Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Annandale, Thomas

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820884Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Annandale, ThomasThompson Cooper

ANNANDALE, Thomas, F.R.S.E., was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Feb. 2, 1838, and educated at the Newcastle Infirmary, and the University of Edinburgh. He became private assistant to the late Professor Syme, Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh, and Surgeon and Lecturer on Surgery to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. His high reputation as a practical and operating surgeon and teacher of surgery led to his appointment in Oct., 1877, as Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of "The Malformations, Diseases, and Injuries of the Fingers and Toes, and their Surgical Treatment," 1865, being the Jacksonian Prize Essay of the Royal College of Surgeons of London for 1864; "Abstracts of Surgical Principles," 1868–70, 2nd edit., 1876; "Clinical Surgical Lectures," 1874–75, reported in the Medical Times and British Medical Journal; "On the Pathology and Operative Treatment of Hip Disease," 1876; and numerous contributions to professional periodicals.