Elk. Clubs: Deadwood Business (president); Rocky Mountain (New York). Residence: 22 Van Buren St. Office: First National Bank, Deadwood.

Fraser, Arthur C., patent lawyer, of 170 Broadway, New York City, was born at Rochester, N.Y., 1859; son Jefferson and Amorette (Harrington) Fraser; educated in public schools, New York; married at Westfield, N.Y., 1892, Rose B. McLane. Was first a patent attorney or solicitor, then became technical expert, giving testimony in patent suits; afterward took to practice of law, confining practice to law of patents and trade marks. Member Bar of N.Y. State, U.S. District Courts, also U.S. Supreme Court; member firm Fraser, Turk & Myers, attorneys at law. Member Inst. of Patent Agents, London; Patent Law Association, Washington. Clubs: Lawyers (New York City).

Fraser, George Albert Holden, lawyer, born, Bond Head, Ont., Canada, March 3, 1867; son of Rev. William Fraser, D.D., and Maria James (Nicholas) Fraser. Educated Barrie Collegiate Inst., Ont.; Univ. of Toronto, B.A., 1889; M.A., 1890; Univ. of Denver Law School, 1898-1900. Before entering legal profession, was for many years an educationalist, holding positions as follows: 1889-91, Tutorial Fellow and Presiding Examiner, Univ. of Toronto; 1891-93, Prof. of Classics, College of Mont. and member of Mont. State Council of Higher Education; 1893-98, Prof. of Latin, Colorado College. Member Am. Philological Assn., Archaeological Inst. of Am. Partner in law firm of Rogers, Ellis& Johnson. One of the legal representatives in Colorado of A.T. &S.F. Ry. Co. (asst. atty.); Colorado Midland Ry. Co. (asst. to gen. solr.) Colorado Eastern R.R. Co., The Pullman Co., Wells Fargo Express Co., U.S. National Bank, and other corps. Professor in Denver Law School. Clubs: University, Interlachen Golf, Chamber of Commerce; Zeta Psi fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta fraternity (Law). Residence: 1256 Lafayette St. Office: 624 Foster Bldg., Denver, Colo.

Frazier, William West, retired merchant, capitalist, born Montevideo, Uruguay, South America, Aug. 27, 1839; son of Benjamin West and Isabella (Zimmerman) Frazier, both Americans; graduated from University of Pennsylvania, 1858, serving while in college as moderator of the Philomathean Society; married, Harriet Morgan, daughter of George Lieb Harrison and sister of Charles Custis Harrison, late provost of the University of Pennsylvania. Enlisted in Volunteer service early in the Civil War, and in September, 1861, was commissioned second lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry; promoted first lieutenant in March, and captain in November, 1862, serving until his resignation in February, 1864. Became member of the firm of Harrison, Frazier & Co., later the Franklin Sugar Refining Co.; now retired from active business. Director Philadelphia Trust, Safe Deposit and Insurance Co., American Pulley Co.; manager Western Savings Fund of Philadelphia Merchants' Fund. Member Pennsylvania Historical Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Clubs: Rittenhouse, University. Residence: 250 S. 18th St. Office: Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia.

Frear, James A., United States congressman from the tenth district of Wisconsin, was born Oct. 24, 1861, in Hudson, Wis. He has been city attorney; and district attorney for his county. He has been a member of the state senate; and served three terms as secretary of state. He was elected to the sixty-third congress for the term of 1913-15; and resides in Hudson, Wis.

Frear, Walter Francis, governor of Hawaii Territory, was born Oct. 29, 1863, in Grass Valley, Cal. In 1885 he graduated from Yale University; and in 1890 from Yale Law School. He soon acquired success in the practice of law. In 1893 he became judge of the first Circuit Court of Hawaii  ; and three months later became associate judge of the Supreme Court for the territory of Hawaii . In 1898 he was a member of the commission to recommend to Congress legislation concerning Hawaii , and in 1903-05 was chairman of the Hawaii an Code Commission. In 1893 he became an associate justice; also served as chief justice of the Supreme Court for the territory of Hawaii . He became governor of Hawaii territory for term ending in 1915; and resides in Honolulu, HI.

Frederick, David C., superintendent transportation, Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Ry. Office, Springfield, Ill. born Sept. 28. 1858, at Monticello, Ia. Educated at Abingdon Ill., Entered railway service 1882, as weighmaster Iowa Central Ry., since which he has been consecutively clerk in car accountant's office same road to March, 1883; March, 1883, to April, 1890, clerk and chief statistical clerk in car accountant's office Northern Pacific Rd.; April 1, to Dec. 1, 1890, car accountant St. Paul & Northern Pacific Rd.; Dec. 1, 1890, to Aug. 1, 1894, chief clerk in car service agent's office Chicago, Great -Western Ry. ; Aug. 1, 1894, to Dec. 1, 1897, car service agent St. Louis, Chicago & St. Paul Rd.; Dee. 1, 1897, to May, 1914, car service agent Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis Ry. ; since May, 1914, superintendent transportation of the same company.

Free, Arthur Monroe, lawyer; born, San Jose, Jan. 15, 1879; son, George A. and Ellen E. (Littlefield) F. Grad., Santa Clara grammar school, -1893 ; Santa Clara grammar school, 1893 ; Santa Clara High School, 1896 ; Univ. of the Pacific, 1896-97 ; A.B., Stanford Univ., 1901; LL.B., 1903. Married, Mabel Carolyn Boscow, Nov. 11, 1905. City Atty., Mountain View, Cal., 1904-11; Dist. Atty., Santa Clara Co., since Jan. 1, 1906. Member : Masons, B.P.O.E., N.S.G.W. Clubs: Grange, Union League. Republican. Res.: Mountain View. Office : Court House, San Jose, Cal.

Freed, Arvy Glenn, educator ; born in Lawrence Co., Ind., Aug. 3, 1862 ; Dutch-Irish descent ; son of Joseph and Eliza (Hayes) Freed; educated at Mitchell, Ind., Lebanon, 0., and Valparaiso, Ind.; graduated at Lebanon, 0., and Valparaiso, Ind., and the following degrees were conferred upon him : L.I., B.S., and A.M.; married Cora Belle Baynham, June 16, 1895 ; member I.O.O.F., K. of P. and Masons ; Democrat ; all of his business career has been devoted to educational work ; held the following positions : President of S.T.N. College, Essary Springs, Tenn., president West Tenn. Christian College, Henderson, Tenn., president Southwestern Christian College, Denton, Tex.; now president of N.T. and B. College, Henderson, Tenn.; member of the Church of Christ.

Freeman, Henry Edgerton, banker, born Cuyahoga Falls, 0., March 17, 1878; son of L. R. and Elizabeth (Reed) Freeman; attended Cuyahoga Falls High School, 1894, Adelbert College, Western Reserve Univ., 1898; married, Crestline, 0., Jan. 12, 1909, Bertha S. Babst ; cashier Garfield Savings Bank, Glenville, 1899-1903 ; assistant secretary, treasurer Garfield Savings Bank of Cleveland, 1903-06; secretary and treasurer of The American Trust and Savings Co. of Springfield, 0., since 1907; vice-president American Trust and Savings Bank since Jan. 1, 1914. Served as private and corporal in Troop A, N.G. of Ohio, 1902-06. Republican ; Congregationalist. Member Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Recreations: Horseback riding, Golf. Clubs : Springfield Country, Lagonda, Springfield Matinee. Residence : 1575 E. High St. Office : Care American Trust and Savings Bank, Springfield.

Freer, Charles Lang, capitalist, art connoisseur, born in Kingston, N.Y., 1856; son of Jacob R. and Phoebe Jane (Townsend) Freer. He was educated in the public schools of Kingston and afterward engaged in railway service for several years, then became a manufacturer in Detroit, but has for several years been retired from business. Mr. Freer has long been a patron and collector of art, and made a Whistler collection which gained recognition as the finest in the United States, and presented it along with his other art collections, to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. His services to education have also been notable and he received from the University of Michigan the degree of A.M. and is an incorporator of the American Academy in Rome. He is a member of the Grolier and Players' Clubs in New York, the Caxton Club of Chicago, the Copley Society of Boston, and the Detroit, University, Witenagemote, Yondotega and Lake St. Clair Fishing and Shooting Clubs of Detroit. Residence and office : 33 Ferry Ave., Detroit, Mich.

Frelinghuysen, George G., lawyer, 32 Liberty St., New York City; residence Morristown, N.J., born in Newark, N.J. Educated at Rutgers College. (Married.) Director Morristown Trust Co. and Continuous Rail Joint Co. Member Church and Lawyers' Clubs, Down Town Association and Morristown, Morristown Golf and Essex (N.J.) Clubs.

French, Allen, author, born in Boston, Nov. 28, 1870 ; son of John J. and Frances M. (Stratton) French. He was graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1892, studied a year in the University of Berlin and a year in Harvard University, A.B., 1894. He is author of The Junior Cup, 1901; the Colonials, 1902 ; Sir Marrock, 1903; The Barrier, 1904 ; The Story of Rolf, 1904; Heroes of Iceland, ; and, 1905 ; The Reform of Shaun, 1905; Pelham and His Friend, Tim, 1906; The Book of Vegetables, 1907; The Story of Grettir, the Strong, 1908; The Siege of Boston, 1911; The Beginner's Garden Book, and The Runaway, 1914. Mr. French is a member of the Delta Psi fraternity. He married in Providence, R.I., April 14, 1898, Ellen R. Dorranee, and they have three daughters. Address : Concord, Mass.

French, Asa Palmer, lawyer, born in Braintree, Mass., Jan. 29, 1860; son of Asa French and Sophia B. (Palmer) French. He received his preparatory education in the Boston public schools, Adams Academy, and Thayer Academy, and was graduated from Yale as A.B., in 1882 ; LL.B., Boston University, 1885. He was clerk to the judges of the Court of Alabama Claims at Washington, in 1885 and 1886; district attorney for the southeastern district of Massachusetts from 1901 to 1906, and has been United States attorney for the district of Massachusetts since January, 1906. He is also president of the Randolph Savings Bank, of Randolph, Mass. In politics he is a Republican. He is president of the Norfolk County Bar Association; trustee of Thayer Academy, Braintree, Mass.; deputy governor general of the Society of Mayflower Descendants, and a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity and the Masonic order. He is also a member of the University Club and Yale Club of New York and the Algonquin, Tennis and Racquet and University Clubs of Boston. Mr. French married in Randolph, Mass., Dec. 13, 1887, Elisabeth Ambrose Wales, and they have two children : Jonathan Wales, born in 1891, and Constance, born in 1896. Residence : Randolph, Mass. Address: 87 Milk St., Boston, Mass.

French, Burton Lee, congressman, was born near Delphi Ind., Aug. 1, 1875. He was member of the fifth and sixth sessions of the Idaho Legislature, and in the last session was the Republican nominee for speaker ; was a member of the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth and sixty-second congresses, and re-elected to the sixty-third congress.

French, John Shaw, of 151 Morris Ave., Providence, RI., was born at North Fayette, Me., July 3, 1873. A.B., Bowdoin, 1895 ; fellow, Clark, 1896-98, Ph.D., 1898. Professor mathematics, Jacob Tome Inst., 1898-08; principal, Morris Heights School, 1908. Associate examiner mathematics, Col. Entrance Exam. Board. M.A.A.; Math. Soc.; Circolo Mat. di Palermo ; F.A.G.S. The pertingents to a plane curve ; the general class of a plane curve. The singularities of a plane curve, etc. Pres. Brown Univ. Teachers' Ass'n, 1915 ; Pres. Clark Univ. Alumni Ass'n, 1913.

Friedburg, Louis Henry, 601 W. 148th St., New York, N.Y. Chemistry. Born in Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 17, 1846. Ph.D., Gottingen, 1870. Asst. to Prof. Bunsen, Heidelberg, 1870; Prof. Aug. Kekule, Bonn, 1872; asst. to Prof. F. Woehler and privatdozent, Gottingen, 1873-74; instr. chem. Col. City of N.Y., 18851906 ; asst. prof. org. chem., 1906-10 ; assoc. prof. chem., 1910 to date. Asst. to Prof. C. F. Chandler, Columbia, 1879 ; prof. chem., Manhattan, 1880; Central Evening High School, 1890-95; chem. and toxicol. Am. Vet. Col. and Flower Hosp. Med. Col., 1892-97. Int. Cong. Applied Chem., London, 1909. Eighth Internat. Congr., New York, 1912. Brombenzoic acid ; carbon disulphide ; tartaric acid ; benzene formula ; resins; nitrous anhydride upon organic bodies; thiophene ; anthraquinone ; quinone-oxime ; oil and fat extraction; chemical energy ; X-rays; atropine and hyoscyamine ; distilling apparatus; photo-chemistry ; methyl iodide; dyeing by centrifugal power ; distillation of copal, etc.

Friedrich, Leopold, capitalist, born at Polstrau, Austria, Jan. 1, 1876. Son of Sigmund Friedrich and Emilie (Neuwirth) Friedrich. Educated at College and High School of Commerce in Marburg, Austria. Married Cora Bruhl, June 3, 1912, in New York (died Jan. 20, 1914). After finishing studies, traveled extensively and became connected with the Ministry of Finances of Austria-Hungary in Vienna. Acted as one of the secretaries to the Paris World's Exposition in 1900. Was decorated by the French Government. In 1902 became connected with the National City Bank of New York ; 1907-10, manager foreign exchange department of the National Bank of Commerce in New York. Since 1911 director and financial manager American Smelting & Refining Co. ; director and treasurer Guggenheim Exploration Co.; director Braden Copper Co.; director and member executive committee New River Collieries Co.; director and member executive committee Chesapeake & Ohio Coal & Coke Co.; treasurer Chile Exploration Co.; treasurer Chile Copper Co.; vice president Yukon Gold Co. Residence, No. 524 Fifth Ave., New York City. Office, No. 165 Broadway, New York City.

Fries, Archibald, general freight agent Baltimore & Ohio Rd. and Sharpsville Rd. Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Feb. 27, 1864. Educated in the public schools at Cincinnati, 0. Entered railway service 1880 as entry clerk Ohio & Mississippi Ry. transfer depot at Storras, 0., since which he has been consecutively to Jan. 1, 1890, cashier and chief clerk same depot ; Jan. 1, 1890, to Nov. 1, 1897, successively chief clerk, rate and claim clerk, accountant, chief clerk and acting manager Continental Fast Freight Line; Nov. 1, 1897, to Oct. 15, 1898, chief clerk general freight department Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Rd.; Oct. 15, 1898, to Jan. 1, 1899, general agent same road at Cincinnati, 0.; Jan. 1, 1899, to January 1, 1913, assistant general freight agent, same road; March 15, 1911, to January, 1913, also assistant general freight agent Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Ry. ; January, 1913, to date, general freight agent Baltimore & Ohio R.R. and the Sharpsville Rd.

Fritch, Charles H., business man and statesman of Pittsburgh, Pa., was born Jan. 19, 1879, in Onondaga County, N.Y. .He has been active in the insurance business in New York state and Pennsylvania ; and is now secretary and treasurer of the Pension Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa.

Frobes, Byron Francis, superintendent of telegraph Oregon Short Line Rd. Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Born Sept. 17, 1862, at Erie, Pa. Educated at State Academy, Aurora, N.Y. Entered railway service August, 1879, with the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Rd., since which he has been consecutively, 1885 to 1897, in railroad telegraph service at Pacific coast and Rocky Mountain points; 1897 to date, superintendent telegraph Oregon Short Line Rd. at Salt Lake City, Utah.

Frothingham, Theodore Longfellow, lawyer; born at Brooklyn, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1863; son of James Harding and Wilhelmine E. (Victor) Frothingham. He was educated at the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute from 1875 to 1880; and was graduated from Harvard University, A.B., in 1884, and from Harvard Law School, LL.B., in 1887. He was admitted to the New York Bar in 1887, and ever since engaged in practice. Director in various business corporations. Is member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York County Lawyers' Association, Harvard Law School Association; trustee of the Brooklyn Hospital and Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute; chairman of Administration Committee of Brooklyn Public Library ; chairman of Committee on Hospitals, State Charities Aid Association. Is a member of the University, Harvard and Down Town Association Clubs of New York City, and Hamilton, Twentieth Century and Brooklyn Heights Casino Clubs of Brooklyn. He married in Brooklyn, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1901, Elizabeth F. Mason, and they have one son, Theodore Frothingham, born March 2, 1904; and one daughter, Elizabeth Frothingham, born Nov. 9, 1908. Address (summer), South Yarmouth, Mass. Office address, 32 Liberty St., New York City.

Fry, Edwin James, banker; born Charlottesville, Virginia, Dec. 1, 1845; son of Thomas W. and Sarah J. (McLaurine) Fry ; educated in common schools of Charlottesville, Virginia, until Civil War, when enlisted in Confederate Army ; married San Augustine, Tex., October, 1866, Mary L. Rankin ; seven children. Engaged in mercantile business in Nacogdoches, Tex., 1866-72; moved to Marshall, Tex., 1872; engaged in private banking business, 187283, sold business to First National Bank ; vice president First National Bank since 1885; assisted in organizing and president since 1890 of Marshall Carwheel & Foundry Co., vice president Marshall Wholesale Grocery Co., Southland Life Insurance Co., Texas Commercial Secretaries and Business Men's Association, Citizens' State Bank of Marshall, Arthur A. Everts Jewelry Co., Dallas. Alderman of the City of Marshall; private in Confederate Army, 1863, served balance of Civil War, resigning as sergeant. Independent ; Episcopalian. Trustee Marshall University; member Marshall Progressive League ; honorary vice-president State Fair of Texas; treasurer Masonic Lodge thirty-five years, past grand commander Knights Templar, 33° Scottish Rite Mason, Shriner, Elk, Knight of Pythias. Address, Marshall.

Fry, Henry Clay, soldier, manufacturer and banker, of Rochester, Pa., was born Sept. 17, 1840, near Lexington, Ky. In 1861 he enlisted in the Civil War, and served in various battles and skirmishes until its close. In 1872 he established the firm of the Rochester Lumber Co., which became one of the largest glassworks in the country. In 1901 he established the H. C. Fry Glass Co., a large plant for the manufacture of cut glass and the higher grades of glassware; and it is now one of the most important and best known plants in America. Continuously since its organization in 1884 he has been president of the First National Bank of Rochester, Pa.; and is also identified with various other industrial and financial corporations.

Fuller, Almon Homer, college professor; born Camptown, Pa., Dec. 29, 1871; son of Edgar Stanley and Amanda (Camp) Fuller. Educated in Camptown (Pa.) High School; C.E., Lafayette College, 1897; M.S., 1900 ; M.E.C., Cornell Univ., 1898. Married Aug. 6, 1913, to Miss Mary G. Cook (Holyoke, 1903) of Merryall, Pa. Prof. civil engineering, since 1898, and dean of the College of Engineering, since 1899, Univ. of Wash., Seattle. Structural steel designing with Am. Bridge Co., Philadelphia, July, 1900. August, 1901 (on leave of absence from Univ. of Wash.). Member of commission to revise the building ordinances of the City of Seattle, since July, 1911. Member Am. Soc. Civil Engrs., Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Internatl. Assn. for Testing Materials, Soc. for the Promotion of Engineering. Education : Pac. Northwest Soc. of Engrs. (past pres.). Contributor of papers to technical publications. Residence, 5208 14th Ave., N.E. Office, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

Fuller, Charles Houston, advertising agent; born at Rome, Pa., Oct. 17, 1.843 ; son of Lucius and Candace (Newell) Fuller. His parents removed to Belvidere, Ill., while he was yet in his infancy, and he received his education in the public schools at that place and at Rockford and Lee Center in the same State. He was engaged in the hardware trade in Belvidere five years before removing to Chicago, in 1871, where he obtained employment in the newspaper business with the Chicago Daily Mail, and later with the Chicago Daily News, where he remained until 1880, when he established on his own account a newspaper and magazine advertising business, which became incorporated in 1888, under the name of the Charles H. Fuller Advertising Agency, of the Charles H. Fuller Co., of which Mr. Fuller has since been the president. Retired from advertising business June, 1908. He is a member of the Masonic order and of the Union League Club, Evanston Club and Glen View Golf Club. He married in New York State, in 1867, Alice E. Doolittle, who died in 1910, and has one son, Lucius Chapman Fuller. Residence, 1734 Asbury Ave., Evanston, Ill. Office, 623 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

Fuller, George Warren, of 170 Broadway, New York, N.Y. He was born at Franklin, Mass., Dec. 21, 1868. B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1890. Biologist, Mass. State Board of Health, Lawrence Exp. Station, 1890-95 ; in charge public water purification, Louisville and Cincinnati, 1895-99; engineer and sanitary expert, New York City, 1899. F.A.A.; Soc. Nat.; Soc. Bact. ; Chem. Soc.; Pub. Health Ass'n; Civil Eng.; Water Works Ass'n ; Boston Soc. Arts. Methods of purifying water and sewage ; application of biology, chemistry and engineering to sanitary aspects of water supply and sewage disposal.

Fuller, Marion Decatur, banker; born in Minnesota, Feb. 15, 1877; son of Curtis Marion and Euretta (Archer) Fuller ; educated in country school and Mankato Commercial College ; married, McGregor, Ia., March 21, 1907, Margaret Baird Horne ; three sons and two daughters. Cashier Bank of Byron (private bank) three years; cashier State Bank of Byron two years; cashier First National Bank one year ; now president and director First National Bank, Plainview, Minn.; director and manager Plainview Orchard Co. Independent in politics; Methodist (trustee Methodist Episcopal Church): Address, Plainview.

Fuller, Oliver Clyde, banker; born Clarksville, Ga., April 13, 1860; son of Henry Alexander and Caroline (Wyly) Fuller ; educated at Univ. of Georgia, class of 1880; married, Atlanta, Ga., May 25, 1881, Kate Fitzhugh Caswell; six children. Began business career as clerk in firm of Fuller & Oglesby, wholesale grocers, of Atlanta, Ga., 1880; admitted to partnership, 1883, and firm name changed to H. A. Fuller & Son ; upon retirement from business of his father, 1887, wound up old business and became member of firm of Jones & Fuller, investment bankers, Atlanta, Ga.; moved to Milwaukee, Wis., 1890, and continued in same line of business as Oliver C. Fuller & Co.; dealing in high grade bonds, until organized Wisconsin Trust Co., 1903, when took over old business and became president of Trust Co.; director of Wisconsin National Bank, Wisconsin Telephone Co. (Bell), Milwaukee Gas Light Co., Wisconsin Securities Co., Wisconsin Public Service Co., Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co., Milwaukee Refrigerator Transit Co. Republican ; Episcopalian. Member of council of American Bankers' Association, 1908-10; elected to chairmanship of executive committee of the Trust Company Section, American Bankers' Association, 1908; vice president, 1909; president, 1910. Member Milwaukee Auditorium Board ; Wisconsin Society Sons of American Revolution (formerly president) ; Wisconsin Society of Colonial Wars, Phi Delta Theta Society of Univ. of Georgia. Recreations: Golf, horseback riding. Clubs: Milwaukee, Milwaukee Country, Milwaukee Town. Residence, 585 Marshall St. Office, Wisconsin Trust Co., Milwaukee.

Furst, Clyde, educator, of 576 Fifth Ave., New York City. He was born in 1873; graduated Dickinson College, Ph.B., 1893; A.M., 1895; Litt.D., 1911; • grad. student Johns Hopkins, 1893-97, and Columbia Univ., 1899-1900 ; married 1900, Mary Louise O'Neil. Lecturer Am. Soc. for Extension of University Teaching, 1897-99; director Secondary School, 1900-02; secretary Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1902-11; lecturer and associate professor, 1903- 11 ; secretary Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching, since 1911.

Furuya, Masajiro, merchant, banker; born at Yamanashi, Japan, 1862; son of H. and K. (Ariizumi) Furuya; educated at Yamanashiken of Japan ; married, Tokyo, July, 1904, H. Shibata ; two daughters. Established, 1892, and since engaged in the importing business of importing and exporting of Japanese and American merchandise and products; has branches in Tacoma, Wash., Seattle, Wash., Portland, Ore., Vancouver, B.C., Kobe, Japan, and Yokohama, Japan; president Japanese Commercial Bank of Seattle, Wash., and M. Furuya Company. Served three years in army, 1884-87. Member Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Club, Seattle Commercial.

Fussell, Joseph H., attorney at law ; born Maury County, Tenn., Jan. 12, 1836; Scotch-Irish descent ; son of Henry B. and Eliza C. (Kincaid) Fussell; paternal grandparents, John and Polly (Fitts) Fussell; maternal grandparents, Joseph and Eliza (McLeece) Kincaid; educated at Jackson College, Columbia, Tenn., graduating therefrom with degrees of A.B. in June, 1858, and later A.M.; in early life was a carpenter ; enlisted in the Confederate Army, April 19, 1861, and was sworn into the service on the 17th of June, 1861; and served throughout the war ; in 1863 was in command of Company E, First Tenn., Cavalry, C.S.A., and until the surrender ; past master of Free and Accepted Masons; past grand commander Knights Templar of Tennessee; past chancellor Knights of Pythias; was elected attorney-general of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Tennessee in 1870, which office he held for sixteen years (two terms) ; was nominated for governor of the State of Tennessee on State Credit and Prohibition platform in 1882; now engaged in the practice of law and is chairman of the Legal Board of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and ex-moderator of the General Assembly of that church; also elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; married Mrs. Marguerite B. Porter, January, daughter of Capt. William Roberts and granddaughter of Gen. Isaac Roberts.