Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Beesly, Edward Spencer

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856291Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Beesly, Edward SpencerThompson Cooper

BEESLY, Edward Spencer, was born at Feckenham, Worcestershire, in 1831, and educated at Wadham College, Oxford. He was appointed Assistant-Master of Marlborough College in 1854, and Professor of History in University College, London, in 1860. Professor Beesly is the author of several review articles, pamphlets, &c., on historical, political, and social questions, treated from the Positivist point of view. His translation of Auguste Comte's "System of Positive Polity, or Treatise on Sociology," is in course of publication. The third volume appeared in 1876, under the title of "Social Dynamics, or the General Theory of Human Progress (Philosophy of History)." A series of lectures by Mr. Beesly on Roman history, entitled "Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius," was published in 1878.